umbra-copa-blog · 9 years
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With love,
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umbra-copa-blog · 9 years
New Graves blog. 18+Mun NSFW, IC, and Multiverse friendly. Lore dedicated Please like or reblog if you’re fine with interacting with me or RPing
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
"Tis a shame that pride runs so deeply through some people, is it not? Pardon me for the intrusion, but I do believe that the Grandmaster should bite his tongue; lest he wishes to sign his death wish."
The coming days should be entertaining.
"And have you done that all with a lamp post? I think not. Grab your hearing aids grampa and listen close. I’m about as afraid of you as I am of a wet puppy. If you think that you’re gonna scare me with all this talk of war and pain you have another thing coming."
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
Your Akali is the perfect mix between dutiful yet emotional assassin
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
Akali arched a brow as the vixen before her bombarded her with questions. She didn't expect the conversation to take such a deep turn so suddenly, but she was more than happy to know that Ahri was so interested in her thoughts on the matter. "You are not cruel, Nine Tails. Though it is unfortunate that you must sustain yourself through the use of others, you must do what you must, in order to survive." She paused, unsure of whether or not she should let the sentence in her mind slip past her lips. Her voice dropped so that it was barely above a whisper. "At the very least, you are ensuring that their last moments are filled with pleasure."
The ninja brought her fist to her lips and coughed lightly. "As for the value of souls, my answer varies. There are some souls that are obviously more pleasant, and there are some that are so toxic, they must be culled immediately." She glanced quickly to the pair of kama by her side. Even though Akali had intended to meditate, it would have been foolish of her to leave without her weapons. The Ionian forests held many secrets; some of which would gladly tear the Kinkou to shreds, if given the chance. She looked back to Ahri. "A person's soul is their entire being--their ideals, their morals, their personality. But when it is ripped out of them, all of that vanishes, and the soul becomes pure once more. The soul still has to pay for its past sins with its new life, but it's essentially a clean slate. It will develop new ideals, morals, and a fresh personality. So in a sense, all souls have the same worth, because they have the potential to become something great, and the potential to become something horrendous."
The Kinkou smiled sadly. 'Quite like myself.' She patted the space beside her, gesturing for the fox to take a seat next to her. "But none of that matters when I raise my blades to another's throat. They are simply threats--plagues--at that point; I don't have time to worry about their good or bad deeds. Does that make me heartless, Ahri? Ionia praises me as a hero, but that is only one side of the coin. I can only imagine the heartbreak--the burning hatred ablaze within the victim's loved ones, as they hear of the Fist of Shadow's accomplishments. To them, I must be nothing more than a war machine." She closed her eyes and sighed. "And what could be worse than listening to your brother's--sister's, mother's, father's, whomever's--killer being applauded?"
The vixen gave a thoughtful hmm, a tail briefly raising to tap at her chin as Akali speaks of a price. "I would not touch what is not mine, if I have not been given permission—you needn’t worry yourself. And, all enticing things, indeed—but many and more mortals are willing to pay these prices for luxury, no matter how temporary said luxury may be. Why, you speak truly—if anyone should know, it would be me. I made men pay the ultimate price for a single night by my side! You already know that I am an embezzler, but am I unfair? Perhaps they’d receive a few friendly touches, a little affection, a few fond words, but, what is the value of a life, my dear Akali? Is it unfair for me to rise one’s pulse, only to take it away? What value do you hold on your own?
The vixen gave another thoughtful hmm, clearly mulling over her own proposed question. "I apologize for changing the topic, but I wonder—many people speak of the value of souls and essences, of life itself, but I think I’d value your opinion above some of those I’ve heard. You, who is so insistent on upholding this balance, you wouldn’t hesitate in dispelling those who dare pose even a minor threat to it." An inquisitive vixen, surely, but these are the kind of questions that occupy her mind as she lounges in her trees, as she sits in wait for prey—that even keep her up at night. Perhaps some light shed upon it from Akali would help quell this issue, or even worsen it. Who knows, if one does not try?
A soul was more than just a person’s life—it was how they feel, what they believe in, how they perceive, experience, understand—it was everything that made someone .. well, a someone. Was high value to be placed on it, and would that value fluctuate based off of one’s goodness? What determined the value—was Akali’s worth more because she dispensed justice, or less, because of her methods of doing so? So many questions, that could never be answered except by one’s self!
Ahri had answers, and while she knew there was no wrong or right except determined by one’s being .. well, she still wondered, especially from a mortal, human-born human’s perspective.
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
Akali smiled at her companion's words. "I too, am glad that our schedules have coincided and allowed for this small rendezvous. Though you are now a Demacian, Ionia will always welcome you with open arms." Surprise etched its way to her features as Xin presented her with the gift. "Oh, you did not have to, Xin." She grasped the stone lightly, turning it over in her palm to admire its charm. The red gemstone shone beautifully in the sunlight, and while she would be lying if she said it wasn't lovely, she cared little for its aesthetic value. Its real value lie in its sentimentality. Akali knew that the older man wouldn't give her something to impress her; no, there had to be a meaning behind it. Perhaps she would inquire about it later on during their meeting.
She gestured toward the empty seat, smiling when her friend sat down. "Would you care to chat over some tea? I do not know whether or not you enjoy jasmine, but the flavor shouldn't be too strong." The Kinkou reached for the kettle, taking her time to pour the hot liquid into the small cups atop the table. There was no rush, after all; the two had all afternoon to catch up on tales and the like.
Akali handed the Demacian a cup, before bringing her own to her lips. Thankfully, the beverage retained its heat. There were few things as disrespectful in Ionian culture as serving cold tea to a guest. She smiled when she found the tea exactly to her liking; hopefully the man before her would form the same opinion.
The Kinkou set the cup down gently, before turning her attention back to the seneschal. "So Xin, do tell me all about your adventures in Demacia. I'm sure many interesting things have happened since your last visit, no?"
Clack.. clack.. clack. The sound of foot steps approached the temple. With every stype the image of the large stone architectural genius came closer. Moss crawled all around, flowers bloomed wildly, and some patches of grass seemed to be even taller than most small animals. Pausing and looking at the temple with admiration his hands would slowly  go down, setting a small box covered within a handkerchief down. Then as he stood his hands would come together, palms touching and facing upward. With a quick motion he would clap and bow his head, standing for but a moment in respect and prayer for Ionia, its elders, and the gods they so fondly praised.
Satisfaction was in his face as he then began his journey again, knealing down to retrive the gift of a ruby garnet, a symbol of  protection, peace, and trust. Walking into the temple greeting its guards. His face and name was known to many not because of the League as a whole, but also back in the days of the Ionian war when within his youth he fought with great ferocity and prestige for his home. All just to be apprehended by Noxus and tossed into a stadium of life and death, just to please those beastly and ghastly Noxias. 
That was all over, clairty was now washed over him and his life, though he still felt bitter towards Noxus and how they dare threaten his home, and saviors home. But no home was as sweet as the orginal, and seeing her face reminded Xin all to much of that. Beautiful and lethal, and coated in jade. Her name, Akali and occupation a ninja of the Kinkou. Good friends for sometime now, going back to the war. A smile laced up on the mans lips as he bowed deeply in return to her.
"Akali." he started out, raising from his bow. "It has been far to long since we last met. I am very happy that we could have this day." carefully walking up to her he would hold out his hand, offering the gift of the gemstone to her. "Before coming I passed by a market, and I found something that captivated me with the thought of you. I do hope that you enjoy it."
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
I've missed your writing and I'm so glad to have you back in the community.
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
Akali sighed when the fox lessened the distance between them; all previous hopes of getting back to meditation shattered. Ahri's flattery was genuine, but never failed to be over the top. In her opinion, it was a bit unnecessary, but it was far better than degrading cat calls. Still, the Kinkou could not help the smile that rose to her face. It wasn't often that such earnest words were thrown her way, and she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Though the compliments were nice, Akali would not give her secrets up that easily. All her life, she had been expected to surpass expectations; there was no flattery at the end of the day when her muscles cried out--when her body begged for repose. The beauty before her had a way with words--that she would not deny--but the fox was foolish, if she believed the ninja would swoon like a sailor to a siren's call.
There were many tales of deadly beauties; all with the same end. It was cliche, really. Gorgeous women entrance fragile men with their appearance, then lure them to their death. Akali paid no heed to the stories, for she was always given the truth; she didn't need a watered down, sugarcoated story to cope with reality. Her lips pulled into a smirk for a brief second. All of the tales told of women killing careless men, but they did not elaborate on whether or not the same fate was shared by women. Perhaps the same sirens that called men to watery graves secretly caroled love songs for women.
Akali inhaled deeply. The earthly smell of the forest, coupled with the abundant life all around them made the night ever so lovely. Perhaps the vixen's presence added to the allure, but she would not give her the satisfaction of knowing that.
She locked gazes with Ahri--temperate emeralds meeting playful citrines--and spoke in a hushed manner. "You would be wise not to touch this flower, Ahri, for it has barbs and thorns that are all too aware of the supple flesh just waiting to grasp at its stem. You, of all beings, should know that the most enticing things often come at a price."
The cycle of Life and Death gave, and it took, as the Kinkou mused—the gift of life always had a timer to it, no matter one’s surviving capabilities or their developed and natural advantages. Just like her kin, Ahri’s own lifespan had a timer on it, each moment a gift from Life herself. It was hard for her to feel more blessed, but in the presence of the Kinkou, with that smile to be her’s—perhaps it was not so difficult for the Vixen to feel more blessed, after all. It was hard to make out the Kinkou’s smile underneath that mask, but Ahri could see how the corner of her eyes crinkled, how they seemed to light up, and the faintest outline of her lips curling upwards. She could not help note how her heart seemed to swell slightly, especially when that smile is a result of the vixen’s own make.
Even if Death was to collect his toll from Life at this present moment, Ahri could not help but feel like she would not regret a moment, with the Kinkou’s serene rest and with the stars shimmering overhead, the moon rising further in the sky and casting its full sheen over the glade. Things previously unseen came to be, if one bothered to look for them—such as the scampering of a rabbit as it fled back into it’s burrow around the roots, the rustling foliage and eerie, predatory yellow eyes that appeared in them as a predator stalks it’s prey. Life was all around them, in how beaked companions would leap from branch to branch, never halting in their beautiful, unique song. A true wonder—their kind was limited to the Ionian forests, and they sang with the rise of the moon, and with the rise of the sun. In the deeper forests, where even light cannot penetrate the thick canopy overhead that stretches for miles and miles, Ahri would often use them as a kind of clock—an indication to the day’s end and the day’s beginning.
But, despite the perking of the Vixen’s ear in her watchful vigilance, as she took in all these sounds and made her musing—the only creature of the forest to hold her attention was the Kinkou before her, her slitted eyes never leaving her for a moment. No other beauty could hold the vixen’s attention, and to hear her call herself a foreigner—that would not do at all. Immediately, Ahri scooted closer to Akali, her voice low as to not disturb the orchestra that surrounded them on all sides. She spoke softly, raising a hand to brush a singular black strand out of her own face. “Why would I focus on the life around me, when the greatest flower of all sits before me? You are silly, Akali." The Vixen giggles lightly, a tail raising to cover her mouth as she does so.
She sits comfortably atop her tails, her legs criss-crossed with her hands in her lap. “You are the most beautiful part of this night, and I think you not a foreigner. You are as much apart of this forest as I am; why, I daresay, you know these parts almost as well as I do, though our perspectives are not wholly shared. Where you stay below, I stay above.” She pointed a finger towards the interlocking branches overhead, before returning it to her lap. “The beauties of these forest are known to me, I could detail every bird to you and demonstrate precisely how they sing and what their songs mean, I could tell you every flower we stumbled across and it’s properties .. but yet, the most beautiful creature of this forest I have yet to learn about, and that is you, Akali.”
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
Akali sighed as she set the tea kettle down on the small table. The sun was high in the sky, and every now and then a wispy cloud would block a portion of the burning star; covering the ground with temporary shade. It was a lovely day--she could not deny that--but something was still amiss. The Kinkou knew exactly what is was that was bothering her, but there was nothing she could do. Only time would quell her impatience.
She turned around in the chair to get a better look at the temple behind her. The faint voices of instructors could be heard, and Akali couldn't help but smile as a feeling of nostalgia washed over her. She glanced back at the teapot before turning her attention to a nearby jasmine flower. The fragrance was light, but strong enough to carry its scent to the ninja; not too overbearing, but not too frail in presence. Akali looked to the teapot once more. 'Hopefully, my tea is the same way.'
An old friend of hers was scheduled to meet with her in the temple garden for some afternoon tea. Though he was Ionian by birth, he was offered a position by the king of Demacia's side for his bravery; thus earning him a Demacian citizenship. It wasn't often that he returned to his homeland--he had a king to guard, after all--but when he did, the Kinkou made sure to welcome him home.
Akali's ears perked as she heard footsteps against the stone pavement. She turned to look at whoever had intruded on her; a smile playing upon her lips as she recognized the man. She bowed deeply before addressing him.
"It's been far too long, Xin."
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
Akali smiled to herself as she walked through the forest. There was no better example of flawless equilibrium, than nature itself. When the world was first created, it was a fiery hell barren of all life. But as time went on, Death's tyrannical grasp yielded to the warm embrace of Life; organisms bloomed and conquered the once arid lands. The world that was once so uninhabitable--the world that once shunned life, was now filled with it.
But Death was not always kind to his mistress.
There were periods of mass extinction--periods where Death reclaimed his share of the profit. Despite the end of all her children, Life did not grieve, for she knew their time had come. Instead, she breathed existence into new creatures. They stormed the earth and took their rightful thrones; covering every inch of the planet with the gift of life. 
Death looked on with an ever watchful eye, counting down the years the new beings had left, before their demise. It was only a matter of time before they would fall--just like their ancestors before them. Life knew her creatures could not live forever, but she smiled all the same.
And so began their eternal dance.
Akali sighed as she neared her favorite meditation spot. She ran her hand across its bark, reveling in its purity. The forest was untouched by humans; it had no mars to be ashamed of. Not that a forest tainted by the greediness of humans was any lesser than the current one she was in; she just preferred to escape society altogether every now and then. And what better way to achieve that, than immersing herself in nature?
She closed her eyes and let her thoughts wander. Contrary to popular belief, the key to silencing thoughts was to let them run rampant, until the mind grew tired. Eventually, her musings faded into the background and were replaced by the songs of the forest. The gentle rustling of leaves could be heard, as the cool night breeze frolicked through the forest--guided by the melodious voices of the nocturnal creatures. Though the forest often played familiar tunes, no two performances were ever completely alike. Tonight's orchestra differed in that she heard human--or some other bipedal creature--footsteps approaching her.
The Kinkou opened her eyes, only to be met with a slitted gaze and a smile. She would be lying if she said she wasn't irked, but she didn't voice her displeasure. "It is a lovely night indeed, Ahri. Although if it were truly wonderful, you would have your attention on the beauty around you, and not this foreigner, would you not?"
umbra-copa started following you
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
idk why your supporting aisonoyoi when shes clearly at fault. if i didnt know any better i'd think you were the same account =\
((Yes anon, because I’ve totally just role played with myself the entire time, to entertain a community full of immature asshats. Congrats, you’ve cracked the code!!!))
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
PSA ; I don’t care about anon’s asking questions or anything, Anon’s get little to no respect because if they’re hiding there’s a reason that they are. I have no reason and will NOT be nice and go out of my way if you are on Anon. If you decide to get off and be a decent human being and not throw a child’s tantrum because I’m not telling you anything about what I’m using maybe I’ll show you an ounce of respect and aid you in what you need. 
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
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Commission for nyandalee!
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
((Don't talk to me if you think it's okay to RP rape and abuse, because, "this is roleplay, it's not real."
Your thread may not be real, but the trauma of survivors definitely is. Undermining their experiences for the sake of roleplay is extremely inconsiderate, because you're essentially putting your interest over their abuse.
And don't even think about using the "Oh, but I tagged it as nsfw" excuse. It doesn't matter if you tag it; what matters is your attitude. If you can't comprehend the severity of sexual, physical, or mental abuse, then don't incorporate it into your threads. If you're going to deal with the topic, you have to understand that it isn't some lighthearted issue, that it is NO WAY to start a smut thread, and that it is definitely not a way to have a character become attracted to yours.
People who have dealt with abuse have their experiences downplayed all the time, and your ignorance is doing nothing to help with that issue.))
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
Akali looked at the boy with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. She was never permitted to have friends, because according to her mother, they would distract her from her training. To suddenly have a "friend" thrust upon her was unusual.
"I guess we are." The Kinkou looked towards her mother, hoping to receive a command to go train; she didn't want to spend any unnecessary time with the strange new friend of hers. Unfortunately for her, her mother was already retreating through the doors of the temple with the boy's father.
The little ninja stifled a groan. It looked like she had no other choice but to talk to the boy. "So uh...Shen? What do you uh, like to do in your free time?"
The shagged hair preteen looked up at what seemed to be the older version of himself, no wait. It was his father, then back at the female duo that were approaching. Shen was told that he was finally going to meet the future predecessor to ‘the fist of the shadow’ for once in his life, not exactly a meeting he was excited for at first, but after a few words of persuasion from his father. 
A short nod from the older gentlemen remained silent as his gaze didn’t invert from the older woman, Akali’s mother. Giving his son a slight pat on the back, urging him to try and converse with her daughter. Finally speaking out throughout the meeting. “Go on, Shen. Try to make friends with your new comrade.” 
Shen returned the gesture with a scowl on his face as he looked back to his father, only to have it fade away as the trainee ninja stepped foward. Trying to put on a somewhat serious impression. Returning the bow to the younger female. “The name’s Shen, good to make your acquaintance, Akali. I suppose we’re.. friends now?” Remember he wasn’t exactly at ease with making friends.
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
Akali pouted as her mother ushered her through the temple doors. She stifled a groan; already knowing by this age that it would be met with disciplinary action. As she walked through the temple halls, she couldn't help but think about the silliness of the situation. She was supposed to meet with the "Eye of Twilight," whatever that was. It sounded like some stupid nursery rhyme to her.
Her mother stopped her when they reached a courtyard. She quickly noticed that a young man and--what she assumed was--his son seemed to be waiting for them. "Akali," Her mother's voice had an air of business, but it was sweet nonetheless. "This is Shen. He's going to be an important asset to your future, so I think the two of you should start getting along at an early age."
The young Kinkou grumbled lightly, before bowing. "My name is Akali. It's a pleasure to meet you."
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umbra-copa-blog · 10 years
Once again, the Kinkou found herself in a predicament. On the one hand, she could tell the truth and possibly be impaled by Aphrodite's lover, or she could tell a little white lie. "You are beautiful, I do not deny that, but to each their own." She paused for a bit before continuing. "And my 'own' lies in another person, though I would not go so far as to say my heart belongs to them." Akali admired somebody, yes, but that was not equivalent to love, of course.
She let out a forced cough to change the subject. "Regardless, I would love to see your homeland. However, my duty ties me to this land and I cannot leave. I will take your word for its beauty, though." The ninja gave the goddess a look of incredulity for a moment--of course they had olives. "Yes, we have olives here. Are you doubting the competence of your fellow Greeks, hm?" Akali attempted to smile, but her lips trembled terribly. Hopefully Aphrodite would recognize that as a joke and not a jab to her intelligence. She certainly didn't want a gladius through her heart any time soon.
"Your brother Mars--Ah, I mean Ares. My apologies; the stories I know of the gods are told through the...Roman--I think it was--perspective. Anywho, he sounds like a fearsome character. I hear he has some of the best horses--second only to Poseidon, of course."
"I do, indeed! Though, Akali, I am upset they do not recognize a woman with beauty of my magnitude, they do not even pretend! They do not even realize my beauty, nor accept I am the most beautiful woman in this ungrateful world. Lay your eyes upon me, and tell me if I am not. I can tell your heart belongs to another, though that does not mean I can be any less beautiful than this beau who’s taken your heart."
She wrinkles her nose at the Kinkou’s hesitation at the mention of her brother. Even if she did know, it was of no concern — Hephaestus was nowhere to be found, nor other Gods who were not already aware from their little net incident. “It is truly a lovely place — perhaps you shall visit sometime! I am sure you will enjoy the sights to be seen; have you have olives before? My sister, Athena, gifted it to the city of Athens to win their favor.”
"My brother is well! He is the most formidable combatant you will ever meet, and a man who’s had many powerful divine sons and a divine daughter born from his loins — oh, though he is not the friendliest individual, he is great company, in many different ways!"
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