top-mmaufc 4 years
Sherdog dictionary
Sherbro Sherdogger vs Sherdoger Shertard Shercock Jacked - the word for 2020, on everybody's lips Cringy - the word for 2019, on everybody's lips GOAT Roster vs Rooster pre-USADA Prime
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from Blogger https://ift.tt/3dFrp4A
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Is is fair to other fighters LW divison?
Is it fair and demotivating for other fighters in LW division that they are falling in shadow of Gaethje, Tony, Conor and Khabib? Even Dustin fell behind and hes trying to stay in spotlight with attention seeking twits. People are constantly whining about how UFC is making only money fights, making moves that are not fair for this and that fighter, dont care about rankings or winning streaks. Is this division that boring outside of top5 ? from Blogger https://ift.tt/2xX33Ej
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top-mmaufc 4 years
If Gordon Ryan's not going to MMA anymore.....
... what else is there for him to accomplish in BJJ? What's the carrot to chase ? There is a real risk of boredom setting in..... BUT he always said before he didnt compete in the gi because his goal was mma , now that that's gone why not try your luck in the gi ? Honestly the guy is so dominant in nogi I cant imagine him falling off THAT hard in gi. He already beat the current top Gi guy (Buchecha) and that's as hard an opponent as he can expect in the gi. Imagine if he wins in the gi as... If Gordon Ryan's not going to MMA anymore..... from Blogger https://ift.tt/2YTv1fg
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top-mmaufc 4 years
How are all these fighters still alive?
Rozenstruik got hit by a sledgehammer, Tony was basically a living death. How much beating can one man take? You'd think something almost has to go wrong one day? How is it possible that there are many deaths in boxing every year, yet in MMA brutal fights end in 6months layoffs at worst? from Blogger https://ift.tt/3dAPMQH
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Opinion: The downfall of 205 and HW is the biggest tragedy in MMA
Those two are the two original divisions. Those were always the banner divisions with the most marketable fighters over the course of the first x number of years in MMA. Be it in the earliest days with guys like Kerr and Coleman or the Randleman and Barnett's of the world through the Pride days with Fedor/Nog/Cro Cop to even the eary 2010s with JDS/Cain/Brock/Ubereem roaming around. Same with 205. Liddell was the star of MMA and his trilogy with Couture was all time. Pride 205 division... Opinion: The downfall of 205 and HW is the biggest tragedy in MMA from Blogger https://ift.tt/2YMPJNG
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Covid has blessed us with alot of shitty sherdog lows, but I bet I top it all
Alrigh you sleeze bags, be ready.. im about to top "Doughgirls" getting kicked out for not paying rent and damn this shit might even top That209. My life is FUCKED.. God damn. You guys already know, im a god damn drunk, can not stop it fucking blows. I got out of rehab in feb, lost my job because of a layoff due to covid, moved back in with my mom. Im 30 years old, i havent lived with my mother since I was 18.... and she is fucked. Her boyfriend, who is the most OCD person i have ever... Covid has blessed us with alot of shitty sherdog lows, but I bet I top it all from Blogger https://ift.tt/3fub3NO
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Which Fighters names would you put together to change to make their name sound cooker?
Josh Hughes George saint santos Jon Cormier Mauricio 25/8 noguera Wanderlei koscheck what do you guys got? from Blogger https://ift.tt/2YC9Gqg
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Sherdog children: How are your parents' jobs going?
I know a lot of Sherdoggers have seen their parents switch from going to the office to becoming de-facto working from home. How are they handling this transition? -What kind of technology are they using to communicate with their bosses/coworkers? -Is your parent still completing their job tasks? -How has communication been between their office and your parents? -How has this affected their job performance assessments? -How long until they go back to work? -Has the general attitude of... Sherdog children: How are your parents' jobs going? from Blogger https://ift.tt/3aZfTz9
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Top 3 Most Violent Fighters
- Wanderlei Silva "all I guarantee is violence" - Robbie Lawler - Tony Ferguson from Blogger https://ift.tt/2YoQDQk
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Greatest Muay Thai Fighters of All Time, as voted by Thai Legends
This is still being updated, so this infographic will be out of date very quickly. Sylvie von Duuglas-Ittu has been asking golden age legends she knows/trains with their opinions on the top 5 greatest fighters of all time. As of this post,... Greatest Muay Thai Fighters of All Time, as voted by Thai Legends from Blogger https://ift.tt/3b09G6k
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Russian Rapper and MMA Fighter Dmitriy Kuznetsov Calls Out & Clowns on Khabib
from Blogger https://ift.tt/3f3M2su
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top-mmaufc 4 years
DC thinks he's one of the greatest fighters.
That's kinda funny to me. He's a tier below, at LEAST a tier below. Anyone disagree? This guy got his shot pushed in by Jon Jones twice. Literally almost got finished by no camp Anderson at LHW. Maybe it's because time feels like it flies by and it almost feels like yesterday that DC was just another up and comer that was an alternative for Strikforce tourney. Maybe that's why it's hard to give him the credit he thinks he deserves but, I dont' know. I don't think there's any chance that... DC thinks he's one of the greatest fighters. from Blogger https://ift.tt/3aN5hTQ
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top-mmaufc 4 years
COVID long-term effects on UFC fighters
I've read that a study showed that divers who caught covid and were asymptomatic experienced significant lung damage (see below). Seeing as UFC fighters depend on their cardio, this could be a huge deal down the line. Fighters might have to get chest CT scans before competing, and many fighters could be ruled out of competing altogether. What do y'all think of this?
Doctors and scientists are learning every day about the harmful effects of COVID-19. The long-term impact of the...
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COVID long-term effects on UFC fighters from Blogger https://ift.tt/2y5G1uN
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Fight Island operational by June, Octagon on the beach and hotel for the fighters.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/3bFSFzc
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top-mmaufc 4 years
KZ and Cerrone Only Fighters Who Don't Turn Down Fights According to Sean Shelby
Sean Shelby apparently told KZ the only two fighters in the UFC who accept whatever fight is given to them are KZ and Cerrone. This discussion came up in KZ's most recent YouTube video. In the video, KZ talks about when he was getting into the UFC, it was a different culture than it is now. KZ states it is so hard to get into the UFC now, most amateur fighters will only take fights against fighters with losing records in order to increase their odds of winning. He said this is the norm... KZ and Cerrone Only Fighters Who Don't Turn Down Fights According to Sean Shelby from Blogger https://ift.tt/355Li1s
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Fighters that you regret missing their prime:
I like Sherdog. I like most of the jokes/memes that go around. Some are pretty funny, other witty, others are terrible but somehow become OK after 5 guys say the same thing. All that to say, we have some true hardcore, oldschool fans on this site. I know more about MMA than a large majority of my friends, and realize that my knowledge is pretty lacking in some years and a few dudes here know their shit. With that being said, a few guys here, myself included, havent seen all of the... Fighters that you regret missing their prime: from Blogger https://ift.tt/2xGeD6F
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top-mmaufc 4 years
Burgos Back Talk - Sherdog Mailbag Series (Post your questions)
Got questions for the Sherdog weekly mailbag series? There's a ton to talk about this week, which is crazy because we didn't even have any fights go down. Keep em coming! Last week, Jason Burgos answered questions in video form from: @dpfunny, @Jah Broni, @Not A Real Fan, @bjpenngoat and @The Legendary Scarface!
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Y2yVlD
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