ugrue-blog · 5 years
It is highly recommended to start an exercise routine during pregnancy. Although high-intensity activities and contact sports are a no-no, light exercises are sufficient to develop strength and endurance. If you make it a habit to exercise early on, you will get the rewards later…
Exercises and Boosting Baby’s Brain During Pregnancy
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ugrue-blog · 5 years
Whether you are trying to conceive or pregnant already, it is important to get enough folic acid. Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects, that occur in a baby’s brain, spinal cord, and heart. Since the development of these organs starts in the early weeks…
Why Folic Acid is Important During Pregnancy
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ugrue-blog · 5 years
During ovulation, one of your ovaries releases a mature egg that will eventually travel to the fallopian tube. The strongestsperm cells swim their way through the uterus and to the fallopian tube, where the egg cellis waiting. If your timing is right, the winning sperm…
What is Ovulation and Fertilization
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ugrue-blog · 5 years
Body changes At week 10, you are almost through with the first trimester. It may not look much from the outside, but your uterus has now grown to the size of a grapefruit! It
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