tineekerbell-blog · 5 years
Traditional Approaches In Marketing
Today in our generation, Digital Marketing is a big advantage for us, but little did you know that Traditional Marketing are still existing?
This blog will contain about the different traditional approaches/strategies that still matter. It will give you some informations about traditional approaches/strategies that you encounter, everytime you go to the mall or even in the streets. So if you want to know more about the Traditional Marketing, just keep on reading!
When you go around to the mall, you will see some signages in every stores that is eye attracting to the customers. Their strategy is a well-known strategy, they will encourage people to come to their stores. Most especially the signage that has a “SALE” on it. We as a costumers ofcourse we want some affordable goods but we still want a good quality, so that everytime we see some “SALE” on our favorite brands it can easily attract us to but in their shops.
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Flyers and Brochure:
Flyers and Brochure are still matter because it will help the business to promote their promo and having a special discounts. It may also help us to know more about the product that was being offered to us. It can also help you on how you will apply in a particular goods or service that was being offer to you.
Examples of flyers that are given to the malls or streets:
• internet/wifi plan flyers
• a discounts flyers
• condo flyers and upcoming sale flyers.
For us, flyers and brochures is a big help to advertise their products.
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Event Marketing:
The events is also one of the marketing that was being used it may be the most expensive way of promoting a product but it is also the most effective way to promote it because it was a total package promotion because it has celebrities, bands, and also vloggers.
Event is also a well-known strategy, sometimes they are having a big sale in the middle of the mall, when you go around you will see that they will offer you a different products and will having a sales talk to the consumers.
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Print Ads:
Print ads are also the marketing strategy that was commonly use especially with the clothes products. The magazine contains the pictures of some models or artists wearing some trendy clothes or some new release product. Magazine is not dead, it can also attract the people to buy it because of the celebrity that is cover by it, it will help a business because the celebrities are promoting their products.
Examples of Magazines:
• Cosmopolitan
• YES!
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How useful are these marketing techniques to you as a consumers?
As a consumers those marketing strategies are useful for us because We will be informed if there will be an upcoming sale in our favorite brands, and second is the information that was in the flyers may also help us to know the variaties of products and the discounts that was being offered to us, and the events it can make us happy whenever there is an event that have some our favorite artist or bands and vloggers, that will influence us to buy their products so that we can enter the event. The traditional marketing techniques are very useful, we don't need to underestimate it because the owners of the business have planned it very well to meet the consumers wants.
Thankyou for reading our blog, we hope that you learn something from our blog that you can use it in your daily life as a consumers.
Thankyou and God Bless!
BLOG WRITERS: Khristine P. Rivato and Andrei Nicole Almario.
Grade 12 — St. Barbara (ABM students in Manila Cathedral School)
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