tnaka1414 · 21 days
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I booked a last minute flight out of my city. I needed a break from my life and everyone in it, so I grabbed a cheap ticket to somewhere warm. It was so last minute, so I bought a ticket that was labeled overflow, thinking that it meant I was on standby. I noticed that it said it was in beta, but decided to give it a try. I purchased it cause it was incredibly cheap, but was hopeful to get on the first flight out. I waited at the gate, and they kept mentioning how they were overbooked, so I thought I was screwed.
I didn't have a seat number, instead my boarding group number said B. However, they ended up calling on my group so myself and a couple of other's in this beta program walked to the desk and had us check in. I asked no questions, and scanned my boarding pass, and they gave me a seat number. As I was getting ready to hop on the plane, they asked if I could leave me bag so they could check it. I complied, as I didn't need anything in the bag urgently. The last thing they did was offer us what looked like to be one of those mini bottles of alcohol that were about a shot worth. They told us to take it once we get on the jet bridge, and that it would help the flight go smooth. Me and the other passengers all looked around and complied once again. As we all paid so little it made sense to just do what they said. I walked on the jet bridge, and quickly downed the shot. It made my stomach gurgle as the warm liquid went down my throat. It made me feel light.
I made my way onto the plane, but wasn't greeted by the flight attendant which I thought was weird. I ended up getting into my seat, which was an aisle about half way back. There was a woman in the seat next to me, who looked like she was waiting on someone but completely ignored me. I didn't think much of that, but waited for the rest of boarding to begin. People piled in, and eventually the man the woman next to me was waiting on lit up, and waved towards him. He was a big burly country looking man, with a green button down that was tucked around his large belly and into his shorts. I rolled my eyes, worried that this guy was going to ask for my seat. Instead, he came barreling down the aisle, and put his bag in the overhead bin. I thought his gut was going to plow into me as he did it.
"Hey Honey" I heard him say as he closed the bin. He then immediately tried to sit down, and landed on top of me. Instead of colliding, he completely engulfed me, and I heard him make an "Agh" sound. My entire body pulsed and rolled, causing me to lean over. I noticed that my body felt completely more full, and felt the weight of my gut weighing me down in the chair. I noticed the green button down shirt, and the weight of some type of long brimmed hat on my face. I looked up at the black TV in the chair in front of me, and saw the face of the large man that was coming down the aisle.
"Oh my" I said, in my deep, southern voice.
"What's wrong hon" the woman grabbed my arm.
I wanted to scream, "I'M WEARING YOUR HUSBAND" but instead all I said was "Course darlin'" in his thick voice. The woman next to me kissed me on the cheek, and I felt this guy crotch begin to swell. I discreetly adjusted my bulge in my pants, and the woman stayed nestled up on my arm. I used my other hand to trace the lines on my face, and I stared in amazement as my actions mirrored the reflection staring back. I smiled as I saw my new face, getting comfortable being in this plump body, taking up this much space and pretending to be this country man. While the flight was getting ready for take off a flight attendant came up and told me to go to the front desk once we de-plane and they'll fix it.
"Thanks hon" I replied with a nod. I was not expecting this at all when I booked my ticket, but what an incredible experience it was. Especially my 10 minute trip in the bathroom, it almost made me want to not even go to the front desk at the end. Regardless, this is how I'm booking flights from now on.
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tnaka1414 · 29 days
Brandon was a beefy guy, with a pudgy stomach. He frequented the gym 3 times a week and as a result he was quite muscular, however he was never really able to get rid of his beer gut. He was a little hairy and often sported a light or heavy beard, depending on how he was feeling. Brandon had a couple of weeks off for a vacation and decided to stay at a villa near a beach.
Dressed in tight blue shorts and taking a walk along the sand, he caught the attention of several men and women who admired his hunky dad bod. Brandon, completely in his own world, had taken no notice of this whatsoever. He continued his walk with a vacant but content expression.
Brandon was not a particularly observant or bright man, and his interests were limited to work, food and sex. Brandon considered himself straight but always had a mild interest in men. However, he hadn’t paid much attention to this thought, because it would simply take up too much mental energy. Brandon was happy to float through life, enjoy the simple things and not get too caught up in overthinking. Unfortunately for Brandon, his little walk on the beach had attracted the attention of a rather large, mischievous ghost. Fatso had taken a break from his brother's usual ghostly hijinks and decided to do some solo travel. He was floating over the beach plotting to uproot some towels and tents, or to steal the yummy snacks in people’s bags. However, when Fatso caught sight of the beefy man waddling down the beach, his priorities completely changed and he zoomed in to inspect the hunk. 
Fatso could see that Brandon’s clothes were too tight for his body, and hugged him quite closely. Brandon reached back to pull the slight wedgie out that his shorts were giving him. Fatso’s eyes bugged out of his head as he watched Brandon’s cheeks jiggle. “Hubba hubba! I think I found my entrance” Fatso laughed to himself as his fat belly jiggled. “Huh?” Brandon turned and looked up, scratching his head. “Must be the heat getting to me…” Brandon sighed as he walked back to his villa, right by the beach shore. 
Fatso watched Brandon walk into the luxurious villa, and phased through the wall, following him. Brandon walked over to the kitchen and pulled open the kitchen door. Fatso floated after him silently.
“Hmm what do I feel like?” Brandon muttered as he bent over slightly and craned his head in search of a snack. 
Fatso floated closer to Brandon and admired his large backside and tight shirt. Fatso grinned and compressed his body, slipping into the gap underneath his tight shirt. Fatso’s cool, compressed form moved up Brandon’s back and wiggled its way up to his shoulders. 
Brandon gasped sharply and stood up straight as he felt a cold chill travel up his back. He could feel something cool and jiggly moving around the back of his shirt. Brandon felt the cool chill reach underneath his armpit. Suddenly, Brandon let out an involuntary giggle as Fatso tickled his armpits. 
“Coochie coochie coo!” Fatso teased, but Brandon couldn’t hear the ghost over his own laughter. 
Fatso grinned and slid to the front of Brandon’s chest, caressing his sensitive nipples. Brandon let out a moan as he felt the chill tickle his nipples.
“Oh who’s a sensitive fleshie!” Fatso giggled as Brandon moaned, still oblivious to the fat ghost’s comments as it traveled around his body.
Suddenly, Fatso surged down to the back of his underwear. Brandon could feel the cold, jelly feeling slip into his tight underwear and lodge itself between his ass cheeks. Fatso began to vibrate against his hole which made Brandon moan in pleasure.
“Oh yeah, shake your boo-ty!” Fatso laughed deeply as Brandon’s ass began to twerk.
Brandon moaned as Fatso wiggled out of Brandon’s comfy ass cheeks with a soft “fwomp” sound. 
He crawled into the front of Brandon’s underwear and enveloped Brandon’s dick and balls with his jelly like form. “Woah!” Brandon jumped as he felt the chill envelop his penis. With Brandon’s penis snug in between Fatso’s ectoplasm, Fatso began to move his form back and forth. Brandon’s dick stuck inside the ectoplasm began to harden as it was stroked. As Fatso’s strokes became faster, Brandon closed his eyes and began to moan louder. As Fatso felt Brandon start to tense up, he suddenly stopped his stroking and slid up through Brandon’s underwear and shirt. Fatso’s fat head popped out the front of Brandon’s collar. Fatso’s grinning face was met with Brandon’s face, however Brandon’s eyes were still shut from the pleasure. 
“Hey Boo-tiful” Fatso shouted and gave Brandon a wet, sloppy kiss on his cheek. Fatso suddenly shot out of Brandon’s shirt and phased into the ceiling. 
Brandon’s eyes shot open at the strange voice, but he couldn't see anything. Brandon noticed that the euphoric sensation in his pants had suddenly stopped. He reached down to his hard penis and grabbed it.“What in the hell just happened?” Brandon questioned. “Must be a case of heatstroke, hopefully a shower will fix that!”Fatso walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Once he heard Brandon start the water, Fatso floated down from the ceiling to see Brandon taking off his tight shorts and shirt. Once Brandon strained to take off his tight clothes, Fatso was able to have a proper look at his large gut, torso and ass.Fatso licked his lips as he admired Brandon’s body “Oh Brandon, you’re going to fit Fatso so well! I can't wait to get inside that body…” Fatso watched Brandon step in the shower and the water begin to pour down his beefy body. He reached out for the soap and Fatso knew it was time for more mischievous fun. Fatso grabbed the sponge and threw it across the bathroom, into the bin. Fatso then transformed into a replica of the sponge and placed himself next to the shampoo. Brandon grabbed Fatso and began lathering him up with shower gel. He then began to rub the ghost all over his body. Fatso was in heaven as he was rubbed against Brandon’s meaty thighs, huge pecs and large gut. Brandon wondered why the sponge he was using felt soft and rubbery, but quickly shrugged it off. Brandon then pressed Fatso into his sweaty crotch, and Fatso decided to vibrate his jiggly body. The vibration caused Brandon’s cock to grow hard. Brandon grunted in pleasure and also confusion at the strange sponge. He glanced down at the sponge but the vibration stopped.
“Must’ve been my imagination…” Brandon shrugged. He then went back to cleaning himself. Brandon finished up by rinsing his hair and then turning off the water. He stepped out of the shower.
Thinking creatively, Fatso stealthily floated over to the towel rack without Brandon noticing. Fatso transformed himself into a normal-looking towel, waiting for Brandon to grab it. Surely enough, Brandon reached out and grabbed it, wrapping it around his waist. Brandon turned the shower off, sighed in relief at how relaxed he was feeling and stepped out of it. 
Now taking the form of a towel, Fatso began to shift himself around and tighten behind Brandon’s large ass. Fatso lodged himself between Brandon’s large globes and began to force and crawl his way into the fleshie’s ass.Brandon was so relaxed that he didn’t notice at first, he thought that the towel was just riding up his ass crack. However, Brandon let out a confused grunt as soon as the towel began to constrict his thighs from moving. 
Fatso laughed to himself and continued to squeeze into Brandon’s ass. Fatso reached halfway inside as Brandon grunted uncomfortably. As Fatso continued making his way inside, Brandon’s  ass began to slowly inflate and expand, welcoming a new host into it.
"Say hello to your new captain!!" Fatso laughed, speaking through the wet fabric around Brandon’s waist. 
“W-who said that?!” Brandon yelled out as he began to panic. He reached backwards and tried to grab the towel slithering into his ass. However, the ectoplasmic towel was slick and difficult to grip. Fatso had made it three-quarters of the way inside before Brandon tensed up and clenched his cheeks. Brandon’s face went beet-red as he gathered all his might and pushed. Brandon summoned all of his will power to expel Fatso out, shooting him out towards the bathroom wall. As soon as Fatso hit the wall, he reverted from his towel form to his normal, fat ghost form.
“Ouch!” Fatso exclaimed as he rubbed his bottom, “That hurt!”Brandon could only stare at the fat ghost that had also been… his towel? Brandon reached backwards and rubbed his hole. It felt strangely loose, which must have been from the ghost trying to wiggle its way inside him. Brandon was suddenly overcome with a wave of anger.“Oh, you’re complaining about your bottom, but you tried to invade mine! Why would you do that?” Brandon retorted.Fatso, for a split second looked shocked at the fleshie shouting back at him. However, he quickly regained his composure. “Because Fatso needs a new body and you look like the perfect fit for this belly!” Fatso grinned deviously as he floated towards the beefy man. Brandon, now terrified, turned to escape the bathroom. 
Fatso licked his lips and flew forward towards Brandon’s ass, hands pressed together and head tucked in. “Here I come pretty boy, make way for Fatso!” Fatso shouted as his fat head plopped in between Brandon’s huge ass cheeks. The force of Fatso’s collision caused Brandon to land stomach first onto the ground with an “Oooft!”
It looked like a huge blue bean bag was pressing down on Brandon’s backside. Fatso giggled and squeezed his head between Brandon’s ass cheeks. Fatso found Brandon’s hole, tucked his head in and began pushing against it. Brandon, realising the fat ghost was trying its luck at his hole a second time, quickly clenched his ass cheeks.
“Don't be like that pretty boy, just give up and let Fatso in!” Fatso snickered as he pushed his fat head against Brandon’s clenched hole. Brandon’s face went beet red as he clenched harder, feeling Fatso pushing hard against his hole. Suddenly, Fatso poked his cold ghostly tongue into Brandon’s hole making him gasp out and causing him to unclench his hole for a moment. Seizing this moment of shock, Fatso slammed his head into Brandon’s tight hole with a loud pop.
Brandon yelped as Fatso’s cool head plunged into his hole with a deep laugh from the ghost. “No no no!” Brandon shouted as he felt Fatso’s head wiggle its way into his colon. Brandon felt his hole stretching to accommodate Fatso’s arms and shoulders, as they sank into his ass with ease. Brandon moaned and reached back to grab the spirit, but Brandon was too pudgy and didn’t have the flexibility to reach back.“Bwahaha! Poor fleshie can’t fight back now, can’t he?” Fatso laughed at Brandon’s helpless attempts to stop Fatso.
Fatso continued to shrink into Brandon’s ass. laughter bellowing out of him with every wiggle. It sounded like a rubber balloon was deflating into Brandon and it looked like he had a big, blue, jiggly balloon hanging out of his ass too. The ghost’s tail whipped around as he wriggled further inside. Brandon was moaning and whimpering in discomfort as he felt the fat ghost reach his stomach. Brandon’s ass and stomach began to slowly inflate and expand, welcoming a new host into it. As Fatso’s belly began to wriggle further inside Brandon’s ass, his descent began to slow. As Fatso tried sliding further in, he noticed that his fat gut was stuck. Fatso grunted and tried to squirm forward, but his gut wouldn’t budge. “C’mon big boy, relax and let the rest of Fatso in! Let. Me. In!” With each shout, Fatso slammed himself forward but to no avail. Brandon grunted in discomfort with each push from Fatso.
Brandon, noticing that the fat ghost’s descent had slowed, slowly raised himself onto his hands and knees.“What are you doing, bone bag?” Fatso shouted in frustration as Brandon raised himself to his feet. 
Brandon moaned and grabbed his heavy, inflated stomach. Brandon waddled over to the bathroom mirror and stared at this body in shock. Brandon’s stomach had inflated to an enormous size to accommodate the large spirit sitting in his stomach. Brandon turned to his side and could see part of Fatso’s translucent stomach and tail trying to wriggle deeper into his ass. Fatso grunted and groaned, trying to force himself deeper in, but he wouldn’t budge. Brandon figured that two thirds of Fatso’s ghost body was lodged inside of his stomach, and one third of Fatso’s stomach and tail was stuck outside of his body. Brandon tried again to reach back and grab Fatso’s tail, but he was not a naturally flexible person and couldn’t reach. Also, Fatso’s huge ghost stomach sitting inside of his own made it impossible for him to twist around; he was just so unbelievably bloated.
“Hey fleshie, how about you give me a hand and push the rest of me in? I only want to have some fun as you! I promise we’ll both have fun…” Fatso pleaded.
Overcome with a wave of anger, Brandon shouted “No one takes my body from me!”.
Brandon clenched his fist and punched his inflated stomach. The impact of Brandon’s fist made a resonant “Boing!” sound as the ectoplasm in his stomach rippled.
“OOOF!” Fatso groaned as an inflating sound could be heard from behind Brandon.
Fatso landed another punch onto his stomach. In the mirror, he could see Fatso’s tail inflating outside of his ass with a “Pffft” sound with each punch. Brandon felt a sense of relief from his stomach as Fatso slowly inflated out of it. Brandon landed another punch, and Fatso began panicking as half of his body was pushed out of Brandon’s ass.
“No! This body is mine, fleshie!” Fatso shouted. Suddenly, Fatso took a deep breath and sucked in a huge amount of air from inside Brandon. Brandon suddenly seized up. Brandon’s mouth opened and he involuntarily sucked in a huge gust of air. Brandon felt the ghost inside of him inflate. There was a pause, and suddenly Fatso let out an enormous burp from within Brandon’s stomach. Brandon’s mouth burst open and a huge gust of air came hurtling out of his mouth. The gust of air pushed Brandon backwards as he lost balance. Brandon shouted in shock as he fell backwards onto his ass and landed on Fatso sticking out of it. For a brief moment, it looked like Brandon was sitting on a ghostly balloon the size of a huge bean bag chair. Then the weight of his body and the force of the fall squashed Fatso’s belly up his ass with an enormous “BLORP” sound. Brandon’s ass hit the floor hard with an “Oomph.” He went cross eyed and clutched his inflated stomach, letting out a deep groan.
“Hell yeah! That’s right fleshie, now the REAL fun starts” Fatso let out a triumphant laugh from within Brandon’s stomach.
Brandon sat on the ground, feeling completely full to the brim. His stomach and torso were bloated from the huge ghost inside of him. He pulled himself up off the ground and stumbled in front of the mirror, moaning as Fatso moved around and laughed from inside of him.Brandon watched as his stomach deflated, no, spread through him and began to flow into his arms and legs.
“W-why are you doing this?” Brandon cried out as Fatso filled out his body.
“Because you’re so lazy, fleshie! You’re pretty much an empty vessel designed for Fatso to live in. Bwahahah!” “N- no! I’m not, this is my body!” Brandon begged. “It’s too late now fleshie, Fatso’s inside and not leaving any time soon!” Brandon’s whole body jiggled as Fatso laughed deeply. Brandon’s arms vibrated as Fatso surged his ectoplasm into his arms and hands, causing them to inflate slightly Brandon felt Fatso squeeze his ectoplasm downwards and fill up his flaccid dick. Brandon’s dick immediately inflated into a hard on “fwoop” sound. Brandon felt his balls slowly become heavier until they doubled in size and bounced with a “Blorp!” sound. Brandon groaned in fear as he felt Fatso’s enormous package squeeze into his own.
“Ooh, that feels just right!” Fatso chuckled deeply. Brandon looked down to see his inflated dick leaking a small amount of blue ecto-cum. Brandon was horrified by the fat ghost's arousal and terrified about how the ghost would use his body. Fatso descended further down into his thighs and legs, causing them to thicken. 
Suddenly, Brandon felt Fatso surge upwards into his chest and arms. Brandon twisted, turned and groaned as the much too large ghost filled out his toned body.
“Almost there fleshie! I’m going to have a lot of fun in you!” Fatso boomed as Brandon felt the ghostly mass inside of him push into his neck. Brandon choked out a terrified gasp as he felt Fatso surge into his head. A cool, jiggly feeling began to fill up his head. As the feeling became too intense, Brandon’s vision faded away as he felt the ghostly intruder completely take over his body. 
Suddenly, Brandon’s face lit up with a goofy grin as he groaned and stood up. Fatso let out a deep booming laugh as he patted his inflated belly. Fatso walked over to the mirror and admired his new body. He flexed his meaty biceps and gave them a sloppy kiss.
“This will do, fleshie” Fatso giggled as he waddled out of the bathroom to the kitchen “Now, time to chow down!”. Fatso grabbed a large sandwich and a burger from the fridge that Brandon pre-made. He waddled over to the couch and plopped down. The couch groaned as it wasn’t used to the additional weight of Fatso inside of Brandon. Fatso cautiously looked down at the couch and then let out a deep laugh. Fatso was about to enjoy his new body, at least for a little while…
Brandon's New Visitor
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Brandon was a beefy guy, with a pudgy stomach. He frequented the gym 3 times a week and as a result he was quite muscular, however he was never really able to get rid of his beer gut. He was a little hairy and often sported a light or heavy beard, depending on how he was feeling. Brandon had a couple of weeks off for a vacation and decided to stay at a villa near a beach. Dressed in tight blue shorts and taking a walk along the sand, he caught the attention of several men and women who admired his hunky dad bod. Brandon, completely in his own world, had taken no notice of this whatsoever. He continued his walk with a vacant but content expression.
Brandon was not a particularly observant or bright man, and his interests were limited to work, food and sex. Brandon considered himself straight but always had a mild interest in men. However, he hadn’t paid much attention to this thought, because it would simply take up too much mental energy. Brandon was happy to float through life, enjoy the simple things and not get too caught up in overthinking. Unfortunately for Brandon, his little walk on the beach had attracted the attention of a rather large, mischievous ghost. Fatso had taken a break from his brother's usual ghostly hijinks and decided to do some solo travel. He was floating over the beach plotting to uproot some towels and tents, or to steal the yummy snacks in people’s bags. However, when Fatso caught sight of the beefy man waddling down the beach, his priorities completely changed and he zoomed in to inspect the hunk. 
Fatso could see that Brandon’s clothes were too tight for his body, and hugged him quite closely. Brandon reached back to pull the slight wedgie out that his shorts were giving him. Fatso’s eyes bugged out of his head as he watched Brandon’s cheeks jiggle. “Hubba hubba! I think I found my entrance” Fatso laughed to himself as his fat belly jiggled. “Huh?” Brandon turned and looked up, scratching his head. “Must be the heat getting to me…” Brandon sighed as he walked back to his villa, right by the beach shore. 
Fatso watched Brandon walk into the luxurious villa, and phased through the wall, following him. Brandon walked over to the kitchen and pulled open the kitchen door. Fatso floated after him silently.
“Hmm what do I feel like?” Brandon muttered as he bent over slightly and craned his head in search of a snack. 
Fatso floated closer to Brandon and admired his large backside and tight shirt. Fatso grinned and compressed his body, slipping into the gap underneath his tight shirt. Fatso’s cool, compressed form moved up Brandon’s back and wiggled its way up to his shoulders. 
Brandon gasped sharply and stood up straight as he felt a cold chill travel up his back. He could feel something cool and jiggly moving around the back of his shirt. Brandon felt the cool chill reach underneath his armpit. Suddenly, Brandon let out an involuntary giggle as Fatso tickled his armpits. 
“Coochie coochie coo!” Fatso teased, but Brandon couldn’t hear the ghost over his own laughter.  Fatso grinned and slid to the front of Brandon’s chest, caressing his sensitive nipples. Brandon let out a moan as he felt the chill tickle his nipples. “Oh who’s a sensitive fleshie!” Fatso giggled as Brandon moaned, still oblivious to the fat ghost’s comments as it traveled around his body. Suddenly, Fatso surged down to the back of his underwear. Brandon could feel the cold, jelly feeling slip into his tight underwear and lodge itself between his ass cheeks. Fatso began to vibrate against his hole which made Brandon moan in pleasure. “Oh yeah, shake your boo-ty!” Fatso laughed deeply as Brandon’s ass began to twerk. Brandon moaned as Fatso wiggled out of Brandon’s comfy ass cheeks with a soft “fwomp” sound. 
He crawled into the front of Brandon’s underwear and enveloped Brandon’s dick and balls with his jelly like form. “Woah!” Brandon jumped as he felt the chill envelop his penis. With Brandon’s penis snug in between Fatso’s ectoplasm, Fatso began to move his form back and forth. Brandon’s dick stuck inside the ectoplasm began to harden as it was stroked. As Fatso’s strokes became faster, Brandon closed his eyes and began to moan louder. As Fatso felt Brandon start to tense up, he suddenly stopped his stroking and slid up through Brandon’s underwear and shirt. Fatso’s fat head popped out the front of Brandon’s collar. Fatso’s grinning face was met with Brandon’s face, however Brandon’s eyes were still shut from the pleasure. 
“Hey Boo-tiful” Fatso shouted and gave Brandon a wet, sloppy kiss on his cheek. Fatso suddenly shot out of Brandon’s shirt and phased into the ceiling. 
Brandon’s eyes shot open at the strange voice, but he couldn't see anything. Brandon noticed that the euphoric sensation in his pants had suddenly stopped. He reached down to his hard penis and grabbed it.“What in the hell just happened?” Brandon questioned. “Must be a case of heatstroke, hopefully a shower will fix that!”Fatso walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Once he heard Brandon start the water, Fatso floated down from the ceiling to see Brandon taking off his tight shorts and shirt. Once Brandon strained to take off his tight clothes, Fatso was able to have a proper look at his large gut, torso and ass.Fatso licked his lips as he admired Brandon’s body “Oh Brandon, you’re going to fit Fatso so well! I can't wait to get inside that body…” Fatso watched Brandon step in the shower and the water begin to pour down his beefy body. He reached out for the soap and Fatso knew it was time for more mischievous fun. Fatso grabbed the sponge and threw it across the bathroom, into the bin. Fatso then transformed into a replica of the sponge and placed himself next to the shampoo. Brandon grabbed Fatso and began lathering him up with shower gel. He then began to rub the ghost all over his body. Fatso was in heaven as he was rubbed against Brandon’s meaty thighs, huge pecs and large gut. Brandon wondered why the sponge he was using felt soft and rubbery, but quickly shrugged it off. Brandon then pressed Fatso into his sweaty crotch, and Fatso decided to vibrate his jiggly body. The vibration caused Brandon’s cock to grow hard. Brandon grunted in pleasure and also confusion at the strange sponge. He glanced down at the sponge but the vibration stopped.
“Must’ve been my imagination…” Brandon shrugged. He then went back to cleaning himself. Brandon finished up by rinsing his hair and then turning off the water. He stepped out of the shower.
Thinking creatively, Fatso stealthily floated over to the towel rack without Brandon noticing. Fatso transformed himself into a normal-looking towel, waiting for Brandon to grab it. Surely enough, Brandon reached out and grabbed it, wrapping it around his waist. Brandon turned the shower off, sighed in relief at how relaxed he was feeling and stepped out of it. 
Now taking the form of a towel, Fatso began to shift himself around and tighten behind Brandon’s large ass. Fatso lodged himself between Brandon’s large globes and began to force and crawl his way into the fleshie’s ass.Brandon was so relaxed that he didn’t notice at first, he thought that the towel was just riding up his ass crack. However, Brandon let out a confused grunt as soon as the towel began to constrict his thighs from moving. 
Fatso laughed to himself and continued to squeeze into Brandon’s ass. Fatso reached halfway inside as Brandon grunted uncomfortably. As Fatso continued making his way inside, Brandon’s  ass began to slowly inflate and expand, welcoming a new host into it.
"Say hello to your new captain!!" Fatso laughed, speaking through the wet fabric around Brandon’s waist. 
“W-who said that?!” Brandon yelled out as he began to panic. He reached backwards and tried to grab the towel slithering into his ass. However, the ectoplasmic towel was slick and difficult to grip. Fatso had made it three-quarters of the way inside before Brandon tensed up and clenched his cheeks. Brandon’s face went beet-red as he gathered all his might and pushed. Brandon summoned all of his will power to expel Fatso out, shooting him out towards the bathroom wall. As soon as Fatso hit the wall, he reverted from his towel form to his normal, fat ghost form.
“Ouch!” Fatso exclaimed as he rubbed his bottom, “That hurt!”Brandon could only stare at the fat ghost that had also been… his towel? Brandon reached backwards and rubbed his hole. It felt strangely loose, which must have been from the ghost trying to wiggle its way inside him. Brandon was suddenly overcome with a wave of anger.“Oh, you’re complaining about your bottom, but you tried to invade mine! Why would you do that?” Brandon retorted.Fatso, for a split second looked shocked at the fleshie shouting back at him. However, he quickly regained his composure. “Because Fatso needs a new body and you look like the perfect fit for this belly!” Fatso grinned deviously as he floated towards the beefy man. Brandon, now terrified, turned to escape the bathroom. 
Fatso licked his lips and flew forward towards Brandon’s ass, hands pressed together and head tucked in. “Here I come pretty boy, make way for Fatso!” Fatso shouted as his fat head plopped in between Brandon’s huge ass cheeks. The force of Fatso’s collision caused Brandon to land stomach first onto the ground with an “Oooft!”
It looked like a huge blue bean bag was pressing down on Brandon’s backside. Fatso giggled and squeezed his head between Brandon’s ass cheeks. Fatso found Brandon’s hole, tucked his head in and began pushing against it. Brandon, realising the fat ghost was trying its luck at his hole a second time, quickly clenched his ass cheeks.
“Don't be like that pretty boy, just give up and let Fatso in!” Fatso snickered as he pushed his fat head against Brandon’s clenched hole. Brandon’s face went beet red as he clenched harder, feeling Fatso pushing hard against his hole. Suddenly, Fatso poked his cold ghostly tongue into Brandon’s hole making him gasp out and causing him to unclench his hole for a moment. Seizing this moment of shock, Fatso slammed his head into Brandon’s tight hole with a loud pop.
Brandon yelped as Fatso’s cool head plunged into his hole with a deep laugh from the ghost. “No no no!” Brandon shouted as he felt Fatso’s head wiggle its way into his colon. Brandon felt his hole stretching to accommodate Fatso’s arms and shoulders, as they sank into his ass with ease. Brandon moaned and reached back to grab the spirit, but Brandon was too pudgy and didn’t have the flexibility to reach back.“Bwahaha! Poor fleshie can’t fight back now, can’t he?” Fatso laughed at Brandon’s helpless attempts to stop Fatso.
Fatso continued to shrink into Brandon’s ass. laughter bellowing out of him with every wiggle. It sounded like a rubber balloon was deflating into Brandon and it looked like he had a big, blue, jiggly balloon hanging out of his ass too. The ghost’s tail whipped around as he wriggled further inside. Brandon was moaning and whimpering in discomfort as he felt the fat ghost reach his stomach. Brandon’s ass and stomach began to slowly inflate and expand, welcoming a new host into it. As Fatso’s belly began to wriggle further inside Brandon’s ass, his descent began to slow. As Fatso tried sliding further in, he noticed that his fat gut was stuck. Fatso grunted and tried to squirm forward, but his gut wouldn’t budge. “C’mon big boy, relax and let the rest of Fatso in! Let. Me. In!” With each shout, Fatso slammed himself forward but to no avail. Brandon grunted in discomfort with each push from Fatso.
Brandon, noticing that the fat ghost’s descent had slowed, slowly raised himself onto his hands and knees.“What are you doing, bone bag?” Fatso shouted in frustration as Brandon raised himself to his feet. 
Brandon moaned and grabbed his heavy, inflated stomach. Brandon waddled over to the bathroom mirror and stared at this body in shock. Brandon’s stomach had inflated to an enormous size to accommodate the large spirit sitting in his stomach. Brandon turned to his side and could see part of Fatso’s translucent stomach and tail trying to wriggle deeper into his ass. Fatso grunted and groaned, trying to force himself deeper in, but he wouldn’t budge. Brandon figured that two thirds of Fatso’s ghost body was lodged inside of his stomach, and one third of Fatso’s stomach and tail was stuck outside of his body. Brandon tried again to reach back and grab Fatso’s tail, but he was not a naturally flexible person and couldn’t reach. Also, Fatso’s huge ghost stomach sitting inside of his own made it impossible for him to twist around; he was just so unbelievably bloated. “Hey fleshie, how about you give me a hand and push the rest of me in? I only want to have some fun as you! I promise we’ll both have fun…” Fatso pleaded. Overcome with a wave of anger, Brandon shouted “No one takes my body from me!”. Brandon clenched his fist and punched his inflated stomach. The impact of Brandon’s fist made a resonant “Boing!” sound as the ectoplasm in his stomach rippled. “OOOF!” Fatso groaned as an inflating sound could be heard from behind Brandon. Fatso landed another punch onto his stomach. In the mirror, he could see Fatso’s tail inflating outside of his ass with a “Pffft” sound with each punch. Brandon felt a sense of relief from his stomach as Fatso slowly inflated out of it. Brandon landed another punch, and Fatso began panicking as half of his body was pushed out of Brandon’s ass. “No! This body is mine, fleshie!” Fatso shouted. Suddenly, Fatso took a deep breath and sucked in a huge amount of air from inside Brandon. Brandon suddenly seized up. Brandon’s mouth opened and he involuntarily sucked in a huge gust of air. Brandon felt the ghost inside of him inflate. There was a pause, and suddenly Fatso let out an enormous burp from within Brandon’s stomach. Brandon’s mouth burst open and a huge gust of air came hurtling out of his mouth. The gust of air pushed Brandon backwards as he lost balance. Brandon shouted in shock as he fell backwards onto his ass and landed on Fatso sticking out of it. For a brief moment, it looked like Brandon was sitting on a ghostly balloon the size of a huge bean bag chair. Then the weight of his body and the force of the fall squashed Fatso’s belly up his ass with an enormous “BLORP” sound. Brandon’s ass hit the floor hard with an “Oomph.” He went cross eyed and clutched his inflated stomach, letting out a deep groan. “Hell yeah! That’s right fleshie, now the REAL fun starts” Fatso let out a triumphant laugh from within Brandon’s stomach.
Brandon sat on the ground, feeling completely full to the brim. His stomach and torso were bloated from the huge ghost inside of him. He pulled himself up off the ground and stumbled in front of the mirror, moaning as Fatso moved around and laughed from inside of him.Brandon watched as his stomach deflated, no, spread through him and began to flow into his arms and legs.
“W-why are you doing this?” Brandon cried out as Fatso filled out his body.
“Because you’re so lazy, fleshie! You’re pretty much an empty vessel designed for Fatso to live in. Bwahahah!” “N- no! I’m not, this is my body!” Brandon begged. “It’s too late now fleshie, Fatso’s inside and not leaving any time soon!” Brandon’s whole body jiggled as Fatso laughed deeply. Brandon’s arms vibrated as Fatso surged his ectoplasm into his arms and hands, causing them to inflate slightly Brandon felt Fatso squeeze his ectoplasm downwards and fill up his flaccid dick. Brandon’s dick immediately inflated into a hard on “fwoop” sound. Brandon felt his balls slowly become heavier until they doubled in size and bounced with a “Blorp!” sound. Brandon groaned in fear as he felt Fatso’s enormous package squeeze into his own.
“Ooh, that feels just right!” Fatso chuckled deeply. Brandon looked down to see his inflated dick leaking a small amount of blue ecto-cum. Brandon was horrified by the fat ghost's arousal and terrified about how the ghost would use his body. Fatso descended further down into his thighs and legs, causing them to thicken. 
Suddenly, Brandon felt Fatso surge upwards into his chest and arms. Brandon twisted, turned and groaned as the much too large ghost filled out his toned body.
“Almost there fleshie! I’m going to have a lot of fun in you!” Fatso boomed as Brandon felt the ghostly mass inside of him push into his neck. Brandon choked out a terrified gasp as he felt Fatso surge into his head. A cool, jiggly feeling began to fill up his head. As the feeling became too intense, Brandon’s vision faded away as he felt the ghostly intruder completely take over his body. 
Suddenly, Brandon’s face lit up with a goofy grin as he groaned and stood up. Fatso let out a deep booming laugh as he patted his inflated belly. Fatso walked over to the mirror and admired his new body. He flexed his meaty biceps and gave them a sloppy kiss.
“This will do, fleshie” Fatso giggled as he waddled out of the bathroom to the kitchen “Now, time to chow down!”. Fatso grabbed a large sandwich and a burger from the fridge that Brandon pre-made. He waddled over to the couch and plopped down. The couch groaned as it wasn’t used to the additional weight of Fatso inside of Brandon. Fatso cautiously looked down at the couch and then let out a deep laugh. Fatso was about to enjoy his new body, at least for a little while…
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tnaka1414 · 4 months
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Submitted by kratainoizz for the 2018 Submission Event (9)
There he was. It had been so many years since the last time I had seen him and now he was floating around me. Since the last time, I had been working on my body, spending hours at the gym so that whenever he came back he would want to slide his cool form right inside of me.
Keep reading
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tnaka1414 · 4 months
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I was mad at my ex-boyfriend for cheating on me. I thought that I needed to get over him but it turns out that I just needed to become him! I've spent the whole day just getting to re-explore this body and I'm having the best time with it. I just updated my grindr profile photo, and the notifications have been non-stop. I don't know when I'll go back to my old body, but I'm living it up in his for now!
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tnaka1414 · 4 months
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I own an apartment complex. I charge a very small profit margin because I get benefits in other regards. Most people do not look at their leases so I snuck in a policy deep within the contract. People are attracted to the fact that we never do apartment checks or ask to come in. However, what most of them don’t realize is that I have the authority to hop into anyone’s body once a month. 
It started off as a way to reduce liability, make sure no one was doing anything illegal to the apartments or otherwise causing damages. I have to be honest though it’s become addicting. I really only reside in my own body during the days I’m supposed to be working. Outside of that though, I rotate between apartments and use their bodies for the day. 
Today was a special day. I was going to enter apartment 323. This guy is a total hunk. I usually reside in his body a little longer than the others. Once a year I usually take this body for the weekend and truly enjoy him. I wasn’t normally an unattractive guy, but look at this body. I spend every second completely naked mesmerized at my reflection. It was annoying to be in his body when he had a girlfriend, but luckily he’s been single for a while now.. not sure how. I headed to the bathroom to groom my new beard and check myself out before heading to the gay bears tonight. I hope apartment 323 never moves out. I don’t know what I would do without this body.
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tnaka1414 · 4 months
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"Sorry bud" I said using his body. "But I'm going to need your body for a while. Need to have a man's touch."
"NO!!!!" He managed to scream out " GET OUT OF ME!!! IM NOT GAY. I WANT MY UGGHJHHHH"
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"Sorry" I said taking control again. " but your gay now so you mine as well except it"
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With one last push in I took full control. Man this body was amazing. Been watching him a while. I'm really excited to test it out. Already getting hard being in here.
Now it's time to fuck my way around town. I'll make sure we fill pleasure the whole fucking time. Now to find a hot bear to fuck. God it's been too long since I have done that.
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Well no time to waist!!!
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tnaka1414 · 7 months
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 23: Ghost Possession
Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09 │ 10 │ 11 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 16 │ 17 │ 18 │ 19 │ 20 │ 21 │ 22 │ 23
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Despite being a werewolf, Derek didn’t believe in ghosts. In his opinion, they were the cheap product of Hollywood trying to advertise uncreative horror films. He would scoff at the young adults who’d dared one another to sneak into McFadden Manor, only to hear them swear up and down that they’d seen a ghost. Lies, Derek figured.
Still, when Stiles had made up his mind to investigate the ghost stories surrounding McFadden Manor for Halloween, Derek had instantly jumped at the chance to tag along in an attempt to look brave and woo the hyperactive human. 
Unfortunately, Derek couldn’t hide the grimace as he walked through the deserted McFadden Manor. The abandoned mansion was the center of numerous spooky, Halloween-themed tales— all of them focusing on a mischievous trio of ghosts who liked to mess with unsuspecting people. The wide smile on Stiles’s face deeply contrasted with Derek’s scowl.
He eagerly held up an ancient-looking camera. “We should split up and cover more ground,” he said. “I’ll go down towards the garden while you inspect the bedrooms. Radio me if you see anything.” He shoved a large, dinosaur era walkie talkie towards the werewolf.
“I can just text you…” Derek muttered, studying the heavy tech in his hands.
“Thanks for coming with me again, Der,” Stiles said, offering the usually grumpy werewolf a sincere smile, making the alpha’s heart flutter in his chest.
In response, Derek puffed out his muscular chest with pride, his pecs pressing teasingly against his thin, white t-shirt. “S’no problem,” he grunted, trying to play it cool, but he could feel his cheeks grow hot as he blushed. Plus, he couldn’t help but crunch his stomach to make his abs pop against his shirt too, his muscular bod being his best form of flirting since he wasn’t really good at wooing orally.
Stiles happily ran down one of the dark hallways towards his destination, Derek not-so-subtly watching his perky butt as it disappeared.
“Damn,” Derek admired before frowning at the sight of the decrepit mansion. “Damn it.”
Frowning again, he shrugged his broad shoulders and lumbered throughout the dark, cobweb-filled halls. To humor himself, Derek sniffed at the air, smelling nothing in the air except for dust and rats. He rolled his eyes at himself participating in this foolish activity, yet, he forced himself to focus on the endgame: Stiles and him getting together… and then heatedly fucking in his Camaro.
That last thought put a little more pep in Derek’s steps as he explored the empty rooms in the mansion.
Derek tensed up at the sound that echoed out from one of the bedrooms. Following the source, Derek entered a room near the end of the hallway. The room turned out to be a bathroom, the rusty toilet giving it away. There was a dust-covered sink with a dirty mirror near the entryway, and in the far end was a standing tub with a yellow curtain closed over it.
Derek cocked his eyebrow in confusion over the fact that the water seemed to be running in the tub, steam even billowing out from the curtain.
“What the hell?” Derek wondered aloud, knowing that there was no way this house was occupied given its dilapidated state. Still, the running water left the werewolf deeply confused. He grabbed the edge of the shower curtain and ripped it to the side.
Inside of the tub was a portly bluish figure that was slightly transparent. Looking like a caricature ripped out of a cartoon, the ghost had a little tail that seemingly phased in and out of existence as the creature showered. When it noticed that it was being watched, the ghostly figure looked over at Derek and gasped, covering its lower half with its hands… despite there being really nothing to see.
“Do you mind?” the ghost scoffed.
Derek was stunned silent for a moment, his eyes wide as he stared at an actual ghost that was floating before him. “Holy shit,” he finally breathed. “You’re a fuckin’ ghost!”
The ghost exaggeratedly rolled its eyes at Derek. “No shit,” it huffed in a baritone-filled voice that only emphasized its rotund girth. A sly grin formed on its translucent face and its eyes sparkled. “You know, most fleshies tend to avoid this place because of me and my brothers, but here you are.” He sniffed at the air, his smile growing wider. “A werewolf?”
Derek flinched and took a cautious step back.
The ghost continued. “We don’t get a lot of your kind here,” he chuckled. “Your bodies tend to be a little more sturdy. This should be fun!”
The ghost lurched forward at lightening speed, much faster than Derek’s werewolf instincts could react. Since his jaw was still hanging low in shock, the ghost aimed right for the alpha’s agape mouth. 
Derek felt his mouth being stretched to the limit as the ghost squeezed himself inside of him. It was a difficult sensation to describe. Thanks to the ghost’s vapor-like body, it felt as if there was a gust of air that was keeping Derek’s jaw thrusted down as it shoved itself in. Cartoonish stretching noises, like rubber, sounded out as the ghost entered the werewolf. Derek felt himself getting fuller and fuller, feeling as if he’d just eaten a multi-course meal and was stuffed to the brim.
With a simple pop, the ghost finished his entrance and successfully squeezed his rotund body deep inside of Derek.
The werewolf felt full, his stomach and even lower end of his throat feeling as if there was a thick soup trapped in it. Derek stumbled around on shaky feet, trying to piece together what had just happened. The ghost squirmed a little as he settled in under Derek’s skin, the werewolf wincing at the sensation. 
“Damn, I can’t believe that worked!” Derek heard himself exclaim. “I usually have trouble fitting inside tiny bodies.”
Tiny? Derek balked.
Derek’s tingling limbs appeared out of his control, and the more Derek tried his best to strain and walk on his own accord, the more horrified the werewolf grew as it dawned on him that he wasn’t in control of his body. He even attempted to open up his mouth and demand that the ghost leave his body, but he couldn’t even do that— instead, Derek was more so a passenger inside of his own body. He could still experience every sense, smelling and feeling everything around himself, but he couldn’t move or speak on his own.
He felt his legs propel him forward, turning around to look into the mirror. Derek bristled at his own reflection which only smiled back at him, his smile eerily similar to that of the ghost’s.
What the fuck are you doing to me?! Derek roared on the inside. Get the fuck out!
The ghost only shook Derek’s head mockingly. “No way,” he said, making Derek’s body and voice say it on his behalf. “I kinda miss having a body so I’m gonna hang onto yours for a bit. The name’s Fatso, by the way.”
That’s a stupid name.
The ghost shrugged. “And this is a stupid body,” he countered, exploring Derek’s body, running his hands over it. Derek could feel every touch, unable to stop feeling himself up. “There’s barely any room inside of here. Let’s fix that.”
Derek screamed on the inside as he witnessed his stomach shudder before it expanded outwards. His gut grew in size and it rounded out as Fatso forced it to bubble out. Derek’s chiseled abs disappeared as a thick layer of fat appeared over them, going from firm to large and jiggly. It grew bigger and bigger, becoming huge and bulbous as it jutted far out in front of Derek, looking as if he’d swallowed a yoga ball instead of a ghost. To add to the inflation, even Derek’s pecs packed on some fat. They lost some of their tone as they grew larger and saggier, resting atop his enormous belly. There was still some traces of Derek’s large muscles underneath his new girth, but instead of looking like he lived in a gym, he looked more like some ex-jock who was in the middle of a perpetual bulking phase.
What the fuck did you do to me?! Derek roared on the inside, wincing as he examined his new body in the mirror. He must’ve gained well over fifty pounds, with most of it centered on his new gut. His mysterious growth had torn his t-shirt to shreds, forcing him to see all of his girth at once. Despite looking hard and solid, Derek winced at the way his gut hung over his jeans, sagging slightly.
Fatso mock-frowned. “Don’t be like that,” he taunted, putting both of his hands on the sides of Derek’s new belly and giving it a playful shake, causing it to bounce wildly. “I think you look much better with some more meat on our bones. Now there’s some food in the kitchen that we can eat.”
Eat? You mean you want me to get even fatter? Derek protested, unable to prevent his body from waddling out of the bathroom and down the hallway. His thicker thighs rolled over one another as he moved, and his rotund belly stuck so far out in front of himself that he couldn’t even see his feet. He inwardly flinched every time his foot thudded against the hardwood floor, sending a ripple through his belly and pecs.
Fatso forced Derek into the kitchen, where he made him lumber towards the fridge. Derek was surprised that when it opened, it was stocked full of food that looked like it’d just been bought earlier that day as opposed to sitting for years untouched.
Derek felt his arms lurch forward, grabbing fistfuls of various treats and snacks. 
“The only downside to being a ghost is that you can’t eat a lot of food,” Fatso lamented. “But the good thing about possessing a werewolf fleshie is that you can gorge on tons and tons of junk food. Much, much more than a human can!”
No! Wait! Derek pleaded.
His pleas fell on deaf ears as Fatso eagerly shoved loads of food into Derek’s mouth, moaning loudly as he tasted all sorts of flavors. Salty, sweet, savory— all kinds of different foods were shoved down Derek’s eager throat, none of them low-calorie.
The entire time, the werewolf inwardly begged Fatso to stop gorging on so much junk food. However, the ghost was paying no attention to him, moaning loudly as he devoured everything in the fridge.
In the center of the fridge was a delicious looking, three-tiered cake with bright pink frosting. Derek could feel his mouth salivating as his eyes honed in on the monstrous dessert. 
Before Derek could uselessly plead with Fatso again, his hands grabbed at the cake as he greedily gobbled it down. All he could taste was the sugary frosting and the chocolate center of the cake, grimacing at the sweetness, yet Fatso loved it.
Derek inwardly froze when he felt something horrible: his pants felt like they were getting tighter.
It was hard to tell since Fatso controlled his line of sight, but Derek could barely make out his gut growing more and more into his field of vision. It didn’t take long for the werewolf to put two and two together to figure out that, thanks to Fatso’s overeating, he was getting even bigger.
His big belly was starting to jut even further away from his torso as it packed on even more size from the delectable cake. His pecs felt heavier as they grew in size, his nipples even stretching out from the sheer expanse of his enlarged chest. Love handles formed and drooped slightly over the edges of Derek’s pants, which felt painfully tight by now.
The button on Derek’s pants finally gave out, ricocheting off and landing on the floor. Derek felt a sense of relief as he continued to fill out, his ass puffing out as his cheeks ballooned out and became large and squishy. To account for his larger rear, Derek could even feel his thighs starting to push closer together as they blew up. As Fatso continued to eat, Derek’s body went from bulky to chunky linebacker status, looking incredibly large as if two of him were shoved together into one body.
Fatso fit the last few bits of the cake into his mouth, swallowing it down loudly and straightening back up. He patted his large gut, satisfied, before letting out a loud burp.
“I always gotta get a big cake before every Halloween thanks to silly guys like you who want to come play detective,” he smiled, rubbing his hand up and down his distended belly. “This was nice. See ya next year?”
Derek let out another loud belch, this one accompanied by a flash of blue as Fatso left his body to fly somewhere else in the manor.
Finally in control of his body, Derek gasped loudly as he ran his shaky hands all over his enlarged form. For some strange reason, even with Fatso gone, Derek was left with his added weight, looking massive and round. He took an awkward step forward, blushing as his entire body seemed to jiggle. He couldn’t see anything past his large belly which definitely wouldn’t fit in any of his clothes anymore.
“Damn it,” Derek huffed, giving his gut a tentative poke. “I have to do so many crunches to get this down to size…” He trailed off when his stomach growled, a deep hunger taking over him.
“Hey, Der,” Stiles called out, his footsteps approaching, “still no sign of any ghosts. I’m starting to think that they’re just stories.” Stiles froze when he reached the kitchen, his eyes nearly falling out of his head at the sight of the fatter Derek.
“Um,” Derek blushed, scratching the back of his head nervously, “I think I found a ghost—” He paused when Stiles stepped forward and placed a soft hand on his rotund belly, rubbing it up and down.
A smile forming on his face, Stiles couldn’t help but look up at the large werewolf. “Do you like belly rubs?” he asked, playfully rubbing Derek’s gut.
Although he couldn’t see it thanks to his big gut blocking his view, Derek could feel his cock rocket to attention, already oozing as Stiles gave him a belly rub. “Y-yeah,” he breathed. He blushed again as his stomach growled a second time.
“Big boy’s hungry?” Stiles teased.
Derek just eagerly nodded, looking forward to eating cake and getting more belly rubs from Stiles. 
All in all, it turned out to be the best Halloween of Derek’s life.
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tnaka1414 · 9 months
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My friends and I can’t afford a trip to Vegas so we’ve found a different means to have our fun. One of our friends has the ability to possess other people, and can even pass the powers through us. None of us make enough money to afford a nice hotel on the strip, and much less afford the drinks to go along with it. Instead we created a plan to find a sugar daddy, one of us use his body and let us stay at their hotel and use their money to get us drinks! The only downside is that someone has to spend their whole day as the sugar daddy. 
Unfortunately today was my turn. I spent the last 2 days laughing at my fit friends move around awkwardly in the random older guys bodies. We spent the morning at one of the hotel’s pools scoping out for a single older guy. While not the ideal body I would want I decided it’ll do. When he got up to use the bathroom me and my other friend followed him. We pretended to use the stall, while we waited for the sugar daddy to finish up. My friend put his hand on my pack and I felt the powers surge through me. The sugar daddy then went to the sink to wash his hands and I snuck up behind him and pushed myself into him. He gasped at first but it was quickly muffled as I wasted zero time. My vision blacked for a quick second and when I opened my eyes I couldn’t believe it.
The first thing I noticed was how much lighter my head felt with my shorter gray hard, but also I felt the weight below my neck as I moved my head side to side. I brought my hands up to my face and rubbed them across my lips that are now pencil thin. My friend finished peeing and came over to give my new belly a couple pats. “Enjoy!” he said with a smirk. “It’s weird at first but you’ll get used to it. I’ve been in some weird bodies before but honestly just have a good time with it”. 
I smiled, enjoying the body I was in. I would definitely freak out if it was permanent but I feel like this is gonna be fun for the day! I reached down to my pants pocket and pulled out the wallet to look at my name. “Looks like drinks are on Brian for the day!” I exclaimed in my much deeper voice. I followed my friend out, my walk definitely looked funny at first trying to get used to the weight on my legs. I figured it out and headed up to the bar and ordered a round of drinks for my friends and I. The bartender asked for my tab’s name, and as I answered “Bryan” I felt my cock harden. As we got back to our seats, I laid out on my back and felt the warm sun on my new skin. To be honest, I could get used to doing this on our vacations. 
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tnaka1414 · 9 months
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I was standing over my sleeping fathers body unable to believe what I was about to do. I was watching the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed heavily. My hands were shaking holding a book that I knew was my last resort. My father was mean to me, especially after my Mom passed away and I came out as gay. He kept me permanently grounded as he didn’t want me going out into the world being gay. I searched for options but ultimately landed on a possession spell and something about it felt right.
I murmured the spell, keeping a hush tone to keep my father asleep. As I recited the spell my frame turned ghostly until the book slipped through my transparent figure. The slam of the book almost woke my father up but luckily he’s a heavy sleeper. I floated over to the bed and took a deep breath, I slowly lined my frame up with his much larger body and felt myself sink it. At first, I felt encompassed in flesh, but as I matched my breathing with his, I began to feel more comfortable. I took a deep breath and as I let my air out, I felt myself begin to relax into the frame of my fathers body. My once tight stomach, was now extended far beyond where it once was. My arms grew heavy and flabby, as did my chest and neck. My butt and lower body grew plump and heavy as well, and I finally jolted awake, feeling the weight of my body. I was unable to sit up right away, and struggled to kick my legs out from the bed. 
I rushed over to the full-length mirror in the corner of the room. my breath caught in his throat as I stared at my reflection. My father’s face stared back at me, etched with the wisdom of the years. Wrinkles adorned my brow and and fat was all around my face.
A surge of excitement coursed through my veins as I absorbed the image before me. I stood up straighter, with my shoulders squared, as if embracing the newfound strength and maturity that came with this body. There was a sense of authority in my gaze, which was driving me incredibly horny. F
I decided to explore my father’s wardrobe, eager to fully immerse myself in the role. I selected a polo shirt he often wore, slipping it over my broadened shoulders. The fabric hugged my frame differently, molding to the mixture of fat and muscle of my new physique. Next, I reached for a pair of faded jeans, buttoning them up with a sense of familiarity. As I caught his reflection in the mirror, a mischievous smile tugged at my lips.
I leaned closer, fixing his gaze upon my father’s reflection, and began to speak, channeling my best impersonation of my father’s stern tone.
“Now, Ethan,” I began, my voice deeper and laced with authority. “Remember, discipline is key. You need to focus on your studies and strive for excellence. You have great potential, but it won’t be realized without hard work and dedication.”
I continued the charade, offering words of guidance and authority to the reflection before me.
As I conversed with himself, I couldn’t help but marvel at the transformation taking place within me. 
“Well Dad” I said with a smile on my face. I didn’t know if he could hear me or if he was somewhere deep within me. “Since you won’t let me live my life, I guess I’ll take yours” I said as I grabbed his cock through my jeans. “We’re going to have a lot of fun with this guy out at the gay bars… but first I’m going to take a second for myself” I said aloud, and headed to the bathroom. 
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tnaka1414 · 11 months
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Chase had just returned home from lacrosse practice. Creaking open the door to his musty apartment, he threw his bag onto the couch and walked into the kitchen. The young man was soaked in his own sweat and reaked of a hard workout. He pulled the fridge door open and starred blankly at its contents. A second passed and he pulled out the gallon of two percent milk, twisting the cap off he put the jug to his lips and began gulping it down. After a few seconds of chugging the milk he stopped and let out a loud gasp of satisfaction. A small belch following suit as he put the milk back into the fridge.
Chase waddled into his bedroom sore from his intense workout at practice. His muscles were tight and bulging at the seems of his clothes. He peered into the nearby mirror that was attached to his closet door. “Damn you’re looking good” he chuckled to himself, admiring his large biceps. As he lifted his arm he got a whiff of the intense b.o. coming from his pits. “Whoa man” he laughed, not upset with the smell at all. In fact Chase enjoyed his manly musk and sweaty body. He loved the way his sweaty shirt and underwear cling to him.
He plopped onto his bed and stretched out his limbs. Chase slightly moaned as he relaxed his sore muscles. He stretched his legs apart to allow some air flow. A sweet tingle licked his sweaty hole through his boxers and bb shorts. Chase was startled though when he hear a loud bang from the kitchen.
Chase got up quickly his instincts kicking in and walked out of his room. The bedroom wasn’t far from the kitchen in his apartment, and he grabbed his lacrosse stick as a weapon. The young man slowly approached the kitchen noticing a faint light. It was the light from the fridge? Chase quickly turned the corner ready to swing, but was shocked by what he saw.
The fridge was wide open, but no one was in sight. However a massive puddle of milk covered his entire kitchen floor. “What the hell happened?” he moaned, upset that he’ll have to clean the mess. Chase saw the empty jug of milk on the floor as well. He hesitantly stepped into the kitchen, dipping his big toe into the cool milk and slowly walking over to the jug. Chase picked up the empty container and tossed it into the nearby recycling bin. “There’s a lot more Milk here then would fit in that?” He questioned as he looked around.
“Yeah sorry about that, I’m pretty big and could barely fit in that container” a laughed followed after. “What the? Who said” Chase looked around his kitchen.
“Down here” a voice came from the ground. Chase looked down at the pool of milk covering his kitchen floor. Slowly a face began to appear out of ripples of milk. “Boo!” It laughed and grinned up at Chase, sending the young man onto his butt from panic. Slowly a large form began to rise out of the pool of milk. It was the shape of a man, he was massive though. With a large belly and big arms, he had no legs because they were merged with the puddle below him. Chase quickly realized that this entity was the milk! And was completely made out of the milk!
The large man like being stretched his arms “ahh it feels so good to be out of their” he chuckled and slapped his belly. His form shook and jiggled, his body was sloshing and churning. How was this possible? A man mad of milk? “Who? What are you?” Chase gasped starring up at the massive thing, which took up most of the kitchen. The being looked down at Chase and laughed “names really aren’t important” he giggled, “but just call me the milk man” he chuckled shaking his large belly which sloshed around in turn. “I’m a very powerful being that just so happened to be trapped in that gallon of milk by very powerful witch.” The milk man told Chase without skipping a beat. “Thanks for freeing me handsome” he winked “now this is a little embarrassing, but I’ve been trapped in there for 100 years and really need to spread some chaos and fun. Howeverrrrrrr I can’t go around looking like this now can I?” The milk man widely smiled at Chase
“Ummm I suppose not?” Chase replied reluctantly. The milk man laughed “so you’ll help me then?!” The young man nervously said “y...yes?” And he could see how happy the creature was. Suddenly Chases stomach churned a little and he moaned “oh that’s good cause you kind of already have some of me in you, and I need that. You’re a smaller dude so this will be really really tight, I hope you don’t mind. It should honestly feel really good. I just hope all of this can get in there.” He laughed loudly as he stroked his massive belly sensually looking at Chase. “Oh this will be nice, I’m gonna fill you up nice and well.” Chases eyes widened “wait what?! You’re gonna do what?!” He crawled backwards a little splashing in the milk around him “I can’t, what no this is my body, you’re too big. No!” Chases stomach interrupted him though and gurgled “what the” he could feel something gurgling inside, squeezing through his intestines when suddenly *prrfffftttt* Chase moaned loudly as a large fart pushed out of his hole. It bubbled in the small pool of milk. “I’m lactose intolerant see, you’ll be miserable in me.” The milk mans eyes lit up “nope that just sealed the deal”
Chase stood up quickly ready to make a break for it, but the milk swirled around his legs. He looked at the large form and yelled. Big mistake though as the milk man rushed his head into Chases mouth.
Chases eyes widened as the cool milk rushed down his throat and began collecting in his stomach. The young mans stomach quickly began to expand as the large being filled into him. Chase was moaning and groaning as the milk man pushed his way in. The mans stomach was continuing to expand, stretching against his shirt. Chase groaned as he grabbed his massive belly, feeling the milk sloshing around inside. He was becoming so heavy, and yet there was still so much of the milk man to enter.
The pool of milk began to collect more into the milk man as he was entering Chase. So much mass in such a little space. The milk man stopped mid flow though. Chase was still fully conscious and holding his now massive belly feeling the milk man slosh around inside, his intestines were rumbling from all of the dairy, but the milk man was able to contain himself inside. “Alright let’s spread those legs buster” the milk man chuckled inside as Chase spread his legs, his butthole held tight, but he couldn’t fight it. A large fart erupted from his asshole, Chase could only moan as his mouth was full of milk. “Thanks for loosening it buddy” and with that the Milk Man continued his invasion, but by sending the rest of the pool of milk up Chases asshole.
The milk swirled up Chases legs, it formed into a tentacle like shape and licked at his sweaty butthole under his boxers. It finally plunges itself into the boy widening his eyes from the penetrating form. Chase couldn’t help but keep his legs wide open as the rest of the milk pooled into him. He could feel the cool form squeeze through his hole and into his intestines, collecting with the rest in his stomach. Chase could feel as his butt began to bubble out “oh my god” the two moaned together! Chase felt so full as the milk man began pushing into his limbs. His ass and thighs doubled in size as the milk collected in his legs! His cock and balls expanded with the milk. Making him reach full mast! Chase kept groaning with a mouth full of milk. His butt began twerking as it sucked up the rest of the milk!
Finally he was all in. Chase stood up holding his massive gut as it churned and sloshed. The milk visibly swashing around inside as it filled up every crevice. Chase looked dazed with his cheeks inflated while he rubbed his tummy. His body was stretching and morphing to hold in the much larger being. The feeling of the milk pushed into every part. Finally Chase took a huge gulp, a noticeable bulge formed in his throat and slid down into his stomach with a loud plop!
“Oh my god that felt.. amazing” The much lower voice came out of Chase “good boy” he moaned as he stroked his body. “This feels so good” the sensation of being in a body was a bit overwhelming after so long. The milk man made chase rock hard, and everything felt so sensual. He was able to stumble into the boys bedroom and noticed the mirror. “Oh damn I did fill you up a little” he chuckled noticing how large and bulky he made Chase. The college jock body was quickly turned into that of a manly dilf.
Chase slid off his clothes as he examined his body in the mirror. Squeezing his biceps or cupping a butt cheek. Then suddenly a rumble came from inside Chase “oh” the milk man smiled. His stomach was beginning to churn and slosh around. “Oh boy” the milk man stumbled onto the bed, spreading his ass. He tried to hold it in, but a massive fart exploded out of Chases ass, it lasted for nearly a minute. Forcing the milk man to moan as the air rushed out of his gaping hole. “Oh god that felt amazing” he panted and rubbed his stomach. Another fart echoed out of his tight hole.
The milk man laid upright on his bed. Grabbing his enlarged cock, he spread his legs. Fart after fart began erupting from Chases hole! Filling the room with a foul manly stink. “Oh fuck, oh fuck” the milk man moaned as he pumped Chases cock and farted! A massive load shot out of Chase and covered his. Enlarged chest.
The milk man sat there panting inside Chases body “now that was spectacular, but I’m gonna have to find someone to come fuck this hole”
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tnaka1414 · 1 year
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image submitted by Anonymous Hamilton for SS2k16
The inside of the bar was busting with people as they sucked on the pipes, filling their lungs with flavored vapor. They were having a smoke deal and people were lining up on a Friday night to get their fix. Most of them did it because they think it makes them look cool, other do it as a hobby, most do it for the experience. Abe walked through the door and gave a welcoming head nod towards the people behind the bar and then joined his friends at a table, picking up the mouthpiece and sucking. 
Keep reading
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tnaka1414 · 1 year
Unexpected Haunt
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image submitted by Anonymous tumblr user for SS2k16
The last of the boxes were stacked by the movers and Danny escorted them out as he handed them a tip. Ben was looking around his bedroom already. The two of them moved here after Ben’s father got a divorce. It really took a toll and Ben chose to go with his father. Danny looked around the kitchen and slid his hands on the counter admiring his purchase. Of course there would be payments but for now he had a place to sleep. He took a deep breath in, looked down and exhaled.
“So, dibs on the room closest to the backyard. It’s not the master so don’t get your panties in a knot but it’s the bigger one of the other two.”
“That’s fine.” Danny chuckled as Ben disappeared. He went back to his room, moving boxes from the hall to the inside wall to get ready to decorate. He pulled out posters and plastered them up. Lugging his mattress in, he placed it in the corner where he would later build the bed frame. The dresser was placed opposite of the bed near the closet and then more posters were put up. Box after box was thrown back out into the hallway as he decorated and Danny came to check up on him, finishing with the kitchen.
“I’m going to head to the store to get some food for tonight. Could you put the table together?” They had purchased a dining table since his wife had kept the original. Ben nodded and then Danny left the house to get the ingredients for that night’s supper. Ben started to play some music after charging his speaker for a little and he jammed out, hidden behind the shades of his room.
He stopped dancing after he heard something fall in the kitchen. He ignored the music and crept slowly down the hallway towards the kitchen. Reaching behind a box, he grabbed a bat that had been leaning against the wall. His fists wrapped around the end and he held it over his head in case there was an intruder. He quickly rushed the kitchen and looked around, finding nothing but a pair of shoes that had fallen out of a box and onto the tile. He let out a sigh of relief and then bent over to pick them up. As he was bent over, he felt something on his pants and then watched them fall down by themselves, despite the belt holding them up. He quickly stood and then stumbled backwards, hitting his head on the counter, and passing out on the floor.
A large ghost appeared out of thin air and laughed at the sight of the body on the ground. He grabbed his pants and pulled him away from the cabinets so he was laying face up. The ghost poked at his belly and then rubbed his own.
“I think I can fit.” He jumped into his mouth, causing his stomach to bulge up. One of the buttons was tight over his stomach and it looked like it was about to burst. The ghost wiggled inside of him, trying to get his belly inside of his mouth and after quite a struggle he plopped right inside, causing one of the buttons to burst and fly towards the ceiling. Ben jumped up, wide eyed, and started dancing around the kitchen, stumbling as he tried to keep his balance. His pants were still down to his legs and that was causing him to have a hard time standing. As he jiggled, the bulge in his shirt was slowly disappearing and eventually his stomach was back to its normal, slightly toned, size.
“Fuck yeah.” He said, his voice just slightly off. He rubbed his belly and stuck his fingers in where the button had gone missing. “It was a struggle but you did it guy.” He looked up as he heard a car pulling into the driveway. The door unlocked and the ghost controlling Ben quickly pulled up his pants.
“I see you didn’t start the table.” Danny said carrying two boxes of pizza inside. “It’s alright. I decided to get pizza instead.” Ben was almost drooling at the mouth. The ghost inside of him was starving. Danny grabbed some plates and then sat down on the floor with the boxes. The smell filled the room and Ben sat down across, eagerly waiting. Once Danny offered, Ben dug in, shoving two slices in his mouth at once and then stopping as he saw Danny’s horrified face.
“What? I’m hungry.” His voice was still a little odd but it was a better. Danny laughed and then folded his pizza before taking a bite. Ben continued to shove the two pieces in his mouth and successfully swallowed without gagging. Danny was beginning to get worried as Ben shoved two more pizzas in his mouth.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah.” Ben said through the pepperoni.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, pops.”
“I think I’m full.” This wasn’t true. Ben would be back later that night to eat the cold leftovers from the fridge. “I’m gonna go finish decorating. Thanks for dinner!” Ben rushed to his room and slammed his door. Danny chuckled, took a sip of soda, and resumed eating his pizza. Ben leaned against the door looking down at his body and he pulled open his shirt, not caring about the buttons that would fly off. He fan his hands down the inside of him, pressing his skin to make sure he was inside. As he pressed, he let out a loud burp and then laughed to himself. The ghost inside of him was surprised that the owner didn’t tell them about why the got it so cheap. It didn’t matter now, the ghost got what he wanted and now he could be alive again. At least for a short while.
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tnaka1414 · 2 years
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tnaka1414 · 2 years
Officer Fatso
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Officer Fatso Written by “Gayghostpossession” Commission request for anonymous Fatso had been giggling to himself as he absent mindedly flew over the roofs of a nondescript, suburban town. The fat ghost was on a possession streak and was thoroughly pleased with himself. Fatso thought about how proud his brothers would be of him. The last meat-bag Fatso squeezed his way into was a portly exorcist known by his Church and community as Father Trevor. Father Trevor was the perfect fit for Fatso and he found his belly to be the perfect home. Luckily, the huge man didn’t have much will-power, and as such his weak mind was completely overshadowed by Fatso. This allowed Fatso to take up residence in him much longer than usual. While Fatso had inhabited Trevor, his fellow staff and church-goers had noticed a significant change of personality in the man. Father Trevor had changed into a very confident man, with a huge appetite and a very immature sense of humour. While possessing the large man, Fatso had helped himself to all of the holy bread in the Church, and would burst into inappropriate laughter during confessions. He even scared half the Church to death by using his ghostly powers to twist Trevor’s head completely around. Fatso chuckled to himself as he enjoyed making the unfortunate priest completely embarrass himself in front of his clients and colleagues.
The mischievous ghost stopped flying and paused for a moment. He realised that he was starting to develop a taste for not only possessing fleshie’s, but in humiliating them and destroying their reputations. A determined grin filled Fatso’s face as he narrowed his eyes and began looking around the town he was floating over. He had never been to this town before, so he was unfamiliar with it’s layout. “Hmmm let’s find a special fleshie to inhabit this time…” Fatso smirked as he began flying around town, searching.
After an hour of flying above the deceptively large town, Fatso was about to give up and head back to the Manor. However in the corner of his eye, he suddenly spotted a sturdy, official looking building. Fatso flew in closer to have a better look and realised that it was a police station. He spotted several men in blue walking in and out of the building, and licked his big lips as he looked over the potential hosts. Fatso turned himself invisible and phased into the solid brick wall of the precinct, finding himself in an office area full of desks and police officers typing at their computers. Fatso eyed the officers sitting at their computers but luckily for them, the fleshies didn’t capture the big ghost’s attention. Smelling something delicious, Fatso inhaled deeply and sighed. “Ooh yumbo, there’s some yummy grub around here!” Fatso chuckled excitedly. Fatso floated towards the source of the scent, and found himself in a large lunch room. In the middle of the room, sitting at one of several tables, was a large officer looking eagerly down at his steaming steak.
“This looks yum, can’t wait to dig in!” the large officer said eagerly as he raised his knife and fork. Fatso stared lovingly down at the officer’s mash potato and steak lunch. Fatso was actually able to pull his eyes off the steak and check out the owner of the delicious lunch. Fatso licked his lips at the sight of the enormous fleshie plonked down on the seat. The huge ghost looked back and forth between his own ghostly belly, and the officer’s large gut, imagining how it would feel inside the officer.
“Hubba Hubba- What a cutie!” The fat ghost chuckled, which grabbed the officer’s attention. The policeman looked around the empty break room in confusion but couldn’t work out where the strange, deep voice had come from. As the man hesitantly scanned the room, Fatso noticed the officer’s badge which read ‘Constable Mick.’ The nervous officer looked uncertain of himself and his uniform looked brand new; Fatso guessed that Mick was probably new to the police force. Fatso grinned at the idea of squeezing his large gut into the man, and making the officer completely embarrass himself in front of his colleagues. Constable Mick closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head. “You’re just nervous because it's your first day, buddy. Just pull it together,” the officer whispered to himself, unaware of the huge ghost stalking him. Mick lowered his fork and knife to the steak. “Not so fast Fleshie, you need to save some space for Fatso!” a deep voice boomed. Mick looked up in shock, and found himself face to face with a fat, grinning ghost. Fatso grabbed the steak out of the officer’s plate and shoved it into his mouth. The knife and fork dropped out of Mick’s hands as he tried to process what he was seeing. “Mmmmm! This is some nice grub!” Fatso laughed as he swallowed the steak down. Mick watched in confusion as the steak slid through the ghost’s huge body and plopped on the ground as if it just moved through air. Mick stared at the steak on the ground with disappointment. Mick, forgetting his fear, yelled “Hey! I was looking forward to that!” at the huge ghost. “Naw don’t worry Fleshie, I’ve got something else that will fill you up even more” Fatso grinned deviously. “Really? What is it?” the gullible officer asked. “Me! Now open wide for Fatso!” the huge ghost shouted.
Fatso dove forward and plunged his thick head into the stunned officer’s mouth with a “POP.” Mick’s cheeks puffed out as he felt Fatso’s head wiggle it’s way down his throat. Mick let out a muffled “Ooompf!” as his throat widened to allow Fatso’s shoulders and arms slip into his mouth. Mick reacted quickly and raised his arms up to Fatso’s jiggling stomach, pushing on the ghost trying to squeeze into him. Mick was able to get a grasp on Fatso’s bulbous stomach and hold him in place, stopping his descent. “No fleshie, let - me - IN!” Fatso shouted from Mick’s chest as he thrusted forward with no success. “Fine, we’ll do it the hard way then,” Fatso laughed as Mick felt a strange, cold sensation fill his arms. Fatso moved his ghostly arms from inside of Mick, and slowly started to slip them into Mick’s own large arms. Mick felt his arms go numb and he involuntarily relaxed his grip on Fatso’s struggling belly.
Mick let out a muffled yell as he lost control of his arms, as Fatso laughed and began to wriggle his huge belly into Mick with no resistance. Mick watched in horror as his own arms raised up and started to stuff Fatso’s belly into his mouth. Fatso's ectoplasmic belly made strange elastic sounds as Mick’s arms forced the ectoplasmic mass deeper into him. Mick moaned out as he felt his stomach begin to expand to accommodate Fatso's huge belly. A button of the officer’s uniform suddenly flinged at the wall as his belly swelled to make room for its new inhabitant. Mick could only watch in horror as he stuffed more and more of the ghostly gut into his mouth, filling him up to the brim. Fatso chuckled deeply as the man struggled. The chair underneath Trevor started to bend as it tried to support the significant weight of Mick and the fat ghost filling him up. Fatso’s wriggling tail was the only part left out of Mick’s mouth when suddenly Fatso slipped his arms out Micks’ own arms. This allowed Mick to regain control and he quickly grasped the little bit of Fatso’s tail flailing outside of his mouth. Mick was able to grab Fatso’s fat tail for a moment, but it slipped out of his sweaty palm and into his mouth with a “SLURP” and a chuckle from Fatso. Mick swallowed down hard as he felt the thick tail descend into his stomach. Mick rubbed his inflated stomach as the ghost tried to get comfortable in his body. “Quite roomy in here Fleshie” Fatso laughed deeply from inside Mick, causing his stomach to jiggle. Mick grabbed the sides of his chair, trying to stabilise himself.
When Fatso’s chuckling died down, Mick pressed down on his inflated belly and could feel the firmness of Fatso’s belly underneath. Fatso groaned “Ooft!” as Mick pushed down.
“Hey- there’s precious cargo in here, buddy!” Fatso laughed. Suddenly, the ghostly mass inside of his stomach shifted and began to spread out through the officer’s body. Mick groaned, feeling unbelievably full with Fatso in his belly, now beginning to fill up his arms and legs. Mick’s ass cheeks bulged out with a “GLORP” as Fatso shimmied his own cheeks into Mick’s. The chair underneath Mick strained even more with a harsh creaking sound.
The policeman began to panic as he felt his chest swell. He could hear the ghost laughing deeply from within his chest as it pushed upwards into his head. Suddenly, the struggling chair beneath Mick collapsed with a shrill creak and Mick fell butt first onto the ground. Mick let out a deep groan as the force of the fall pushed Fatso’s head right into his own and filled him up completely. Fatso’s face suddenly popped out of Mick’s with shock and then it phased back into him again. Mick’s shocked expression slowly turned into a silly grin as Fatso took control.
Fatso patted his inflated stomach with a satisfied grin as he sat on the ground “Not bad fleshie hehe” Fatso giggled softly.
Suddenly, a senior looking police officer hurried into the room and spotted the officer on the ground. “Are you okay? What happened?” the man asked while rushing towards Mick, helping him up. “Oh yeah I’m okay, I just got a real big meal in me thats all!” Fatso’s voice boomed from Mick's mouth. The concerned police officer strained and grunted while trying to lift Mick from the ground, he was amazed at how heavy the man on the ground was. Fatso was finally able to raise himself from the ground with the help of the strong police officer. “I don't think we’ve met, constable. I’m Sergeant Grant '' The man stated with an air of authority. “I’m Fa- Mick, now tell me- where can I find some grub around this place?” Fatso boomed. Sergeant Grant paused and squinted at Fatso. “We have a certain etiquette here and asking immediately for food is a concern” the Sergeant stated suspiciously. Fatso looked Grant up and down and noticed he also shared a huge belly. “Daww! Don’t tell me a fatty like yourself don’t know where the food is?” Fatso taunted. “What the hell did you just say?!” Sergeant Grant shouted, face red. “Calm down flesh-bag, a ghost’s gotta eat!” Fatso shoved the Sergeant out of the way and started to rummage through the cupboards and pantries in the break room. “Oooh! Here we go!” Fatso announced when he found a large box of donuts. Fatso quickly opened the container with a giggle and began to scarf down the donuts. shoving two at a time in his mouth. Mick’s helpless belly to swell even further, as it accommodated not only Fatso’ huge stomach but the powdered donuts now being forced down. Sergeant Grant looked on in anger as the big man demolished the donuts that were meant to be shared between colleagues. “Officer Mick! This is completely unacceptable behavior, this will surely warrant disciplinary action!” The sergeant commanded. Grant watched as Fatso turned to face him, powder from the donuts all over his face. The expression on Fatso’s face seemed to suggest that he was now annoyed with Grant. “Listen fleshie, I squeezed into this meat-bag to have a good time, but now you’re bothering ol’ Fatso!” Fatso complained. Grant listened to Fatso in disbelief, hand on his forehead. Fatso raised an eyebrow and thought that he would need to shut this annoying fleshie up big time if he was to actually enjoy a decent possession. Fatso suddenly squeezed his eyes shut and strained. A large thud was heard from Mick’s body as Fatso dislodged himself from within. Grant watched in confusion as Mick’s belly started to wobble. Mick regained consciousness with a groan as he felt Fatso’s head slip down his throat and into his belly. Mick could feel the ghostly limbs inside of his own slowly retract and gather in his stomach.
Mick doubled over, clutching his belly, groaning. He could hear the sound of high pressure air escape coming from between his clenched ass cheeks. Suddenly Fatso’s fat tail popped out of Mick’s hole loudly with a grunt from Fatso. Grant looked on in confusion as he saw a growing, jiggling shape appear in the back of Mick’s pants. The sound of rubbery stretching and inflating filled the room as the ghostly balloon grew and wriggled out of Mick’s ass cheeks. Mick and the big ghost groaned and grunted in unison. With a tearing sound, a huge rip appeared in Mick’s trousers, making way for Fatso’s growing tail. Grant looked on in horror as Fatso’s belly jiggled and grew out through the hole in the officer’s pants. Mick moaned loudly as Fatso’s arms started to ease out of his hole. Finally Fatso’s big head slurped out with a loud pop and chuckling grunt from Fatso. Mick let out a deep sigh and rubbed his ass, looking back at the ghost floating behind him. Mick’s face went pale, and he passed out flat onto the ground.
Grant stared in horror as the large ghost floated towards him, hands on hips. Grant took a step back. “Now now, we can’t let you go off and make a scene, fleshie” Fatso chuckled. Fatso launched himself towards Grant and yanked his pants and briefs right down. Grant bent down and scrambled to put his underwear back but Fatso raised his arms and pushed the Sergeant onto the ground. Fatso looked down at Grant with a mischievous grin while Grant looked up in horror. Fatso eyed Grant’s soft cock waiting for him. “Time to teach you a lesson you won't forget!” Fatso boomed as he dove head first downwards at Grant’s cock. Grant yelped loudly as he felt Fatso’s huge head slip into his penis. Grant’s soft penis inflated with a “Fwoop!” as the ghostly ectoplasm was forced into it. Next, Fatso’s shoulders and arms slurped into Grant’s cock. Grant tried to yell but his mouth only opened and closed like a fish as he watched the huge ghostly belly wriggle into him. Grant could feel Fatso’s big head moving through his urethra and hit his stomach. Fatso strained and grunted as he wriggled more of his fat belly down into Grant’s cock. Grant moaned as his stomach inflated, making room for Fatso’s large stomach. Grant reached down and grasped his cock, squeezing. Grant realised that his cock now felt like a water-balloon, as Fatso’s soft form penetrated it.
“It’s no use fighting fleshie, possessions nine tenths of the law, and your belly is mine!” Fatso boomed. The ghostly belly began squeezing and wriggling even harder down Grant’s cock as Grant strained. He watched in terror as more of Fatso’s huge belly sank down into his penis, causing his belly to slowly inflate and bulge outwards. Grant groaned, feeling incredibly full as Fatso’s tail began to descend down his cock. Grant let go of his penis in defeat, which caused Fatso’s tail to suction completely down into him with a slurp. Grant could feel the last of Fatso’s tail wriggle down his cock, into his urethra, and settle in his stomach with a gurgle. Fatso let out a deep laugh from Grant’s stomach, causing it to jiggle deeply. Grant whimpered as he felt Fatso start to slowly spread out and inflate into his limbs. “Not so tough now fleshie! Bahahaha!” Fatso laughed deeply as he slowly overtook the man. Grant’s arms and legs inflated as Fatso filled them out. Grant could feel Fatso’ completely fill out his stomach, and even felt a ghostly belly button pop into his own. Fatso surged upwards through Grant’s chest and forced himself into the Sergeant’s head. Grant’s face went red as he strained and tried to stay conscious. Fatso laughed from inside of Grant’s head as he slipped his face on like a mask and overtook his mind. Grant let out a yelp of frustration as he felt himself fade away, Fatso’s deep laugh echoing into blackness. Fatso 's popped open and he jumped up, rubbing his belly with a grin. Fatso popped out his chest in satisfaction of taking over the troublesome fleshie. “I hope you remember this lesson, fleshie” Fatso chuckled, squeezed and pinched Grant’s large, helpless ass.
“Daww it feels like this meat-bag hasn’t eaten anything today!” Fatso boomed from Grant’s mouth. He suddenly remembered the donuts and hurried over to inspect for any other food. He found a couple more donuts and quickly scarfed them down in one mouth full with a content “Mmmmmm!” Fatso looked over as Mick passed out on the ground. He leaned down and gave Mick a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Sorry about that, Micky,” Fatso chuckled as he waddled out of the room. Fatso grinned as he was ready for Sergeant Grant to make a complete fool of himself amongst his colleagues, just like he deserved for trying to mess with old Fatso.
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tnaka1414 · 2 years
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tnaka1414 · 2 years
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tnaka1414 · 2 years
Fatso's Double Trouble
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Fatso's Double Trouble Commission request for anonymous Part 1 Jim walked cautiously through the dimly lit hallways of the old building. He had just received a new job as a night shift security guard for the creepy hospital across town. He had only started his shift, when he decided to investigate some strange sounds coming from down the hallway.
Jim heard rumors across town that the hospital was haunted, and was warned by family and friends to not take this job… especially for the night shift. Jim didn’t believe in ghosts or the supernatural, and had dismissed the warnings with a grumble. “It is creepy here, though…” Jim whispered to himself, feeling as if he was being watched. Little did Jim know that a fat ghost named Fatso was floating invisibly above the portly security guard. Fatso licked his lips, admired Jim’s backside as he waddled down the hallway. The fat ghost had been informed by local ghosts haunting the hospital that a chubby, new security guard had started working there, and a perfect candidate for a one of Fatso’s classic spookings Jim walked into one of the vacant rooms where he had heard the crashing sound coming from, but couldn’t see anything unusual in the room. So many of the rooms in the building were vacant and there were barely any patients in the small hospital. Jim wondered why the hospital was still open and still receiving funding. Jim was startled out of his thoughts as the lights in the hospital turned off completely.
“Damn, another blackout… this place is a dump!” Jim grumbled as he turned around and walked back down the hallway. Jim stopped at a heavy door and pulled it open with a heave, revealing an old generator room. The usual humming of the generator was absent as Jim inspected the old piece of machine. Jim shivered as he noticed that the generator room was much colder than usual.
“Huh?” Jim questioned when he spotted the issue- the generator was switched to “OFF.”
“Is someone messing with me?” Jim grunted angrily as he flipped the switch back on. Slowly, the generator hummed quietly before rising to a constant, comforting buzz. Jim nodded in approval as the generator re-started and made his way out of the room. As Jim walked out of the room, he quickly looked back in quickly in surprise, but shook his head and continued walking. He could’ve sworn that he had seen a fat, bluish face with yellow eyes leering at him from the corner of the room.
“You’re just on edge, Jim. Too many strange things happening tonight…” he whispered as he walked back to the control room. Jim waddled into the control room and plopped his large backside on the chair. He sighed in comfort as he settled into the chair, which had molded into his large shape from only a few days of use. Jim reached out and grabbed a donut from the six-pack he had bought for his night shift. He raised the powdered donut to his mouth and took a large bite with a grunt of satisfaction. Jim swallowed the donut down, cleared his throat and returned to monitoring the security cameras.
As he watched the footage, he began to feel the chair underneath him rumbling slightly. Thinking he had just let out a silent fart, Jim ignored it and continued to monitor the footage. Jim then noticed that the chair started to feel different, like cool jelly underneath him. Jim looked to his left and noticed that his chair had actually been pushed behind the door. And if that was his chair, what was he sitting on and why did it feel so strange?
Suddenly, the chair had lowered to the ground with a “pfffft” sound like a deflating balloon. Jim descended with the chair and seemed to be sinking into the strange, soft sensation. Jim suddenly heard a deep, menacing laugh come from behind him. He yelped in fear and tried to turn around, but he struggled to move as he had sunk deeply into the strange bean bag. Jim noticed that two transparent blue arms had wrapped around his stomach from behind and started caressing his stomach. As the fat guard screamed in horror, Fatso laughed as his plan to disguise himself as Jim’s chair worked so well. Fatso sat on the ground, arms caressing Jim’s huge stomach as the fat man struggled to get off. Fatso giggled as he had tricked Jim into sitting on his huge belly, and watched with a grin as Jim flailed around helplessly. “Is this comfy for you fleshie?” Fatso burst into laughter at the struggling chubby man. “Let me g-go!” Jim screamed in terror, as he felt himself sink even deeper into the ghostly mass.
“Oh no, I'm not nearly done with you yet! And we can’t have you warning anyone either” Fatso grinned deviously. Fatso grabbed Jim’s belly even harder and began pushing Jim into his own huge, ghostly belly. Fatso and Jim both groaned as Fatso squeezed harder and harder, and eventually a loud “POP!” filled the room. Jim opened his eyes and looked around the room, he was lying on the floor but his room had a strange, bluish tint. Jim shuddered as he felt the temperature drop around him. He tried to scratch his head but he wasn’t able to move his arm. Jim’s entire body started to jiggle as he heard the fat ghost laugh deeply from all around him. Jim yelped in confusion at the strange jiggly sensation surrounding his whole body. Suddenly, Jim floated up from the ground and glided across the blue coloured room. He could only watch in horror and a faint amusement as he was stuck in place, but also somehow floating. Jim heard the deep chuckle again as he floated towards the mirror in his office. Jim’s mouth opened in shock at the sight. Jim was encased in the fat belly of a huge ghost, who was floating him around helplessly. Jim made eye contact with the grinning ghost who patted his belly, causing Jim to bounce.
“Nice and snug in there, fleshie?” Fatso smirked.
“Let me go!” Jim shouted and tried moving his arms. Jim’s arms felt so heavy in Fatso’s belly and met significant resistance. Somehow, Jim could breathe and speak while inside of the huge ghost. “Daw, but I'm not even done with you yet, how about we go for a ride?” the huge ghost laughed. Fatso attempted to fly through the wall but only partially phased through before he heard a large “Thud!” He looked down at Jim whose head had just collided with the wall. “Oh right, I forgot!” Fatso said in embarrassment. He looked down at Jim who had been knocked out cold. “Daw that’s no fun, I wanted to give this fleshie a fright!”
Fatso paused, looking disappointed. The fat ghost looked curiously at Jim’s large stomach. “Back up plan! Let’s see if Uncle Fatso can fit in, ” he grinned. Fatso floated down to the ground and lay on his jiggly back. Jim was snug in Fatso’s huge stomach, and had started to snore.
“Here goes nothing” Fatso announced as he took a deep breath in. Suddenly, Jim’s mouth popped open as the ghost’s ectoplasm began to flow into his mouth. Jim’s eyes suddenly snapped open as he felt the mass that was encasing him start… pushing down his throat? Fatso’s huge body slowly began to shrink as Jim’s belly began to inflate outwards. Fatso’s face tensed up as he squeezed more of his mass into Jim. The fat guard could only watch in horror and groan as he felt his stomach inflate to accommodate its new ghostly inhabitant. Jim could feel his back, arms and legs become free as the ghost’s belly continued to shrink into his mouth. Jim felt incredibly full and uncomfortable as the buttons of his shirt burst and flew across the room, unable to contain his growing belly. Fatso’s arms, fat neck and head were now the only parts of the ghost left outside of Jim’s mouth. Jim desperately raised his arms and tried to pull Fatso’s arms out, but they slipped out his sweaty grip. Fatso’s arms were slurped down Jim’s throat with gulp and he moaned in terror as Fatso wriggled his thick face down into Jim. Fatso winked and chuckled “See you inside, fatty!” as he slipped into Jim’s mouth with a grunt from Jim.
Jim lay on the ground caressing his inflated belly as he felt the huge ghost move around inside him. Fatso wriggled his ectoplasm into Jim’s legs and arms, causing them to jerk outwards as the fat man struggled. Fatso suddenly inhaled, causing Jim’s belly to swell even more. Jim begged “Please…no more!” as Fatso inflated into his head with a “POP!” Jim’s eyes glazed over, but then a silly grin filled his face. Jim stood up and rubbed his belly, looking pleased “Hubba Hubba! What a belly this is!” the fat ghost boomed from the helpless guard’s mouth. Jim waddled over to the donuts on the desk and scarfed them down, letting out a huge burp when done. “Righto, time to get some more grub!” Jim laughed deeply before walking out of his shift early. Fatso smirked to himself, feeling great inside of Jim’s roomy body, ready to cause more mischief. Part 2 Father Trevor stood nervously at the foot of the bed and looked down at the portly, grinning man lying shirtless on the mattress.
Father Trevor was called to investigate the possession of Jim, after his wife reported strange and abnormal behaviour from him after his night shift. His wife had reported that Jim’s appetite had skyrocketed and was demolishing all of the food in the home, his sex drive had heightened significantly, and his voice had deepened to a low baritone. Furthermore, Jim was now referring to himself as “Fatso” and was acting extremely immaturely.
Jim looked up at the large priest and grinned mischievously. “Here to kick out old Fatso? Daww I haven’t had enough fun in this meat bag yet” Jim chuckled deeply and slapped his large belly. As Jim chuckled, Father Trevor noticed Jim’s huge belly jiggle and ripple strangely.
“I-I’m here to exorcize you, d-demon” Father Trevor stammered.
This was Father Trevor’s first exorcism and unfortunately no other members of the church were available to assist him, and as such here was here alone.
Jim grinned and pulled himself out of bed, holding onto his huge belly.
“Welp, I’ve been in this meat-bag’s belly for the past couple o’ days, would be fair to give him back some “breathing space” if you know what I means?” Jim chuckled deeply and approached Father Trevor.
Father Trevor’s eyes widened in shock as he thought he saw a huge ghostly belly pop out of Jim and back into him.
“How abouts I make my way out of this big boy and then squeeze into your fat belly. Whadda ya say?” Fatso teased as he grabbed and poked at Father Trevor’s stomach.
Father Trevor jumped back in fear and noticed Jim’s belly began to shake and jiggle. Suddenly, a small blue balloon shape popped out of Jim’s belly button. Slowly, the balloon began to inflate with a loud “PFFFT” sound. Trevor watched on in horror as Jim’s belly began to deflate as the huge ghostly mass was slowly pushed out of him. Jim began to groan in his own voice as he regained consciousness. Jim felt the massive pressure in his stomach let up and he moaned in relief.
Finally, Fatso’s arms squeezed out of Jim’s belly and his head soon squeezed out with a “PLOP.” Jim looked dumbly up at the ghost that had taken up residence in his body.
“Don’t worry fleshie, I’m done with you for now” Fatso laughed as he planted a wet kiss on Jim’s horrified face.
Jim screamed in terror, turned and bolted out of the room. Jim’s foot hit the door frame causing him to fall flat onto his belly with an “Oof!” Jim got himself onto his hands and knees and resorted to crawling quickly out of the room while Fatso looked on with amusement.
“Now time for the main course” Fatso licked his lips as he turned and floated towards Father Trevor.
Father Trevor suddenly raised his crucifix, stopping Fatso in his tracks as he yelled “The power of Christ compels you!”
Fatso flinched backwards and covered his face. “Oh no fleshie, please let me go!” the massive ghost mocked.
Father Trevor grinned in naive satisfaction and approached Fatso, crucifix trembling in his hands. “The power of Christ compels you!” he shouted again. Fatso backed away from Trevor and smacked into the wall behind him, with a small boing sound. Father Trevor, feeling a jolt of bravery, lowered his crucifix and grabbed Fatso’s cold and jiggly neck.
“Be gone, foul spirit!” Father Trevor commanded.
Suddenly Fatso raised his head and grinned at the priest “Oh I’m not going anywhere meat-bag, except inside you of course!”
Dumbfounded, the priest lowered his hand and stared in confusion as his prayer stopped working- or was it never working to begin with?
“Here comes Fatso!” The chubby ghost yelled as he launched himself at Father Trevor’s gaping mouth. Fatso’s head popped into the priest’s mouth and slurped down his throat with a rubbery sensation.
Father Trevor gagged and tried to bite down, but the rubbery mass was so thick and jiggly, that his mouth was helplessly jammed open into an O shape.
Trevor let out a muffed yelp through Fatso’s blue ectoplasm as he was invaded by the huge ghost. With a grunt and push, Fatso’s shoulders and arms slurped into the priest’s mouth.
Father Trevor placed his hands on the huge blue belly wiggling into him and grabbed two handfuls of ectoplasm. He pushed forward with all his strength but all this did was slow the fat ghost’s descent.
“Too late fatty, I’m already in too deep. Now be a good boy and let the rest of Fatso in” Fatso let out a thunderous laugh from within the priest’s body.
Trevor moaned in discomfort as Fatso’s huge belly continued to descend into his stomach. He could feel Fatso’ thick jiggling stomach inflate inside his own, and even felt Fatso’s belly button fill into his own. Trevor released Fatso’s shrinking belly and moaned in defeat. As the priest moaned, his throat widened to allow Fatso more room. The fat spirit laughed, “That’s right, make more room for uncle Fatso.”
Fatso grunted as he pushed and wriggled the rest of his fat belly down Trevor’s throat. Father Trevor moaned as he felt his stomach expand completely to make room for it’s new ghostly inhabitant.
All that was left was Fatso’s thick tail, and it wriggled back and forth outside of the priest’s whimpering mouth. Finally, the ghost’s blue tail smoothly slipped into the priest’s mouth with a “FWOMP” and a chuckle from Fatso. Father Trevor grunted and crossed his eyes as he swallowed Fatso’s big tail down into his stomach with a “GLORMP.”
Father Trevor could hear Fatso laughing deeply within his belly and felt his jiggling form spread throughout his body. Trevor’s stomach grumbled as his body tried to process the ghostly mass now inside his body.
Trevor, feeling Fatso start to move around his body, clutched his crucifix and recited a prayer. Fatso pushed his fat arms and fat legs into Trevor’s causing Trevor’s limbs to feel strangely heavy. Fatso laughed deeply as he continued to take up residence in his new, roomy body.
“Hail Mary full of grace the lord is with you, blessed are you- LORDY LORDY this body is YUMBO!” Father Trevor quickly covered his mouth with his hand, horrified at the words involuntarily coming out of his mouth.
Trevor’s fat ass cheeks inflated out with a “SCHLOOP” as Fatso shimmied his own cheeks in with a giggle. Trevor’s black pants started to tent at the front as Fatso’s girthy cock inflated into Father Trevor’s unused cock. Trevor whimpered as he felt Fatso’s heavy cock and balls inflate into his own with a “BLORP.”
“Yumbo! Looks like we’re gonna put those babies to good use, Father!” Fatso laughed mischievously as Trevor’s now huge balls jiggled with a rubbery sound.
Trevor whimpered as he could feel the spirit’s huge head sliding up his neck and towards his head. He could feel Fatso’s soft, fat head trying to wriggle upwards and fill him up entirely.
Trevor closed his eyes and mumbled a weak prayer. “Our father who art in h— “ Trevor’s face tensed up and then relaxed “in h—Hubba Hubba!” Father Trevor suddenly opened his eyes and grinned deviously. He opened his mouth and Fatso’s deep, victorious laugh boomed from within.
“Wowza, this fleshie is so comfy, you’re going to be a great home for uncle Fatso” Trevor’s grinned as he slapped his inflated ass, causing the ectoplasm underneath his skin to ripple.
Father Trevor plopped his inflated ass down onto the bed with a “BOING” and slid down his pants. Trevor gripped his short, girthy cock and squeezed, feeling the jiggly ectoplasm underneath.
“Ooh fleshie, you’re so sensitive, feels like it’s never been used!” Trevor moaned.
Trevor began pumping his cock faster with a grunt. Trevor rubbed his filled belly as he pumped his inflated cock. He moaned as his cock tensed and shot out loads and loads of blue ectocum across the room.
“Uncle Fatso’s going to put you to good use, ol Trevor” he giggled and patted his swollen belly in satisfaction. Trevor pulled up his pants, composed himself and began to walk out of the door. Suddenly the door burst open and Jim’s wife hurried through.
“Father Trevor, thankyou so much for your assistance! Jim is back to his usual self” Jim’s wife praised.
“It was nuthin’ fleshie. But Trevor ain’t home anymore, so call me Father Fatso from now on, darlin’.”
Trevor smirked as Fatso’s fat face popped out of his own.
Jim’s wife stood there in shock as Trevor walked out of the room, processing the ghostly face she just saw and the priest’s strange words. She soon closed her eyes and nodded in acceptance. She felt guilty about it, but was at least glad the rude ghost was now out of her husband.
“Time to take this hippo of a man on a long overdue life of pleasure and fun!” Fatso’s deep voice boomed as he waddled out of the house, rubbing his stomach in satisfaction.
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