tukusramblebox · 5 years
Haha No rerolls AND no moving numbers around. You play what you roll 
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Your privilege is showing…
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tukusramblebox · 5 years
7 depression tips and why they work, from someone who’s been hardcore depressed for two years
hi so im recovering from a really mean depression and there are some things i learned and that i would like to tell you. 
1. you need to reappropriate your space and time. depression is lying to you and generally shrinks your living space (aka: you spend your time in bed/behind your computer/in your room…). visit and do something (even if its just scrolling down social media) in each room you have access to. expand your perception and space, you’ll breathe more easily.
2. plan depression outfits. a depression outfit is a comfy one you still can go out in. to me, it’s old ripped jeans and a turtleneck, my old work uniforms, sweaters. dressing up is one of the most important parts of managing depression. first of all, you’ll feel less like pathetic with proper clothes on (nothing worse than staying in your pj all day). secondly, and it’s a crucial point: it allows you to get out to run some errands. imagine you have to go grocery shopping or to the post office. if you’re in your unwashed pajamas you’ve been wearing for three days or more (been there done that) what you have to do is to undress, shower (if you can), and put on real, clean clothes. which is three things. depression messes wih one’s ability to start things, so it’s very likely you’ll drop your errands and just stay at home feeling like shit. but if you’re already wearing clothes, you just have to put on a coat and get out of the house. which is, trust me, 10 times easier than doing the whole dressing up thing.
3. it’s okay if you stay the whole day in bed but force yourself to get up in the morning (anytime before noon) and drink a glass of water/juice. again, depression messes up with your ability to start doing things, but if you concentrate your will to just get up and drink something before going back to bed, i promise you’ll feel less shitty and might actually end up getting up for good since you’ve been through the trouble of getting up. You’ll feel better (and also you need water!)
4. do one (1) physical, material thing that will improve your life conditions per day. aka: washing a single glass, scrubbing the mirror, etc. you’ll feel proud of yourself, and the tidiest your environment, the less shitty your brain will be. plus, again: if you manage to wash a single dish, maybe you’ll find yourself cleaning the whole kitchen without noticing. and thats a good thing. no pressure: just do one single thing. and don’t beat yourself up if you can’t, of course, but try, it’s gonna be better that way. 
5. open the window (especially at night, i personally find it very soothing) and just… breathe fresh air, looking at the horizon or closing your eyes, and breathe in and out slowly. it’s great to take fresh air. bonus if you have anxiety/ptsd, honestly. opening the windows is one of the easiest ways i know to stop a panic attack.
6. brush your teeth everyday, even if it’s the only thing you manage to do. i know every depression guide recommends it, but it’s really important. not showering for a few days is okay, you’re not gonna get sick that way. but dental hygiene is capital. not to mention you’ll feel less rotting in the inside if you’re less rotting in the outside. you can use your phone to schedule your teeth brushing of the day! really helps. 
7. think about your hobbies and force yourself to do something related to an old hobby of yours. i know it’s no fun. i know you can’t feel anything, so why bother? but really, do bother. do it and eventually as you recover it will be fun again. you haven’t lost your passion, your goals, your motivation. it’s still there, but depression is like a blanket that covers it all. forcing yourself to still act on your hobbies (especially if those are not screen-related: books, gardening, etc.) will help digging through the depression layers to expose your will to live again. trust me on this one. i really thought i was just an apathetic mess, but actually depression was just mean. i believe in you! 
and finally: hold tight and it’s gonna be okay! recovery is possible, and it’s gonna arrive sooner than you expect. energy and motivation are good things and they’re still around here waiting for you! 
feel free to add your own! you’re all gonna make it i promise.
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tukusramblebox · 7 years
Note: I'm going to start writing a journal for my dwarven warlock Dole Silversteel in a current D&D campaign that i’m playing in currently. Hope you enjoy it! Ill be marking them with the tag  #FHC
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I watched that building burn and shook my head. My mind drifted idly to a number of questions. What were they planning to do with that building?  The forces arrayed there was powerful.  Devils, Drow, Giants, even the demon whore succubi were present!
Baulder's Gate sent us here. Told us there was a small forest fort that we had to clear of enemies first.  Then we could set about the task of clearing the trade routes and allowing his area to prosper as it should be. I don't care for the uplander's politics, but we are a suicide squad.  They think we are all going to die in the first week and they will use that to their advantage.
Eventually, they will try enough and probably get an army big enough to take the Zhents on...yea, come to think that might be exactly what they are working toward.  Fuck em though.  We will do it ourselves and ill make sure these roads and those mountains are safe to walk agian...or as safe as any other at least.  My father wants to see our clan become the first real smiths guild in the area and I aim to help him do that.  First step is making dammed sure he can get his wares out of the mountain more than once a year.
I'm getting off topic, though.  All that infestation, we just went and got the oil...my companions are odd folk.  There is one elf who, he seems to believe he is some sort of dragon stuck in an elven shell.  Aint strong enough then the storeys Iv heard.  Then there is the grave digger who is an artisan himself...ill have to have a chat with that one.  The Druids are...well they are druids, not sure what to think of them and ...then there is the soldier with the Drow name. I'm going to guess he was a slave? Seemed to know how to fight the black-eared bastards.  His tactics were great for back home far as I can tell.  an interesting lot we got here, but I think we can pull it off.   Anyway, I need my sleep and some of that chicken that I bought on the way in. Even paid for mage made ice to keep it fresh.  I can't believe we didn't have chickens back home!   I think I'll keep this journal up, seems like a good pass time to me. Skalds back home would probably love to have it. Maybe ill trade it in return for them acting as criers for my dad...yea that will do.
Dole Silversteel <Date, time>
PS: Yea this is why I don't do the books and swing a forge hammer instead.  So I talked about the oil earlier, well yea we spread it everywhere and burned them all alive. That's how we won, we burned the bastards alive.  The "great golden wyrm" (elf with delusions) seemed to burn things when he gets depressed...he took great joy in burning the place down.  At least the fire will keep the beasts back for the night.
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tukusramblebox · 7 years
The 15 PLOT POINTS of Story Structure
To all the writers who have ever been told they need to outline their story, and privately thought “Great. But how do you DO that? What exactly does that mean?! Is there a map? WHAT IS THE SPECIFIC DEFINITION OF THE VAGUE WORD ‘OUTLINE’?”
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Good news. Stories have structure. Structure that can be learned. And a fantastic place to start learning structure? 
Save the Cat: The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need by Blake Snyder. This book gives a simple outline that most stories follow. And as an introduction to story structure, it can’t be beat. 
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In Save the Cat, 15 plot points are spelled out in something called a beat sheet. During the outlining process, these “beats” or plot points can be used as an armature or skeleton that your story is built upon. 
So what are those 15 plot points?
Opening Image: A snapshot of the hero’s problematic ordinary world, right before the story starts and changes everything. 
Set-Up: Further establishing that ordinary world and what the hero does every day, impressing upon the audience or reader what’s wrong, and the idea that something needs to change.
Theme Stated:  The truth that the hero will learn by experiencing the story, the statement that will be proven to the audience. But upon first encountering this truth, in this story beat right in the beginning, the hero doesn’t understand or outright refuses to believe it. The theme stated is asking a question, a question which the story will answer.
Catalyst: The ordinary world is shattered. Something unexpected happens, and this event triggers all the conflict and change of the whole story. Life will never be the same after this moment. This is the Call to Adventure. 
Debate: But for a moment, the hero won’t be quite sure about answering that call. Leaving behind the ordinary world is difficult – even if the catalyst has come along and disrupted everything – because the ordinary means safety, it means not being challenged, it means avoiding conflict and heartache. Yes, that existence they’re stuck in might be stagnant and unpleasant, but it protects them from facing the intimidating task of growth, of becoming something better.
Break Into 2: And this is when the hero decides to answer the call and cross the threshold of act two, determined to pursue their goal. 
B Story: This is when the relationship – which usually carries and proves the theme – starts in earnest.
Fun & Games: This is just what it says: the premise promised a certain type of pure entertainment, and this beat is where we get to experience it fully. 
Midpoint: This is either a false victory or a false defeat. Something really really good happens. Or something the exact opposite.
Bad Guys Close In: Forces of opposition and conflict begin to converge on the hero and his goal. Everything begins to fall apart for the hero, the defeats piling up one after another, the main character punching back.  
All Is Lost: This is the sequence where absolutely everything falls apart for the hero. The plans fail, the goal is lost, the mentor dies, the villain wins. All is, quite literally, lost. 
Dark Night of the Soul: The hero’s bleakest moment is right here. In addition to all of the tangible things that have been lost, hope and the gumption to continue with the story have also vanished. There is usually a hint of death here, of some kind. An actual death, or an emotional or spiritual death. 
Break into 3: Ah, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Inspiration occurs, hope is rekindled, courage to pursue the story returns. Usually, this is the moment where the main character learns what they NEED, the truth which will heal them, and allow them to fix their own lives. With this, they are able to snatch victory from defeat.
Finale: And in here, the story goal is pursued once more, but this time from the stronger version of the hero – the version that has learned the theme, and committed to act accordingly. 
Closing Image: The opposite of the opening image. This is a snapshot of life after the story, the problems of the ordinary world solved or banished, a new world opening up for the hero. If the opening is the equivalent of “once upon a time” this is saying “And every day after … “ 
So let’s see how that works! And to see it, let’s look at my favorite short film of all time – Paperman  (because this gave me an excuse to watch it several times and listen to the music while writing it.)
1) Opening Image
We see George, a twenty-something in a sixty-something’s suit and tie, obviously on his way to work, and not looking at all enthused about it. He stares straight ahead, expression bored, lifeless, right on the edge of depressed. Wind from a passing train pushes him slightly, and he lets it, demeanor unchanging. 
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2) Set-Up
But then a sheet of paper, caught on the wind, hits his shoulder. The paper flies off again, and a young woman appears onscreen, chasing after the paper, as the surprised George watches.
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 After catching it offscreen, the girl returns, tucking the paper into the stack she carries, smiling slightly. They both face forward, waiting for the train side-by-side, in silence. She’s glancing sideways at him, he’s smiling and fidgeting nervously, but still resolutely facing forward; they’re both aware of each other, seemingly hoping the other will be braver, but neither able to overcome their shyness and the unspoken rules of everyday life. 
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3) Theme Stated 
As a train charges into the station, a paper from George’s stack is snatched by the wind and lands flat on the woman’s face. When he pulls the paper away, she laughs: her lipstick left a perfect kiss mark on the sheet. When George spots it, he laughs too … 
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but when he opens his eyes, she’s gone. She’s boarded a different train. The kiss-mark paper flaps in the wind as the train begins to move, taking her away. He watches, crestfallen. She glances back. Looks of regret and disappointment are exchanged, both a little wistful. The paper, the symbol of their fleeting memorable meeting, waves goodbye. 
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Through this little sequence of images, the question of the whole story is asked: Was there a connection between them? Will they find each other again? And on a wider level: What does it take to find love? 
Further Set-Up:
And cut to George behind a desk, in a gray office, dark file cabinets towering behind him, clocks on the wall ticking away his life. Miserable again, he stares at the lipsticked paper. A stack of documents slams onto the desk from on high. The grim-faced boss of the office scowls down at him. George frowns at the stack, then at his boss, who stomps away.   
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4) Catalyst 
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Breeze pulls the kissed paper off his desk and out the open window. He catches it just in time, breathing a sigh of relief. And then he sees something. The girl! She’s there! She’s right across the street! 
5) Debate 
He needs to get her attention! He dithers for a moment, then throws the window wide and enthusiastically waves his arms.
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 An ominous “ahem” from the boss brings him back inside, and back to his desk. But his attention is still on the girl, and the need to get her attention. He folds a paper airplane, stands before the window, poises the airplane to fly … but he glances at his boss’s office before he throws it. Should he? 
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6) Break Into Act 2
Yes. Yes, he should. He sends the little airplane messenger to bridge the distance between himself and the girl. 
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7) B Story
What he should have done while waiting for the train, he’s committed to do now. Talk to her. The relationship of the story has started officially. 
8) Fun & Games
In this moment, he becomes the “paper man” of the title. He folds and throws paper airplane after paper airplane. The boss shows up, shoves him back and slams his window. George pauses until he’s gone, then just keeps sending airplanes. They sail over the street, but are intercepted or miss their mark every time. 
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9) Midpoint
He reaches for more paper … and knocks an empty tray off the desk. He’s run out. Except for one paper, the kissed one, the only one he’s held onto. With a determined look, he folds it precisely into an airplane, stands before the window, breathes to steady himself … 
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And the wind steals the airplane from his hand, sending it spiraling to the street below, George reaching out pointlessly. On top of this defeat, the girl leaves the office.  
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10) Bad Guys Close In 
Immediately, the boss emerges from his lair. The other office workers hurriedly return to their scribbling, hunched to avoid drawing attention. The girl is leaving the building across the street! George turns from the window … and finds the boss looming above him, glowering, delivering another tall pile of meaningless work. 
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George sinks into his chair, defeated. But something happens as he watches his boss walk away, as he sees the office workers in neat rows; all of them older versions of George, reflections of what he will become … if he doesn’t do something right now. 
He runs, sending paper from the perfect stacks flying in his wake. 
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11) All Is Lost
But when he escapes the building, and attempts to cross the street, cars nearly kill him. And when he finally makes it to the opposite sidewalk, the girl is nowhere in sight. She’s lost again. 
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And all he manages to find is the little traitorous paper airplane. The paper he’d believed might mean something, might have signified something important and maybe a little magical. Which it obviously never did. 
12) Dark Night of the Soul
Angry, he grabs the plane and throws it with all his strength.  He’s lost his job, he’s lost the girl, he’s lost all faith in the magic he’d just started to believe might be real. He stomps towards the train station, returning home. 
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13) Break Into 3  
But fate has other plans. The airplane glides over the city, almost supernaturally graceful and purposeful. It dives between buildings, and lands in the middle of the alley where all the paper planes have collected. 
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It sits immobile. Then it moves. Moves again. And jumps into flight. The airplane flies over the rest, stirring them into motion, into the air. In a place where not even a breath of wind could reach, there is now a whirlwind of George’s airplanes. 
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Though the forces of mediocrity tried to keep them apart, something greater has recognized George’s efforts and is going to see things through. 
14) Finale
A parade of airplanes follows George down the street. 
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The leader attaches to his leg. He brushes it off, mad. A flurry of them attach to him, then carry him down the street, unfazed by his fighting. 
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The leader airplane rockets over the city purposefully, finds the girl, then lures her to follow.
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 She chases after. 
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Somewhere else in the city, George is being pushed wherever the paper airplanes want him to go. We switch back and forth between George and the girl, as the airplanes push him and beckon her. 
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Until they’re both on different trains, which stop simultaneously, on opposite sides of the platform. The girl gets out. She fiddles with the airplane, like she’s trying to get it to work again. And just then, a breeze brings hundreds of paper planes skittering all around the platform.
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 She looks up …
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15) Closing Image
And there’s George, covered in paper planes. 
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He lurches towards Meg, and the airplanes falls away, their work done. 
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George and Meg face each other, smiling, the barriers of routine and shyness overcome. Exactly what should have happened, exactly what was meant to happen. Putting effort into connection and love prevailed in the end, defeating the allure of life spent in safety and mediocrity. The closing image is the opposite of the opening: he’s not alone, he’s not facing the train leading to his mundane job, he’s not looking miserable and hopeless. He’s facing the girl, his bright and meaningful new future. ***
So! Those are the 15 plot points. This is a fantastic way to begin learning what story structure is, why it works the way it does, and how to precisely pull it off. 
For a more in-depth explanation, I highly recommend picking up a copy of Save the Cat. (It holds a special place in my heart; it was the first screenwriting book I ever read, and started obsessive study of storytelling.)
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tukusramblebox · 8 years
Do what you must to me but if you frighten my friends here there will be consequences.
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A man stood in the market place with his big ole farmers hat and a beautiful set of rose patterned robes , the handle of a sword rises over his left shoulder but somehow seems innocuous to all who see him.  In his hands are a pair of tapered sticks witch he uses to pull bits of rice and vegetable out of the bowl in the other hand. He puts the food gently on the table in front of him and 2 small white birds happily eat right there in front of him. On his face is a look of contentment that is never seen in this day and age. 
You wouldn’t think that this man has nicknames like the bloody samurai and the butcher from whom there is no escape.  Stories of his prowis date back to the fall of the last dynasty. To put things simply his side lost and he became Ronin.  You would not know that the stories of an Oni being his father or glowing eyes while he fights where attributed to this gentle older warrior who was perfectly content to stand and feed the little birds who came into his little business. 
The two men who stood just inside of the tent murmured to each other as they pushed forward. They where soldiers of the new Dynasty of course but he paid them no mind. they approached him from either side, faces hardening in the way that they do when someone is getting ready for action. Still he paid them no mind. 
One of them said something to the older warrior, then the other tried to say the same thing and yet he still paid them no mind. Now they took a step back, legs shoulder length apart one foot slightly in front of the other, hands move to sword handles and voices rise and yet...no, this time he speaks.  He says a single sentence. 
“ Do what you must to me but if you frighten my friends here there will be consequences. ” 
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tukusramblebox · 8 years
Be They Angels?
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2 men stood on the bulwark battlements and sipped coffee, or something very like it as the winged people drifted from the sky. They watched with less awe then you might expect. When hell tries to take over your world, winged people and a pillar of red tendrils with a eye in it isn’t so crazy.  The men wore armor crusted with blood and strange multi-colored stains.  Runes glow gently in the smokey air.  They held rifles in their hands and slung low on their hip is a sword . On every back is a round shield with more runes carved into it.  
They discuss the new scene being laid out before them as the things with wings moved steadily toward the hell-mouth. The younger of the two crossed himself as he saw the shapes of wings on the backs of what looked like people. He looked at the elder man for a long moment before speaking.  “Are they angels? Did Heaven finally decide to join the party?”  The man did not break his watch on the advancing party of angels “Yup”  The younger Cleric tilted his head. “Why now? We are barely hanging on at this point. Fucking black eyes dont stop and we feed them new vessels every day!” 
The old Cleric turns his one good eye toward the man, not fully turning his head. “God helps those who help themselves kid.  You don’t expect Reinforcements on a position that cant be saved do ya ? “   
The younger cleric looked out over the battlements and asked. “With respect sir may I report this development?”  The old man nodded and racked a round in his rifle. “Get that rifle ready first son, we aint sitting on our duffs when we got a flank to cover. “  The younger drew the bolt back on his rifle and chambered the first round before calling into the radio. 
“Priority alpha message,  Alpha sector eastern battlement  the King’s Army has arrived, I repeat the King’s Army has arrived” 
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