tribus-semitae · 3 days
A small pout briefly crossed her lips, ah well you can't always be correct she thought to herself and soon that pout turned into a playful grin. She liked them, especially since they seemed to be very open-minded and without any judgment! Which meant a high chance of friendship!
"Hmm, how about we try to have a look then? " she was a fairly tall girl, and maybe If they played along they could at least get one part of the mystery unraveled!
Without many words she would kneel down in front of them, turning her back to Atieno. "Climb up! Don't worry I'm pretty confident in my muscles. I give you a boost and youuuu my gorgeous friend, take a look if you can. "
"Atieno? Hmm, are you Greek perhaps? " she asked genuinely curious where they were from, if they were fellow South-East Europeans she was always happy to make friendships that might bloom into random visits to one another country! The line did move ever so slightly for a moment she stood on he toes to try and have a better look...yeah no dice for now.
"Aww thanks means a lot, it sounds a bit dumb to some people but I promise there is a good reason why we named it like that!" she said with a proud smug smirk.
Before she could say more, her phone rang and she sighed seeing a text message on it. "Shiiiit....I don't think I'll have enough time to have fun with you " she added with a slightly annoyed scowl.
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tribus-semitae · 3 days
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"Hey, I ain't no architect mistah buuut...." beggars can't be choosers she really needed money, though it stung a bit to try to get money this way.
"Give me a few days I can ask around and maybe dig out something that can be used here " she added while rubbing her chin in thought, she looked up at the slightly imposing man.
"Ya lot really dont mind random stranger lendin a hand?"
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"Though the church has endured much hardship, a recent pirate attack had utterly decimated it."
" Of course it was the last to be built back up, but the fact is that its entire structure is... very poor. If you can find some options to support it, that would be appreciated, and paid for."
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tribus-semitae · 5 days
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"Why be angry when you can have a good time? "
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tribus-semitae · 5 days
Before she and the bandit leader could react, a sudden third party joined in the shape of a large horned man. In less than a minute he took down a few bandits by himself, though his entrance was a bit comical, the young paladin held her tongue and eyes remained focused. Now the group decided not to play nice and all the men around them had their weapons unsheeted, though Anna could notice with the corner of her eye some were hiding behind the trees aiming their crossbows.....they will need to be cautious.
"Not at all my friend! My pride isn't so easily bruised so by all means..." she smirked wide at the bandit leader who in turn took a step back from her. "I welcome the help!"
However, the leader of the bandits was not playing fair, why would he? It was in his job description not to play fair damn it! Plus that horned guy, where the bloody hell did he pop out from?? The man raised his hand for a signal, and out of shadows, three arrows flew through the air aiming for the elderly merchants behind the paladin.
Unlucky for him, the young knight was quick and her reflexes reacted fast enough for her to turn around and deflect the arrows with her greatsword, one arrow did pass but it merely clinked against her armor. "Please hide behind the cart, I promise we will be done " she spoke softly despite the situation, making the elderly couple cover behind the cart as a small way to protect themselves.
With that said she decided not to waste time and simply lunged herself at the leader her great sword clashing against his own blade forcing him to try and slam his feet into the ground, surprised by the young woman's strength.
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"I will not keep warning you, yield your weapons and let us pass through! " a calm commanding voice left the young woman clad in armor she gripped her great sword as she kept it pointed to the leader of the bandits that suddenly ambushed her group. The two elderly merchants, a man, and a woman, were standing behind her as if she as the wall that would protect them
Which she did promise to do, but being a novice knight she was still not as experienced. She did make them a promise, however, to protect them through this path, and she was willing to do her best to keep it.
The bandits did laugh since naturally, they outnumbered her, even if she did take down a few men, there would be more coming. Leader being a tall man with a nasty look in his eyes and messy black hair hidden beneath a headband pointed his own blade to her. "Come now girli ya fancy words and arms are saying ya ain't see much of the world! Ya really think ya can just hold us all off by yourself? " he added with a cackle few other bandits joined in the laughter.
The paladin did smile in response, a bit nervous, but she did not show any fear. "I suppose we will have to see that in a bit my friend "
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tribus-semitae · 5 days
Thrilled that he was in it as much as she was she gave him another wink as a wide grin crossed her lips, she almost looked like a lioness whenever she smiled. Hell, she had a feeling he had a story to tell, moreover, she wanted to hear his experiences and maybe even drag inspiration for her songs from what he lived through.
Not yet though, she was a bit reckless, but not THAT inconsiderate.
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"In an oooold ass warehouse, I know it ain't glamorous but you know there something bout making music in dingy place " she adds with a snicker already sliding an arm around his shoulders and pulling him in a walk with her. "Plus the acoustics are great! Now I gotta give you a heads up, my mates can be idiots sometimes, but generally they are just messing around so don't take It to heart too much "
She was a bit taller than him which didn't matter but she found it cute. "And hey if they go overboard I can just beat em up for ya!"
"Hey hey, don't tempt me just yet with your sweet words, you might get hooked on what I got handsome " she teased back with confidence behind those suggestive words. Vanya was extremely sure she could play with him a bit, frankly, he wasn't her usual type but, she did love that playful and daring nature he was just showing off without shame.
There was a moment of hesitation she was always a bit anxious when presenting her music to new people, and everyone had different reactions in the end. Hell, she can't blame people if they end up disliking it, but seemed like Butch was on the road to becoming another fan!
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"Hell yeah glad you like! Sure you can join us but ahhh it's like in 2 weeks you sure you can wait that long? " she asked with a snicker, but an idea sparked in her mind! A bit bold, and her lead guitarist might nag her until the end of time for bringing a random person again but....fuck that life is too short.
"We do have gigs almost every day! Wanna check us out? And I can show you those pyrotechnics since we gotta make sure they are safe and all that jazz you know~"
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tribus-semitae · 5 days
"Atieno? Hmm, are you Greek perhaps? " she asked genuinely curious where they were from, if they were fellow South-East Europeans she was always happy to make friendships that might bloom into random visits to one another country! The line did move ever so slightly for a moment she stood on he toes to try and have a better look...yeah no dice for now.
"Aww thanks means a lot, it sounds a bit dumb to some people but I promise there is a good reason why we named it like that!" she said with a proud smug smirk.
Before she could say more, her phone rang and she sighed seeing a text message on it. "Shiiiit....I don't think I'll have enough time to have fun with you " she added with a slightly annoyed scowl.
"Ugghh, you think so? Man, I hate eating and running, really hope we don't end up doing that " she added in a mildly defeated tone, but then again since she was here why leave? She was too stubborn and besides she met an interesting person which is a huge plus for her! Would be a shame to leave without exchanging contacts somehow.
She was happy to listen to their experience and impressions so far! Hearing from people how they see big festivals like this one always left a new perspective to her.
"Hehehe, nope I'm actually an opening act for a bigger band or well I'm the front woman of a band " she adds with a wink giving a wide grin across her lips. "I'm Vanya by the way and my band is The Diabolical Sun! If you don't mind metal feel free to come to our stage!"
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tribus-semitae · 11 days
Buckle Up I Made My Own Drawing Meme
Send me an emoji + a character of mine!
… 👔 in formal attire! … 📌 in their work clothes! … 💍 in a wedding dress! … 💋 in sexy attire! … ⛄ in winter clothes! … ☀ in summer clothes! … 😴 in their pajamas! … 👗 dressed for the club! … 👤 in goth attire! … 😎 in punk attire! … 🥇 dressed for their favorite sport! … 🐶 in a kigurumi! … 🎤 as a pop star! … 📝 as a student! … 💪 as a Greaser/Soc! … 🐴 in a horse mask! … 🕍 in Victorian attire! … 🛀 in nothing but a towel! … ✌ as a 1960s hippie! … ☝ in 1990s grunge attire! … 😬 in something they would never wear!
… 🐟 as a mermaid! … 🦇 as a vampire! … 🐺 as a werewolf! … 🐲 as a dragon! … 😇 as an angel! … 😈 as a demon! … 🌼 as a fairy! … 🖤 as a witch! … 🦉 with their familiar! … ⚔ with their weapon of choice! … 👻 as a ghost! … 🌠 as a cosmic being!
… 🍥 in a cosplay! … 👑 as royalty! … 🏹 as a JRPG class! … 🎲 as a D&D class! … 👓 as a superhero/supervillain! … 😺 as an animal! … 👽 as a species from another show/movie/etc! … 🤖 as a robot! … 🐯 as a furry!
… 👶 as a child! … 👪 with their family! … 👯 with their best friend! … 👎 with their enemy! … 🐹 with their pet(s)! … 🗺 in an outfit of their cultural heritage! … 💐 surrounded by their favorite flowers! … 👴 as an elderly person! … 🎶 to a song that I associate with them!
… 🙃 with the mun! … ✍ in the style of another artist! … 🖍 in the drawing style of my muse! … 🌀 as a fusion with another OC! … ☢ as a different fandom interpretation! … 💩 as a meme! … 🕐 as an old interpretation of the mun’s!
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tribus-semitae · 11 days
together we might survive. (Franky)
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"Wouldnt have it any other way babe~" she huffed both annoyed but also just glad to have him by her side. "Okay so let's stick together no splitting up like in fekin Scooby Doo...and lets mess with these fuckers~"
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tribus-semitae · 14 days
in battle your muse,
bold what applies - italicise sometimes. repost, don’t reblog.
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fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging / fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand-to-hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalised weapon / prefers magic alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential /
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill-set / learning their skill - set
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
tagged by @steel-and-fire
tagging: you aallll
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tribus-semitae · 14 days
i think you're past the point of saving.
together we might survive.
get me out of this damn thing.
we have no time for stragglers.
do you intend to die for a stranger?
i thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin.
you keep dangerous company.
we can watch each other's backs along the way.
enough of this chatter.
who put you in charge?
i'll trust my own judgement.
a miracle, given everything you've been through.
it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon.
you're alive. i'm alive. how is this possible?
seems like we're the lucky ones, judging by all the corpses strewn about.
anything's an improvement on where we just came from.
'we'? you want to stay together?
we need each other.
i can't think of better company.
i wanted to thank you again.
you should be furious, shouldn't you?
kill it yourself — you look capable enough.
i was hoping for a kind soul.
let's try to keep that lovely neck of yours in one piece.
no need for this to get messy.
i need her alive.
and to think i was ready to decorate the ground with your innards.
please, allow me to introduce myself.
of course it'll turn me into a monster.
you should travel with me.
our odds are better together.
i was ready to go this alone.
maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea.
you seem like a useful person to know.
let's hope any future acquaintances don't hold a blade to your throat by way of introduction.
no harm in a little mystery.
conversation shouldn't be made, it should be grown.
maybe i'd like to get to know you better.
i'm usually better at this.
couldn't have phrased it more repellently myself.
you don't happen to be a cleric, by any chance? a doctor, surgeon? uncannily adroit with a knitting needle?
it's not exactly a common affliction.
a parasite shared is a parasite halved.
you're both twice as tall as me but have half the bloody backbone.
no point getting killed.
second worm gets the cheese and all.
nobody's getting any damn cheese.
she obviously sees your kindness as weakness.
don't let her take advantage.
a simply 'thank you' wouldn't go amiss.
your friends abandoned you.
i've got plenty of friends who aren't soft.
let's just hope she reserves those impulses for any common foes.
what a curious way to awaken.
what is the worth of a single mortal's life?
something the matter?
you must have thoughts about our little stowaways.
thinking about it won't help.
i suppose we'd go our separate ways — not a slight on your company, of course.
no reason for us to not stay together if we get on well.
if we do survive, we'll have separate lives to return to.
let's just say it's a very person, very private acquaintance.
you're not the kind of company i'd keep willingly.
perhaps i'll return the favor at some point.
she's delightful, in a very 'look at me twice and i'll dismember you' kind of way.
i understand much beyond your comprehension.
you'd do well to observe more and question less.
and they didn't cut you from navel to neck?
i am still getting used to people like you.
that large, fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake.
best to keep quiet, lest any drivel leak from your lips.
i do not intend to stay long in this place.
may your actions express the same mettle.
anomalies lead to surprises.
what hasn't happened may yet come to pass.
not a collaboration i'd have anticipated.
can't you tell me something real about you?
i have a great respect for privacy, especially my own.
i have a very disciplined mind.
those tricks won't work on me.
please don't try that again unless i invite you to.
we meet again, as predicted.
care to explain why you're helping me?
what kind of services can a skeleton offer?
a monster forms inside us, and you care to be idle?
i knew your kind to be fragile.
don't you know an exhausted warrior is an ineffective one?
it's a thickheaded notion in a complex circumstance.
what were you two talking about?
if that was any of your business, we'd have called you over.
your business is mine.
we're entwined.
if we're to survive, we need to trust each other.
you seem reliable.
we're overdue some good fortune.
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tribus-semitae · 16 days
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Gals lookin fab~
Link for ze game~
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tribus-semitae · 16 days
Blurt out the first sexual fantasy or desire your muse has towards mine, no matter what it is. No consequences! SEIZE THE MOMENT! (Anons welcome!)
BONUS: if you’re off anon & someone my muse ships/already likes, they HAVE to blurt out the first sexual fantasy that comes to their mind over YOUR muse.
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tribus-semitae · 16 days
I'm making German food.
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"Good for you? Though isnt most of German food Sausages? Prosti, I haven't tried much yet my friend "
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tribus-semitae · 16 days
💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity?
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"Are ya askin this for medical reason or somethin like that? " she asks with a small huff and smirk. "Well I ain't ashamed to say I lost mah V card when I was like uuhh 16? Yeah I think it was like that age, nuthin else ya gonna know cap "
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tribus-semitae · 17 days
"Ugghh, you think so? Man, I hate eating and running, really hope we don't end up doing that " she added in a mildly defeated tone, but then again since she was here why leave? She was too stubborn and besides she met an interesting person which is a huge plus for her! Would be a shame to leave without exchanging contacts somehow.
She was happy to listen to their experience and impressions so far! Hearing from people how they see big festivals like this one always left a new perspective to her.
"Hehehe, nope I'm actually an opening act for a bigger band or well I'm the front woman of a band " she adds with a wink giving a wide grin across her lips. "I'm Vanya by the way and my band is The Diabolical Sun! If you don't mind metal feel free to come to our stage!"
This person was really bizarre when she looked at them she thought of beautiful glam rock album covers, and also paintings of the galaxy! Maybe they would not mind doing a photo shoot for their own album cover she thought for a moment.........but maybe that was a bit too forward.
"It is? Well fuck, I hope it's worth the wait, I'm kinda on the clock but ey, if we get there in like...an hour?? " she hums and hops in the spot trying to see if the line was making progress. Which was not a lot for now.
"Eh whatever could be worse, mmm how you like the festival so far? " she asked with a bright grin always happy to talk with festival goers and see what are their impressions so far.
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tribus-semitae · 22 days
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"I will not keep warning you, yield your weapons and let us pass through! " a calm commanding voice left the young woman clad in armor she gripped her great sword as she kept it pointed to the leader of the bandits that suddenly ambushed her group. The two elderly merchants, a man, and a woman, were standing behind her as if she as the wall that would protect them
Which she did promise to do, but being a novice knight she was still not as experienced. She did make them a promise, however, to protect them through this path, and she was willing to do her best to keep it.
The bandits did laugh since naturally, they outnumbered her, even if she did take down a few men, there would be more coming. Leader being a tall man with a nasty look in his eyes and messy black hair hidden beneath a headband pointed his own blade to her. "Come now girli ya fancy words and arms are saying ya ain't see much of the world! Ya really think ya can just hold us all off by yourself? " he added with a cackle few other bandits joined in the laughter.
The paladin did smile in response, a bit nervous, but she did not show any fear. "I suppose we will have to see that in a bit my friend "
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tribus-semitae · 22 days
This person was really bizarre when she looked at them she thought of beautiful glam rock album covers, and also paintings of the galaxy! Maybe they would not mind doing a photo shoot for their own album cover she thought for a moment.........but maybe that was a bit too forward.
"It is? Well fuck, I hope it's worth the wait, I'm kinda on the clock but ey, if we get there in like...an hour?? " she hums and hops in the spot trying to see if the line was making progress. Which was not a lot for now.
"Eh whatever could be worse, mmm how you like the festival so far? " she asked with a bright grin always happy to talk with festival goers and see what are their impressions so far.
The international music festival called Roskilde was a huge event in Europe among many other similar music events, but The Diabolical Sun, a small epic metal band landed a chance to be an intro band for a bigger fish. Vanya, the singer, did not mind she was thrilled to mingle and make some connections, who knows maybe they land a few more amazing opportunities!
Though, she had time before her performance, instead of practicing she was looking to get some food.
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She saw a food stall but there was a bunch of people waiting there already. Fine, she could wait, huffing she stuck her hands into the pocket of her leather jacket and looking around she spotted a very interesting person close to her....so naturally she wanted to talk to them!
"Heeey how long have you been in this line hun?"
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