How Content Can Impact Your SEO
Everyone wants to be the best at what he or she does, and writing engaging and fascinating content that is shared by all, and ranking amazingly, is something we like to pride ourselves on. However, we cannot all be the best, and learning how to shake things up with your own SEO and website will help you overall. Varying your content style or heading in a new direction to place your content will bring your brand or company information to new ranking heights. SEO can only take your website so far if your content is not considered helpful or engaging by the search engines. The following are a few tips to help you writing content that will influence your SEO.
Written Content
Written content provides you with flexibility and it is widely used by search engine bots. With written content, many things can be accomplished, like educating, amusing, and interacting with your targeted audience. You have the option to use written content with blog posts, e-books, articles, updates, and a huge array of social media outlets. With this type of content, you have control of how search engines perceive you. Therefore, you have to be creative to catch the attention of the search engines and your targeted audience.
Video Content
Most people are visual, and having something to look at in addition to reading content, can help your site gain ranks with your targeted audience. Video is great for drawing people into a site and it can keep your followers interested to the point that they will either want more and convert, or they will come back. You can provide your followers with amazing messages that only video can convey.
Now, you might be thinking to yourself that you could make your video go viral, however that can be difficult, so don’t set yourself up for failure. From an SEO perspective, video is a challenge. Search engines cannot actually crawl a video, so it is in your best interest to include keyword tags with a video that you create, as well as adding some content about the video. This is will help both the search engines find you, and your followers.
Audio Content
Podcasts, songs, or recorded talk sessions are on the rise. These type of content are currently be used more often with smaller business, but they have shown some success. It is slow in growth only because it is difficult for people to truly learn or engage in a topic through only auditory senses. Like video, search engines cannot crawl the audio content, therefore, you will need to attach content that tells the search engine and your targeted audience what the podcast, song, or talk session is about. In addition, it is also important to make sure that transcripts are available for search engines to crawl. This will help with your ranking.
In conclusion, it is important to keep in mind that a mix of media content will be your best solution for gaining the ranks that you want. Make sure that the content that you provide is quality and engaging before you send it out for search engines and your followers to find. Be original, engaging, and most importantly, think outside the box.
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Content Marketing is a Great Strategy for SEO
If you are a business owner or a marketer, chances are you are seeking new and successful ways to gain better rankings for your website. This is the perfect time to address your rankings and the strategies that you currently use. One of the best strategies that you can use for your marketing campaign is content marketing. Yes, this is even better than link building. Research has shown that switching from search marketing to content marketing is increasingly leading to higher ranks and organic traffic. Here are some tips that can assist you with your new content marketing strategy.
Think Long Term not Short Term
If you are achieving success through SEO based link building, then you are only achieving half the battle. Link building is only a short-term tactic that can be easily taken apart by algorithms. So, when the next Penguin or Panda updates come around, and your website looks unnatural. You might be a little scared and probably concerned about your website when it is hit with Panda or Penguin.
Link building is a tactic, while content marketing is a strategy. What do I mean by this? If you are just creating links to get the attention of Google, then it will work for a while, but it is not a long-term solution. Having great content can send targeted traffic to your website for years. Think about it, your targeted audience does their search in a specific way, so make sure that you offer them a way to find you with great content.
What Do You Do When Your Links No Longer Have Value?
Ok, you never know what can happen, and I don’t see this happening any time soon. However, anything and everything is possible. Google has stated in the past that they do not use factors such as “likes/shares” that your site receives on Facebook to determine if a website or link has value. However, it does show how powerful social data can be in the terms of indentifying the best content.
Now what will happen if Google decides to change their mind and run with this data? You need to have the right strategy in place. If content has over 100 links and no social footprint, then it is clear that those links have been built to the page, meaning that they have not been naturally generated. This could be both good and bad, depending on how you look at it. Ultimately, you want engaging content that will have your targeted audience wanting to share what your brand has to say. So think in terms of the long run, and write compelling content.
It does not matter what type of marketing you are using, what does matter is that you have a great content marketing strategy in place. Your content will generate the attention and the rankings that you want for a successful marketing campaign. If you have great content that engages your targeted audience on a regular basis, then you don’t have to heavily rely on search.
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SEO Is About Investing In The Future Of Your Business
If your business offers value through products and services then you are fulfilling a need that people in your area or across the country have. To achieve this online, your business must be visible online to your loyal and potential customers. Search Engine Optimization will help your business be seen online, and it will ensure that your business ranks high on the major search engines. To help your business grow towards success, you need to make sure that you attract the right customers, which will boost your value and profits.
SEO Is Not Something Your Business Can Ignore
Your targeted audience does use the internet to do searches for products and services that your business offers. So, with that being stated, you need to make sure that your business is easily found. When it comes to creating your SEO campaign, take into consideration technical elements of website optimization with buyer psychology to match your business objectives to the online environment.
Understanding Your Visitors
When you start to formulate an SEO strategy, think about where your customers are on the web, how can they be reached effectively, what is the least expensive way to impact them, and which tools are best to use to bring them to your site. You will be effective of boosting your sales and profits by optimizing your website for high search engine ranking. If you truly know what you are doing, then you can use SEO to steer your business through any economic situation. Know what your potential customers want, will help you create the right strategy for higher profits and success.
SEO and Your Conversion Rate
Tailoring your website to match what your potential customers are thinking will attract more visitors and turn potential customers into paying ones. Within your SEO plan, you should use keywords that are targeted specifically for your targeted audience, and by powered by our buyer’s state of mind. By understanding what your customers want and by placing in front of them the products and services that your business offers, you will increase your conversion rate and your profits.
Every business needs SEO and it is important to recognize that SEO is not a cost, it is an investment for your business success. A cost effective marketing campaign with a high return will benefit your business for years to come. It is all about getting more people to your website and turning them into paying customers.
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Is Your Content Being Ignored?
Are you frustrated by the response that you are “not receiving” to the content that you work so hard to create? We all know that having a catchy phrase or title is a key factor to getting your targeted audience to respond to you. When it comes to getting your content out there and noticed by the masses, consider these things: did you promote it, and is the title intriguing. Read on, and learn about the most common culprits that are involved when you don’t get the response that you seek for your content.
Promote Your Content
No one is reading your content! This is the main reason why content falls flat. It is very similar to the old saying, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Think about it, if no one knows that you have written this amazing and earth shattering content, then nothing is going to happen. Creating your content is only half the battle, you need to promote it. Research your targeted audience and know how to network with them. Keep an open relationship with them, and show them that you are willing to reciprocate when it comes to sharing and commenting on content.
Is Your Title Intriguing
There is an infinite amount of content out there, and in order to get yours noticed, you need a title that is eye catching. Even if the topic that you are writing about is exciting, informative, without a compelling headline, the audience that you seek is not going to notice it. With all the information that is being thrown onto the internet, you need to create a reason for people to read your content.
It’s Not All About You
The whole point to creating content is to interact with your targeted audience. You want to know what their needs and desires are, so that you can cater to them. Make sure that you write content that is compelling to your audience and that helps them accomplish their goals. Naturally, you want to broadcast your marketing, however, you have to do it in a way that does not seem like advertising. Let your creativity and imagination come out and play. Create something that has real value and adds something meaningful to the audience that you are trying to reach.
If your content is not performing well, take a step back and make sure that you are doing everything you can to grab and keep your audience. You need to create balance that can only be created through careful study and experimentation. Placing eye catching and intriguing images, titles, and videos will bring your targeted audience to you.
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4 Ways to Gain Facebook Likes
In recent events, Facebook has stated that they intend to clear brand pages of “fake likes”, those purchased to inflate a brand’s popularity on the network. Bots and duplicated accounts are responsible for these typical “likes”. While having a successful brand page on a social network can boost your visibility, it can also cause harm and give the brand a false sense of security. Now that Facebook is set to clean house and to remove automated “likes”, the time is now for your business to focus on real “likes” and how to increase your numbers. Here are a few tips that can help you.
The Basics
There are a lot of opportunities to create real “likes” throughout the day on Facebook. Take a look at the business tools that Facebook provides and use their easy and step-by-step instructions that will help your brand. The Facebook help center offers you the option to pick a button that you like and allows you to have it placed on your website pages, email footers, and even your email newsletters. This is a great way to get your brand’s Facebook page in front of thousands of potential customers.
Blog Linking
If you have a blog that is active and you have followers, the best way to get your blog more “likes” and shared by many, is to make sure that you sync your blog to your Facebook page. This ensures that your brand will receive a content stream and it will save you time with manually coping and pasting your links. This is especially helpful if you frequently post case studies, updates, and even news.
Suggest To Your Friends
Everyone loves to share about the events, products, and even services that they have received, and if you have a personal Facebook page, you should be sharing your brand’s page. Think about it, if your brand is struggling to be noticed on Facebook, it will not hurt if you suggest the page to your friends. In fact, you never know, it might get picked up by your friend’s friends and so on. The potential for your brand’s Facebook page is unlimited, all you need to do is make sure that you place it out there.
Facebook Advertising
Facebook likes brands to buy advertising space, even if they don’t like it when brands buy “fake likes”. It is very cost effective to run a series of Facebook ads, and you will be able to have your ad targeted to a wide range of people on Facebook. Some of these people who may not have heard of your brand, if it were not for this ad.
With all this, you have the option to create a successful Facebook page for your brand. Creating real “likes” and having your brand placed in front of millions of potential customers is better in the long run then buying “fake likes” and getting nowhere. The objective is to gain real new followers for your brand, not to create fake ones.
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3 Effective Mobile SEO Tips
Mobile search has become a very hot topic in the SEO world. Many brands are finding that over 40 percent of all searches come from mobile devices, and the numbers continues to increase. Therefore, with the continuing trend within the digital age, brands need to start making their SEO marketing strategy mobile friendly. Here are tips that will help you make sure that your mobile site’s content is properly viewed, and crawled by search engines.
Keyword Queries
Research has shown that searchers using a mobile device enter keywords queries differently than when they are using a desktop. Shorter tail phrases are used, and their search is more localized and more prone to rely on Google. Therefore, do your research, and make sure that you optimize for these shorter tail queries.
Social Media Apps
There are many apps on the market that many users with a Smartphone download to keep connected to their family and friends. When you think about it, all the social media networks also have apps that they want their followers to use, so that they can be connected even when they are not in front of a computer. Many mobile users want to be entertained and in many instances, they are connected to the social media world 24/7. Therefore, content that is displayed for mobile users should be compelling and entertaining.
Your mobile site should have a social media link embedded on every page, which will allow mobile users to stay connected to your site. This will increase your brands exposure and traffic by ensuring that your content is easily shared across the different social media networks.
Develop A Site Specifically for Mobile Search
Having a successful mobile strategy should include the development of a successful site that is specifically for mobile search. It should not be a scaled down version of your desktop website. You should have it configured in a way that your mobile version should reside on a sub-domain, for example, “m.yourdomain.com.” Many brands have already created both versions of their website to ensure that their mobile users get the best experience.
Keep in mind the main reason for consumers to use their mobile devices. Many people use their mobile devices to pass time, so basically entertainment reasons. Therefore developing a mobile version of your website with these considerations in mind will place your brand in front the people you want.
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SEO Workplace Enlightenment
The SEO world is constantly changing and being informed can keep you on top and in the loop. Recently Google released the Exact Match Domain (EMD) update in addition to its Panda refresh, which has made it difficult for anyone to understand what has happen to his or her rankings. With search query data disappearing, our work as SEO professionals has just gotten harder. Here are a few tips that could help make your SEO work and experience a little bit easier.
Trifling Conversation
Any conversation that ranges from page title to what happened during the reign of Catherin the Great is encouraged. Besides making work more bearable and fun, it will provide a renewed energy through out the day. However, having fun should not take away from the productivity and focus of your SEO goal.
This is about making firm decisions and genuinely being interested in what you are doing. We all understand that working with ever changing conditions can be stressful and in some cases outright distressing. Sometimes you just want to be able to do something without having to worry if it will actually work or keep your rankings steady. When you love what you do, it really does not matter what happens, because you will love figuring out the problem and creating the solution.
Fake It Until Your Make It
One of the worst things that can happen in your SEO career is when you are caught pretending to know something that you don’t. So, what makes SEO so hard? Having the experience takes time and if you don’t learn from your mistakes, then you are not growing and moving forward. As long as you are doing your best, and you are showing an effort, there is no need to lie to a client or your boss. A moment of embarrassment can be saved by simply stating, “Our team is on it, and we will double check on that,” or by stating, “We are not 100 percent, but we are on it.”
Be Assuring
Always be positive and make sure that you provide a comfort feeling that is reassuring to both your client and your boss. Understand that when working with others, conflict is unavoidable, which means that you need to be on top of what is going on within your work environment and learn when to say no, when to say yes, and when to compromise.
Try your best to focus on the task at hand and with completely the job. When you focus on anything things, tend to get done. So, no matter what is thrown at you, i.e. Google updates and changes, you will be able to stay on top, stay focused, and plan for future events.
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An Effective Landing Page Adds Revenue
When searching for a product or service online, the last thing you want to have happen is to land on a page that makes no sense, is hard to navigate, and is poorly written. No matter what type of brand and services you may have to offer, if your landing page is not appealing and up to consumer’s standards, you will lose potential customers. The following are tips that will help you create a landing page that is compelling and that will keep your potential customers on your page.
The Purpose of Having A Landing Page
The main reason for your website to have a landing page is to appeal to your customers. When they want what you have to offer, they are going to be seeking information that you need to provide them. A good landing page is balanced with images, content, and has a color scheme that is appealing to the eye. More than anything, your landing is representing your brand, therefore, you want to make a good first impression.
Visually Appealing Landing Pages
People are very visual, and if your landing page is dull or seems too cluttered, then your potential customers will click away. The objective is to keep your potential customers on your website. Make sure that your titles, subtitles, and links are accurate in what they say, and that they go to the right place when clicked on. There has to a visual hierarchy and every element on your site should encourage your customers to take action.
The heading of your landing page, and all pages that are associated with your website should be appealing. When your customers see your landing page they need to be compelled and want to take some form of action. When people come to your website they are seeking a specific product or service that you offer, so you need to make sure that they find exactly what they are seeking.
In conclusion, your main objective, besides bringing and keeping people at your site, is to make sure that once they get there, they stay there. Having a great and appealing landing page is a key factor to turning your potential customers into paying ones.
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Content Marketing The Right Way
Think about the way you write your content and the way it is marketed to your targeted audience. Over 90 percent of all purchase decisions are based on some type of exposure to content from that particular brand. Content marketing holds so much potential when it comes to the generations of leads. In order for your content to be effective, you must think very carefully about how you say what you want to say. Here are a few tips that can assist you with creating great content for your marketing campaign.
Information Overload
There is a lot of content out there online and within the social media worlds, therefore you need to tactful and compelling when it comes to producing content. Your targeted audience can tell the difference between words that are quickly put together and words that actually are educational and have something important to say. Invest time and energy to know how content marketing works and how it can work wonders for your marketing campaign.
Educate Your Audience
The impact that you want to make with your content is the ability of your targeted audience to remember your brand. You should educate your audience and provide them with information on your brand and the industry that you are in. Think about the current trends that are happening within your industry and share them with the voice that you want your brand to have. Take a stand and create an authoritative voice that is respected by your audience. Don’t be too pushy, and offer your audience that ability to respond to your posts.
You need to make sure that your targeted audience trust what you have to say. Your audience needs to feel that they can receive quality and informative information from the content that you provide. Share values and information that revolves around your industry.
Content With New Visitors
These days content is the fuel for search engines, and it is really making a difference in who finds you and your content. With the right content marketing plan you can place your brand in front of thousands of potential customers. Don’t forget to utilize your keywords and to use them to your advantage.
There are numerous benefits and advantages to content marketing, and when done well, it will place your brand in front of thousands of potential customers.
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The Power of Tweeting
Twitter is one of the most successful and powerful social media tools that is used today. If your brand does not already use Twitter, then you need to rethink your marketing campaign. One of the best tools for connecting with your followers is to communicate with them via Twitter. People love to chat and to engage with the products and brands that they use. In other words, people love to give their opinion. This is an opportunity for your brand to offer Twitter chats. These chats are scheduled discussions that are set up by a moderator and have a specific top to discuss between the brand and the followers. Depending on how popular your brand is, prepare to be overwhelmed by responses the first couple of times. The following are a few reasons Twitter is a great tool for your brand.
New Connections
It goes without saying that Twitter chats are the perfect way to connect with new and loyal customers. You will be able to bring people together who have a common interest, whether or not they are professional connections or not. You will be able to learn how your brand has influenced people’s lives and you will receive feedback that will help you improve on your brand and services.
The people who engage with your Twitter chats on a regular basis are more than likely to be involved in their niche. They will have a wealth of information that they can share with you, and they will provide you with important information that could help your brand grow in a positive manner. You will be able to share and receive links, tips, and other resources that will only help your brand more forward towards a positive future.
Great Branding
If you are going into these chats as your brand or as professional representative, this is the perfect way to connect with your targeted audience. You have the opportunity to present your brand in a professional and personable way. As stated before, people love to interact with a brand or company and they love to give their opinion.
Contribute to the Conversation
Just looking at the chats and taking a step back is not good enough. You need to interact with your loyal followers. After all, they are on your chat for a reason and to talk with you. Join in on the conversation and let them know that your brand is listening.
Remember that people like to know that their voice is being heard, so give them something to talk about, and let them know that you are paying attention.
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Social Media Extras That Will Help
When it comes to social media, one should not hold back. These days, if your brand is not on a social media site, then you are missing out on all of the potential clientele. Think about the different ways that people communicate with each other, person to person, email, social media, and then consider the ways that you can communicate with your potential customers. Here are a few tips that will help your brand become better recognized and to put your brand in front of potential customers.
You can gain additional followers by offering amazing and unique information with blogging. In additional to providing great content, make sure that you include an image with your posts. People connect with an image, so try to tie your image with your content. Sometimes, being a little creative with the image can also draw different people to your posts, so always think out side the box.
Ok, so you want to use Twitter, because it has huge following, and it is easy to get your message across to thousands of followers at one time. Make sure that your tweets are eye-catching and unique. This will give people the incentive to click on your link, reply to your tweets, and share your tweets with others. In return, you have the option to follow your followers and gain an idea of what they are interested in, and learn how you can keep their attention focused on your brand. Also, this is a great way to communicate with your followers and to let them know that you appreciate their business.
Keep a profile on LinkedIn and make sure that it is updated on a regular basis. More and more businesses are posting on this site, and the best part about this network site, is that the discussion is kept professional. This will enable your brand to connect with others businesses in the same industry and it is a great way to network. Keep all of your options open.
Last but not least, Facebook. Almost everyone has an account with Facebook. This has become one of the most popular sources for networking online. However, with this type of account, you need to research when your followers are online, and when you post, you have to make sure that you provide eye-catching and unique content that is second to none. Especially since, you will be competing with other posts by other brands, and your followers’ friends. Facebook is great for connecting with people and other business, so it goes without saying, that this network site is a great tool to use.
In closing, keep in mind that whatever path you take when it comes to social media, you offer unique and quality content that will appeal to the masses. Stay unique and think outside the box with social media.
Effects of Bad Reviews by TopoftheFirstPage
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If You're Not Doing Your Marketing Research, Then Houston, We’ve Got A Problem
Online marketing should be taken seriously, and not put on the back burner. There are too many companies these days that don’t take the paid traffic channel seriously. Either they don’t do it all, which can harm the campaign and be a huge mistake, or they don’t do it the right way. Many search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing are continuously refining their systems to make campaign management a whole lot easier. However, if your company is not using proven strategies that are actually suggested by search engines, then I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and say that it is out of ignorance. The following information will help you, so please read carefully.
Planning A Successful Marketing Campaign
Not everyone is going to be successful their first try. It takes time, patience, and trial and error, to come up with the perfect marketing plan that will suit your brand and company. One of the best things for you to do before anything else is decided, is to research your targeted audience. What is happening in your industry today, and how are your followers responding to it. Make sure that you are trendy and have something relevant to offer the people who are loyal to your brand.
Keywords and Key Phrases
Keywords and key phrases are very important for your SEO. Search engines look for websites that have relevant key terms that users are searching for. So, if you have a loyal customer trying to find you, your product, or your services, you need to make sure that you provide the search engines with relevant key terms that will match what they are typing into their browser. If your thoughts on keywords go a lot like this:
 “No we don’t have brand keyword campaigns, because we already rank #1 organically for our website.”
Then, you need to rethink your campaign strategy. This will not do, and it will not help you gain the ranking that you want, or place your website in front of the right people. Do your research and find out what your targeted audience is really looking for, and base your keywords and phrases on what your brand is all about.
Stay ahead of the game, because you never know when your competition will gain the upper hand. The goal of your marketing campaign is to keep loyal customers and to create new customers at the same time. So, when you start your marketing campaign think about all the factors that go into creating the perfect one for your brand. Do your research, listen to your customers, choose relevant keywords and phrases, and create a marketing campaign that will strand out among the search engines.
Effects of Bad Reviews by TopoftheFirstPage
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SEO Tips for A Great Website
It does not matter what business or industry you are in, if your website is not top notch, you are not going to receive the traffic and the results that you need for success. You want to rank high with all the major search engines, which means that you need to understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The following are a few tips to assist you with creating a great website that will bring your results.
Content is Key
Don’t try to trick search engines into giving your site high ranks. Creative, and regularly updated content will always do more for your ranks than other SEO tactics. When writing content for your website, make sure that it is fresh and informative. You want to catch the eye of your readers, which in turn will bring you a higher conversion rate. Adding new content and updating odd content will keep the search engines interested in you.
Keywords are very important when you are writing content and are searched by your customers on the search engines. When someone does a search for a specific service or brand that you may offer, they use keywords that search engines will use to find your business. Use a range of keywords and phrases that will improve your chances of being placed on the first page of a search engine.
Social Bookmarking
Make it as easy as possible for your customers to “like” and share your website. Adding Facebook and Twitter links to your website so your customers can stay connected. The search engines do view all the “likes” and shares as a positive thing and it will increase the flow of traffic to your site.
Ok, so now that you have started with creating your website and a marketing campaign, remember to take your customers into consideration and to know what your targeted audience is seeking. Now is the perfect time to start creating the right campaign for your brand and to make sure that it is appealing. Lets review, you need fresh content with valuable keywords that will be seen by search engines. Be creative and think outside the box. Now is the perfect time to create the perfect marketing plan with the right SEO.
How to Optimize Your Website For Local Traffic by TopoftheSearchPage
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How Does Your Facebook Fan Base Look?
Having a Facebook page can help any brand gain ranks and a larger fan base. Let’s face it, social media in general can help bring any brand, or company to succeed with their goal of attracting loyal and new fans to their brand. So, the question is, how do you increase the number of fans on your Facebook page? The following are a few tips that will help you gain a larger fan base, and help you promote your brand to a larger audience.
Join Groups That Interest Your Targeted Audience
Well first off, a fan page cannot join another fan page, therefore you will need to create a user account. You don’t have to create a “personal” account if you don’t want to. You can make up a name, but the point is to create an account that is able to join other groups. You don’t want to lose the fans that your page currently has, so now that you have created a user account, you will be able to join other groups that interest your targeted audience. This is great in researching what they like and what they are seeking in the form of information.
As a user, you will be able to join other groups and make comments. As time goes by and you feel comfortable with your interaction, you will be able to share your own page’s information. You can share stories about your brand in these groups to see if they are interested. As others in these groups that you have joined, have gained interest in what you are saying, you can start to share posts from your own brand’s fan page. This is a great way to expand that awareness of your brand and it will help you grow your fan base.
Ask Your Fans To Share
Everyone has something to say about something. Whether you are making a comment online or in person, people love to discuss the brands and products that they use on a daily bases. This is exactly what you need. With your current fan base on Facebook, ask them to share your posts and even share your page with others. If you know that you have a passionate fan base, then sharing will not be an issue. People are more than happen to share and talk about great brands that they love. So all you have to do is ask them to share your posts with others.
When it comes to creating a huge fan base one of the most important things that you must remember, is that you need to know your audience. If you don’t know what your targeted audience is seeking or likes, then what’s the point? Make sure that you give your audience something to talk about and engage them will creative and exciting topics. As stated before, people love to share information about brands and products that they use, whether it’s good or bad.
Ok, so let’s recap, to gain a larger fan base for your Facebook page, you should create a personal user account, which does not have to be “real”. Join other groups, and start sharing stories and information that is related to your brand. You will notice a change in your fan base, and you might even enjoy the role that you begin to play.
Effects of Bad Reviews by TopoftheFirstPage
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SEO Mistakes That Could Kill Traffic To Your Website
When it comes to making mistakes, we all make them. Whether you learn from them is a completely different subject. Sometimes the smallest and simplest mistakes that we do, can cause big problems, like money loss and in some cases job loss. This is something that we want to avoid, so read the following carefully, and learn from the mistakes of others.
Your Website and The Search Engine Database 
If your website is not in the database of a major search engine, then to put it nicely, your website will not be placed in front of your target audience. If you have accidently told the search engine, like Google, that you do not want your website indexed, then this is a problem. Now is the perfect time to view your source code to see if you have told Google that you don’t want them to index your site. The object of having a website is to be found by your loyal and potential customers.
Common Sense To Optimize Your Site
There is no magic wand or special software that will automatically optimize your website. No matter how many times you use the same keyword throughout your content, this is not going to help push your website in front of your target audience any faster. In addition, there is no “best” number of words that belong in a Title tag that will create the magic of placing your site above all the rest. Use common sense when it comes to optimizing your website. Learn how your target audience searches for products, services, and information that are relevant to what they are seeking. Once you have this information, write content that will engage them, and that will bring them to your website.
What You Write About Matters
Think about your target audience when you are writing content for your website. Don’t forget that the words you may use to describe your brand, many not necessarily translate properly to the people reading your content. The people who come to your website should not need a translator to understand what you are trying to say. Your customers come to your website because you are offering them something that they want or need. Therefore, there is no need to go over their heads with jargon that will confuse them. Stop trying to impress them with big words, you have already won them over, so speak to them in their language and let them know that you are listening.
Learn from the mistakes of others, and don’t let your company suffer. The most important thing to remember is to engage the right way with your target audience and let them know that, yes you are listening, and yes, you do care. Impress them, engage them, and let the whole world know who you are and what you have to offer. Don’t hide, be free, and take your marketing campaign to the next level, whether your company is big or small, the best thing to do is to get your voice heard.
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Ways to Promote Posts in Facebook
Do you have a company Facebook page? Well, you should, so start creating one now. Ok, so now that we have the first step done, let’s discuss posts on Facebook and how you can start promoting them the right way. Use Facebook posts to target your audience and provide them with interesting information that will draw them to your website. The users that do have a link to your Facebook page, do not necessarily see every post that you make. Facebook uses a scoring system called Edge Rank, which evaluate the activity, time, and weight of each post. A promoted post offers an opportunity to bypass the scoring system. Here are a few steps to follow that will help you create successful promoted posts that will be seen by your audience.
Engaging Content
Time and time again, I cannot stress how important it is to create engaging and unique content. It is a key factor to attracting your targeted audience. Also, create unique updates that actually attract those who “like” your Facebook page. Add fun quizzes, consumer polls, questions, and fun activity to your posts, and watch how people will be drawn to your brand.
Status Updates
It is important to always keep your status updated. Facebook considers posts that are older than 3 days no longer relevant. It is always a great idea to make sure that you have something of interest to post either every day or every 3 days. This 3 day window can also help you evaluate your status post and see if it is relevant. Use the tools that Facebook provides you to see if your post is actually helping your brand. View the quick stats, available at the bottom of each post to tract your activity. You can also choose to pay to promote and expand your reach. No matter what you choose to do, make sure that you are offering something that appeals to your fans.
Monitor Promotions
Ok, so once you start a promotion on Facebook, you need to monitor it. Whether it is a success or not, you need to be aware of why it is or is not working. If you have an in-active campaign, you need to pause it. If you are paying for a campaign, you need to keep track of what is working and what you should stop paying for. Once you have a selected budget, you want to make sure that it goes to good use and not for a campaign that just sits there being unnoticed.
These steps can help you successfully promote your brand on Facebook. It is also important to remember to use the tools that Facebook provides you. With the combination of creating engaging posts and monitoring activity once you start a promotion, you will see the success that you are seeking. Start thinking creativity and use the tools that Facebook offer you.
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Simple Steps to Avoid Bad Reviews
Trying to avoid a bad review? Sorry, sometimes things go your way, and sometimes you have to go out of your way to make things right. Complaints will happen no matter what you do or say with your company or brand. There are a few ways to help you avoid a bad situation, which can make things a lot easier for your company. Learn how to follow up with your customers, make it easy to complain, and ask for reviews.
When you follow up with your customers, you are showing them that you care about the service that they received, and that their opinion is important to your company or brand. People love to offer their opinion when they have something to say, so make is easy for them to compliment the service that they received, and even to complain about it. Yes, making it easy for your customers to complain will stop any situation from escalating to a point where your company’s good name is compromised. You want your customers to feel that they matter, which in all honesty, they do.
One more thing can help your company or brand, and that is asking for reviews. Make the review simple, and offer it when they check out. Again, people love to give their opinion, especially when they are getting something back in return. Offer a discount or a free sample for filling out a simple questionnaire, and watch how many good reviews your company or brand will receive.
How your company or brand handles itself during any type of conflict, will determine how others see your company or band. So, remember that complaints will happen, and having the right plan of action will help change a bad situation into an opportunity for growth, change, and better reviews.
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