tokkaism · 12 years
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Tokka Month Day 31: Costumes
Ah, family reunions…
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tokkaism · 12 years
Pairing: Tokka
Summary: Of all the chaos going on in both of their lives, one thing was a constant: they were both there for each other.
AN: Not even sure if this followed the prompt. I’m so tired that I’m not sure of anything right now lolol.
In all of the chaos involved in her...
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tokkaism · 12 years
Pairing: Tokka
Rating: K
AN: Not really happy with this. I had over 500 words written and a completely different plot, but I accidentally cut the story instead of pasting it when trying to move it to Word. Whoops.
A tradition within Republic City is to celebrate the end of the War by...
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tokkaism · 12 years
Tokka Month - Day 28: Fortress
Pairing: Tokka
Summary: AU in which Toph and Sokka are criminals in the Avatar universe.
Rating: T
The ground was hard beneath her feet.  It was funny, though, because the earth underneath her was her only comfort currently.  She didn’t like running, by no means, but it wasn’t like she could just leave Sokka.  No, she would never do that.  It wasn’t like her to run from a fight, but it also wasn’t like Toph to risk the life of her loved ones. 
“They’re gettin’ closer, Bandit!” Sokka called from in front of her, using her alias.
Toph was almost gasping for breath.  Since when was she so out of shape?!  Pushing the thought from her mind, she continued to run behind Sokka, following the sounds of his breathing and footsteps.  The bag of gold hit her thigh, constantly reminding the earthbender of her and her friend’s misdeeds.  Ah, she didn’t have time to be guilty.  Not when their stealing was for a good cause and the men chasing them were scumbags.
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tokkaism · 12 years
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tokka month day 29: tradition
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tokkaism · 12 years
Tokka Month - Day 12: Liar
Pairing: Tokka
Summary: Toph and Sokka sleep together after his break-up with Suki.  
Rating: T (mentions of sex)
The night air was cool around them.  Everything was quiet around them except for the sound of their gasping breaths.  A breeze came through the open window and Toph shivered, pulling the sheet to cover her naked body.  With a trembling hand, she pushed her sweaty hair out of her face.  Sokka shifted beside her; she felt him pull the sheet around himself before pulling her into his chest.  He clung to her as if his life depended on it.  His heart was beating furiously against his chest.
Toph wanted so badly to say something – anything.  But she had no idea what to say.  This was stupid.  So, so stupid.  She was disgusted with herself.  What type of person slept with their best friend after they went through a break-up?  She mentally scolded herself.  Stupid, stupid Toph.  What hurt worst was knowing that this would change things between them, and probably not for the better.  Sokka wasn’t going to magically know about her feelings toward him, not when he was still in love with Suki.
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tokkaism · 12 years
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Tokka Month Day 22: Priorities
C’mon, lunkhead, I thought at Sokka. Don’t you realize your blind friend is walking on a rooftop?
A moment from one of my fanfics.
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tokkaism · 12 years
Tokka Month Day 24: Petrichor Petrichor - the scent of rain on dry earth
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tokkaism · 12 years
Tokka Month - Day 14: Versatile
Pairing: Tokka
Summary: Toph visits Sokka at work on her day off.  Slight smut ensues.  
Rating: T (for slight sexual nature)
AN: Meh.  I’ve spent two days writing this and it’s still not what I’d originally imagined.  But I need to move on and finish the other prompts, so…here you are. XD
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tokkaism · 12 years
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Tokka Month Day 29: Tradition
I assure you I planned this Sokka drawing ahead of time. It’s not just because I’m busy drowning in homework.
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tokkaism · 12 years
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Tokka Month Day 25: Transparent I wonder if you see right through me
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tokkaism · 12 years
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tokka month 2012 :: day 28 (fortress)
{the official blog for tokka month can be found here}
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tokkaism · 12 years
Pairing: Tokka
Summary: Toph has trouble falling asleep and I’m not sure how to summarize this. o_o
Rating: K.
Toph can’t sleep. Even hours after lying down with Sokka, sleep still eludes the earthbender. She doesn’t even feel sleepy. She feels tired, but not in the way that means...
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tokkaism · 12 years
Pairing: Tokka
Summary: Shortly after Toph’s untimely death, Sokka visits the statue built in her honor.
Rating: K.
Sokka stared at the statue before him. There were no words to explain the feelings that it brought to the surface. It was perfect, the perfect representation of the late...
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tokkaism · 12 years
Tokka Month - Day 20: Punctual
Pairing: One-sided Tokka.
Summary:  Modern AU in which Toph is late for Sokka’s wedding.
Rating: T (language)
No matter how much she willed her legs to move, they wouldn’t.  They were lead, as were her arms and pretty much her whole body.  Toph wanted to move, but she couldn’t.  Her body was heavy and, right now, she was weak.  So completely and utterly weak that she hated herself.  This wasn’t her; she was strong and demanding and a force of nature. 
She lay on her stomach, sightless eyes staring ahead.  The blankets around her were warm and inviting.  Why should she get up when she was so comfortable?  Because your best friend’s getting married, you idiot.  And just like that she felt her heart break for the hundredth time today.  Her best friend was getting married and she was moping around, avoiding the truth.  Sokka’s getting married to Suki.  He loves her, not me.
God, she hated herself.  Why, of all people, did she have to fall in love with Sokka, her best friend?  She hadn’t asked for it.  Hell, she didn’t even know exactly when she had started having feelings for them, they always seemed to have been there, bubbling within her.  Sokka, of course, was oblivious and had no idea of her feelings – he still didn’t.  Toph had always been under the impression that her feelings were miniscule and would eventually go away.  Yeah, right.
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tokkaism · 12 years
Pairing: Tokka
Summary: Sokka outsmarts Toph in a friendly duel.
Rating: K.
A/N: I suppose 19 chapters into Tokka month would be a good a time as any to mention all of my writings for Tokka month are on ff.net. XD http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8570948/1/Tokka-Month-2012
Sokka dodged...
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tokkaism · 12 years
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Tokka Month Day 27: Ultimatum
…and henceforth the Boomeraang Squad shall be dedicated to meat and sarcasm…
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