thrashville-sys · 2 years
I am begging people to mention intersex children in relation to how the persecution against trans girls in school sports is affecting kids who aren't trans girls. I am begging you. Intersex kids have been through so much already, please don't let how this will impact them be ignored. We've already seen similar discrimination happen with adult women in sports who have hyperandrogenic PCOS, which is included under the intersex umbrella (although IDing as intersex occurs an individual basis).
But this isn't just about PCOS; there are other intersex variations that exist, and children with them will face scrutiny for them under these laws. Intersex trans girls also exist, and this will impact them uniquely as well. Fight for intersex kids too. Not to mention, the laws that companion these also explictly allow medical abuse such as forced hormone regiments and genital mutilation to continue occur to intersex youth. These laws are all around horrid and we cannot allow anyone negatively impacted by them to suffer alone.
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
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november 5th 2 electric boogaloo
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
No but in all seriousness, memes aside, much love to all my friends in the UK right now. I know shit's about to be chaotic and nationalistic and shitty, and I hope the media circus ends as quickly as possible.
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
why are you celebrating someone's death?
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
i can‘t believe that britain is now going to spend a shit ton of money on the queen‘s funeral and charles‘ coronation. all while the country is in a cost of living crisis and so many people are depended on food banks.
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
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she’s dead folks! 🦀
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
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i took the liberty of combining all of the reaction memes people have been posting since they all fit too well
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
since I’m thinking about this instead of studying for bar prep:
people in general tend to assume that a person who’s been arrested is either innocent or guilty. and if they’re guilty, then they deserve fewer rights than the innocent person.
like, if the police break into an innocent person’s house and look for drugs, we recognize that it’s a bad thing and a gross violation of rights. but if the police break into someone’s house and do find drugs, well, that’s just what they deserved. we’d all be upset if the police started randomly murdering people on the street for no reason, but many wouldn’t mind if the police started randomly killing known child molesters. it’s not okay if the police plant evidence to frame an innocent man for murder, but if they know he’s the murderer and plant evidence to help the case along? well, that’s unfortunate but necessary.
there are three problems with this:
You cannot always know with certainty who’s innocent and who’s guilty;
A two-tiered “innocent” and “guilty” legal structure will always be used against innocent marginalized people;
Even guilty people have rights.
this happens a lot on tumblr. not exclusively on tumblr (it’s also a major aspect of most “gritty” police dramas and almost all comics), but it’s definitely there. like, calls to summarily execute rapists sound great in theory, because we all agree that rape is evil. except for when it’s used to kill innocent black men who looked the wrong way at a white woman. 
and there are people who will say that no, of course, the problem isn’t summarily killing rapists, the problem is summarily killing the wrong people (that is, innocent people). which, again, you can’t know who’s innocent and who’s guilty - lots of innocent people aren’t sweet old ladies who’ve never done anything wrong, or have perfect alibis and never contradict themselves. hell, being guilty of a crime in the past doesn’t mean that they committed this specific crime that they’ve been accused of.
and even if they are guilty - even if they are stone-cold, unrepentantly guilty - they still have rights. that’s what “innocent until proven guilty” means. it means that stripping someone of their legal rights is a big fucking deal, so no matter how guilty Obvious McCriminal looks, you still have to follow the rules we’ve set in place to prevent abuses. 
like, it’s not that every person who’s ever been treated shittily by police and the court system is actually innocent, so therefore the system is bad. it’s that we have a system that treats people like shit once we’ve decided they’re guilty, regardless of when the decision is made, and we’re okay with that. after conviction? definitely. after arrest? yup. before arrest, because we just have a feeling about them? sure.
and I get why people make posts or write stories about guilty people being treated badly. wanting vengeance is a powerful emotion. grief and anger are powerful emotions. it is not unnatural to want to hurt people who have hurt others. people like the idea of karma, of cosmic scales balancing out the hurt and suffering inflicted by a person by making them suffer back. I’m not saying that no one is allowed to have those feelings. 
I’m just saying that there are implications behind them that are deeply disturbing (“if I decide you’re guilty, you’re less of a person to me”) and that it’s the primary driving force behind most of the issues in our criminal justice system.
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
PRO TIP doctors lie all the time. one of the biggest lies doctors tell is, "the blood results came back normal, so you cannot possibly have anything wrong."
wow! the blood test? the blood test? the one single blood test? the one singular blood test which diagnoses all conditions? how fortunate humanity is to live in an era where every single condition has a blood biomarker, can be diagnosed through a tube or two of blood, and no other tests exist.
the reality is, there are thousands and thousands of blood tests out there. and there are an endless number of conditions which cannot currently be diagnosed through blood. that is why we have MRIs, echocardiograms, tilt tables, colonoscopies, nerve conduction studies, stress tests, urinalysis, biopsies, patch tests, ultrasounds, x rays, gastric emptying studies, physical exams, stethoscopes, electrocardiograms, angiograms, spinal taps, and so many more. some conditions are diagnosed through quizzes!
even among conditions that can be found in blood, there are so many blood tests out there that one person can not have them done in one day. and many blood tests have completely different requirements. some require being upright, some require laying down, some require blood samples from two different parts of the body, some require fasting, some require being dehydrated, some require consuming something specific, some require multiple blood draws over time, some require being drawn into tubes kept at specific temperatures.
and even if all of the requirements are met for a specific blood test, blood tests are not 100% accurate. they often have a high false negative, where blood results suggest you do not have a condition when you actually do. there are so many blood tests that can only indicate if you do have a condition, but not if you do not have a condition. and there are blood tests that suggest something is going on, but not necessarily what. there are also blood tests that suggest you may have a condition you do not have at all. why?
diagnostics are subjective. diagnostic criterias are decided by humans who make mistakes all the time. test results are usually interpreted by humans. diagnostic criterias are constantly being updated, new biomarkers are always being found, and not every condition with a blood biomarker has an accurate or readily available test.
if a single blood test could diagnose everything, medical school would be a hell of a lot shorter.
medicine is subjective and evolving. if your doctor tells you that you are definitely perfectly healthy because "the blood test" said there is absolutely nothing wrong, they are lying. any doctor that tries to convince you that every possible condition would show up on the one blood test they ordered is lying. it is a lie.
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
i love when i start getting notes from a mutual so i go to their blog and start reblogging stuff too.... we're hangeing out <3 parallel play
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
Why is “pretty boy” considered an insult like call me a pretty boy Call me a pretty boy right now I want to be the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
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[The DSM-5, APA, MWA, and many other health centers acknowledge non-dysphoric trans people as valid. The cat is just to get your attention.]
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
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thrashville-sys · 2 years
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