umovaldea · 10 years
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umovaldea · 10 years
"Run!" Lerinnóna thought "Dresses weren't made for chasing." In a split second she came up with an escape route but just as she was about to sprint she caught sight of the guards that were still around keeping their distance "They are not in dresses" she whispered thinking out loud.
"Your Highness is very kind, but I could not possibly trouble you with that" All she was expecting was some bread or sweets she could share with the other children, nothing more. She was raised to be kind and truthful above all and this was one more in the many ways she had failed her roots. 
When the princess beckoned her, she followed, trying to think of a way to revert the situation. She could say she was a runaway orphan, but that would risk being taken to the orphanage were her 'disguise' would fall and more explanations would be demanded. Dead parents and estranged relatives would require someone she could trust to confirm the story. She hated lying, it was like a constantly growing burden she had to carry around.
With some though, there was one half-truth she could tell. "They don't work there, Your Highness" she decided to drop the accent, there was really no point to it, and truth is it hurt her ears to hear herself speak in such manner. "I live in the church" well I did, and maybe sister Ana is still alive she thought. Years ago she had been taken in by a kind nun who found out about her secret.
Lerinnóna hoped the princess would still be willing to help, the church was but the shadow of what it once was and the number of people in need of aid only grew.
Watched || Bethory & Lerinnóna
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umovaldea · 10 years
In this day and age it was unusual for such an important person to take notice of someone so small, even the peasants had become more and more harsh at the sight of someone in need. As touched as Lerinnóna was she couldn't help but lie to the kind princess. The girl cleared her throat "Me ma and pa work hard, aye." she said putting on her best accent "just 'roud there." She pointed at a random shop behind her without even looking.
Her clothes were indeed in terrible shape and less than an hour before she had decided to do something about it but not by taking advantage of such a kind noblewoman. "Ma doesn't let me wear the nice clothes for playing, no, only on sundays" she hesitated a little and hoped the princess wouldn't notice "for praying, aye.".
She took a step back when she noticed the guards coming closer and bumped on the stand behind her almost dropping the products. She looked down to regain her footing and saw the half eaten apple. Yes, she was hungry and as tough as her race is she could barely stand the feeling of a empty stomach. "I am hungry, though. We don't have much" she said looking at the general direction of the shop where her alleged parents work. That part wasn't a lie, she might not know the workers at that particular shop, but it is for sure that don't have much, neither does she.
When the princess whispered in her ear she felt something. Her race has the ability of mind-reading. Though she is not fond of using it without permission, she could still sense superficial or strong feelings and thoughts. In Bethory she sensed worry but didn't go prying in her mind to find out why.
Watched || Bethory & Lerinnóna
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umovaldea · 10 years
Lerinnóna saw the woman speaking to the guards and thought it better to leave her curiosity for better judgment. Just as she was ready to go towards the forest the woman turned once more. The girl hid under a table as fast as she could, though it wasn't fast enough, from under cloths she could see embroidered slippers coming her way. She closed her eyes and tried to remember which story she had told when she came to town. The cloth in front of her was lifted, she dropped the apple core she had in hands and opened her pale blue eyes to see a beautiful face near hers.
"Hello, I hope I didn't scare you. My name is Bethory, who are you?" the woman said. Lerinnóna thought for a moment, the name was familiar, but she had to search her mind for a second before making the connection. Bethorv Athor she was no one but the princess herself.
Quickly the girl got up, clumsily hitting her head on the table, and courtesied the princess by grabbing the sides of her loose shorts, "I'm sorry m'ilady. I didn't mean to disturb the princess. Please apologize the curiosity of a child." Her hand went to her left ear, to make sure its 'pointness' was hidden under the long shiny hair she had forgotten to tie back before fleeing the alleyway.
Watched || Bethory & Lerinnóna
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umovaldea · 10 years
But what of the dragons? | Self
So you kids wanna hear my story, hum? I beat ya do! So y'all sit down and be quiet and I'll tell ya.
she spoke like one of them and the kids arranged themselves in a semi-circle around Lorinnóna, seating on their feet, nibbling on leftover cake stolen from the local bakery.
I come from a very distant land where none o'your forefathers ever laid eyes on. There all kinds o'criters there, ghosts, vampires, werewolves. Believe me if ya want, and they are coming for us, every year that passes they get closer and closer and closer.
she leaned forward and looked into every one of their eyes
But what I'm about to tell y'all is nothing to do with these beasts, is of one much greater and much more scary that if the Gods permit ya will ever lay your eyes on.
some of the smaller kids shrieked and the older ones came closer
Ya can look away now, but if they come there will be nowhere to hide so y'all pray that it never does.
The story I'm about to tell you is about dragons! Yeah, the ol' big fire-spiting lizards, but ya might not know but not all of them spit fire, yeah. There are some in the sea that will knock down the mightiest vessel, in the forests their breath can kill an army of men, and in the northern peaks they can freeze a whole village and that's the kind I saw. Yeah, I saw a dragon with these eyes.
Once I was venturing the mountains on the north, my pa and ma never been around, so I can go wherever my feet can take me and this time they took me to the lair of a lonely ice dragon. Some say that they live in packs with blood of their blood, others say that once they become like adults they go on their own way. I don't know which is true, but I know that for my luck this one was alone.
I was walking up a mountain 'cause I wanted to see the fjords but the snowy mountains are treacherous things and I fell down the north face, luckily there were over six ft o' snow down and it softened my fall. Ya can see here if ya don't believe me.
she showed them a scar on her arm, near her shoulder, a long white scar that actually was from an encounter with a bear but that story is not as exciting
I think I was out for sometime, I don't know, but I was lucky to wake up again, yeah. Only in my thoughts, though. When I looked up I saw it!
she knocked her fists on the wood crate she was sitting on, scaring some of the kids which made her laugh light-heartedly
It was a cave and a long blueish tail was slithering at its mouth. Yeah, a long scaly tail. I hoped my fall hadn't waked it, but it did. I had nowhere to run on that narrow plateau and not even in my wildest dream could I hike up the rocky wall as fast as the beast was turning around.
I had to brace myself for the encounter but faster than I could open my eyes again it was facing me. I knew its face was near mine, I could feel its gelid breath and I slowly opened up my eyes. I could not believe my luck, its eyes were milky white and I could barely distinguish the blue of its pupil. The dragon was sniffing me, yeah, catching my scent but it couldn't find me  or at least wasn't sure where I was at.
the sun was coming down and the light was going away, the smaller kids left for their homes but others stayed in the dark catching the light on Lerinnóna's pale blue eyes
It raised itself from the ground, showing its full height as if to scare a predator, it didn't need that, no, I was plenty scared already, but as it cleared the caves entrance I saw a light at it's end  coming from the other side, though it wound't be long before the sun would come down behind me and I'd be lost forever.
I walked under its soft belly, as fast as I could and it sensed me, turning around fast roaring loudly. What I was most afraid was of its ice cold breath, it could freeze me like an iceberg faster than I could blink. So I ran. Yeah, I ran inside the cave without looking behind and I know it could hear my steps on the snow as soft as they were. 
the cake was over and a plate full of frosting lay in front of her and with her forefinger she took some and placed in her mouth before finishing the story
I reached the other side, without even tripping, yeah. It was my salvation, thank the Gods. The beast couldn't fit in the narrow passage but its breath almost caught me for it knew I was out of its reach.
So I tell you, don't go where you don't know what lives there. I was lucky once, but I don't count with being lucky twice.
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umovaldea · 10 years
It was a beautiful sunny morning when Lerinnóna woke up, though it was not for the sun on her face, but for the tomcats meowing in the alleyway she chose for a bedroom. Nights in the villages were hard for her, as her face features went from helpless child to devilish teen less people would offer to house her for the night, even small jobs were harder to get. She had to admit to herself that her current appearance was not the most pleasant. Worn-out boyish clothes and dirty hair do not inspire a lot of trust. "I need new clothes" she thought to herself as a kitten nibbled on her sleeve.
It had been days since she had last eaten and an open back door seemed as a sign that she should do something about it. In these frightful days it is rare for someone to leave doors open, but overworked servers are bound to commit small mistakes. She waited for the masters of the house call for the table to be served and sneaked in. That was definitely no noble house but even the stalest bread feels like a banquet in a hungry stomach, but she couldn't enjoy it there, so just before the servers came back in she ran and grabbed a beautifully red apple on her way out.
For a strike of faith she was in Brailston where the shops are too full for owners to pay attention to someone as little as her, so stealing a few dresses shouldn't be so hard. She skipped down alleyways nibbling on her bread until she reached the font in the center of town. Despite living among humans for quite sometime she was still amazed at all those people, talking to each another, smiling and laughing, but she was nothing, no one noticed her and Lerinnóna didn't know how to feel about it, on one hand it was good, she could come and go taking what she needed without trouble, but she also felt lonely, terribly lonely.
She had her eyes on a dress shop not far from the font, but as she was about to set her foot in she noticed guards. It was not usual for guards to be at the shops, for crime has been at an all time low. That was when she noticed, a tall woman with gorgeous dark locks and an astonishing dress, but when she turned the elf was even more surprised, the woman's beauty could be compared to that of her race. Lerinnóna didn't know who she was but it was obvious she must have come from the royal house.
The elf's instincts told her to leave, and leave fast for the forest, but for some reason she didn't. Instead she followed the dark haired woman, watching her every move, taking small bites of the apple. She looked worried for someone so well protected, often looking around, half frowning. Lerinnóna kept following her and every time she looked around the small girl would duck and go under a table. She was risking herself by doing it but there was no helping her curiosity.
Watched || Open
It had been a long time since Bethory had ventured outside the castle walls, and even now she was accompanied by a few guards to help ease her mind. As much as it pained her, she knew that if she was to be a good princess she had to be among the citizens of Athoria and gain their respect, even if all she wanted to do was stay at home and study economics and arithmetic and be away from the danger of disappearing just like her mother. 
Today, Brailston was the destination of choice, and the object of the visit was to purchase new gowns and also to visit the libraries in order to get new books. If she was lucky enough to sneak away from the guards for a few seconds, Bethory had decided to attempt to find a book about the myth of the mermaids - although the chances of this were slim as the guards followed her closely and watched her every move. Although it was frustrating at times, she liked knowing she was protected and no one would dare to touch her.
As she wandered through Brailston, gazing at the various stalls set up around the fountain, she began to feel like there was someone following her. At first she attempted to brush it off - she was the princess, surely someone was just curious to see her - but as she headed around to a less crowded area she was sure she spotting something watching from the shadows. A shiver passed down her spine, but she kept her head up and posture perfect - it would not do to show fear. Besides, she could see her guards nearby - they would stop anything bad happening, wouldn’t they?
After surveying the offerings on a stall full of jewellery and declining the stall keeper’s offer for discounted merchandise, she was just about to head off when she felt a presence behind her. Taking a deep breath, she spun around, unsure what she would find.
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umovaldea · 10 years
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LERINNÓNA / QUENDIPER || Face Claim: Maisie Williams
Age: 380 years old (appearance of a human child) Date of Birth: April 2nd Sexual Orientation: Irrelevant Member Group: Elf Occupation: She is a skilled thief and liar, though does it only in order to survive. Lerinnóna is also a great archer though does not have any ability in close combat and cannot use a dagger/knife to save her skin but could wield a sword if the situation required, and hunts in order to sell the meat and pelt. Distinguishing Marks: The tip of her left ear was cut off, but since she is still growing the scar is not so evident, therefore it looks like a lightly deformed human ear if one does not pay attention
She looks very much like a human child, though she is actually over three hundred years old and by elvish standards she should already look like a mature adult. That is due to her poor care and mal-nourishment as a child. Usually wears her hair covering the intact ear, showing only the cut one making it easier to blend among the human kids. Everything she has is stolen, so her clothes are not the perfect fit and mostly peasant looking. Lerinnóna has both boyish and girlish clothes in her travel sac. When she needs to “be” a boy she ties her hair in a bun (similar to our French twist), always keeping the elvish ear hidden, in a way it looks like short hair.
For most part of the time she keeps everything to herself, given that she has no friends, no family, no one to share her burdens with. She likes the company of human children and often behaves like them, not only to blend in but to receive the treatment and love they do, that is not much but a lot more than she received from her “equals”.
She sometimes gets small jobs in the kitchens of wealthier families in order to peek inside their libraries. She is well versed in languages and the myths of Athoria, but that, also, she keeps to herself so as not to draw attention.
Lerinnóna comes from the quenya words lenina meaning free/not owned  and the suffix -nóna that means born. She was raised in one of the few only-male villages after her father managed to escape from his master with her new-born thinking that it was a boy, that’s why she got named free-born, ignoring the usual naming rules. It was only when he reached his camp that he checked the baby and saw it was in reality a girl. The males that helped him suggested abandoning the girl in the woods before going back to their village, but the leader convinced them otherwise with the argument that it was only a baby and not guilty of the wrongs perpetrated by her foremothers.
During the first years or her life she was mistreated and often neglected, for that her growth was impaired and by the time she should start looking like a mature elf she still looked like a child. She had her hair cut short throughout her first two hundred year and was often shone by the few children the males managed to rescue. Only a handful of the elves recognized that being born female was not the source of evil and treated her right, protecting her as much as they could.
She ran away to the human villages when she was about three hundred fifty years old for she could endure the prejudice no more. Her protectors supported and even encouraged said decision because they knew she would never have peace among them. Being so, she wandered through Athoria never staying long, going from village to village and supporting herself by selling meat and pelt.
From her village, or should one say, the male-elf village, she took only two things: a Locust bow and set of arrows, and a white elvish robe embroidered with crystal Niphredil flowers along the seams, though the later was still too big for her as it was made for a full grown elf. Both were given by the same elf that saved her three hundred fifty years before.
It was in one of the villages that she got her injury. When dressed as a boy she was confronted with other elves who considered her an abomination for dressing not only like a human but like a human boy. That was also when she got the nickname Quendiper coming also from quenya, quendi meaning elf and the suffix -per is a play on the word perina that means both the noun half but also the adjective halved.  
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umovaldea · 10 years
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umovaldea · 10 years
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She tried so hard to be brave, to be fierce as a wolverine and all, but some times she felt she was a little girl after all.
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umovaldea · 10 years
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umovaldea · 10 years
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umovaldea · 10 years
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