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The autoclave is designed to kill schmucks I think
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foreman. babe. we’re at the bottom end of season 8. you have worked here for almost a decade. why are you still surprised there's medical malpractice going on at the medical malpractice department that you, personally, used to do medical malpractice at
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some loser: humans are innately selfish creatures
my psych book:
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Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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trustmeimageographer · 2 months
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If you ever needed proof that the new hate crimes laws are a good thing lmao
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trustmeimageographer · 2 months
We lost something as a culture when computers stopped screaming in agony as you connected them to the internet.
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trustmeimageographer · 2 months
I'm not going to buy your art if you're going to reblog cringe.
This is one of the funniest asks I’ve ever gotten I don’t even know how to respond
You’re ON the cringe website. Do you also get mad when you open a book and words are inside
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trustmeimageographer · 2 months
Cat, what do you suggest for someone who had a really bad day?
worry not for im know somebeody whom is expert in vanquishinge bad days
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trustmeimageographer · 2 months
I'm fist fighting my Impostor Syndrome behind the Sheetz.
"What you have is not skill. You take a thousand shots and throw away 800 of them. That isn't a skill, it's luck."
If it wasn't a skill, you wouldn't be able to see the remarkable improvements I've had in the past three years.
"But you rely on those lucky shots. You could not have planned that photo of the fire breather exhaling just in front of her face, or the perfect timing of that lighted dancer, or the way the lights lit her face like the moon. That was not a skill. You will not be lucky every time."
The application of one's luck, assessing the odds of an outcome, and knowing how to improve your odds when faced with an unknown element... is a skill.
"You go to places where people are beautiful, where lighting is in your favor, where you will see artful things. You aren't special for it. Anyone could do what you do."
But they don't.
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trustmeimageographer · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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trustmeimageographer · 8 months
I love the phrase "they get along like a house on fire". It's perfect. You and me have perfect chemistry and it's setting off the carbon monoxide detectors. People are calling emergency services to get us to stop being so chummy. Someone died
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trustmeimageographer · 9 months
Yeah you're right. It WOULD be pretty fucked up if you were a swan but you were raised by ducks and you grew up never seeing another swan or even knowing that such a thing as a swan even existed so you just thought you were a duck with something super wrong with it.
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trustmeimageographer · 9 months
In the future, children will think our ways are strange. "Why do old people always grow so much milkweed in their gardens?" they'll say. "Why do old people always write down when the first bees and butterflies show up? Why do old people hate lawn grass so much? Why do old people like to sit outside and watch bees?"
We will try to explain to them that when we were young, most people's yards were almost entirely short grass with barely any flowers at all, and it was so commonplace to spray poisons to kill insects and weeds that it was feared monarch butterflies and American bumblebees would soon go extinct. We will show them pictures of sidewalks, shops, and houses surrounded by empty grass without any flowers or vegetables and they will stare at them like we stared at pictures of grimy children working in coal mines
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trustmeimageographer · 9 months
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#happy dickfuck day to those who celebrate it
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trustmeimageographer · 9 months
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Ok, I agree that your plan for this airship is…. interesting… but is the giant chicken really necessary?
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I really can’t believe I’ve been on this hell site for 8 years
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