trashtheater101 · 3 years
Perler Pap Set 3
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(Idk why these are so yellow. XD) 
Third Twitter thread, with more Details and Pics
<<< Set 2
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trashtheater101 · 3 years
Perler Paps Set 2
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Second Twitter thread, with more Details and Pics
<<< Set 1 
Set 3 >>>
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trashtheater101 · 3 years
Perler Paps Set 1
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(Keep reformatting this post because I don’t like the way tumblr formats, lol.) 
Original Twitter thread, with more Details and Pics
Set 2 >>>
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trashtheater101 · 4 years
A Not-So-Great and Actually-Rather-Terrible Day for the Great and Terrible Papyrus - (featuring Sans)
A03 Link
Papyrus isn’t having such a good morning. Sans decides to stays home to take care of him with or without his approval. 10/10 description.
Tags: Underfell, Fellcest (could be platonic though), sick!fic, fluff
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trashtheater101 · 4 years
Imagine with me, if you will: The Papyruses off to the Gym.
This is commonplace for Edge. He’s doing his usual workout, casually out-lifting everyone in the place, working up a sweat, too focused on his routine to notice everyone around him openly drooling.
Papyrus would be doing the same—except that he’s too occupied encouraging and supporting all the obvious newcomers: Acting as a spotter, showing how to properly use the equipment, complementing each small achievement, slowly amassing a proper group of followers. Cries of “THATS A NEW RECORD, HUMAN!” and “JUST ONE MORE, I BELIEVE IN YOU!” and “I SEE EXCELLENT IMPROVEMENT ALREADY!” are followed by shouts of “Did you see me, Papyrus? I did more that time!” and “Me next! Me next!”
Slim didn’t want to come. But he got dragged along anyways. Since Razz is strict about his health, he actually has no trouble keeping up. But he‘s only going to do the ‘FUN’ ones.
Apparently ‘the FUN ones’ include the ones where he hangs upside down to do crunches. No one is complaining about this.
Stretch did one thing, for about five minutes, before tapping out and finding a nice place to sit and enjoy the show. Cash hadn’t even bothered with the pretense.
Coffee is off to the side, doing arm curls, very intently, with a 5 pound weight.
His hoodie says ‘Swol Guy’.
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trashtheater101 · 4 years
Chain Me to You chapter 13! This took way too long! I am so... SO... sorry...
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trashtheater101 · 4 years
Been meaning to make this for a while: Free list of skele-prompts! No credit needed (although I’d love to read it if you make one, maybe drop me a note?), and feel free to change ANY of the details or ships. This list is meant to ✧INSPIRE✧ not restrict. 
These are largely old ideas that I realize I’m probably never going to get around to writing myself and thought I’d share. Mostly Papcest, but there’s some left open for Fontcest and Sanscest, and you can always change it up. I probably forgot some, so I’ll add to it as I remember them.
RoyalMoney (Poppy/Cash)
Poppy is a wealthy, and unbearably bored Nigerian prince. Kept safe and sound, a prisoner in the castle by his overprotective brother, Poppy is allowed only limited contact with the guards or servants, and nothing at all with the outside world. When a thief breaks in through his bedroom window (captured easily by the Great Prince Poppy! He’s sheltered, not helpless!), Poppy can't help being intrigued… [His brother can shove it; He’s decided to keep this one.]
Fellcest (Red/Edge)
Red is a scientist. Or at least he used to be. He’s studied the wonders of the universe, tested the limits of time-space, and even broken through the divides between worlds. […none of it compared to learning the way his brother reacts to flirting.]
SpicyHoney (Edge/Stretch(Rus))
Edge is a loyal knight, through and through, and Rus is the true heir to the throne. Edge is determined to protect him no matter the cost. Even now that the kingdom has been overthrown and they were barely able to escape with their lives. Even now that they must keep moving, and live in hiding, lest Rus be captured and executed. Even though Rus is used to being pampered and spoiled, and Edge is the only one left to treat him with the sort of devotion and reverence that a true prince deserves. [Originally a Edge x Anyone, but the pouty, stubborn prince kept morphing into Rus, soooo…]
Edge and Stretch are stuck in a car together for a long trip, and expect to bicker the whole time. Unfortunately 5 minutes in one of them accidentally confesses. Neither are prepared for this, and now the car ride is spent dealing with THIS instead... oh dear… 
Stretch needs to get a physical. Cool, no big, even doctors aren’t sure what to do with a pile of bones, so no point in being embarrassed, and—bonus!—most don’t know how skeleton magic works, so he gets to skip the more invasive stuff. Except—wait—this time his doctor is a skeleton? A really hot skeleton?? And since Stretch is missing so much from his chart, he’s getting a THOROUGH exam??? ...great… [Bonus points for Stretch aggressively flirting to hide his nerves, “w-wow doc. i don’t usually spread my legs before the first date, haha. guess you must be special.”]
SpicyBBQ (Edge/Slim)
Edge’s new lamia is a dominant type, strong, and eager to breed him. But Edge isn’t inclined to submit, and he’s pretty sure he knows exactly how to tame his horny pet. [Succeed or fail, both are tasty~.]
MapleBlossom (Slim/Papyrus)
Slim is the lead singer/guitarist/drummer in an up and coming band. Hanging out at an afterparty of one of his shows, some cute little groupie, or a fan, or whatever, catches his attention when they start chatting him up. Slim is charmed, and while he’s got a pretty firm rule about not fucking the fans, he’s gotta make an exception this time. He’s gonna rock this groupies world. [Except that Papyrus isn’t a groupie. Or a fan. He was just invited along by a friend and thought this stranger might want someone to talk to. But boy is he flattered by all the attention! Is this… flirting?!?] 
SweetMoney (Sugar(HT!Pap)/Cash)
Taking his first ever train trip to the big city, Sugar ends up sitting next to a stranger. Cash seems friendly enough on the ride, but when they get off he refuses to leave??? He keeps insisting it’s too dangerous for someone like Sugar to be alone in the city, and that all well and good, but Sugar’s pretty sure he has a stalker now??? Blood had warned him about this… oh well… For a stalker, Cash is awfully charming. 
Edge x _______
Edge is an Alpha. All the Papyruses are Alphas, so of course he’s an Alpha. He is the most Alpha-y-est Alpha to ever Alpha, thank you very much. And as long as he keeps taking his Alpha-supplements, surely no one will be any the wiser. But the supplements can only repress his instincts so much when he’s surrounded by so many fine, aggressively-dominant Alphas. And let’s be real, how long would it really take a group of Alphas to notice an Omega in their midst? [Easily could be one-on-one, but this prompt is feeling pretty gang-bang-y to me~] 
In hindsight I think I may have seen this idea around before (so let me know if it’s already a thing…), but Edge as a Heinz Doofenshmirtz-(Or like MegaMind, Dr. Horrible, fuckin.... Team Rocket??)-style villain! Over the top dramatic! But also pretty ridiculous... But definitely EVIL!!!!! But also is he though??? Red is his henchman. His love interest can be the Hero, but also could be his usual kidnapping victim, or the cute skele from the laundry mat, or I suppose his henchman, or a brand-new unique dynamic! 
Loud Top Edge. That’s really all I’ve got for this prompt. It really didn’t have to be under Edge specifically… you could make it anyone, but I was thinking of Edge. ...as just... a… noisy… really verbal top... yeah...~<3
Papyrus x _______
Someone has been stealing apples from Papyrus’s apple orchard, and he is determined to catch the culprit! [Well, it turns out the culprit happens to be very attractive and that is a whole new, very different problem!]
Papyrus x _______/Sans x _______
Undertale is Universe 0. It’s the base, the original, the one every universe is spun off of. As such, there is some sort of general law of attraction pulling all the copies towards their originals. Or at least, that’s Sans’s theory anyway. That would explain all these Sans’s that keep hitting on him and—don’t think i don’t notice the rest of you making passes at my bro-! are you looking for a b a d  t i m e ? 
Bonus Lamia prompt
[A]’s lamia goes into a submissive heat. No matter what they do, however, [A] can’t seem to satisfy them. A quick google search reveals their lamia is looking to be bred with eggs, but—uh—[A] can’t produce eggs, and neither of them really want kids yet anyways, and—hey, you can buy safe to insert pseudo-eggs!—Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna give you just what you need~ 
- - - - -
A list of loose themes and thoughts. Poke through and see if anything catches your attention. Or maybe mix some together? (Conveniently numbered for a random number generator!) 
1. Bitties
2. Asleep on shoulder
3. Shopping trip
4. Bandaging after sparring 
5. Broken down car
6. Attractive salesman
7. Trapped in a box~ 
8. Good old fashioned temporary amnesia 
9. Is that a dog in your jacket? 
10. “If you touch him I will END you...!”
11. Crossover
12. Lamias
13. The meal was unrecognizable...You eat it anyways. 
14. Classic fairytale, but with a twist! 
15. A more obscure fairytale. (With all the ‘wtf??’s they tend to entail.)
16. “Please tell me you meant to do that...”
17. Ectoboobies
18. “God, you’re so hot… You look hot! SWEATY! Do you want a drink!?!?”
20. Borrowed pajamas
21. Candle light
23. Someone not normally collared: collared~! 
24. “Sit down and shut up! ...I’m going to serenade you now.”
25. “What will it take to make you realize I’m no good for you?” 
26. Running out of water
27. Physically shielding from harm
28. Can’t stop staring
29. Broke something important
30. He only ever acted like this when he was covered in dust…
31. Well... people always say you should marry a doctor
32. “I think I’m falling for you” 
33. “Guess you fell for me~” 
34. A bad vacation
35. Missing the bus 
36. A WAY too fancy restaurant
37. Good morning kiss
38. That’s probably a serial killer chasing you tbh. 
39. Lost & alone… 
40. Annoying Dog is secretly a matchmaker
41. A goodbye note
42. Freezing cold
43. A slow dance after the lights go down
44. Exploring
45. Hey! You’re that actor/singer/etc I like-! Why are you grinding on me!?!? 
46. “I failed you…”
47. A non-traditional Heat symptom
48. Soul-bonding: the aftermath. 
49. 2 dudes sittin in a hot tub, 5 ft apart cause they’re very gay and sorta nervous and-gosh-it sure is hot in this hot tub… 
50. Flowey: “Okay, look. I don’t normally give advice but…”
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trashtheater101 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Undertale Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Fontcest - Relationship, Papcest Characters: Papyrus, Sans, UF!Papyrus - Character, UF!sans - Character Additional Tags: Drabbles, Yandere!Papyrus, Tags to be added Summary:
So it turns out, I may have a proper little crush on Edge. That’s okay. Because it turns out: so does everyone else!
A collection of drabbles (a significant number of which will feature Edge). Ships and Additional Warnings listed in individual chapters.
The first Drabble is out. It’s fellcest with a pinch of yandere. :D
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trashtheater101 · 7 years
Idk if this is ok but what would happen if they were on the surface for a couple of asks no one else just blueberry,carot,fell pap,fell sans, ut pap, and ut sans
(i’m not sure if i have enough ideas for several asks…)
(i hope this is good enough?)
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(the skellies go for a picnic on the surface with bonus stargazing)
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trashtheater101 · 7 years
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Guess who’s back?
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trashtheater101 · 7 years
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Boning up 
part 2
part 3 (nsfw)
I don’t usually do multi part comics and when I do I usually do them all at once so I can post them together so I’m taking a chance on this. Its kinda inspired by a discussion with someone during my streaming, tho its not exactly what they wanted to see. It will get nsfw by page 3 (which is as far as i have sketched right now) so it will move to my nsfw blog but until then its just silly.
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trashtheater101 · 7 years
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Finally… I did it x.x this took me so long. I’ve had to much stuff to do… plus the poses were killing me too D: I hope it was worth the time I’ve invested into it! Page 9
First Previous Next
I really have way too much fun drawing sf!papy cute and yet badass? something like that… yeah… I am really curious how you will like the next pages. I’ve planned tons of funny stuff. (Funny… sad.. weird… uhh…) Yay? Enjoy?
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trashtheater101 · 8 years
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This is part 1
Part 2 is here
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trashtheater101 · 8 years
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moar yandere us! papyrus, hnng he just wants to protect sans ;7;  
part 2
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trashtheater101 · 8 years
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Fuhuhu, I started a lil comic~  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ ‘Papyrus Domination’ (amazing name..)
There will be FONTCEST(+ NSFW) so be prepared..  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) since I love UF Sans so much, these pairings are all gonna be for him..
Pairings: Fellcest(MAIN PAIRING) / Honeymustard / Bloodorange (mild)
Part 2: Here
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trashtheater101 · 8 years
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(Part 1)Yes, here is the start
(2 Part)
(3 Part)
(4 Part)
This is the first part of a sin swapfell comic I just started :D Guess Papps will have to use his stick. I figured out that I can´t draw cars NYE HEHEHEH
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trashtheater101 · 8 years
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I just gonna give Papy more love by draw him in more ships as he totally deserves it (5/5) :
Tale Sans x Tale Pap
[Fell Pap x Tale Pap]
[Swap Sans x Tale Pap]
[Swap Pap x Tale Pap]
[Fell Sans x Tale Pap]
[Tale Sans x Tale Pap] (Here)
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