traveltale · 4 years
I got this idea when I was fed up of living a boring life. It was always work.  I’ve got few holidays and I planned on going to Hampi. I’ve heard many tourists going there to see the holy temple and they end up staying in an island behind and the place is called “Hippie Island”.
I didn’t have much luggage, cash that time. I’ve gone to this place called “Hidden forest” over there. It’s neither a proper Hotel nor a Zostel. So, I named it a party house with some tents for fellow tourists. I met Dasha & Lauren there. They are very welcoming. I never felt too connected to people when I met for first time. But due to their nature I felt very connected. We started playing Jenga there. After some time, an Indian with dreadlocks, wearing fancy flowery shirt came there & offered all of us a joint. I was like okay! Let’s do it. I rolled it and I came to know that he’s from Hyd. I was like Oh! The whole world is evolving, not only me. Then we smoked a joint, had good conversation. I was talking to Dasha about her perspective in Indian culture. Our thoughts are very much same. Suddenly an Indian blonde kid came in and asked Dasha if she wants seeds. I already knew that these seeds are LSA. They are similar to LSD but they make us puke. I got fascinating about the stuff. So, I asked him to get me 15 seeds. He brought 10 and took 100. I offered Dasha to have seeds and asked her out. I guess she got fed up with seeds. So, she said let’s smoke some and we’ll go out. In the mean while I kept my seeds in ginger water and soaked it. That session of smoking pot and playing cards lasted till mid noon.
Then I ate seeds. It hit me when we were roaming all around the island. I felt she was like my trip sitter. We had a coconut water near a Temple. Then the euphoria started. I got that instant stress relief from my work. I was listening to good music. The volume was low but I felt like the volume is very high & started dancing there. I felt so active for no reason. I was saying Hi and was smiling at everyone. Then she reminded me the time & said we can see a best sunset. We’ve gone there & I was struck. No matter how many ever sunsets we watch, the one on psychedelic will always amaze us. I saw the sun melting and spreading that orange light all over those boulders. Sun was like melting red candy. The colour contrast during that time was amazing. I kept watching that for a long time. I was feeling so blissful to see such a nice sunset. I had ego death with those thoughts in my mind. My eyes filled with tears by watching that & after clearing them with kerchief my eyes were like a wiped windshield. I was able to see everything partially. But still managed to enjoy the trip for some time. I felt that trip like a year. It was like a fresh page of life where I can write whatever I want. I dropped her in Hidden forest and had gone to visit Hanuman temple. I don’t know why I felt like doing that I was not even a religious person. But seeds changed me.
I came back to hidden forest when trip was getting down. Everyone was there. Dasha, Lauren, Dreadlock Indian, Blonde Indian Kid. I felt them like my vibe people. Venky played retro piano music and we played board games till mid night. Everybody was very interesting about my trip because Dasha told everyone what I did. I explained everything in detail. That is the best hospitality I've ever had.
After coming back to my place, I just wanted to give everyone the same vibe that I had in Hampi.
Am I a hippie?
Have a nice day!
Wait for my next story!!
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traveltale · 4 years
This is about my first shrooms trip taken at a proper place, time and people with good vibe. I went to Kodaikanal with my friends. It was a sudden plan on a fine weekend. I was so tired because of the hangover that I had because of previous session of booze until the magic happened.  Abhi had a contact in Kodaikanal for shrooms. So, we took that from him and went to fairy forest. Everybody was eating shrooms with Kodai special chocolates. But, me being a greedy ass, ate without any chocolate. It takes some time to kick in. I was not waiting for that magic to happen & started to enjoy the moment. Sharon & Nayar wanted to eat some more because the previous session of shrooms didn’t work much on them. They took that from Alwyn and ate. Fairy forest is a pine forest with good greenery. We went there on Christmas eve. The whole green area was covered with fog and floor is semi wet. It looks like a mini mountain to climb. The climate over there was awesome & shrooms triggered visuals better than anything. We were walking and talking casually and suddenly I felt heavier than usual. I felt like something is dragging me down & I wanted to rise up like a super hero. Everybody were on different doses, but I understood everyone were high. Alwyn was collecting shrooms, Sharon was totally confused but pretending to be clear. I asked him Am I the only guy seeing this or everybody’s seeing this too? He said don’t worry bro, everybody is high. After that conversation I saw my friend Menen climbing up & was sitting on tree. I looked down & I saw her there as well. I was pretty confused on where she’s and I heard voice from the tree. Then Sharon and I went there and we were staring like nothing happened there, then we figured out the situation that she wanted to get down. I asked her to jump on my shoulders for fun and she did that. Finally, we managed to get her down. Then everybody split up. I was standing in front of a tree and I was watching it like a miracle. I was able to see the whole world in it. Suddenly Nayar tickled me with a stick. I got shit scared for that thinking it's a snake. It looked like a snake until I observed that clearly. Later we all laughed and we split up again. I saw everything like an on point edited & rendered picture. It was like I am inside a movie where I can see myself doing crazy things. There I had a thought clash; I was very nervous before starting anything I like & now I’m doing everything alone without giving a single fuck. I understood why the hell should I overthink if I like doing something. That was a big loop, I wasn’t able to figure out anything further. Then Nayar came and distracted me saying something. I went along with him. Then he asked me what’s time and I said its 420 and he shouted Sharon’s name out. Sharon came and Nayar said its 420 and they talked something in Malayalam. Suddenly they both were looking at me. At that point it was like a typical Indian uncle judging on what I was doing. I said this to them and they were stuck for a second because I called them uncle.  After this, we three walked talking something and again split up. Nayar was going in a direction and Sharon was going in another. I was stuck because I didn’t know whom to follow.  Okay, then I motivated myself thinking that I have to fetch my own path & started walking straight. I don’t exactly remember how we three met again but we met and lied down on the grass. That was Sharon’s suggestion. I did that and saw clouds changing into the amazing shape of shrooms & different entities. Then Abhi came with a speaker playing the song “Cherathukal” a Malayalam song. I wasn’t able to understand anything but as the trip was getting down, everything sounds good.
When we were getting down & the trip was getting down, I understood it was quite adventurous. We had no idea what if one of us gets lost anywhere in the forest, what if we were not able figure the way out of the forest. Long time later I realized that we can’t have the same trip ever. Shroom trip literally took me to heaven and made me optimistic.
I can’t recommend anyone to do this because I’m pretty sure that they can’t see the same thing. They might see something better or something worse. Shroom lovers might connect to the story.
But for those who haven’t tried shrooms, it is like explaining visuals in a kaleidoscope to a blind person.
Have a good day. 
Wait for my next story!!      
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traveltale · 4 years
Gokarna changed my mindset❤
Those were the 3 damn good days of my life. I finished my work and left to Gokarna. I was a bit nervous as that was my first solo trip. I had to take a tiring bus journey. After reaching there, I wanted to fetch a hotel room that suits my budget & ended up staying in “Hostel Lavie”, a Zostel. While searching for a place to stay I saw psychedelic art on streets. There are many things written on the walls which completely suits my mind set. I just checked in that zostel and there’s a chill out inside, People sitting there were rolling and they’ve welcomed me as they know me for past few years. I was a bit skeptical. It was completely a new vibe like entering into a dimension where no one judges you on how you behave. I took rest in my room for a while, changed my clothes and started exploring.
 I visited Mahabaleshwara Temple and had gone to see shops in that street. I got a shirt and some cheezie Gokarna stuff. Time passed by and its night, I had a beer & bunch of cigarettes with me. I just wanted to listen the sound of waves. So, I just started walking towards Kudle beach. I saw a blonde couple coming back from the beach. I’ve asked them if the beach is crowdy. They said the beach is calm. I went there and made myself comfortable. Everything was peaceful until I had Charlie. A guy came walking and sat beside. He struck up conversation about countries, culture and things like that. We both were cool and I went to his place, Dolphin café, to spend some time. I met his friend Emily over there; she was very welcoming & offered me a drink. I drank that. Then Charlie came into picture. Charlie made me hyperactive, stimulating. Charlie gave me an instant euphoria. Then We started dancing for some anonymous psy trance. I smoked 5 cigarettes in that short period of time. That short period was like a mini life. After having such good time, I said bye-bye to both, went back to the zostel and fell asleep.
The next day morning, it was around 7’o clock. Two Mumbai guys and a Thrissur guy checked in & had beds beside mine. I got freshen up & we introduced ourselves. The topic suddenly deviated to the stash & one of them started crushing. We all thought Like-minded people doesn’t take much time to mingle & had a J. Well that was a good start and I went to OM beach. I started walking from OM beach to paradise beach, it’s a long walk. Got a bit tired after reaching there. But it is worth seeing that beauty. The place was calm and peaceful. I sat there, turned on the song “Imagine by John Lennon” and was just enjoying the music with that beautiful sight. I had chips for myself & I finished it there. It’s high time, I had to start back to OM beach. I reached there by the time of sunset & watched a beautiful sunset of my life, had dinner in Namaste Café and went back to my zostel. This night we were doing the same shit and started playing Housie and we saw a new guy coming and asked him to join us. He joined us and we ended up talking our travel stories and crazy shit we’ve done. The guy who came in last was from Bhatkal and he said there is a place called “Yana” where you get to see good caves and a beautiful water fall. I’ve decided to go there the next morning. It was just 50 KMs away. I’ve gone there, watched all the beauty and returned.
 It was time to check out. I don’t know what happened, I just started feeling sad thinking that I’m leaving this place. I checked out and boarded my bus where I’ve realized that within a couple of days I’ve turned into a welcoming person & the dialogue “Like-minded people doesn’t take much time to mingle”.
Wait for my next story🙂
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