timespring18 · 6 years
Creative Works - Travis Fulcher
           For my art, I love to create pieces that have a noticeable sense of style. Style to me is everything. It changes from human to human incredibly and is prevalent in almost every aspect of life. Growing older I have noticed how my style has changed and it has been really interesting. It has changed from phase to phase in my life but certain characteristics have prevailed through my years.
           Art has many aspects including visual, emotional and tactile elements. These can all affect a viewer in so many ways and that is where the real art lies. How your art comes across to the audience shapes their entire experience of the piece. This means your art must have a drive or purpose. But the cool thing about art is that purpose can be whatever your artistic heart desires. Personally, I try to make pieces that are aesthetically pleasing with color, composition and vibe. For my art to satisfy me I need personality in my piece. It needs to be engaging in some way.
           I love art because of the freedom of expression. You can go a trillion ways with a piece of paper and turn something blank into a masterpiece. I love film because it fuses technology and art in a very aesthetically oriented way.
Travis Fulcher
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timespring18 · 6 years
Creative Statement - Nicole Isaacson
Nicole Isaacson’s work takes interest in tricking the mind and making it feel as if reality isn’t what’s real.  What is pictured in her mind/ what she imagines is extremely different from what the ‘norm’ perceives, and expresses them by sharing those thoughts with the world. This interest is also highly incorporated when she produces music, layering sounds that may not seem to fit together but making them act jointly. She expresses her work on various mediums, including Ableton, Max/MSP, and Affinity Photo/ Design.  She loves creating dada images in able to create unreal worlds viewing them as an escape from reality. She has produced max installations and wishes to continue to combine that with her music.  
“Unreal worlds create a place where no one is existent unless you want them to be.”
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timespring18 · 6 years
General Creative Statement - Aaron Asher
I feel the strongest connection often to art that has been created to target a specific audience or niche demographic, often through character development and the forming of an atmosphere. Perhaps the only constant in my life is an endless battle with my mental health and memory, which permeates into every aspect of my life with no restraint or boundary. I have needed saving many a time, and art has extended that helping hand when I thought all was lost. Throughout my professional background in coaching and teaching, I have really enjoyed being able to provide an escape to those who might otherwise be trapped, whether in their mind or another uncomfortable situation. I live for the moments when I know I’ve changed somebody’s life for the better. I’ve felt the most moving impact from art and media at times when I have been the most vulnerable, and I would like to provide that sense of “safety” to others in similar situations. I’ve used speech and music as my primary channels for communication before, and want to see if I can expand into some form of visual media, such as animation, background art, or film.
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timespring18 · 6 years
Creative Statement - Zane Taylor
Art is the output of creative expression in such a way that represents a theory. The exposure of ones understanding of their own universe is what drives the creation of art. Our species is currently undergoing a massive change: the emergence of the digital age. Throughout this journey of technological advancement, there are constantly new things to learn and understand on how computers affect humans and their relationship with the outside world, and vice versa. Through an exploration of new technology, I seek to understand the relationship between human and computer. This understanding of ones self within a digital world intertwines with such understanding of ones self in the natural world, creating an interesting dynamic to explore thus creating theories on which I base my art on. Using softwares like Max 7, Adobe Creative Suite, etc and more ‘analog’ versions of art supplies, I visualize this theoretical understanding of the relationship between man and computer. Using installation pieces, immersive environments, and live performance art, I aim to invoke similar sentiments of my own understanding of these theoretical concepts from my audience.
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timespring18 · 6 years
Abby Murphy - General Statement for Creative Works
Art, a visual expression of emotions and ideas that used for creativity and personal exploration, with the purpose of being displayed for a specific audience or the general public. Science and art do not commonly intersect, however there is art and beauty in science, and a method and system behind art. Combining art and science blends two worlds to bring about new ideas and perspectives, while involving a wide range of viewers with various interests. Specifically, the combination of art and biology, a new development known as BioMedia, bridges the disconnect between artists and scientists. Using Affinity Photo and Designer, Processing, Final Cut, and Max, my work blends art and science into a visual representation of data, environmental issues, and ecological processes and patterns. My artistic focus pertains to environmental issues such as global warming, deforestation, aquatic degradation, and endangered species. In addition to environmental issues, my work in the BioMedia sector highlights oceanic exploration, genetic and ecological data visualization, and biological patterns and processes. By combining art and science, I intend to blend the line between these two subjects, and broaden the perspective of how these two subjects can coordinate to bring about change and new ideas.
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timespring18 · 6 years
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Schylling, GIF
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Sebastian Oe
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Travis Fulcher
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Lee Brandenberger
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Nicole Isaacson
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Eli Rovit
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Kat Weaver
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timespring18 · 6 years
My first GIF is titled ImNotSick. It provides an analysis of the way technology is currently advancing and how VR will soon be found in many different fields. In order to display this analysis, I choose to edit an old photograph of doctors wearing plague suits with electronic screens replacing their masks. This GIF was inspired by how the medical field is constantly upgrading its technology and how there are firms currently hiring programmers and digital designers to bring augmented reality into the medical field. To create a contrast that highlights my idea of change I choose to leave the old photo in its original sepia color and then choose bright vibrant colors to represent the screens.
My second GIF is titled, Danger. It depicts the destruction the ocean is currently experiencing. Every day the planet loses more coral which in turn leads to the death of fish. The pollution is so bad that many fish now have heavy metals in their system and are becoming unhealthy for human consumption. I choose to depict this environmental degradation through the color green. It blots out the screen and at the end of the GIF you can no longer see the coral or the fish, this was done to highlight how there will be no more aquatic environment if we continue our bad habits.
My third GIF is titled addiction. This GIF was inspired by my own personal addiction to my cell phone. It is the first thing I look at when I wake up and typically the last thing I look at when I go to sleep. I feel that this relationship with a device has become toxic and has shortened my attention span creating a desire for constant stimulation in my life. I choose to illustrate this to self-analyze my own habits in order to potentially start down the path to correcting them. As the GIF progresses through my house you can see that my legs are never moving. However, at the end of the GIF, you see me take my first steps. This is representative of how I am trying to take my first steps to cut back on my cell phone use.
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Chase Gardner
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Abby Murphy
Books vs. Trees
The Modern Church
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timespring18 · 6 years
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Sean Kennedy
What Persistence of Memory?
We Isolate Ourselves
The Golden Grid
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