Summer Tree Maintenance 101
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Texas has gotten hotter. There are no two ways about it. 2022 brought the driest April in one hundred and twenty-eight years. While you take precautions, be careful not to neglect the other living things around you. Furry friends will benefit from more time inside, but what about your sunny garden? And what about your trees that need to soak up plenty of water to survive?
Don't despair. Trees Inc. of Denton can help you avoid tree troubles by removing dead or decaying trees. Here are some drought-friendly tips to care for the trees in your yard.
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Stay Safe
Trees are wonderful, but your health and safety always come first. Professional tree services in Lewisville, TX, are familiar with outdoor safety practices and have the appropriate insurance. As an individual, take extra care to pay attention to your body, stay hydrated, and wear the appropriate clothing.
Failing that, always know when to quit. High temperatures pose several threats to the body, including death.
Follow The Rules
As you may guess, there is nothing more important than water conservation during a drought. When there's a shortage of anything, especially something as vital as water, there needs to be enough to go around.
Depending on your location, there may be laws or penalties to prevent wastage. Likewise, there are also rebates for people going out of their way to put their best foot forward. If you have doubts about which of these apply, certified tree services in Texas should have a good idea of the best way to proceed.
Look Out For Drought Stress
Yes, trees can get stressed. And certain trees are more prone to this particular stress than others. Elms, hickories, and most oaks are the most affected, but all trees are vulnerable.
Signs of drought stress include temporary or lasting wilting, yellowing leaves, leaf scorch (leaves will take on a burned appearance), the loss of leaves starting at the top, and cracks in the bark. If you see these signs, immediately add more water to your tree care routine, and mulch them.
It's a good idea to contact an arborist, even more so if you see significantly slowed growth and unusually small leaves.
The fact is that sometimes the dreaded tree removal is inevitable. The added stress of the drought can make it impossible for a layperson to care for the trees. Contact Trees Inc. of Denton 24/7 at 940 242 4131 for even the smallest emergencies. Well-versed with tree services, they understand that a proactive approach is best.
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How Does Pruning Help Your Trees?
When trees grow in the wild, they're free to reach immense heights. However, trees and plans in your home's outdoor landscape don't have that freedom. A free-growing tree would cause your outdoor landscape to look messy and untidy and can also pose safety risks to your property and pedestrians.
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A cluttered outdoor landscape gives an appalling impression to passersby and does pretty much the opposite of adding to your landscape appeal. However, your landscape can look organized and healthy if you prune your trees regularly.
Pruning is the removal of dying tree branches. The purpose is to prune out undesired branches and enhance the structure of the tree.
Take a look at how pruning can help your garden tree:
Prevent Insect Infestation
Decaying tree branches or parts can become home to insects. Pests, worms, and insects of many kinds dwell and develop nests on the plants of your residential property. The majority of these critters devour the foliage, and some take sap from garden plants.  These insects can spread like wildfire and destroy your trees and plants with time. However, with pruning, you don't have to worry about that as it helps get rid of decayed plant matter and prevent any insect infestations.
Promote Plant Health
Another advantage of pruning is that it eliminates dying tree branches and creates room for new growth. It also safeguards your residential or commercial property from getting damaged if a tree branch falls off on your car, backyard, or front porch.
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Exposure To Sunlight
The amount of photosynthesis that occurs is determined by the amount of sunlight that reaches the leaves rather than the number of leaves on the tree. The process is slowed if your tree has many leaves that are shaded from the light by long branches. Pruning unnecessary branches allow the tree to get more sunshine, enhancing the photosynthesis process.
Increases Fruit Production
If you have fruit trees in your garden, then pruning dead branches is a great idea to increase fruit production as it will eliminate any insect infestation.
Safety precautions can only prevent disasters to a certain extent. Professionals are familiar with tree trimming services and practices. Therefore, it's essential to stay safe and opt for professional tree trimming services.
If you're looking for professional tree trimming services that will ensure safe tree trimming, consider Trees Inc. of Denton. They offer various tree services such as tree trimming services, tree removal services, and tree stump removal at affordable rates.  Get in touch with them for more details.
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How Tree Removal Done By An Unprofessional Can Be Dangerous
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Anything that is not your expertise should always be left to professionals as they go through years of training and education to grasp the technical know-how of a particular field. Some people love doing everything themselves, whether it is a leaky pipe, a non-functional oven, a faulty fridge, an engine problem, or tree removal.
However, what they fail to comprehend are the risks associated with removing a tree. Only certified arborists know about these risks as they have spent years understanding and learning everything there is to know about tree removal.
Here are some reasons why removing a tree yourself or by an unprofessional person can be extremely dangerous.
Lack of Expertise
Removing trees is far more complex than just cutting wood. An arborist who removes trees has gone through hours of training to get their license, allowing them to perform that task safely utilizing their expertise. Their experience allows them to minimize any risk of injury, property damage, and car damage.
Someone who has no experience or expertise will not understand what precautions to take while removing a tree. They can’t determine the direction the tree will fall in, which can hurt the person removing the tree, any bystanders, and damage the property around the trees.
Lack Of Safety Equipment And Tools
People who perform tasks of this nature are required to wear safety gear to prevent accidents. The same is the case with removing trees. You need to wear a helmet, protective goggles, and gloves before you can start chopping trees. That sort of safety gear isn’t lying around in everyone’s toolbox, which makes tasks like this a risk for them.
That’s why it is always advised to call a professional tree service provider so any injury or accident can be avoided.
Risk Of Injury
The risk of injury is great, even for professionals. That’s why they go through so much training to ensure that the chances of an injury are minimal. Untrained people have no experience handling such tools. Power tools such as chainsaws have a powerful kickback, just like a gun recoil.
Not to forget that a chainsaw is also heavy and difficult to master, and one slip or lapse of concentration can result in a serious life-threatening injury.
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Exposing yourself to such risk is never the right option. You can always choose a professional tree services company like Trees Inc. of Denton to do the job for you.
They are the best tree service company in Texas, providing different services in Denton, Lewisville, Corinth, Flower Mound, and Highland Village areas.
Book them now and get a free estimate on any service you need.
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5 Signs Your Tree is Due for a Trim
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One of the most evident signs of a neglected yard is an overgrown tree that hasn’t been trimmed in a while. An untrimmed tree can quickly result in safety issues for you and your family if not dealt with promptly.
Tree trimming and pruning is the best way to make sure that you not only avoid accidents but also give your yard a well-kempt appearance. If you’re not sure whether your tree needs to be trimmed, you should look out for these five signs of overgrowth.
Broken or Overgrown Branches
One of the most obvious signs of an overgrown tree is branches that go high up to the power lines. This not only gives your yard an unkempt look, it’s also dangerous for you and your neighbors. If you see this, you shouldn’t wait long to give your tree a trim.
In addition to this, if your tree has a lot of broken branches from a previous storm, earthquake or other calamities, you should get it trimmed right away.
Weak Branches
If your tree’s branches break off easily from heavy winds or even the slightest of pressure, it means your tree is overgrown. As the branches grow, they become weaker and prone to breaking. In this case, the best and safest course of action is to give your tree a much-needed trim.
Signs of Damage
Sometimes the bark of your tree (also called the tree’s limbs) becomes weak. It chips off easily and develops wounds. This can possibly be due to a disease that your tree has contracted or because it hasn’t been cared for properly. Either way, these are all signs that your tree needs to be trimmed or pruned.
Unusual Growth Around or on the Tree
If you see that your tree is hosting critters or fungus, it’s a sign that it needs some looking after. The fungus often manifests itself as unusual growth on the bark or the soil around the tree. It can also be in the form of mushrooms that sprout nearby.
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Obstructed View
Tree trimming is essential for giving your yard an aesthetic touch-up. If the trees in your yard are obstructing the outside view from your house windows, you should have your trees professionally trimmed.
Are you looking for a tree trimming service in Denton, Lewisville, Corinth, Flower Mound, Highland Village, or nearby areas in Texas? Hire the professional tree service of Trees Inc. of Denton for tree trimming and removal and stump grinding and removal. Their tree experts make sure your trees get the sprucing they need and become safe for your yard.
To learn more about their services, call 940-242-4131 and give your trees a much-needed makeover.
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Reasons To Hire A Professional Tree Trimmer
Trees help enhance your curb appeal. They can provide shade in hot summers and can make your landscape look as beautiful as ever.
Investing in a professional tree trimming service can be the best way to maintain your outdoor space. We're listing down some reasons you need to hire a professional tree trimmer:
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Trees Can Be Dangerous For You
Firstly, taking care of trees can be dangerous. For tree trimming, you need to hire professionals who have the right equipment and experience for this service. When you DIY your tree trimming chores, you run the risk of hurting yourself and others. Moreover, you can damage your home, and car, etc.
Hiring A Professional Is Convenient
It's the weekend! The only time you get off from work. Instead of trying to trim your trees on your own, it'll be convenient if you call a professional. While they do the dirty work, you can enjoy time with your family and friends.
Helps In Growth Of Trees
Who doesn't want to see their trees live a healthy and long life? We all do. Tree trimming is an essential factor in maintaining and improving tree growth. Proper tree trimming can allow trees to grow tall and live a long healthy life.
Saves You From Tree-Related Injuries
It's impossible to notice all problems affecting your tree, especially if you're not an expert. By the looks of it, you may see a long healthy branch on your tree, but it can be rotten and about to fall. That's why climbing trees for tree trimming by yourself can be dangerous and can cause severe accidents.
Increases Fruit Production And Overall Health Of Trees
Tree trimming helps in producing beautiful flowers in spring. However, trees won't be healthy without proper pruning; that's why tree trimming can help encourage the growth of spurs.
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Tree Inc. Of Denton Is Here To Help!
If you've ever tried cutting your hair by yourself, you know what a nightmare that can be. In the same manner, trimming trees can result in an unpleasant look at your trees. But, to make your life easier, Tree Inc. Of Denton is here to help. Get in touch with them now because we know you'll love their professionalism and customer care services.
For more information about Tree Inc. of Denton, visit their website.
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4 Signs That Tell You It’s Time for Tree Removal
It can be hard to part ways with trees. They add value to your property and have probably been part of your formative memories in your childhood home. No backyard is complete without a large tree providing shade and comfort. Planting a tree on your property can have numerous benefits for you, but at times it may do more harm than good.
Trees can live to an age of 1000 years and more. But they’re no different than any other living organism. There comes a time when they grow old and die. There are certain circumstances where the risks become too much, and the safe removal of trees becomes necessary. There are some signs that indicate when it's time to remove a tree. When the time does come, you should enlist the help of certified arborists.
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1. Increased Risk of Infestation
One of the earliest signs of a dying tree can appear in the form of pest infestations. Trees that insects and pests constantly inhabit are prone to more diseases. These conditions can be treated at an earlier stage. Still, when a tree starts to decay internally, then infestation can spread to nearby plants and property, and tree removal becomes the only option.
2. Storm Damage
The most sudden impact on trees can come from strong winds. Damage caused by storms can severely impact a tree's health. If the main stem or trunk of the tree is injured, it becomes a safety hazard. The broken limbs and branches weaken the tree's structural integrity, becoming a threat to public safety.
3. Overcrowding
At times the tree may not be a danger to itself or others, but it can pose a significant threat to other trees in the area. When trees overgrow, they become overcrowded and start competing for nutrients from each other. As a result, the smaller trees suffer and begin to show signs of nutrient deficiency.
4. Splits in the Trunk
The trunk is the primary support system through which a tree gets its nutrients and water from the soil. Healthy trees have upright trunks. On the other hand, a damaged tree would have splits and cracks in the trunk and would be unable to support itself.
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When a tree is beyond saving, there is no choice but to remove it to avoid further risks. However, it is hazardous to remove a tree if you don't have the required skills and knowledge.
Your top priority should be your safety. Trees Inc. of Denton has a dedicated team of professionals providing tree trimming and removal services in Lewisville, Texas. They have years of experience in the field, including with removing dead and decaying trees.
Contact them at 647-957-9287 and see what they have to offer.
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5 Benefits of Hiring Professional Tree Services
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People love being surrounded by greenery. Planting trees and maintaining lush green yards— it all brings life to a home. However, when it comes to maintaining it, people are often too busy, or simply unable to do everything themselves. It is also important to remember that Texas has a strict yard maintenance policy that lays out exactly how you need to maintain yours.
So, what can you do to maintain those long, overgrown trees in your yard? Have you been trimming and pruning them on your own? Does it take a lot of time and effort to maintain them? Have you been thinking of switching to professional tree services? Keep reading this article to find out why it is the right thing to do.
Suitable Equipment
A professional tree service will use proper and suitable equipment depending on the kind of tree they are dealing with. Some trees are sensitive and require careful handling while some are so tough that they can only be handled with heavy-duty equipment. A professional tree service will come to you with the right equipment for all your tree maintenance needs.
Due to the use of machinery and different kinds of blades, tree maintenance isn’t safe for an amateur to perform. A professional tree service will have the experience and the expertise to carry out the process safely. Doing it on your own, even if the right equipment is being used, is not safe. Additionally, there is also a risk of falling from the tree which is significantly lower for experienced professionals.
Appropriate Measures
A tree may seem healthy to the naked eye but only an expert will know if it’s diseased or stressed. A professional tree service will know what appropriate measures can be taken to ensure that the tree survives. Sometimes the right course of action is to let the trees be so that they can heal themselves— which is something an amateur wouldn’t know.
Protect Foundations of the House
The roots penetrate deep into the ground over time, sometimes getting interfering with the foundations of the house. If such a tree needs to be removed, the foundations of the house will weaken. A professional tree service will know how to remove it carefully so that the foundation of the house is not disturbed.
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Saves Time & Money
Hiring a professional tree service saves time for you to do other things without worrying about this additional chore. It also saves you money as the professionals will keep you up to Texas state code requirements and you are less likely to get fined. A professional service also cleans up after itself which eliminates the need to hire multiple services to clean up the sidewalks and sewers.
Are you looking for a professional tree service in Denton, Lewisville, Corinth, Flower Mound, Highland Village, or nearby areas to keep you up to Texas regulations on tree maintenance? Do you want to save time and make tree maintenance easier for yourself? Call at 940-242-4131 to hire the professional tree service of Trees Inc. of Denton for tree removal, tree trimming, and stump grinding and removal.
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The 3 Most Effective Ways to Improve Tree Health
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You’re incredibly lucky if you have trees growing in your home or backyard, especially without much effort of your own. However, years of neglect eventually catch up and can not only damage your trees but also cause irreversible effects such as shedding, rot, and decay.
1. Move your tree to the right spot
Often, when planting a tree, we don't realize the importance of the perfect spot. A perfect spot isn't just where the tree takes root but also where it continues to thrive and flourish. You might find that too little, or too much sun, lack of wind, or even planting the wrong species can eventually kill your tree. You have the option of having your tree moved and re-planted safely, however, or transported to a more suitable location instead.
2. Proper watering, mulching, and fertilizing
Over or under-watering can also damage your trees. Lack of adequate moisture causes them to dry out, while excess causes rot, while other factors like the age and species of the tree also matter. Here’s a quick guide on how to water your tree correctly.
Mulching and fertilizing are also important because they help improve nutrient content and soil quality, allowing your trees to receive whatever they need for better health.
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3. Prune and trim your tree for better health
Pruning and trimming are often used interchangeably, but they're both very different. Trimming is an essential part of general maintenance to keep your tree functional, aesthetically pleasing, and healthy. It involves cutting back overgrowth, removing dead branches and limbs, and keeping your tree looking well-maintained while also keeping your canopy in shape.
Pruning is a little different and easier to do on your own than trimming since it mainly involves getting rid of dead, dying, weakened, and damaged branches and shrubs.
Tree services such as tree trimming, or stump removal, and more are essential because they help keep your trees healthy and living for longer. Many of us take our trees for granted because they've probably been around for years already, but let's not forget that we need them more than ever! If you need a little help, get in touch with one of the leading tree service specialists in Highland Village and Lewisville, Tree Inc. of Denton.
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4 Tree Maintenance Tips All Homeowners Should Follow
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Trees tend to grow independently without us even realizing it, but that doesn't mean we neglect them and let them grow out without care. In fact, it's absolutely essential to focus on improving tree care and maintenance, and you can do with a few tips and tricks.
If you’re a homeowner with access to trees in your yard, here are some easy tips to care for them and maintain them, so they are healthier, fuller, and last for decades:
 1. Prune your crown
Pruning your trees helps remove undergrowth, dead, diseased, or damaged branches, leaves and keep your tree as healthy as possible. Pruning is done every 3-5 years, so it's not a frequent process and can be done on your own for more ease and convenience. Decaying and dying leaves and branches cause more harm than we realize because of how they impact other branches in the process.
 2. Mulch under them
Using mulch is one of the most effective ways to keep your trees fresh, healthy, and well-nourished. Mulch includes organic matter and waste such as dead flowers, broken leaves and branches, and other debris and typically covers the soil surrounding the tree's roots. It keeps the soil guarded and cool, also trapping moisture for better absorption. You can make your own mulch or even find store-bought varieties for use on your own.
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3. Regularly remove weeds
This is especially true for newly planted trees that need to take root and become strong, but you need to remove weeds frequently. Weeds suck up essential nutrients and damage your trees, weakening their roots and trunks, and so need to be uprooted safely. You can remove weeds using vinegar, weed killers, different tools, and methods that don't harm the tree itself.
4. Get regular tree trimming
Like pruning, tree trimming also needs to be performed at regular intervals depending on the growth. Trimming is a bit more extensive than pruning, focusing on the overall appearance, health, and safety too, keeping overgrowth in check, trimming branches that are weak, and making sure your trees don’t bother pedestrians. You can learn more about what tree trimming includes here.
Tree maintenance is easier than you realize! Don't hesitate to put these tips into practice and make the most of your trees.
If you’re on the lookout for great tree services in Denton Flower Mound, or Highland Village, TX, get in touch with Tree Inc. of Denton. The company offers a range of tree care services, including trimming and stump grinding, and removal. You can also reach out to them to request a free quote or learn about their work.
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