truthvoid · 3 years
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truthvoid · 3 years
@wolfpupy twitter ask meme
❝ its all fun and games until its not that anymore ❞
❝ i grow more powerful every day and by powerful i mean sad ❞
❝ only the good die young? phew good thing that i am so incredibly awful ❞
❝ if theres one thing i dont know about its everything ❞
❝ heres some general life advice, when the sun hits the ground find somewhere to hide ❞
❝ surfs up. hail satan ❞
❝ after 13 long years congress approved a bill that will finally let the bodies hit the floor ❞
❝ hey kids, i know youre struggling right now but im here to tell you, everything gets worse forever ❞
❝ in a way aren’t we all responsible for my actions ❞
❝ some say love is a river, me i say things that make sense ❞
❝ if your newborn baby has a full head of hair that means it is a business baby and is ready to enter the world of finance ❞
❝ i may be dumb as hell but i am also insanely stupid ❞
❝ take every thing you own and throw it into the ocean who cares ❞
❝ you know the old saying, boys will be trash ❞
❝ one of these days i will float up off into damn space and no one can stop me, not even gravity or nasa ❞
❝ if i could shoot anything with a gun i would probably shoot another gun, the hunter become the hunted ❞
❝ lets forget about the bodies for a second. what do you really want to let hit the floor? your feelings perhaps? ❞
❝ i’ve seen a lot of things in my time, which i blame on me leaving my eyes open. things got a lot better once i decided to just close them ❞
❝ learning from mistakes is for people who recognise that they make mistakes. i dont give a shit ❞
❝ there are few things in life that can’t be achieved with occult dark magic ❞
❝ how to predict the future: think of the worst possible thing that could happen ❞
❝ halloween is forever bitch ❞
❝ who are the real criminals, me who does the crimes or the people who hurt my feelings all the time ❞
❝ looks like things are always happening once again ❞
❝ i am going to lay completely still on the forest floor until either things start going my way or i disintegrate into nothing ❞
❝ im sure im going to ruffle some feathers with this but given the choice between good times and bad times i would like to have the good times ❞
❝ the best way to solve problems is to create more problems until you are dead ❞
❝ tired of people always telling me go to hospital and that i’ve lost a lot of blood, its my severe head injury not yours stay out of it ❞
❝ i hit the hay all day mother fucker. 24 hour sleep cycle. if you awake you a fake. its bed time bitch ❞
❝ i hope one day i will find love, or a cool looking leaf. either one ❞
❝ piles of uneaten candy will signal im dead ❞
❝ the hairless rat is not a new species, merely a result of my failed scam of shaving rats and selling the hair back to them at a high price ❞
❝ we let the bodies hit the floor then what? next we’ll have bodies hitting walls, roofs, you name it, bodies will be hitting it ❞
❝ sometimes the people that hurt us the most are the ones swinging big knives around while screaming and trying to cut us ❞
❝ yeah yeah blame the guy whos dna matches with the dna found at the crime scene. surprise surprise ❞
❝ for as long as i can remember i have been able to remember things, maybe even before that ❞
❝ yeah i looked both ways before crossing the street, i looked both ‘handsome’ and 'radiant’, too bad i got hit by that car ❞
❝ stop living in a dream world and start living in the regular nightmare world all of the rest of us live in ❞
❝ blood moon, very cool to see. and whats the sun doing again? the same regular thing for the millionth time? what a load of worthless trash ❞
❝ if existing for an amount of time has taught me anything its that i have no idea whats going on ❞
❝ hurled my bible at the paper boy and knocked him off his bike with the real news ❞
❝ i’ll go in whatever direction the wind takes me, and if i am too heavy for wind to move me around i will probably just lay down and die here ❞
❝ i’ve said it before and i will say it again, i think people should give me hundreds of dollars and feel good about doing it ❞
❝ wow, i’ve never thought about it like that before. and i never will. i’ve already forgotten what you said, good bye forever ❞
❝ stop being so defensive i am just trying to hit you with weapons ❞
❝ dont betray me and act surprised when i get revenge on you, thats the number one consequence of betraying me. everyone knows it. even babies ❞
❝ blood is just nature’s red water that flys out when you make a mistake. relax and enjoy the experience for once ❞
❝ reached the limit of what you can do with imagination? why not try occult dark magic ❞
❝ if anyone needs me i will be laying face down on the ocean floor ❞
❝ its time to forget the mistakes of the past and start making the mistakes of the future ❞
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truthvoid · 3 years
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Olivia Laing, The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone
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truthvoid · 3 years
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Grégory Chiha - Hot head 
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truthvoid · 3 years
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Reblogs appreciated, do it for ranboo
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truthvoid · 3 years
Ranboo but hes the thin guy from little nightmares 2
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truthvoid · 3 years
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Rabindranath Tagore, from Selected Poems; “Unending Love” tr. by William Radice
﹙ Text ID: I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times / In life after life, in age after age forever.﹚
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truthvoid · 3 years
@antiphonon / ♡   
❝ they say a man is born to kill. ❞ but you don’t believe it, do you? No one is infallible, but it only serves as an excuse- a poor one at that. Bowie couldn’t look the warrior in the eyes, As if confessing his own weakness. Never in his life did he wish so badly to run; but what’s the point? he was their last resort. Even going through the trouble of supplying him an axe; sharp & glowering in the bright white of the snow.
The weapon in his hands meant nothing- he is still weak. ( if a hero could kill, where would it leave him? ) ❝-b-but I don’t want to. I’m not supposed to be here.❞  his voice breaks, his body seizing up; not shifting to a attacker’s stance.  If he wanted any chance of winning- bowie would need to stop his whining & fight dirty. No honor, nothing except taking down the enemy. ( in their words, not his own. How could he let this happen? ) he knew what doom would meet him if he failed. Phonus didn’t deserve it; none of them did. & yet here they were.
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truthvoid · 3 years
OUT. lyric starter call. interact 4 a one liner or small para.
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truthvoid · 3 years
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truthvoid · 3 years
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The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)
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truthvoid · 3 years
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canon tear scars pog *sobs*
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truthvoid · 3 years
[ @tamasin​ said:] put me on your shoulders big man i wanna be tall as fuck
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“ well, uh- alright.  -- if you say so! “ bowie proceeds to pick up the flame like he weighed absolutely nothing at all. hunched over enough to let tamasin onto his shoulders -- standing at full height again gave him an expansive view even moreso then bowie. “ don’t fall, please. “
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truthvoid · 3 years
[ @tamasin said: ] hey boowie
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“ hi tam!!! did you need something? “
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truthvoid · 3 years
[THE FACELESS SAID:] hey BOOBwie how are you holding up hahahahaha :}
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“ my name is pronounced bowie, actually. “
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truthvoid · 3 years
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truthvoid · 3 years
[theseus]: i should have been there.
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considering his options, the star just shook his head; still nuzzled against the void, fingers interlocked.
truly, his only two possibilities were to let go or keep holding on. he chose the latter.
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❛ yeah, i could—but i don't want to. ❜
a half-hearted shrug; he fixes the allium that's tucked into his hair (he didn't wanna lose it,).
If he had a mediocrum of spine he could’ve pushed Theo back. What, like he did with anyone else? It wouldn’t be hard at all. Except... he couldn’t bring himself to. He’s stuck in a dilemma, again. How do you not rely on anyone if they already got attached? ( Bowie tenses up, ready to pull his arm away; Is something else stopping him?) Does it feel too much like home? // no, it only felt too much.
❝ Well, in that case- ❞ he cuts himself off with a laugh. Stilted && staccato. Hesitating for a moment, before hugging back. A one armed hold due to the fact he didn’t want to disturb theo’s spot. It’s not ideal- but he can tolerate it. Boy, did Theo need it more then anyone. ❝...I’m sorry. We- we don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t want to. ❞
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