txrnami · 10 years
tweenxqueen replied to your post:tweenxqueen replied to your post:(( wWow I cannot...
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txrnami · 10 years
tweenxqueen replied to your post:(( wWow I cannot believe my Roleplay Senpai...
(( its me its clarke
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txrnami · 10 years
(( wWow I cannot believe my Roleplay Senpai @tweenyqueenie followed me back on tumbler.com
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )——
              Stowing away the artifact within his robes, the monk smiles and made his way back down towards the entrance. Devoid of all modesty and the irrefutable chance to show off, Omi explained,
"This is a Shen Gong Wu, a most mystical item of power. It is my job as the Xiaolin Dragon of Water to keep them secure. Please, do not applaud."
    He narrowed his eyes, lips smirking in amusement. Eyes scanned over the small trinket his hands held, subtly making sure he blocked the exit in case of escapade.
 “‘xactly why I love it here, brotha’. What’s that you holdin’ there now?”
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )——
              For a reason that Omi could not understand, determination boiled up within him. He would not allow Chase to speak to him in such a tone. Absolutely not. His face burned as he lunged forward, jabbing up fruitlessly at his opponent. Striking nothing but air, he avoided an attack from the war lord and attempted an eagle strike.
Concentration locked itself in, and there were no words between them. Only grunts of exertion and the occasional 'oof' anytime Chase made contact with the monk.
"if you mean ‘cut a rug’, i suppose, in a way, i do,” he replies with a tiny smirk. to battle is like another form of dance to chase, it comes so easily. while his rod may be lost forever to the bottom of the lake, he still had his strong limbs to lash out. and omi has obviously gotten stronger.
potential, potential, potential. all wasted on xiaolin affairs.
chase tuts, then brings himself up into a defensive stance. the water ripples beneath his sandals, and his tongue drags out across his lips. “i’m waiting, young monk.”
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )——
              "I do not expect you to be naturally aware of these details. As a female, it is natural for you to overlook errors in yourself. It's perfectly normal."
Omi smiled, completely unaware of his faux-pas. His habit was inexcusable, but not entirely surprising. The 'just a girl'-type criticisms were second nature for the Dragon.
"...do not feel too humble to ask me for assistance."
Kimiko furrowed her eyebrows and mentally looked over her form. She was sure it was right. Then again, Omi did have a habit of being a perfectionist, so it could just be that her foot was some random degree too far south or her hand was millimeters too low. “Uhh, no, no, I think I got this, Omi.”
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txrnami · 10 years
(( Impatiently watching the xiaolin showdown masterlist update. curses self for being so picky 
I don't mean to be, it just sorta happens when you've been in the same fandom for ten years ))
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )——
              Clutching the retrieved Shen Gong Wu, Omi had just been preparing his departure when he noticed the small teen out of the corner of his eye.
"My good friend, why are you in such a place? Back alleys are unsafe for children."
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )——
              He sat on the steps on the entrance, far too eager to see his friend than to wait inside, as their Master had insisted. He waved it off with a smile, saying that it would only help to build mental endurance.
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txrnami · 10 years
kimikoandchase liked for a starter.
( 水 )——
              "My dear friend, I do not wish to intrude, but your technique appears to be...lacking."
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txrnami · 10 years
(( Like for a starter, but there's still an open post that anyone can reply to :0 ))
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )——
              The brief moment of non-aggressive contact was all it took for Omi's guard to fall. The rod grazed his arm once, and he would not allow it to happen again. Each blow his his forearm as he guarded himself, tremors shaking his entire being before he eventually found an opening. He ducked, kicking the rod from Chase's grasp and knocking it into the water.
His breath was still and even, his energy levels heightened in the presence of his element.
"You wish to slice a carpet with me, do you?"
chase doesn’t cry out when he’s knocked into the air, instead balancing himself so he hovers and lightly falling back down onto the surface of the lake. a slight smile rests upon his lips, and he holds a gloved hand out for omi to take.
"feeling a tad mischievous today, young monk?"
to which he pulls out his rod from behind his back once omi is settled back on the surface of the water, lunging at him and striking downwards. “i should beat that energy out of you. let’s test your endurance.”
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )——
              "To that, I do agree."
Omi stole a peek at the Heylin man, but he was no longer in front of him. Used to this sort of behavior, he opened his mouth to speak once more, but was immediately met with the cold lake water enveloping him.
He soon resurfaced, sending a waterspout up and knocking Chase a few feet into the air. A grin spread across his face, free of malice.
"That was most unappreciated, Chase Young! I assure you, it shall not happen again!"
"and what is balance without good and evil,” chase hums, lowering his leg and stepping across the water towards omi with ease. he slinks around the other, his pupils slitting, and he bares his teeth in a grin.
omi’s so well-balanced, and chase can change that. with just the slightest nudge in the other’s back with his elbow, he sends the monk falling face-first into the water, stepping back so the splash won’t hit him.
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )——
              "Again with the turning of the backs."
Years ago, perhaps, the futile attempt to entice jealousy within the monk would have sparked an ounce of doubt. It would have eaten away at him, forcing himself to balance on twice as many lakes until he was satisfied.
Catching quickly onto his tactics, Omi sent a genuine, calm smile back his way, eyes closed for focus. He felt every last tiny muscle tense and relax under his weight, just as he intended.
"It is not about glory, Chase Young. It is about balance."
"indeed. quite impressive, if i do say so myself.”
and he moves in front of omi, mimicking his stance gracefully and keeping form as he spoke, “still training, are you? it’d go much faster if you worked under my wing, of course.” one eye opens to peer at the young man, a smirk working its way onto chase young’s lips.
"then, perhaps, your friends wouldn’t be stealing all the glory from you.” the word ‘friends’ was like poison on his tongue which he spat out in distaste. chase did not have friends, he did not even consider his felines friends.
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )——
              He needn't greet his foe, as he was never one to strike when an opponent's back was turned. No, Omi was only slightly bothered by his intrusion, nevertheless proceeding to do as Chase advised.
It came as no surprise that his enemy had been stalking him before he made his presence known; this was all they had. Criticisms, occasional duels, and always, always the insistence that one should join the other party.
"I hope this is more suited to your liking."
and in silence, from a distance, the heylin warrior watches, judges. good form, could use a little work, however, he’s somewhat hunched. his leg is bent awkwardly. it’s a bit painful to watch, now that he thinks about it. he had come to spar with the young monk, only to find him in this position.
twirling his rod and settling it behind his back, he leaps down from the cliff face and onto the surface of the water, gliding across it with ease and coming up behind the dragon of water, hands carefully correcting his posture. chase’s breath is on his neck, “straighten out more.”
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txrnami · 10 years
( 水 )----
             Ripples. He must not cause ripples.
His concentration had not been broken for three, no...four hours. Perched on one leg, much alike a crane, Omi balanced himself on the surface of a completely still lake hugging the foot of Mount Song.
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txrnami · 10 years
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