ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
Send me a highly toxic chemical in my ask box.
Acetaldehyde: What did you used to have that you are happier without?
Bromine: What was your favorite food when you were a child?
Cyanogen: If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
Diazomethane: If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Ethylamine: What sound do you love?
Formaldehyde: If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
Hexafluoroacetone: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Isopropylamine: What do you miss most about being a kid?
Ketene: What is something you learned in the last week?
Methacrylaldehyde: Would you rather be really attractive or really smart?
Nitromethane: What are your phobias?
Oleum: If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be?
Pentaborane: What is one habit of yours that no one knows about?
Sarin: What annoys you the most?
Trifluorochloroethylene: If you could change your first and middle name to anything, what would it be?
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
"Well...all I know is that you and Robin are enemies...but I haven't checked in with you in a while..." it's been quite hectic with Larry and his teen titans obsession, only because there's been so many new titans popping up left and right so larry's been trying to get to them ALL.
sladewilsondeathstroke started following you
“Larry.” So he was a tiny flying Robin called Larry. Well, now things made sense. “I’m going to need more than that.”
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
Larry thought for a moment "Uuuh...no. Not really." he would ask if Ro-Nightwing, would like to help him with his shipping wall but...it was for pro's only so.
ultimatefanboylarry started following you
“Hey there kid. What’s up.” He grinned.
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
"Oh," Larry nodded, wondering where to start "Well...I'm an alternate of Robin, not quite perfect. My real name is actually Kcid  Nosyarg, but Larry is just easier to pronounce. Uhhh, I'm a Robin fanatic and I can bend the dimensions to my whim...well...most of them. It's more of a weird situation for me really."
sladewilsondeathstroke started following you
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
Larry laid on his stomach, still hovering in the air "Oh right, I forgot, you don't know me at all." he smiled "I saw it all from my screen, duh!" he rolled onto his back "I can see everything from my screen!"
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agirlandawand replied to your post: Hocus stared at Larry. “What… are you?” She finally managed to ask.
“… Hocus Pocus…” The blue magician managed to say. “What are you supposed to be, a Robin fanboy?” She asked.
Larry beamed. Finally someone got it “Yeah, pretty much!” you can say he was a bit…too obsessive.
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
Larry frowned, but nodded and slowly lowered himself until he was eye level with Slade "...I'm Larry..." he said quietly, looking down to the ground instead of looking Slade straight in the eye.
sladewilsondeathstroke started following you
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
"...you mean Mumbo-Jumbo?" he laughed "But in the end, the titans kicked his butt so I don't mind anymore!" to be honest Larry was shocked, and ready to head on down there himself to beat up Mumbo himself. But in the end, he knew he would be to scared to actually fight.
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agirlandawand replied to your post: Hocus stared at Larry. “What… are you?” She finally managed to ask.
“… Hocus Pocus…” The blue magician managed to say. “What are you supposed to be, a Robin fanboy?” She asked.
Larry beamed. Finally someone got it “Yeah, pretty much!” you can say he was a bit…too obsessive.
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
Larry rubbed his head and glared at the wall, as if IT was the problem here "Yeah...I'm fine, don't worry..." he smiled again, still rubbing the back of his head "Anyways...I like all the titans, they're all really cool. Especially Kidflash, and Jericho." he folded his arms and crossed his legs, pouting a bit "I wish they had more screen time, especially Jericho!" 
Larry nodded in agreement “Yeah, Robin is like a total babe magnet, but that’s only one part of what I ADORE about Robin.” he laughed again “But what I really like about him, it’s the way he just LEADS! It’s like he’s a younger version of bat man or something, but cooler!” he wasn’t watching where he was going, and ended up ramming the back of his head into a brick wall “OW!” he yelped.
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
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agirlandawand replied to your post: Hocus stared at Larry. “What… are you?” She finally managed to ask.
“… Hocus Pocus…” The blue magician managed to say. “What are you supposed to be, a Robin fanboy?” She asked.
Larry beamed. Finally someone got it "Yeah, pretty much!" you can say he was a bit...too obsessive.
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
It's going to take a crow bar to pry Larry off of his face. Larry smiled and pulled back so he can look the other in the eye "Hi! I'm Larry! But I guess you haven't met me before cause then you would have known who I was but that's ok anyways  I know you so yeah it's fine."
ultimatefanboylarry started following you
“Hey there kid. What’s up.” He grinned.
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
Hocus stared at Larry. "What... are you?" She finally managed to ask.
He smiled, waving a hand towards the other "I'm Larry! Whoa re you?"
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
He quickly latched himself onto the others face. It was obvious his greeting skills are terrible "Ohgoshohgoshohgosh!"
ultimatefanboylarry started following you
Oh god.
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
Larry squawked and moved around frantically, quickly jumping up and hovering himself higher, obviously terrified. He tried to be brave for once "U-Uh, oh, h-hey there Mister-uh-Wilson."
sladewilsondeathstroke started following you
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
He didn't even give him an answer, he just latched onto the other's face.
ultimatefanboylarry started following you
“Hey there kid. What’s up.” He grinned.
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
Larry had tossed the cape over his head while he sulked to himself about chickening out and running off like a scared school girl "Robin wouldn't do that," he grumbled "He would have stayed there but noooooo, I had to be the coward!"
sladewilsondeathstroke started following you
Larry gulped “Uh…oh boy.”
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
Larry nodded in agreement "Yeah, Robin is like a total babe magnet, but that's only one part of what I ADORE about Robin." he laughed again "But what I really like about him, it's the way he just LEADS! It's like he's a younger version of bat man or something, but cooler!" he wasn't watching where he was going, and ended up ramming the back of his head into a brick wall "OW!" he yelped.
Larry opened his mouth to answer that question but in fact he didn’t know about much where he came from, other then he was from the fifth dimension “Well…to be blunt I’m from another dimension!”
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ultimatefanboylarry · 12 years
He made a loud strangled noise that sounded like a squeak "You like Robin too!?" he hovered above her and began to circle her around her head "Oh wow this is great, like, really great! I love Robin, what do you like about Robin? I like his EEEEEEVERYTHING!"
Larry opened his mouth to answer that question but in fact he didn’t know about much where he came from, other then he was from the fifth dimension “Well…to be blunt I’m from another dimension!”
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