tyjosplotpage · 8 months
Name: Tyler Joseph
Age: 34 (Dec 1)
short bio: I’m keeping everything about Ty as canon as possible. He’s sweet, shy, a lil silly, and overall a good guy. The only headcanon I got is that he divorced his wife Jenna for mutual reasons and has split custody of their daughter Rosie. Tyler will def be a little emo about this and will seek out ways to help numb the pain (I.e alcohol and reckless behavior). Just a lil early midlife crisis to keep things fresh hehe.
- [ ] The enabler - Tyler is really emo about his divorce sometimes despite it ending on mutual terms, so he turns to a new form of self harm - drinking, drugs maybe?, and just being reckless. This person would encourage this behavior in Tyler
- [ ] The Rebound(tm) FWB - probably a slow deal. Since he’s being Emo he probably won’t wanna immediately go to pound town, so it’ll start with a little shy flirting and escalate as he gets more comfortable.
- [ ] Situationship - they only really hit each other up when they need something - company, intimacy, venting, letting anger out etc. can be as toxic or wholesome as we decide
- [ ] ASL? - Tyler’s loneliness takes him to a different part of the internet - chat rooms. This would entail and entirely different chat with their screen names (I.e the title of the chat would be something like angelbaby1234, pianoguy66) and they would be anonymous. Tyler would probably lie about his name and occupation so nobody would know it was him. They could get close over time and start flirting, dirty talking, yknow, chat room things. They can also meet up at some point down the line. Bonus points if they actually know each other irl.
- [ ] Roomies - can also be combo’d with a one of the other plots
- [ ] Friendos, just lil pals - pretty self explanatory
- [ ] Old school crush - has to be from Ohio, moved away and he forgot all about them until they popped up again
- [ ] Siblings!!! Don’t care who
- [ ] Assistant, tour personel - someone really close to Tyler, can be lumped with a different plot as well
I’m also up for brainstorming! I’m open to any and all ideas. Make it wholesome, dramatic, angst, whatever!!
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