tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
she really did it huh 🤔🥺
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e n j o y ✨ my latest powerpoint, after a long hiatus (please click on the images to read properly)
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btw special thanks to @tsum-uwu-gi @sleepy-ruri @takumipineapplexd this is your fault 💖💕💓💞💗
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
Yo I'm bored so what a3! Troupe would you be in based off of your BD/personalitys/favorite genres the Troupe specialized
hello anon!! sorry for the late reply, I just got back to the world of ✨internet✨ ahahaha
anyways, back to the topic, based on my personality, my friends here on the internet see me as a winter vibe-y person! some of my irls see me as autumn? but personally, I think the closest to my actual personality would be... summer! 🥳 I'm like... think of kazunari, but like rip off version from a shady non rated store from an online shopping website you've never heard of.
if I'd base it off my favorite genre? I'd say I'm more of an Autumn type, living for the action you know? aha (plus Autumn songs?? their hard rock vibes? yES PLEASE)
Thank you for dropping by anon! I hope this helped with your boredom, even just a tiny bit! Have a good day! ♥
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
"boy you feel like a holiday."
[happy birthday to him. i love him so much.]
song used:
[holiday • little mix]
[miyoshi kazunari • a3!]
→ back to birthday pack
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
kazu icon set!
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→ back to birthday pack
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
Happy birthday, Kazunari!!~
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here's a kazu birthday pack! just some stuff i did to celebrate kazu's birthday!~
→video edit
→icon set
» set 1
» set 2
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
aug-uwu-st is finally here!!!! •́ ‿ ,•̀
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karaoke night with gekkagumi + you!
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having day offs were rare.
having day offs on the same day? a miracle. 
so when august realized this, he immediately went, "we should have a karaoke night!" 
december, without missing a beat, responded with, "you're tone deaf?" 
august smiled anyway, probably saying something like, "come on, it's just for fun! plus we don't get to hang out like this often–families hang out too, you know?" 
april, being the hot-headed spicy food eating agent he is went, "december's probably going to sleep through the whole thing." 
"will not." december says.
the two starts arguing, you know? like the usual.
august just sighed.
the door opened, you finally arrived from your mission! 
the hope that august lost immediately came back to him.
"[codename]! you're here! let's have a karaoke night!" 
"august… sure? i'm tired though…" 
"then you can sleep on my shoulder on the way to the karaoke, april will drive." 
"oi! i didn't agree on go-"
"stop laughing december!" 
you just sighed.
when the four of you got to the karaoke place, december immediately fell asleep on one of the couches
at this point it felt like you and august were taking care of actual children.
april was talking his head off, grumbling like someone stole his candy spices.
august browsed the catalog and picked a song.
the suspense was unbearable. what is he going to sing?
suddenly you found the microphone shoved in your hand.
august was cheering you on with a devilishly sly grin.
"go [codename]!" 
"shut the fuck u– It's britney, bitch. ♪"
when your song was over, you chose the next song and shoved the mic to april.
"i'm not doing this. this is bullshit."
"shut up or i'm cancelling your monthly subscription to spices-dot-com."
"hey, you two, stop arg-" august tried to intervene.
"the fuck are you talking about?"
"...too noisy…"
"there, there, december. here's a marshmallow." august said as he gave december another marshmallow. 
"why you–"
then a familiar drumroll resonated through out the room. 
next thing april saw was rick astley.
in your opinion, april deserved the rick roll.
"no. i am not doing this."
"remember your spices, april."
"[codename], you're cruel– never gonna give you up–♪"
while april was going through his personal hell, the rest of you– basically you, august, and a sleeping december– decided to order food and drinks. 
once april was done, he chose a song and passed it to december. 
"somebody once told… me… zzz…"
"...he didn't even get five words in…"
"i told you he's gonna sleep through this." 
"well that just means you're gonna carry him to the car." 
your statement made april aggravated.
the first line was… it was something that couldn't be explained in words…
"well, well, it's my turn now!" august said as he picked another song. 
"august… did you really choose to sing happy birthday?" 
"that's the only song i know how to sing!" 
okay…? you let him be, at least he's enjoying himself right?
"HappY BirtHdaY tO yOU~"
well, at least he sounds decent for a drunk person.
"hAaaPpY bIIIIRTHDay, dEaR–"
"but [codename], all i drank was water."
"okay, august, dear, that's enough. you've had too many drinks."
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
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head empty, kazunari miyoshi only.
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
Can I use french August as my icon??
omg JSHDJSHDH feel free to do so!!
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
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tagging: @fangirling-25-8 @takumipineapplexd @erieriwrites and anyone else who sees this!
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A game!
@hipster-merchant-of-death @katsontherun @babayaga67 @danielsleftwhitevan @dekusleftshoe @thots4daze @michiieewrites @aizawascumslut @ravenfeet222 @strawbirb @yanderart @league-of-villians-headcanons @sailor-manga
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
cocaine baby... i’M SDHKIDHNOSILSH
Don’t be silly Wrap your Willy!
Hanasaki Private Academy, St. Flora Middle School, and Ouka High school Students have to take care of a baby for a school project. For more context look at this post
Hanasaki Private Academy- They got robot baby dolls
St. Flora Middle School- They got Eggs. Each of the eggs have the St. Flora logo printed on it to prevent students from 
Ouka High School- Got bags of flour to be made into a baby,just random bags of flour.
Masumi is doing pretty well with the baby, she doesn’t cry much.(That’s because you have your headphones in. dumbass.) He gets a full nights sleep too. (That’s because Tsuzuru is usually up and takes care of her out of habit.)Tries to get the director to marry him this way. “Please. I’m a single father. My daughter needs a strong role model.” “Her name is Izuumi. Get it? It’s our names put together.” He and Sakuya talk about their children like their real.
Sakuya is baby and now he has a baby too. His child’s name is Romeo, he couldn’t think of anything else. He has a realistic experience with the baby, late night feeding, baby crying during rehearsal, and struggling to budget with a new member. Grows attached to the baby fast, his own little baby, his family. Doesn’t want to seem rude but gets nervous when other members of  Mankai holds his baby. “O-okay but take his burp cloth! and make sure his neck is supported. A-and!….” “Sakuya I’ve got like 12 younger brothers.” He cried when the assignment was over.
Itaru “Can we get an ‘F’ in the chat?” He remembers having one of those robot babies,their annoying and cut into his free time. Apparently you can use a strong magnet to mess up the sensors and get an easy A. Haphazardly holds the babies to play video games, He’s never been asked to hold the babies since.
“Sakuya…Masumi…” Tsuzuru worries about him getting too attached to the baby and Masumi using the baby to flirt with the director. Gave both of them some old baby clothes so they wouldn’t have to buy any.
Citron loves the new members of the Spring troupe! He gives… interesting advice. “Do not worry! I’ve helped over a thousand woman and a thousand elephants give birth!” :D
Yuki made cute little clothes for his egg and carries it in an equally cute basket. He was actually excited for this project so he could practice making children clothes but unfortunately St. Flora gave them eggs instead of the dolls. His child is named Omelette, because that’s what’s their gonna be after the project is over. While creating a budget as part of the care assignment spent over $400 of clothing. 
Muku keeps forgetting his egg everywhere he goes, he’s doing his best. His egg has a little crown on top of their head. The eggs name is Endymion, he’s gonna grow up to be the best prince ever. A some point  he forgot where his egg was and accidentally knocked it off his desk. It broke. Muku cried, the Summer troupe held a funeral and the egg prince is buried in the Mankai courtyard. He didn’t fail since he completed all the budgeting, and other sidework that came with the project but lost a good chunk of points.
Tenma is adjusting. “Why can’t I just hire a nanny? It’s in my budget.” “Well what are the chances you’ll actually become a famous actor?” “???….?!…?!?……” Anyway he hates having to carry this stupid bag of flour, the paparazzi is gonna have a field day with this. Named his child Tenma Jr. and he’s also gonna become an actor. Tenma practically spent all of his budget on luxury items, designer clothes, foreigner cars, and a million dollar house. Forgets about utilities, “What the hell is rent???”  Not adjusting well. Doesn’t help that Yuki calls his child, Hack Jr.
Kazunari- LOL! He remembers having to do that when he was still in grade school. He ‘Babysits’ while the younger actors are working or doing a scene. He’s the best uncle ever! #Blessed💖💖💖💖 Offered to redraw the ST. Flora logo onto a store bought egg when Muku’s broke, but Muku’s an honest prince, so he and Yuki decorated a coffin for the funeral.
“Poor Muku, You’re egg broke but it became a bunch of mini triangles!” Misumi didn’t help much. 
Surprising or not, Sakyo is the most serious about the assignment. “Children are expensive and time consuming.”  Whether It’s a bag of flour or a robot doll, Sakyo makes the students of Autumn troupe take proper care of the children.He helps the students that need to make budget though.
“Hyodo if you don’t get get you child off the damn floor i’m calling your school and reporting you for Negligence.”
“I don’t know Nanao, are you gonna pay me to watch your child?”
Worst Grandpa ever
Omi is a little more helpful, but he agrees with Sakyo that this is an important assignment. While in school he totally bombed the assignment, but as an ex- delinquent he’s seen a few people start families waaaayy too young, It’s very stressful. Doesn’t want that for any of the Autumn Troupe. He’s willing to hold onto to the babies free of charge. Nice Grandma, probably gonna turn her grandkids into dinner
Taichi is already on thin ice with his school, he turned his flour baby into a monster child,(Ya know the little monster character he’s always drawing)
“Haven’t you seen Alien?!?!?”
Now he has the struggles of raising an alien child as a single father in highschool. “His name is Zognoid XJ-9″ 
It was fun at first for Banri, a new challenge approaches, but now the Baby is cutting in on his gaming time and what ever else it is he does. It hard to be a tough guy when your carrying a doll around. Considered taking out the batteries, but if Sakyo found out he’d fail the project. His baby is named Majima.
Juza was kind of excited for the project, maybe it would make him seem less intimidating, but no, it seems he’s gotten into more fights due to this sack of flour than before. No matter he’ll project this baby with his life, he calls her pudding. All was well until fuckin’ Settsu started calling his daughter a ‘cocaine baby’ Juza threw a few insults back and Banri punched him…in the baby. Flour went everywhere. Juza saw red. He grabbed Banri’s babydoll and though him outside into the street. People saw. Thought it was a real baby. The police were called. Sakyo had to call in A LOT of favors and explain it was just a doll. Both him and Settsu nearly failed and got chewed out by Sayko for almost ruining the companies image. 
They had separate funerals, once again buried in the Mankai court yard
Tsumugi thinks its great the kids are learning responsibility and that childcare is no joke. Brought flowers to the funerals.
“Oh! THE WOAHS OF CHILDREN, BUT THE LOVE OF A LITTLE JOY YOU TAKEN INTO TO YOUR SOUL.” Homare find this amusing and inspirational. He remembers his egg project and how- blahblahblah. Gave nice loooooong eulogies during all the funerals.
Azuma thinks it’s funny, he’s old so he never had to experience the baby project. Although the sight of seeing these new families makes him a little sad. Better drink some sake.
Tasuku “What the fuck is wrong with y’all.”
 Hisoka I’m Sleep.
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
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here's some kazu wallpapers i did because i procrastinate too much and too often.
please, i am: trying my best
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
We have a Carrd now where you can find more details about this zine made by our lovely Mod Rissa aka Mod Spring 🌸 (and the Carrd is so cool--- I am--)
Here's the link!
It looks especially cool on desktop!
Mod Hisoka ☆
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
 say what you will about autumn troupe looking like a gang, we all know summer troupe is the one with the highest “ahahaha, kantoku-san, ummmmmm, we got arrested again for breaking and entering ahahaha can you bail us out please. please.” count
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
A3 Fic Concept #9
Genre: Crack
Izumi and the company just finished eating out at a family restaurant
 “Ahhh what a good meal!” Kazunari says, stretching. “I wanna go home and sleep like a log!”
 Sakyo realizes that Izumi is being very quiet and asks what’s wrong
 “I don’t know,” she murmurs, rubbing her arms. “I just feel like I’m forgetting something.”
 It’s three hours later when she wakes up in a cold sweat
 Kicks down Sakyo’s door
 “WE FORGOT TENMA,” she screams hysterically.
 Sakyo and Izumi drive back to the family restaurant
 Tenma got lost in the ball pit and didn’t know how to get out, or get back home, Izumi is crying as she hugs him and apologizes over and over
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
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tsum-uwu-gi · 4 years
Top 5 Worst Babysitters in MANKAI
 So we all know that Omi, Tsuzuru, Izumi, and Sakyo are wonderful at keeping an eye on the younger ones, making sure they don’t get into funny business. But here are my opinions on the absolute worst to be left in charge.
5. Tasuku Takatot
He’s actually not that bad of a babysitter
He cooks a lot of health foods and Tenma hates it, but that’s not a crime
It’s less that he is incapable of being a babysitter, and more that the kids kind of just… dislike being stuck with Tasuku only
He doesn’t let them have fun
But he’s also a bad entertainer
“Why don’t you just exercise,” he says simply when they report being bored out of their minds.
4. Homare Arisugawa
It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s that he can be very easily convinced to do not smart things, and he has a very hard time saying no.
Like “Hey, Homare, can we have pancakes and gummy bears for dinner?���
 “Of course! What an artistic choice!”
 Does not know first aid, does not know how to navigate the dishwasher
Homare will wave and be like “Amazing! How profound! Have fun, kids.”
3. Citron
The other adults are going to come back and find a note on the kitchen table
Citron took the kids on a trip to another prefecture just because
And charged the travel fees/hotel rooms on the emergency credit card
He wanted to go sight seeing, and all of the younger ones agreed, so why not? What’s the problem??
Is no longer trusted to be left alone with the kids
2. Hisoka Mikage
He’s asleep, you might as well have just left the kids all on their own
There is a 40% chance Summer Troupe decides to test out something from Parent Trap and duct tape a sleeping Hisoka to a raft
And set him adrift in a lake
Homare sleeps through it all except for one moment when he wakes up
“Duct tape me quieter,” he mutters, rolling over to get comfortable on the raft
 “Sorry, Hisohiso!” Kazunari crows, but they do indeed tear the duct tape a bit quieter for his sake.
1. Itaru Chigasaki
For the love of GOD, never leave this man in charge
He thinks Cheese Whiz on crackers is an acceptable dinner
The kitchen’s on fire, Muku got his hand stuck in the shower drain and is crying, Kazunari just bought a cotton candy machine on the emergency credit card
And Itaru’s just chilling in his room playing games
Please, please, please do not leave Itaru alone
Yuki is a better babysitter than Itaru and he is FOURTEEN
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