toxictrait1986 · 3 days
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toxictrait1986 · 4 days
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Let it hurt, then let it heal.
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toxictrait1986 · 4 days
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toxictrait1986 · 4 days
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If someone really loves you, they're going to care about how they make you feel.
They're going to make time for you, and they'll be there when they said they'd be there.
They're going to communicate in a mature way and not with an irrational ego.
They're not going to do things over and over again that they know hurts you, is disrespectful, and risks breaking your trust.
They're not going to make you feel alone, because they're never there.
They're never going to just see you as an option, they're going to make you part of their life story.
Because they care about you.
Because they care about how they make you feel.
Because they love you the right way...
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toxictrait1986 · 4 days
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This is going to hurt some feelings but;
When you stop living in lust, you realize how uninteresting a lot of men are.
You start craving a stable man who knows how to be gentle, considerate, and compassionate towards you.
But here’s the catch | Only if you reciprocate
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toxictrait1986 · 5 days
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The meaning of true love from a man.
I hate to say this but most women will go their entire lifetime and never experience the meaning of actual true love.
It's even slightly depressing to think that most people will never understand how powerful this picture actually is.
This gentleman is a prime example of how men should be treating their partner with everyday that passes.
We unfortunately live in a generation with men who have no idea what it takes to be a real man.
Let me give you a couple examples of a real man ......
A real man asks about your day and genuinely cares about the answer.
A real man respects your boundaries and never forces you to anything you're not ready to do.
He makes time for you, and takes that time to learn and understand who you are as a person.
A real man consistently shows you the definition of effort with every day that passes.
He will call you randomly throughout the day just to check on you and your mental health.
A real man is undeniably committed to you and looks for new ways to fall in love with you with every day that passes.
He makes protecting your heart a number one priority.
A real man never makes permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.
He never confuses you on where you stand in his life.
A real man apologizes when he is wrong and stays true to his character.
He doesn't mind hurting other people's feeling to protect yours.
A real man gives you affection without sexual expectation.
A real man refuses to entertain any women that isn't you.
He has genuine intentions with you from day one and shows you how it truly feels to be a priority rather an option.
A real man will help you heal from the trauma that nobody apologized for.
A real man values you and would never put themselves in a position to lose you.
Take my advice and wait for the man that never let's you fall asleep at night questioning your own self worth.
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toxictrait1986 · 7 days
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To the woman who has lost her spark.
To the woman whose get up and go, has well and truly gone.
This is for you.
This is to remind you, that you don’t have to be everything to everyone, every day.
You didn’t sign up for that.
Remember when you used to laugh? Sing?
Throw caution to the wind?
Remember when you used to forgive yourself more quickly for not always being perfect.
You can get that back again.
You really can.
And that doesn’t have to mean letting people down or walking away.
It just means being kinder to you, feeling brave enough to say no sometimes.
Being brave enough to stop sometimes.
And rest.
It starts the moment you realise that you’re not quite who you used to be.
Some of that is good, some of that is not.
There are parts of you that need to be brought back.
And if anyone in your life is not okay with that… they are not your people. Your people will be glad to see that spark starting to light up again.
So, if you have been slowly fading away my friend, this is the time to start saying yes to things that bring you joy and no to things that don’t.
It’s really pretty simple.
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toxictrait1986 · 7 days
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Have you ever made the right decision, even though it hurt the most? Ending a relationship, even when it's your choice, can still feel like it tears you apart.
It may fall on you to set both yourself and your partner free, and that’s an incredibly tough burden to bear.
People might not always understand, but seeking freedom—from pain, from abuse, or from a relationship that lacks your full heart—is not something to feel guilty about.
Letting go doesn't make you a bad person.
You're entitled to grieve, and you have the right to heal. Healing is a journey, and it’s perfectly fine to go at your own pace.
This might not resonate with everyone, but I know there's someone out there struggling with guilt, unable to see that they deserve peace and love that feels right.
Ending a relationship can be the beginning of a breakthrough. It’s a step towards rediscovering yourself and reclaiming your happiness. Allow the pain to shape you, then let it fade away.
You deserve a life filled with joy and love that truly speaks to your soul. Believe that brighter days are on the horizon, and you will come out of this stronger and more resilient.
Take the time to focus on self-care and self-love. Surround yourself with supportive people, engage in activities that bring you joy, and allow yourself the space to heal.
Share this message with someone who might need to hear it. Let them know they are not alone and that they deserve to find peace and happiness.
I'm your biggest fan, always rooting for you!❤️
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toxictrait1986 · 11 days
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toxictrait1986 · 11 days
“I can say with great certainty and absolute honesty that I did not know what love was until I knew what love was not.”
— Unknown
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toxictrait1986 · 11 days
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My boyfriend left his phone open as he took a shower. Out of curiosity, I opened his phone and accessed all of his social media accounts.
There, I found out that he never entertained other girls and he never bothered to respond on their flirty messages. In other words, there were no signs of cheating at all.
As his girlfriend, I couldn't help but to smile in satisfaction. I continued scrolling down his newsfeed and upon scrolling, there's a picture of a woman who completely caught my attention.
I stalked the woman's account and I was surprised knowing that my boyfriend always filled her posts and pictures with "heart reactions" and he even commented, "ganda naman". The woman also responded, "thank you".
For the first time in years, I got alarmed and somewhat a bit threatened.
What I saw that day completely disturbed my mental state. I know it was just a small thing and I should not put a malice towards their mini interaction in social media but my anxiety couldn't handle it.
From that day onwards, I started to overthink. I became so paranoid.
Months passed, I could feel my boyfriend's cold approach towards me. He became so distant, he's near yet I couldn't feel his warmth and presence.
He became more secretive and it felt like there's something part of him that I wasn't allowed to step on.
Out of paranoia, I opened my boyfriend's account once again. I know I am invading his privacy but I'm too desperate to know what is happening why he's acting so cold lately.
I stalked the account of the woman who got me jealous and they had no conversation at all, but they are talking in the comment section while praising each other's existence.
That day, I laughed while droplets of tears escaped my eyes.
Yes, my boyfriend is not a cheater but I always wonder how would it feel when someone loves you right. Someone who would make you feel that you are special, that you are the only woman who's beautiful in his eyes.
Each day, my anxiety is getting worse and it affected our relationship.
I love my man but I don't want to be selfish, because I knew to myself that he's just waiting for me to let go of him.
That's why, I decided to break up with him and ended our three years relationship.
It hurts walking away from the man you love, but what hurts the most is when he did nothing to chase and fight for me to stay
After two weeks of break up, I found out that he's already dating with the same woman I stalked in facebook.
There, I've realized that small things can be big. Those small interactions of them in social media is already a warning which I failed to notice and those little red flags which I chose to ignore.
I've already accepted that we broke up, but I still can't accept how we ended.
I felt so betrayed!
Yes, my man is not a cheater but do you know what makes him a traitor?
It's when he already knew who's next after you while you are still in the process of moving on!
Words by: Ken Ogbinar
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toxictrait1986 · 11 days
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toxictrait1986 · 12 days
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Every man knows exactly what he’s doing…
You not feeling loved or important is not a misconception, You feel that way because it is the reality of things.
You feeling confused about your place in his life is not a misconception, You feel out of place because you have no place.
You feeling neglected and uncared for is not a misconception, Men invest wherever their heart is and his isn’t with you.
Many of you have seen all the signs and red flags but refused to accept because you are too afraid to let go and start all over again.
Most men intentionally neglect, maltreat and disrespect you just to frustrate you into leaving them alone but you still stay..
Men are not good pretenders especially for long, It is you who wasn’t paying attention or listening to your gut feeling.
To further validate this theory, Many of you will read and ignore the red flags even though it describes your current situation.
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toxictrait1986 · 12 days
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Never beg for attention and time.
Who misses you calls, writes, searches and finds.
Love yourself more!
The only thing you can ask for in life is a bottle of good wine and the right size shoes.
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toxictrait1986 · 13 days
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toxictrait1986 · 13 days
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toxictrait1986 · 13 days
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We live in a generation where connections often fade away‼️
With so much focus on social media and phones, dating isn't the same.
People view others as replaceable and are constantly looking for the next best thing on their devices.
What many don't get is that you can't replace someone genuine who makes an effort to be in your life every day.
Value these people and appreciate what you have before it's gone.
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