toothssii · 2 years
Teeth Straightening – 6 Reasons Adults Should Get Orthodontic Treatments
Adults often resist orthodontic treatment. A lot of people feel that wearing braces are for middle school kids. While the best time to get braces is between the ages of 9 to 14 years, it is never too late to seek treatment to fix the alignment of your teeth and win back the confidence of having that perfect smile.
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toothssii · 2 years
A crossbite usually occurs when there is a misalignment of the teeth. But what is a crossbite and how do you know you have it? Your bottom teeth should ideally fit into the top teeth, just like a shoe box fits into the lid. However, for some people, this is reversed. The top teeth fit into the bottom teeth. This is known as a crossbite. If you or a loved one has a crossbite, don’t worry. It is a common dental issue and there are ways to rectify this easily.
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toothssii · 2 years
What is a crossbite and how worried should you be if you or your child has this condition? Crossbite refers to the alignment of your teeth towards the cheeks or tongue. Teeth are supposed to grow straight up or straight down, and they usually do. But, at times, the alignment of the teeth is tilted, resulting in a crossbite. This condition is more than a cosmetic issue. Crossbites can become uncomfortable. If left untreated, it can cause several dental problems.
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toothssii · 2 years
Naturally aligned, straight teeth are best ways to achieve an aesthetically pleasing and beautiful smile. Teeth braces not only offer aesthetic benefits, but they also offer many health benefits. Many people are not fully aware of the various dangers posed to our health by the misalignment of teeth. By getting your teeth aligned, you can not only improve your overall oral health, but also enhance your appearance. This in turn gives a boost to your confidence.
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toothssii · 2 years
Invisible aligners are clear plastic aligners that offer an alternate option to people who wish to correct the alignment of their teeth without having to wear traditional braces. The aligners are designed to move your teeth into the desired position gradually, by putting pressure on them. The pressure put is minimal and does not cause pain.
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toothssii · 2 years
6 Fun Facts About Gaps Between Teeth
The gap between your teeth is known as diastema. It is a very common dental problem, which may be caused by childhood habits, like thumb sucking, having an overly large tongue and even gum disease. Sometimes, a large tooth gap makes one very conscious of their appearance. Apart from making you conscious of your smile, diastema may compromise your oral hygiene, as food particles tend to get caught in the gaps. If this happens, it can lead to cavities, tooth decay and, in extreme cases, severe gum disease.
The good news is that there are various teeth gap treatment options that are quite effective. You can also not opt for teeth gap filling at home, by consulting experienced orthodontists online and choosing options like removal aligners. Since everyone seems to be making a huge deal of teeth gap, here are some fun facts to lighten your mood.
1.      Too Intelligent
It is often believed that people with a gap between their two front teeth are super intelligent and have exceptionally good creative skills. They are also considered to be people who yearn for knowledge. Some are even voracious readers. It is possible that people with gaps between their incisors are too conscious about their looks and avoid social gatherings, due to which they spend much more time reading and learning.
2.      Friendly and Talkative
It is believed that people with a teeth gap love to talk. Maybe there is a feeling that the gap was somehow caused by them talking too much! Well, there could be a hint of truth there, as a gap between your teeth can appear if your tongue continuously pushes against them. No harm in being perceived to be friendly and an extrovert!
3.      Good with Money and Career
It is said that people who have a teeth gap know how to deal with financial matters in a prudent way. They are also considered to be extremely hardworking, willing to go the extra mile to achieve their goal. Such high ambition and drive to excel also tie back to having a successful career and taking home a good salary.
4.      Sign of Beauty
The standard of beauty varies around the world and across generations. In many cultures, a gap between the front two teeth is considered a sign of attractiveness, especially in women. Some people in these cultures pay to get their teeth widened to achieve this look! There are many celebs who have teeth gaps. Take Madonna for instance. Her slight gap adds to her sensual smile. Eddie Murphy’s cute smile is also accentuated with his teeth gap. Many celebs have said that they decided against closing their teeth gap as it added more character to their smile.
5.      Invisible Treatment
Most people are eager to close the gap between their teeth. This is not merely for cosmetic reasons, but also due to health concerns. Gapped teeth can also cause speech problems in some cases. While most want to close their teeth gap, they dread the thought of having to wear metallic braces. It’s far from being aesthetically pleasing, it’s uncomfortable, it involves too many visits to the dentist and may even lead to further complications.
So, what’s the fun fact here? Well, it’s that you can get teeth gap treatment that is completely transparent. Yes, there are invisible aligners that can do the job well. You can have the aligners on, and no one will even notice them. Moreover, they are removable, so you can eat in peace, without worrying about food getting caught in them.
6.      Blame it on Your Parents
Did you know that diastema can be genetic? So, if you’re parents are going on and on about your teeth gap, you can turn the conversation around and blame your genes!
While teeth gap is common and most visible when it’s between the front incisors, a gap can be anywhere in your mouth. Wherever the teeth gap is, it can be easily rectified. You can consult an experienced orthodontist online and ask about teeth gap filling at home. Choosing invisible aligners can ensure that the treatment is painless and hassle free.
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toothssii · 2 years
Are you facing a teeth alignment problem? Crooked teeth, gaps in teeth or jaw misalignment bothering you? Start your smile makeover online with toothsi
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toothssii · 2 years
Invisible Braces Cost | Teeth Alignment Cost Online | toothsi UAE
Check out our invisible orthodontic braces cost at Toothsi. Know more about our teeth alignment cost. Book an online appointment now!
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toothssii · 2 years
Teeth Uneven Treatment Online at the Best Price | toothsi UAE
Get uneven teeth treatment at home by consulting our expert orthodontists over a call. Book a free session now.
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