treeofpoiirls · 4 years
Americans don't consider the Vietnam War a mistake because it was a violation on the sovereignty of a nation, they consider it a mistake because a lot of Americans died and bc we had to pull out. The deaths of Vietnamese people are basically completely inconsequential to any american I've ever talked to about the Vietnam war
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treeofpoiirls · 4 years
The prime minister of Iraq, addressing parliament in a discussion about expelling US-led troops from the country, revealed that American marines have been shooting and killing Iraqi civilians for weeks. 
As you might imagine, Iraq’s infrastructure has been devastated by almost two decades of military occupation and war. The US, which promised to rebuild the country, has failed to complete the reconstruction. PM Abdul-Mahdi said that in a recent call, Trump demanded 50% of all of Iraq’s oil revenue or America would refuse to continue to build critical national infrastructure. Abdul-Mahdi refused and made a deal with the People’s Republic of China to secure loans that would allow the work to go forward. 
In response to Iraq refusing to be blackmailed and instead seeking financial aid from China, Trump called Abdul-Mahdi again and told him that the US will instigate large public demonstrations against Abdul-Mahdi and then begin indiscriminately shooting and killing demonstrators. Just weeks later, almost 100 Iraqis were shot and killed during demonstrations.
The United States of America is a rogue state guilty of indiscriminately murdering civilians to weaken its enemies and discipline its client-states.  sources:
Abdel-Mahdi discusses Trump’s threats
Sniper death toll in Iraq
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treeofpoiirls · 4 years
"According to the former intelligence official, once the Iranian double agent showed Iranian intelligence the website used to communicate with his or her CIA handlers, they began to scour the internet for websites with similar digital signifiers or components — eventually hitting on the right string of advanced search terms to locate other secret CIA websites. From there, Iranian intelligence tracked who was visiting these sites, and from where, and began to unravel the wider CIA network."
the iranians managed to break into the cia's most important communications system using a fucking search engine. incredible.
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treeofpoiirls · 4 years
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𝟏𝟐:𝟏𝟒 | 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫
the sun is out in december and i love it 🥰
my desk is nicer to study at when it’s bright ✨
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treeofpoiirls · 4 years
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life update because long time no see!!!!!! I’ve not been active here lately because life’s been overwhelming so here’s a messy update:
1- I’ve been mainly focusing on my dissertation which is FINALLY FINISHED! I’ve submitted the final version for review and once I get that back I’ll have to fix some things and then upload the final version the first week of june!
2- I’ve also had a ton of projects to work on for all three classes I have this semester and I still have 2 big ones to finish and they’re due in 3 weeks…
3- I’ve been going to the dentist almost every week since the beginning of April and it sucks but at least the dentist guy is cute so
4- I saw endgame two days in a row when it came out and it destroyed me and i’m still not over it so yeah
5- also been watching game of thrones and season 8 is a freaking joke i can’t believe what they’re doing to the characters’ arcs.
6- I still don’t have a clue what I’m gonna do with my life once uni is over lol also wish my family would stop asking me nonstop
7- I’ve reached that level of stress where I’m just kinda calm and it’s scary.
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treeofpoiirls · 4 years
Americans at literally all times: PLEASE BALKANIZE CHINA. PLEASE.
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treeofpoiirls · 4 years
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treeofpoiirls · 4 years
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treeofpoiirls · 4 years
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“كمان مره؟”
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treeofpoiirls · 5 years
“Reforms of the FBI and the CIA, even removal of the President from office, cannot remove the problem. American capitalism, based as it is on exploitation of the poor, with its fundamental motivation in personal greed, simply cannot survive without force—without a secret police force. The argument is with capitalism and it is capitalism that must be opposed, with its CIA, FBI and other security agencies understood as logical, necessary manifestations of a ruling class’s determination to retain power and privilege. Now, more than ever, indifference to injustice at home and abroad is impossible. Now, more clearly than ever, the extremes of poverty and wealth demonstrate the irreconcilable class conflicts that only socialist revolution can resolve. Now, more than ever, each of us is forced to make a conscious choice whether to support the system of minority comfort and privilege with all its security apparatus and repression, or whether to struggle for real equality of opportunity and fair distribution of benefits for all of society, in the domestic as well as the international order. It’s harder now not to realize that there are two sides, harder not to understand each, and harder not to recognize that like it or not we contribute day in and day out either to the one side or to the other.”
Philip Agee - Inside The Company: CIA Diary
this dude was literally a cia operations officer for twelve years and the release of the book (filled with real names of real people) directly led to several murders of exposed agents
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treeofpoiirls · 5 years
they’re calling badus animals in saudi!? ?_? ?_? 
Went to one of the college restrooms and the stall walls had  “bedouins are dumber than animals” and “Shias worship the devil” on them but the one line that caught my eye was “learn to flush you homos”
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treeofpoiirls · 5 years
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treeofpoiirls · 5 years
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Funny Bunny
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treeofpoiirls · 5 years
off topic but human rights watch is not a trustworthy organization, their reporting focuses on what will help give the US government an excuse for imperialism and is often EXTREMELY inaccurate and straight up unsourced. this isn’t a personal complaint from me, it’s extremely easy to find and has been detailed extensively. here is a letter to human rights watch regarding their inaccurate and biased reporting on venezuela from people who research the topics human rights watch presented and demanded the organization provide factual information to help. this is far from the only bias controversity they’ve had, just a notable one because the executive director of the organization, kenneth roth, actually said he does in fact have a strong and negative focus here.
human rights watch has so many issues with bias against countries the US has always targeted not only because of influence from US foreign policy, but because their definition of human rights neglects economic and social issues related to capitalism. oh, and guess what? they contradict their own claim that they base “human rights” and their research on what the UN’s declaration of human rights outlines. they’re so fucking bad they managed to get even more biased than the UN.
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treeofpoiirls · 5 years
“The masses are being drilled and canned for the political cold storage of Socialist campaigns. Every direct, independent, and courageous attack on capitalism and the State is being discouraged or tabooed. The stupid voters wait patiently from one political performance to another for the comrade actors in the theater of representation to give a show, and perhaps perform a new stunt. Meanwhile, the Socialist congressman introduces yard upon yard of resolutions for the waste basket, proposing the perpetuation of the very things Socialism once set out to overthrow. And the Socialist mayors are busy assuring the business interests of their towns that they may rest in peace, no harm will ever come to them from a Socialist mayor. And if such Punch-and-Judy shows are criticised, the good Socialist adherents grow indignant and say that we must wait until the Socialists have the majority.”
- Emma Goldman, “Socialism: Caught in the Political Trap”
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treeofpoiirls · 5 years
Imagine thinking socialism is bad because your capitalist controlled government healthcare keeps getting privatized and de-funded.
weird how that works
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treeofpoiirls · 5 years
Reactionaries constantly bring up the idea that communism would make everything uniform and the same. but like have you ever been to a gentrified area in a city. they're like copy-pastes of other places.
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