tvandtalkies · 3 years
I swear I thought this was about sending things through the mail and took a full five minutes trying to figure out why boxes would be mad over an inch.
why do height differences in shipping always have to be about one being really tiny and the other being really tall. what about one being exactly a single inch taller than the other and the second being consistently angry about this.
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
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Who did that? Elise. Fucking. Bauman. Did. That.
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
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Reblog to let your followers know you are a safe person to come out to.
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
I literally cannot rest and it’s all because of this tiktok
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
As a point of clarification, at no point is the Dude Perfect squad trying to make this a gimmick. In the full video they challenge themselves to hit a serve from Serena. They are thrilled when one member is FINALLY able to do it (mostly by accident). Once they’ve gotten a volley back over the net they celebrated Serena’s prowess through trick shots. They revel in her success, highlight her laughter, and frame her in such a way as to showcase that she has spent minimal effort attempting these shots. They are incomplete awe of the goddess before them and never once challenge her complete and totally mastery of her sport.
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this is simply the greatest video i have ever seen
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
Well... what’s Natasha up to these days? Still Canadian? Check! Still gay? Check. Check. Come one! Put Carmilla in!
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Sucks cuz while her acting is just "ok" (though she did well in the role imo) , it's weird for the lead to change after one season. But luckily if it was going to happen, sooner rather than later is best. But it's a shame for everyone to talk about someone sucking at their job publicly. I've been seeing alot of tweets saying it's great news. I didn't think her acting was that bad. So I hope that's not the reason. Could be physically it was just too taxing on her. I know she got injured multiple times. But that's tough for anyone.
As far as a recasting, as proud and vocal as batwoman /Kate Kane was about being a lesbian (and frankly even if she wasn't those things), I think it would only be right for her character to continue being played by one. Anything other than that is just unacceptable and would frankly be disrespectful to the role and the audience, more importantly the LGBTQ+ community.
Who do yall think would be a good casting? I'm curious.
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
Lee Pace has no right to be THIS attractive.
‘’It’s a good look Dad.’’ ‘’Thanks Son.’’
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
Instant serotonin
Penguin falls down resulting in best sound ever [x]
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
living in the united states is supremely fucked up cause we're one of the richest, most powerful juggernauts on the planet, but your average citizen has relatively infinitesimal access to that wealth and power, and very little they can do to improve things.
being poor in the US still makes you rich by some global standards, but often times The American Experience is like..... you're a passenger locked in the baggage hold of a very long train that's going very fast. and the people driving the train are running it off the rails and shouting CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKERS CHOO CHOOOOOOOOO as they thoughtlessly bulldoze this train through everything in its path. you want very badly to get off the train or bludgeon the conductors with a crowbar, because you don't like where it's going, but you're handcuffed in a duffel bag and the conductors have barricaded themselves in the engine cars with all the food, medicine, and tools that could be used to help you out.
and UNDERSTANDABLY the rest of the world is like "what the FUCK is wrong with that train??? it must be stopped! there are so many people on the train why is nobody breaking into the conductor's booth and stopping it??!" but most of us are just squirming for basic survival in the last few cars while billionaires sit on top of the train sniping anyone brave enough to crawl up from the cargo hold, all while shouting that you're lucky to be on such a luxurious, successful train at all.
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
I get these every month for my dog and the boxes also come with treats, and they also have cute themes. When I did the math, I spend less now with this subscription service than I did every month when I was buying treats and toys on my own.
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This company understands dogs. (via jpellizzi)
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
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Credit: @juliehangart
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
One of my favorite TV couples
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Peter&Olivia | hugs (1x13, 1x17, 3x19, 3x20, 4x15, 4x22, 5x05, 5x06, 5x12)
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tvandtalkies · 4 years
Good Omens adjacent plot and I am here for it. Lol
Your church-going, God-worshipping sister adopted a small child and you’re excited to see them. But when you do, the child is a menace. They’re throwing things everywhere, setting furniture on fire with seemingly nothing, chanting in Latin to summon demons, but the weirdest thing is that your sister doesn’t seem to mind.
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