twilightdumbb · 3 years
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YOU hates terfs
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
What's your new conspiracy theory obsession? I love conspiracy theories and would love to hear it! 💖
we are not from earth- *stretches fingers* ellis silver believes that humans evolved on another planet and were brought here by aliens. why? according to him - a scientist analyzing the evolution of the human race, earth was created as a sort of prison - perhaps due to our violent nature far outside the bounds of any other species who are native to earth. earth lacked a dominant species so they were brought here to thrive tens of thousands of years ago. researcher and author dr ellis silver has been looking at the human race and it's physiology. he believes that earth environment clearly isn’t our natural one. he wrote this book (i haven't read the book, i just read some excerpts) in which he mentioned that human race has a number of ‘serious flaws’ that are not shared by other species here. he explained that even though humans are the most developed species on the planet they are surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for our planet’s environment. the planet’s native flora and fauna have adapted to the seasonal variations, in humans, the biological clock being tailored for a day of 25 hours, was confirmed by a study from harvard. humans lack the ability to sense the earth's magnetic fields and tend to have a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods and have ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, among other things, humans are sensitive to sunlight and avoid spending long periods exposed to the sun while other species don’t. he pointed out that the planets where humans originated from had not as much sunlight. the size of the head of a newborn child is disproportionately large which presents a problem for women when giving birth which may result in fatalities. human being can only pass their adapted genetics on reaching maturity. bad backs suggests we were not used to gravity. he theorized it was because life evolved on a planet with much lower gravity and he argued that mankind did not evolve alongside other life forms on earth. “we are all chronically ill,” says dr silver. “indeed, if you can find a single person who is 100% fit and healthy and not suffering from some (perhaps hidden or unstated) condition or disorder i would be extremely surprised – i have not been able to find anyone.” ofc, this theory is far-fetched, but where are we from? dr. ellis also claimed that humans could have come from alpha centauri, the closest star system to our solar system. idk if this makes sense to you but to me, it does. bye
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
truly the end goal is not "my close friends aren't annoyed by me and it's all in my head, they're my friends and they love me", it's "sometimes I do annoy my close friends, just as the people I love most will also annoy me sometimes, because this is normal, and we will continue to stay friends, and they're not going to want to immediately cut me out of their life if I do something annoying once in a while"
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
truly the end goal is not "my close friends aren't annoyed by me and it's all in my head, they're my friends and they love me", it's "sometimes I do annoy my close friends, just as the people I love most will also annoy me sometimes, because this is normal, and we will continue to stay friends, and they're not going to want to immediately cut me out of their life if I do something annoying once in a while"
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
LGBTQ+ Icons
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Lesbian | Gay/Queer | Bisexual
Transgender | Pansexual | Asexual
Aromantic | Aroace | Nonbinary
please rb if saving :)
requests are open in the comments
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
does anyone have that one painting with the ghosts standing in the water?
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
some Shakespearean insults for your writing pleasure
Thou artless base-court apple-john! Thou bawdy doghearted clack-dish! Thou currish full-gorged gudgeon! Thou gleeking motley-minded puttock! Thou pribbling ill-nurtured ratsbane! Thou ruttish folly-fallen wagtail! Thou fobbing spur-galled joithead! Thou mammering pottle-deep hedge-pig! Thou loggerheaded shard-borne dewberry! Thou surly beetle-headed giglet! Thou paunchy beef-witted hugger-mugger! Thou spleeny toad-spotted  skainsmate! Thou qualling lily-livered moldwarp! Thou rank full-gorged bugbear!
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
kind of gay for women to wear button-up blouses/shirts. why are you wearing a shirt with buttons on it? to have your buttons loosened by another woman's tender hands?
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
me after chanting bloody mary in the bathroom mirror 3 times: before you kill me i just thought you'd like to know that they named a drink after you
bloody mary, fingers inches away from my throat: what?
me: i'd be happy to take you to a bar to try one. if you'd be interested.
bloody mary:
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
I do believe in the value of toughing things out and perseverance, but I gotta say, If It Sucks, Hit Da Bricks is solid advice and has only enriched my life, I LOVE not doing things I don’t want to do.
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
you are in a dark ally and this is chasing you
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what do
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
Saw something interesting at my college campus today
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
being an aromantic around allo people is so jarring they talk about being in love or whatever and youre like why aren’t you normal
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
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happy bisexuals day i love being bisexual and you should cherish your bisexuality and your bisexual friends
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twilightdumbb · 3 years
ppl don’t understand adhd/autistic cleaning processes. we think so far ahead it’s like,,, impossible to do shit. you want me to vaccuum my bedroom floor? okay. we need to pick up all the stuff thats on it first, though. and where are we going to put the stuff? well, theres a couple categories of Stuff- Clothes, Random Items, and Trash. Trash is easy, we just throw it away. Clothes have to be sorted into Clean, Not Clean- and then the not clean ones have to go in the laundry bag, but theres so many so i might have to start a load now- ugh, distracted. lets go back to the clean clothes. well, these go in my drawer but- my drawer is really disorganized, so i’ll have to organize the clothes first so that theyll fit and look neat. by the time i’m done with that, i’ve spent an hour and a half trying to do stuff in my room. i finally turn to random items, most of which can find a home on my desk, but others i dont really know what to do with. plus, my desk is dirty. so i have to organize my desk, figure out where everything goes, and the stuff that doesn’t have a place can go in… a box, i guess. (not like i don’t have three other boxes full of random stuff in my closet)  so i put all the items back up but now i have this box full of stuff i dont know if i need so i have to go through it, sorting it into donate and dont donate piles. i might as well throw in some clothes to, so i dig through my clothes drawer and get the clothes i dont want, throw them in there too. okay, back to the random items- the ones i dont want to donate are still here, so i have to put them somewhere. i dont have anywhere to put them- maybe i should get a shelf? i start googling shelves, figuring out which ones would be best for my room, debating prices, learning about installation, and eventually im like ‘well, already on my computer’ and i decide im going to ‘check’ social media and end up lost in it for an hour or so. you walk back in, and theres stuff all over the floor, albeit in bags and boxes, and it still hasnt been vacuumed. its been five hours since i started. how does it take five hours to clean your room? it just does. 
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