tigressx · 7 years
BART RAISED AN EYEBROW, watching as she talked. “Why aren’t they a good time? I feel like I’m missing something. People always seem to be so happy when they’re playing.”
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“All that many people waiting to see you fail, I don’t really think is a great time, but to each their own. Of course they do who would want to watch a miserable person?”
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tigressx · 7 years
“You’re so cruel to me.” She pouted, then frowned. “Just because I have been dragged on worse surfaces, doesn’t mean I enjoy it. I’ve also been, like, thrown into walls and set on fire and stabbed, and I’d wouldn’t like to repeat any of those. especially not with you doing it to me.” Though, she probably would at some point, given that she was broaching on returning to the hero work and things were never easy. “Oh, Artemis, you’re so beautiful and caring and strong.” Zatanna began with an ecstatic smile, placing her arm’s on Artemis’ shoulders and hopping on to her back with a laugh. “Because I’m an infinitely interesting person with great ideas? I’’ll owe you! We’ll do something cool.” Well, her friend wasn’t wrong- a few people gave them a wide berth on the sidewalk with curious glances. “They’ll think you’re an amazing person helping a friend in need. How am I supposed to walk anywhere while exhausted wearing these heels?”
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“You love me.” Artemis teased. The blonde’s smirk grew as her friend spoke “You can’t tell me being thrown into a wall by the right person, doesn’t sound inviting.”  she chuckled “Don’t worry, I won’t do it, you spoiled the fun already.” She started to laugh when the other started with the compliments, she secured Zatanna on her back by holding on to her legs and began walking the rest of the way to the restaurant “Sure you are.” Artemis looked around them and shook her head, she wasn’t one to care about what others thought of her but her friend did have a way of testing that often, “Maybe you should take the heels off once in a while.”
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tigressx · 7 years
Oliver gave her a smug smile. “Was that so hard?” he asked, laughing at her monotone indignation. Oliver always did get a big kick out of needling the people around him.
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Artemis rolled her eyes and nodded slowly “Very painfully so.” a smirk broke her stoic expression as she teased him.
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tigressx · 7 years
“I don’t think so!” Connor pouted at her. “All I wanted was to win a tournament for my team and I ended up upsetting a whole group of people.”
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“Life is though and doesn’t always go the way you want, you just have to enjoy the thing it throws at you, so suck it up it was funny.” she stuck her tongue out at him.
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tigressx · 7 years
Valentina wiggled her fingers, her shoulders rolling back, she was trying to memorize the feeling before the hits came. “I don’t know! Maybe they’re part of some heroes group who think I voted for the ban and they’re trying to eliminate everyone.”
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Artemis was steady in her position waiting for the other, her brow raised in question “You voted for the ban?” she cocked her head to the side “I don’t think any heroes would do that, kind of goes against the whole hero lifestyle to get innocents killed.”
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tigressx · 7 years
Joey smiled, looking down at the dog. Growing up he had begged his parents for a puppy on multiple occasions, but Slade always shot the idea down before he could even finish the thought. Turning his head to glance at the coffee shop, he shrugged before nodding. ‘There’s really nothing to thank. But sure, that sounds great.’ And why not? He never put himself out there much, but maybe it could be good for him. ‘I’m Joey, by the way.’
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Artemis snorted “Oh please, there’s plenty, I would have to bust my ass to find him, if you hadn’t stepped in.” she had an obedient dog for the most part but sometimes he just liked to make her suffer and acted up. She smiled up at him “Artemis.” she replied and went to get her stuff from the bench she was before, taking the leash she had and hooked to the dog’s collar so we wouldn’t run again “Nice to meet you, Joey.” she looked back at him her head motioning to the other side of the street, silently asking if they should move.
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tigressx · 7 years
“Crushing my dreams, one cruel sentence at a time.” She said with a heavy sigh, pressing one hand to her forehead and making a sorrowful expression like some swooning maiden. Then she scrunched up her nose and looked down at the sun-warmed and dirty sidewalk. “Uh, yeah, I change my mind- I am not getting on the ground.” At the offer, her expression brightened considerably, her eyes going wide and excited. “Really? Because I could do that! I could compliment you for the rest of our lives, Artemis.”
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“You do know that’s what I do best.” She shrugged casually, a smile threatening to escape her lips at her friend’s over dramatic performance. Her eyes followed Zatanna’s gaze to the ground “Is not that bad. We have been dragged in worse surfaces.” Artemis bit her lip, arching a brow at the other “Good but let’s just keep for the ride there for now.” she held up a hand shaking her head. The blonde stop walking and turned her back to the woman, motioning with her head to hop on, she groaned softly “How do I always find myself in these types of situations when you are involved?” the corner of her lip raised slightly “People are going to look at us and think we’re crazy.” she muttered as she shook her head.
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tigressx · 7 years
“Maybe if they practiced more, they would find it more believable,” he agreed, nodding seriously. Connor chuckled. “I think that the other team just looked angry, and I felt bad about it. I didn’t mean to make them angry.”
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Artemis laughed shaking her head “Aw come on making people angry is the best part of the gig.” she tilted her head tot he side, “Next time something like that happens you film it for me, so someone can fully appreciate their looks.”
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tigressx · 7 years
Oliver rolled his eyes a scoff leaving his lips. “Then you don’t have to hold back. Show me what you got.” Ollie gave her an approving look before he lifted his bow, firing off four arrows into each of the three targets across the room, at each of the four edges of the targets in quick succession. “Yeah, sure, but it looks like you might need those training wheels on again.” 
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Artemis rolled her eyes at his words “Show off.” she muttered, lifting her own bow she settled three arrows and shot them at once each going into their respective target, she fired four more arrows on the opposite corners Oliver had hit, her aim was still good as ever but she would need to train harder again to get back where she was before. She sighed and lowered her bow “Fine I’ll take your bait, I need to work on my skills. Is that what you wanted to hear?” she said in a monotone yet still playfully and arched a brow.
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tigressx · 7 years
“I WOULDN’T ARGUE WITH THAT” Bart said with a laugh, shaking his head. “You could totally do great things with how smart you are. Have you considered going on a game show?” He asked while tilting his head. “I know, you’re right.”
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Artemis chuckled as one brow rose “Your idea of great things is a game show? You work in strange ways Allen, but no I’d rather stay far away from those.” she held her hands up and shook her head “They are not what I’d call a fun time.”
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tigressx · 7 years
Zach rose an eyebrow, “Well, with all that build up there’s a little fun in it. But stop looking for loopholes in my conversational quips.” he said snootily, the hint of a smirk on his face giving away his own amusement. “Ugh, well I help the people by amazing and astounding crowds and sending them home with stars in their eyes. I even get paid for it.” He crossed his arms, “I am an educated realist who understands the fickle public, many people don’t want to be helped by heroes. Hence.” he gestured around him, meaning their current law situation. He grinned slowly, “Constantly, my lady.” he said with another slight bow, “If anything it’ll only make me do it more.” he told her honestly.
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Artemis chuckled “And what fun would that be? Can’t stop now.” She shook her head letting it fall to make her point across “I think you’re building yourself way to high, stars in their eyes, really?” The girl arched a brow looking at him in disbelief. Artemis tilted her head, he had a point the laws around them made it seem that being a hero was a bad thing, and she had struggled with that fact “I’m very aware of our situation, that’s why I help them in different ways as well.” she winked. Her nose wrinkled at his words and she shook her head, “What if I put one of these arrows on you, then will you quit it?”
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Drama King In No Distress
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tigressx · 7 years
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“Just get through today. If you get through today, great, you had a great day. If you’re focused on the big picture all the time, it’s really hard to conquer these many steps and goals. Everyday you learn something new about yourself and other people. So I just say, take it day by day.”
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tigressx · 7 years
Send me a “📱” and I will answer the following
1. What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?[ text ➝ Zee ]: I got you something[ text ➝ Zee ]: you should come check it out[ text ➝ Zee ]: no this is definitely not a excuse to hang out[ text ➝ Zee ]: also could you watch brucely next week?[ text ➝ Zee ]: I need to visit my mom
2. What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours?[ text ➝ Zee ]: do people think i’m good enough?[ text ➝ Zee ]: I don’t get it[ text ➝ Zee ]: I’m not even a good  enough friend[ text ➝ Zee ]: you deserve a better friend[ text ➝ Zee ]: my father would agree3. What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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4. What my muse saved your number as?Zee
5. What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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6. What ringtone my muse has set for yours?Beasts - Slow Moving Millie (just love how it fits)
7. How many times my muse has called your this week?Ten times
8. How many calls has my muse missed from yours?Twice
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tigressx · 7 years
“Ouch, some best friend you are. Won’t support me and my budding singing career.” Zatanna scrunched up her face at Artemis, pretending to genuinely be horribly wounded. “Wow, okay, drag me, ruin my outfit and my hair and my meticulously moisturized skin.” She stuck her tongue out at her friend then, keeping up the offended act because it was silly and fun. “I shouldn’t have to use them when I’m exhausted and I have a friend as amazingly strong and kind as you, right?” One last hopeful smile as she made her case.
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“I just know your strengths, and I should tell you to stick with magic.” Artemis teased her friend with a smirk on her lips, seeing right through Zatanna’s act. “Finally” Get on the floor.” she stuck her tongue out back at he other, chuckling at her friend’s dramatic behavior, her eyes rolled and she sighed “Ok, fine, I’ll give you a piggy back, but not carrying you on my shoulders.” she pointed her finger at Zatanna’s face widening her eyes lightly, “But only if you keep complimenting me all the way to the restaurant.” she joked.
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tigressx · 7 years
As the woman’s face lit up with recognition of the dog, he felt relief flood through him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have known what to do. Probably would have ended up taking it to a shelter, but even that didn’t leave a good taste in his mouth. A small smile found its way upon his face as the dog was handed over. ‘Yeah, no problem,’ Joey signed as he nodded his head, unsure if she knew ASL. 
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Artemis set the dog back to the floor petting his head, she looked up at the man with a small smile on her face as her hand continued to hold onto the dogs collar. Her knowledge of ASL was basic, she had learn enough to get her by if ever needed, so she could understand what the other had said, “Can I get you something as a thank you? There’s a coffee place across the street.” she smiled and pointed over to the place she mentioned.
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tigressx · 7 years
“I don’t have time for any of that,” he said, shaking his head. “I don’t know who has time for that! I’m just good at archery.” He pouted slightly. “It took up so much time to deal with it, and all for nothing!”
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“If someone has, they should reevaluate their priorities, like actually getting good at archery.” Artemis shrugged a shoulder, “I wouldn’t say for nothing, their faces when they worked it out must have been priceless.”
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tigressx · 7 years
Oliver laughed again. “Come on, it’s not my fault you got slow.” He picked up his own bow, firing three arrows easily into the bullseye of the target across the large room without even thinking about it. Of course, he had been staying in shape—he wasn’t sure what Artemis was doing these days, but he could tell that she hadn’t been training as hard as she used to.
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Artemis clicked her tongue at his comment, her eyes turning into slits “Slow my ass, I was just holding back so I wouldn’t hurt your feelings.” she smirked, repeating his actions and firing two extra arrows for the dramatics purpose. It was no secret she had stopped training as hard as she used to so she could focus on her classes and even if her reflexes were slower this was like a second nature to her, “Like riding a bike.” she teased and smiled at him.
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