umama234 · 4 months
A quiet deep swimming pool,
Bats sweeping down like a steel-scythe,
To drink blue water on the pool,
Dash! calm and still afresh to writhe,
As those flew through the woodside,
Since it's returning alive in motion soon,
cold and salty wayside coming to life,
laying with waves criss cross in the moonlight,
Pool's Still and frosty upperside choir ,
owns dazzling and spirited amalgam,
Crush it apart little wingy dusk flyer,
Quenching yourself from its cool bosom,
Echolocate the rippling,
symphony through its core,
Crash the wind gusting,
through your magestic wings,which soar
Atlast tiny body quenched itself,
Finds the solace in it's chamber,
While the sun rises from its shell,
And darkness into light alters.."
© umama^
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