tumblchorraden · 5 years
Merry Christmas! Love what Leo made.
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Never trust a man dressed in red coming down your chimney… 
it’s been a while since I post any of my art, so here you go. I hope you’re enjoying whatever you’re celebrating this time of the year, and that next year is better than this one.
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
I need more!
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disney meets dragon age: inquisition
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
In love with this
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disney meets dragon age: inquisition
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
When the child becomes better than the mom
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-“They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But she… she will be worse… Rip and tear, until it is done.”- 
Crossover between Bionicle and Doom 2016. Being as badass as the Doom Slayer and having both been to hell and back, I guessed it would be fun to create the character of Doom Gal.
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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Yllwenn is back!
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
Proud mom here
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Last minute Mermay with the two best fish girls…
I don’t know if these two ladies count as mermaids but who cares?
Priscilla [left] belongs to @hernyart and Undyne [right] belongs to Toby Fox
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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Tyrian Tarot: Art Print Giveaway!
We’re hosting a small giveaway of prints! We had a small vote on Twitter to choose an element - earth, air, water, fire - and fire (correlating to the Wands) won! Above are the selection of prints available, plus one wild.
We’ll be giving away four prints (two here, two on Twitter), and you can pick which you’d like to get. 
All you need to do to enter is share (reblog) this post.
The post-campaign store is active until June 11: https://tyrian-tarot.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
Other notes:
Please be following the account!
Prints are not redeemable for cash value, nor can they be swapped for other prints.
Must have an existing pledge, or have a preorder.
May not be transferred to someone else.
Prints are 5″x7″ with a white trim, printed on fine art bright white paper with archival inks.
Artworks are by Celebril, @sketchingsands, Thavie and Elodie!
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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English below
#Mermay2018 Dia 20: Nontruma (Sargento Keroro). Me estoy quedando sin ideas y se nota. De la fantasia y las leyendas traidicionales empecé a buscar en ciencia ficción, y ante la pregunta "¿Se te ocurren alienígenas acuáticos?" mi hijo Leo comentó "¿Te valen los kerorenses?". Por un momento titubee.... pero son tan sumamente... ranuchas! Entonces recordé que en un episodio de Sargento Keroro salía una sirena... y la encontré! No es que fuera un personaje muy importante.... pero bueno, era mona, así que aquí está.
Day 20: Nontruma (Keroro Gunso). I'm starting to run out of ideas as you can notice. From fantasy and traditional legends  I moved to Science Fiction and when I asked my son Leo "Do you know any aquatic alien?" he replied "What about Keroro Gunso aliens?" For a moment I considered them... but they're so... frog-like!... Then I remembered that there was one mermaid in an episode of the anime and I found her! Nontruma isn't a main character... but she is cute, so here she is!
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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English below
#Mermay2018 Día 19: La Sirena de Varsovia. Cuando visitamos Polonia hace 3 años me sorprendió mucho ver Varsovia plagada de esculturas homenajeando al símbolo heráldico de su ciudad, una Sirena sin nombre armada con espada y escudo. No fue dificil descubrir su leyenda, y me gustó mucho porque es bastante diferente de las habituales, aunque empieza de forma similar: Una bella sirena vivía en las aguas del Vístula, y salía a cantar y peinar sus cabellos a la luz de la luna, pero en este caso no provocaba la muerte de marineros ni pescadores, sino su deleite. Los pescadores locales la adoraban y creían que les traía buena suerte, así que cuando un rico mercader, prendado de su belleza, la secuestró, todos ellos se aliaron para rescatarla. La sirena, agradecida, les prometió que mientras ella viviera en el río, Varsovia ya nunca tendría que preocuparse del enemigo, y así fue. Al parecer, siempre que algun ejército intentaba conquistar la ciudad, ella misma encabezaba a las tropas defensoras, espada y escudo en ristre, asegurando siempre la victoria.
Day 19: The Mermaid of Warsaw. When we visited Poland 3 years ago I was surprised to see in Warsaw many statues playing a tribute to the coat of arms emblem of the city, a nameless mermaid wielding a sword and shield. It wasn't difficult to learn her legend, and I liked it a lot because it is quite different from the usual ones, though the beginning is the same: a beautiful mermaid lived in the river Vistula, and she used to sing and comb her hair by the moonlight. But in this case she didn't cause the death of sailors or fishermen, but their delight. Local fishermen loved her, and believed she was a lucky charm, so when a rich merchant, infatuated by her beauty, kidnapped her, all of them joined to rescue her. The mermaid, grateful, promised that as long as she dwelled in the river, Warsaw would never have to worry about enemies, and so it was. It seems that, each time an army tried to conquer the city, she was at the head of the defending troops, with her shield and sword, ensuring victory.
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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English below
#Mermay2018 Día 18: Nerissa (The Wolf Among Us). Bastante tiempo antes de la famosa serie Once Upon a Time, Bill Willingham, que siempre estará en mi corazón como el creador del mejor comic porno CON argumento que he leido nunca (si, eso existe, en serio. Porno con historia. Quizas por eso lo dejó), creó una oscura y maravillosa saga llamada Fables, en la que los habitantes del mundo de los Cuentos de Hadas acababan teniendo que exiliarse al Nueva York actual, con todo lo que eso conllevaba. Un comic que os recomiendo mucho.
Pero esta chica no es del comic, sino del videojuego basado en el mismo que ha sacado Telltales recientemente, The wolf Among us, una aventura policiaca del sheriff del distrito de las Fábulas… el señor Lobo feroz. Entonces, ¿que tiene que ver esta chiquilla de carita dulce y asustada con el mermay? Pues… facil, ¿no? Cuentos de hadas… sirenas… y si, aqui tenemos a una Sirenita del cuento clasico que en este mundo nada amable con las criaturas mágicas ha acabado en una oscura red de prostitucion… y que es la clave del caso que lleva el señor Feroz. Y si quereis saber mas, jugaros el juego. Como casi todos los de Telltales, es una pasada.
Day 18: Nerissa (The Wolf Among Us). Quite before the famous Once Upon a Time TV series, Bill Willingham, who will always be in my heart as the creator of the best porn comic WITH a story I have ever read (yes. That exists, seriously. Porn with story. Maybe that’s why he left it), wrote a dark and wonderful safa called Fables, in which the dwellers of the Fairy Tales world had to move to nowadays New York, with all the consequences. A highly recommended comic.
But this girl isn’t from the comic, but from the recent Telltalles videogame, The Wolf Among Us, a cop story about the sheriff of the Fables district, Mr. Big Bad Wolf. Then, what does this sweet and scared faced girl have to do with Mermay? Well, eaay, isn’t it? Fairy tales… Mermaids… and, yes, here we have again the classic Little Mermaid who in this world which is not kind with magical creatures has ended trapped in a dark prostitution network… and who is the key for the case Mr. Wolf is working on. And, if you want to know more, play the game. As most Telltales are, it is awesome.
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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English below #Mermay2018 Dia 17: Sirenardo (Gravity Falls). Sirenardo es un personaje secundario, pero me resultó tan tierno y adorable con sus problemas de adolescente que no podia faltar en esta recopilación. He intentado dibujarlo completamente a mi estilo, y creo que es de los que mejor me han salido en ese sentido. Day 17: Mermando (Gravity Falls). Mermando is only a supporting character, but he is so sweet and adorkable with his teenager problems that I couldn't leave him out of this challenge. I tried to make him according to my own style, and I think he's one of the best ones so far.
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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English below #Mermay2018 Dia 16: Ryn (Siren). HBO ha estrenado muy oportunamente una serie sobre sirenas, y no he podido resistirme. La serie en si es flojita, pero Ryn, la sirena protagonista, tiene una fisonomia muy interesante y muy divertida de dibujar, asi que la tenía en la lista desde el principio. En realidad, hay veces en que la eleccion de las actrices en estos casos es muy interesante, y es una de las cosas que mas me está gustando de este reto. Day 16: Ryn (Siren). HBO has just released, just in time, a mermaids' series, and I couldn't resist. The story itself isn't very good, but Ryn, the main character, has very interesting and funny to draw features, so she was on the list from the beginning. Actually, I think the choice for actresses in mermaid movies is sometimes very interesting, and it is one of the things I'm enjoying the most in this challenge.
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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English below #mermay2018 Dia 15: La Sirenita de Copenhague. Ya he comentado alguna vez que el cuento de la Sirenita siempre ha sido mi favorito, antes incluso de la peli de Disney, y uno de mis mejores momentos fue cuando visité Dinamarca y pude ver por fin la estatua en su honor que hay en los muelles de Cophenague, ciudad que, no sé por qué, me dio y me ha vuelto a dar cuando la visité por segunda vez, la sensación de ser como mi segundo hogar. Sigue pareciéndome una estatua bellísima, que transmite paz, amor y dulzura, y quería hacerle un pequeño homenaje. Day 15: The Little Mermaid of Copenhagen. I have already said the Little Mermaid's tale has always been my favourite, even before the Disney's movie, and one of my best moments in life was when I visited Denmark and could see her statue at the Copenhagen haven. A city, by the way, which always gave me the feeling of being like a second home to me. I still think the statue is beautiful, and it gives me feelings of peace, love and sweetness, and I wanted to pay a small tribute to it.
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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English below #mermay2018 Día 14: Aquaman. Hala. Pa que no digais que son todo bellas doncellas y piscícolas mancebos. A deleitarse la vista, nenas. Por cierto, que ya hace años que estudié anatomia, pero yo diria que este señor tiene algun musculo mas de los que yo conocia. Y demasiados tatuajes. Pero oigan, ha valido la pena... Day 14: Aquaman. So you can't complain there are only beautiful ladies and fishy boys. Candy eye, babies. By the way, it's been a long time since I studied anatomy at the university, but I'd swear this guy has some muscles I had never heard off. And too many tattoos. But well... it was worth it...
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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English below #Mermay2018 Día 13: Story (La Joven del Agua). Las peliculas de M. Night Shyalaman sufrieron en su primera época una maldición: todas ellas, desde su exito con "El Sexto Sentido", eran anunciadas como si fueran pelis de terror. Asi que para muchos, cuando fuimos a ver La Joven del Agua, fue una doble sorpresa. Primero, porque no era de terror. Y segundo, porque quizás sea uno de los cuentos de sirenas mas bonitos, poéticos y diferentes que se han filmado nunca. Una de mis peliculas favoritas, con una jovéncisima Bryce Dallas Howard con un rostro que era parte del misterio de la historia. Me hubiera gustado hacerle mejor justicia. Day 13: Story (Lady in the Water). M. Night Shyalaman movies were cursed in the beginning (at least in Spain) to be always announced, after "The Sixth Sense"'s success, as if they were horror movies. So, for many of us, the movie "Lady in the Water" was a double surprise. First, because it was not scary. And second, because it is maybe one of the most beautiful, poetic and different mermaid tales ever filmed. One of my favourite movies, with a very young Bryce Dallas Howars whose face was part of the story's mistery. I'd have liked to do her better justice.
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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English below #Mermay2018 Día 12: Aneris (La piel fría). Para que luego no digais que todo son bellas damiselas y hombres con cara de pez, en la pelicula española La Piel Frís, la ministérica Aura Garrido interpretaba a una inquietante criatura pisciforme, en una historia donde las sirenas eran mas aterradoras que atractivas. Aunque Aneris (Sirena al revés, ¡qué originales!) tenía también su corazoncito. Day 12: Aneris (La piel fria). You can't say now all of them are beautiful girls and fish-faced men. In the Spanish movie Cold Skin the beautiful actress Aura Garrido plays a creepy fishlike creature, in a story where mermaids were more frightening than luring. Though Aneris (Sirena - mermaid in Spanish - spelled backwards, so original!) still had a heart...
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tumblchorraden · 6 years
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#Mermay2018 Dia 10: La criatura de "La Forma del Agua". Estoy perezosa para decir mucho mas, pero tampoco creo que haga falta... Day 10: The creature from The Shape of the Water. Too lazy to write much else, but I don't think I need to....
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