tiger-music · 2 months
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I feel confident enough to post these now. A collection of all the existing posters after some edits from the other post that got 13k notes! These are full size/quality. Go nuts.
You may use them for wallpapers, tabletop campaigns, whatever. Consider tipping me (do people use kofi for that or tumblr's built in system? Let me know what you prefer) or buying a print or sticker here! If you do use them, let me know what for, or send pictures!
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tiger-music · 2 months
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tiger-music · 3 months
Body Doubling for ADHD and Autistic People
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The Autistic Teacher
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tiger-music · 3 months
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"just not seeing enough people talking about carl clemons-hopkins, the first out nonbinary actor to be nominated for an emmy, and the nonbinary flag gown they wore last night"
Carl Clemons-Hopkins on IMDB
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tiger-music · 3 months
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*For the people asking this ring is available HERE with free shipping
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tiger-music · 3 months
Oh I’m an asshole.
So today pulling into Stop and Shop, this lady cut me off and nearly drove into me, and then, when I tried to pass her, she swung to the right and nearly hit me again, and then flipped me off.
So somebody is having a bad day and taking it out on me. That’s fine. It’s harmless, and I don’t know what’s going on in this woman’s life. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt she’s not just a piece of shit and is just having a bad day.
But then I park and she follows me, and gets out of the car and starts swearing at me and getting in my face.
Now I go from “indifferent” to “I’m gonna fuck with this woman’s head.” Now I would say I’m a gentleman of size, and in all black and bemohawked I probably look spookier than I actually am, so props to this lady for getting in my face. Now of course I’m not going to hit her, or even threaten violence. That’s shitty. Nobody should get threatened with violence.
Instead, I take a step back, narrowing my eyes like I’m studying her face really closely, and then I touch one of the several piece of “occulty” jewelry I’m wearing (none of which, by the way, are magicked in any way at all). Then I mumble some nonsense under my breath, and then make the fig gesture and the horns at her.
She stops, wide-eyed.
I chuckled, and shake my head. “Nothing at all.” I say in a not-terrible convincing voice. “But every time something bad happens to you today, you’re gonna be thinking of me.”
Then I winked at her, and walked away.
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tiger-music · 3 months
I was today years old when I learned that when you type “otp: true” in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship
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tiger-music · 3 months
Dc x Dp prompt
Dead serious prompt 1/4
Damian and Danny are pen pals.
For a school assignment, they had to exchange a minimum of 25 letters with a person from another school. Damian originally thought it was foolish but Pennyworth insisted, and his brothers’ teased him he couldn’t make any friends aside from Jon and Colin (stop the Colin erasure!!!) so now it was a matter of pride.
Danny didn’t like the pen pal plan, but he couldn’t afford to get a bad grade in Lancers class right now. Plus, Jazz was nagging him to make more friends, so kill two birds with one stone.
The two of them made friends fast(Damian was intrigued by talk of inter dimensional beings he could find no other proof of officially aside from some shabbily hidden acts that violated the meta rights act, and he wouldn’t have believed him if it wasn’t for the visit from Fenton’s dog (He wished he could keep him in the manor, but for now he would settle with pampering the dog whenever he visited.) He could admit that Fenton was … intriguing.)
(Danny liked Damian. He was funny, with a sharp sense of sarcasm and a strong love of animals. Cujo adored him. Damien also didn’t ask questions about things he didn’t want to talk about, and he reminded Danny of some ghosts with his talk of violence.)
However, their letters tended to be quite … unorthodox, with Cujo acting acting as a delivery dog. They had avoided sending letters during times when they would be around others, which is why Damian knew it was serious when Cujo came to him at breakfast, carrying a note in his mouth and radiating agitation, three days after their usual letters were exchanged.
Damian ignored the sounds from his family and unfolded the letter. After reading it, he ignored the shouts of his family and climbed onto Cujo’s back. ‘Take me to him.’ He ordered, and Cujo sped off, jumping as a portal opened and they entered. His siblings rushed after him but the portal closed before they could follow.
The letter was lying on the ground with shaky splotchy letters.
GIW went too far. Just got out. Help.
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tiger-music · 3 months
Writing Advice: How to Create Conflict when Your Characters are Competent.
Featuring Leverage, the ultimate in Competency Porn.
Make them so good it gets them in trouble. So you've got a hacker and he's the best, definitively. Okay, well, one of his fake IDs just got called for jury duty. You pretended to be a psychic so well, someone kidnapped you to talk to a dead crime lord.
Make them targets. You're so good, enemies you didn't even know about are trying to kill you just so they won't have to take you on in your element. You're being blackmailed into doing a thing because you're the only one that can.
Limit the scope of competency. Sure, you're competent as a fighter, but your hacker is in jail and now you have to do his job and you are not competent in that. Yeah, you can climb a building, but do you know what you need to do to not end up in a crevasse while climbing a mountain?
Raise the stakes. Can you handle extracting a orphan being used by a washed up actress to fund her extravagant lifestyle? Yes. But can you handle extracting 30 orphans being used by the Slovenian mob to fund gunrunning? Maybe all you wanted was to get enough money to buy back a house, but instead you have to ruin the company so that all houses they illegally obtained are returned to their rightful owners.
Make others competent, too. Your characters are the best, but are they the best of the best? If you take you enemy down, do you go, too? If you win, does it make them win? Does it get out of hand and make other people start noticing when you're trying to keep your head down? Do they know every trick in the book and know the next move before you make it?
Make others painfully incompetent. Your characters are the best, but are they woefully unprepared for people who are not even good? Can your hologram hacker roll with it when the vital information is on a casset tape? Is the old mentor up to date on the recent technology, or is he going to screw you because he assumes the cops are just as corrupt/incompetent as when he was young?
Have some standards. Specifically, morals that make it impossible for your characters to back out or gets them in trouble for doing things "off-script." You can't leave on the train someone just stole for you because you've got to go back and stop the bad guys from bombing the IRS (even if we don't like them). You wish you could just say no to that assassin contract and leave, but someone's getting assassinated and you have to stop it because you're a good guy.
Bring up the past. Do you think that bad guy you brutally scarred a decade ago is going to carry a grudge? Do you have to save your ex-wife from the bad guy, who may also be her boyfriend, and if you suggest that she'll shut you out and you won't be able to save her or get paid? It's Draaamaaaa, babee.
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tiger-music · 3 months
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Master of Space? A little Cosmic Boy???
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tiger-music · 3 months
I feel like people forget that Danny isn't actually feral. Like, I love feral Danny, but, even at the height of his "feralness", his room is spotless, he's sad when he can't study, and he cleans to relieve anxiety (though yes, only when he's alone). He only started not doing his chores, getting bad grades, and missing classes when he stopped having time for it and he hates it! He wants to be a good boy! AND! He loves being a hero and helping people, and I'm tired of people being like "no, actually he hates being a hero and wouldn't do it if he wasn't forced to". No! You are wrong! Danny Fenton loves helping people and being a hero. (I thought we all agreed that Phantom Planet was Out of Character!) He's not a dirty little gremlin child. He's a responsible, well organized teen, and tries to still be that even when he's at the end of his rope and stressed to hell and back.
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tiger-music · 3 months
Tim: I don't think we can Blackmail, Bully, Babygirl our way out of this one guys
Dick: Tim, what-
Jason, grinning: BOMBS IT IS
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tiger-music · 3 months
Injured and trying to hide after a fight with GIW, Danny has to overshadow the first person he sees. Because of how weak he is at the moment, overshadowing doesn't work as usual, and he's just a voice in the guy's head, no actual control over the body. The person he overshadowed? Billy Batson.
Yes, it's divine twitch chat au. Billy probably doesn't even notice a new voice for some time. Danny is very confused because there are just so many people in there and they're gods and who the hell did he possess???
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tiger-music · 3 months
Submitted Prompts #165
Danny, now a junior in high school and residing in Gotham, needs a little extra cash to make ends meet each month. (There’s only so many burgers he can stab on instinct before he gets fired and banned from every Bat Burger in the city. Growing up with animated food does that to you.)
The opportunity to get a new job arises when Danny is mistaken for Damian Wayne, and is dragged along by one of Damian’s brothers for a vigilante adventure through the night after an Arkham breakout. Danny, the nerd that he is, is an avid Batfamily fan and can copy Robin’s fighting style perfectly. It’s only when he opens his mouth to speak and taunt villains do the Bats realize that Damian is on the other side of town, also dressed as Robin, kicking ass by himself with no backup, and that they just put a civilian in the line of fire. 
By the end of it, Danny is offered a job to be Damian Wayne’s body double; both as his civilian self and as another Robin when Damian is needed elsewhere. He’s thrilled about it, and proceeds to copy Damian’s mannerisms so perfectly the Bats have to check to make sure he’s not another clone. 
(He’s not, Danny is just an idiot who is using his ghost abilities to help with his acting. Completely oblivious to the growing paranoia of the Bats.)
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tiger-music · 3 months
DPXDC Prompt: Supersons + 1
What if Jack became friends with Clark and Bruce. And Danny accidentally becomes apart of the Supersons.
Jack takes Danny with him on a trip to visit his friends- just for it to turn into a playdate. But it isn't long for the cat to come out the bag especially since Danny's rogues can sniff him out.
So now all three are trapped in the ghost zone and this is way more than Danny wanted to reveal with day one "friends" . (maybe its walker)
And their dads having to come find them. Jack leading the charge because he has no idea Clark and Bruce are superheroes LOL But he knows ghosts when he sees them >:U
Could also be a good moment to have good dad Jack- one that once he knows Danny's phantom is immediately wait.. that's my son… MY SON? IM COMING DANNO!
Imagine just very heartfelt. Jack learns to reconnect with his son- Danny has more connections and now protection. Jon is happy to have a flying friend. And Damian still appalled Danny's bad at his identity. "It works because most people wouldn't think I'm dead." "Except for other ghosts?" "I told you that's not something I can avoid >:T." And be even funnier if Clark and Bruce had to go along with Jack WITHOUT being super. Even Jack doesn't find out about them. Which Danny is fine with keeping secret. So they have to work off of limited unsettling tech and still pretend they're a good shot because of other reasons.. or hits. Imagine Jack is like sensitive to Bruce's parents death like OH WAIT- sorry Clark you take these. Brucie, I got the boo-merang and the anti-ghost staff somewhere. That's my wife's favorite. uwu Jack also the reason they couldn't slip away into hereos because he dragged them along shouting FLITHY SPOOK! GIVE ME BACK OUR SONS!... in the Fenton RV... so imagine they had... Quite a ride.
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tiger-music · 3 months
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tiger-music · 3 months
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