Pediatric Eye Care in Cypress, TX and surrounding Areas
Pediatric Eye Care in Cypress, TX and surrounding Areas
Dr. Vinh Le specializes is caring for children’s vision in Cypress, Texas. Children with uncorrected vision conditions or eye health problems face many barriers in life, in school. socially and in sports. High-quality care from your eye doctor can break down these barriers and help enable your children to reach their highest potential.
Vision doesn’t just happen. A child’s brain learns how to use eyes to see, just like it learns how to use legs to walk or a mouth to form words. The longer a vision problem goes undiagnosed and untreated, the more a child’s brain learns to accommodate the vision problem.
Your eye doctor in Cypress, Texas recommends that you bring your infant in for a comprehensive eye examination at six months of age. Every child should receive an examination by your eye doctor well before attending school. Early detection and treatment provide the very best opportunity to correct vision problems, so your child can learn to see clearly. Make sure your child has the best possible tools to learn successfully.
Content Source: Pediatric Eye Care in Cypress, TX and surrounding Areas
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Diabetic Eye Treatment in Cypress, TX and surrounding Areas
Diabetic Eye Treatment in Cypress, TX and surrounding Areas
Your eye doctor in Cypress, Texas is well-qualified to provide eye examinations for patients with diabetes. The most common diabetic eye problem is Diabetic Retinopathy, which is the leading cause of blindness in American adults because it damages the blood vessels in the retina. The good news is retinal damage happens slowly and can be monitored by your Today’s Vision eye doctor in Cypress, Texas. In the early disease stage, blurred vision or temporary blindness occurs when the blood vessels weaken, bulge and leak fluid (a condition called macular edema). As the disease progresses, the retina can detach from the eye causing blindness. Regular visits as recommended by your eye doctor in Cypress, Texas are your best defense against the eye problems caused by diabetes.
Content Source: Diabetic Eye Treatment in Cypress, TX and surrounding Areas
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Eye Exams in Cypress & Surrounding Areas
Regular eye exams are very important because Dr. Vinh Le, your eye doctor in Cypress, Texas, has been trained to recognize certain eye or health problems before you notice any visual symptoms. Eye exams enable the eye doctor to diagnose visual problems (also called refractive errors) and to identify, treat and monitor eye conditions (and diseases). Refractive errors include myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism and/or presbyopia that can be corrected with eyeglasses, contacts or vision correction surgery (LASIK). A comprehensive eye exam will likely include: a review of your personal/eye history; evaluation of your eyesight using an eye chart; evaluation of your eyes’ ability to work together; examination of the interior of your eye, and an eye pressure test.
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As long as you are not experiencing problems and your eye doctor has not recommended that you come more often, an eye exam should occur every two years for adults 18-60, and annually for those 61 and older or those wearing eyeglasses or contacts. For children birth to 24 months, the exam should occur at six months of age; from 2 to 5 years at age 3, and from 6 to 18, before first grade and every two years thereafter. And if wearing eyeglasses or contacts, annually. In Cypress, Texas, when your eye doctor writes a visual or contact lens prescription, this is valid for one year. An eye exam is not the same as a contact lens exam although certain tests may be similar.
Content Source: Eye Exams in Cypress & Surrounding Areas
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