trash-fire-fox · 5 years
Just keep smiling & the world smiles back.. Right ?
I’m not complicated. I just hide a lot behind my smile.
Sometimes it’s simpler this way, as long as one appears cheerful on the outside nobody will notice, pass comment, ask you the question you avoid to which your automatic response has become hard coded “I’m Fine” You cant be depressed & wear a positive smile can you..Right?  You cant be depressed and make people laugh & grin? 
Regardless it doesn't mean I don’t have a heart ! I'll always be there for those who need me. I will go above and beyond in detriment to my own well-being.  I will always put myself last!
I just cant seem to treat myself very well, cant treat myself like i’m not completely worthless, cant treat myself like i’m a real person.  Worst of all can’t ask for help.
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trash-fire-fox · 5 years
***** New Year
2018 is now behind me & with any luck, it won't be following.
Kinda shocked I made it this far! Shocked I hit all the bullshit goals I set myself in order to reach 2019. Sad in a way that it takes a list of targets just to drag my worthless ass to the end of another shit year I don't give a fuck about right?
I suppose an update might be in order: Got a new & improved job, passed both my driving tests, picked up a new Motorcycle & car, just moved into a new house, lost 3.5 stone life is awesome apparently. And you know what, an easter egg is less hollow than me right now! I don't want to do this shit, I don't want to get up in the morning & pretend for another day. I barely feel like a real person as it is. I think I probably just don't want to be here anymore, I'm looking for a way out...
My fault I never really let anybody in, not that there is anybody to actually let in anymore considering I pretty much talk to nobody on a daily basis. I know what I'm worth, absolutly nothing, less than shit, I just need to stop trying and make the cycle just stop, I know I need to do it.
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trash-fire-fox · 6 years
For the ones that deal with this too
When waking up is a struggle & getting out of bed is a battle.
When you find difficulty talking about & simply avoid letting people in to avoid worry.
When all your energy is diverted into functioning as expected yet on the inside your just bleeding out.
When you work all day desperately focusing on anything that keeps your mind from kicking you down dreading home time.
When you can care about your friends but not yourself.
When you feel the feelings of others and can’t switch it off.
When you feel so worthless little matters.
When you just want to sit in the dark and cry.
When you just need a hug to know someone understands & you’re not the only one.
I’d like to say don’t lose hope, but you can only hold onto hope for so long before you give up or its ripped from you, let’s see how long I can keep this up..
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trash-fire-fox · 10 years
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Look....I drew a cat twat for Confuzzled 2014 
Seriously spent a lot of time drawing this bald muff! It makes me happy
Now go forth and masturbate 
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trash-fire-fox · 10 years
Sometimes i draw dicks....Got a problem!
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trash-fire-fox · 10 years
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Tokala Art -
I finished peppers ref sheet after a few weeks of work. Here is the lo-res
I freaking adore this character and am quickly falling in love ! Now i need to order a new suit big time!  aswell as make a boat load of inappropriate porn with her
Art (c)  ME! Steal it/use it and ill pelt you to death with frozen cabbages 
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trash-fire-fox · 10 years
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Tokala & Midnite have a sassy chubby sister called Pepper, they don't really like sharing her with anybody...
Yes this means they fuck like crazed bunnies and yes this meas a series of disturbing art i plan to draw! 
Characters - Midnite & Pepper 
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trash-fire-fox · 10 years
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Got this amazing con badge from Orliilum over on DA Seriously check out her art and watch her! Art (c) Orlilu http://orlilu.deviantart.com/art/Tokala-bran-in-space-Conbadge-Confuzzled-2014-455469302
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trash-fire-fox · 10 years
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Inking test using photoshop (i use SAi for inks usually but want to move in this direction) Tell me what ya think
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trash-fire-fox · 10 years
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Random Undies!
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trash-fire-fox · 10 years
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Robots & Tentacles - Door badge Completed
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trash-fire-fox · 10 years
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I figure i may as-well start posting art & shit here ^^
Holy fuck i drew something with wings 
This stuff is (c) btw
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