though5s · 5 months
When will men realize that saying they're going to do something doesn't equate to actually doing it.
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though5s · 5 months
Listen. I know that growing up means having to make the holiday magic yourself. But I didn't want to be with an empty stocking this early.
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though5s · 6 months
I'm so tired of being nauseous. I'm gonna give up eating fun foods and just eat crackers, ham, and water forever.
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though5s · 6 months
FUCK LIFTED TRUCKS. I am so nice, and so understanding to everyone all the time. I've collected good karma. I'm a SAFE FUCKING DRIVER. HOW ON EARTH IS IT LEGAL TO MAKE A RIGHT TURN FROM 3/4 IN THE FUCKING LEFT TUEN LANE. Lifted trucks are driven by absolute assholes who don't deserve licenses. Learn to fucking drive. You can't even Google legislation AGAINST these absolute death missiles because every search result is telling you how to legally make your truck BIGGER AND MORE DANGEROUS. YOU ARE NOT A SEMI. WIDE TURNS DO NOT APPLY TO YOU, YOU ABSOLUTE BASTARD. I HOPE YOUR TRUCL CATCHES FIRES AND YOU NEVER DRIVE AGAIN. if you drive a lifted truck you're an idiot and I personally hate you.
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though5s · 6 months
FUCK LIFTED TRUCKS. I am so nice, and so understanding to everyone all the time. I've collected good karma. I'm a SAFE FUCKING DRIVER. HOW ON EARTH IS IT LEGAL TO MAKE A RIGHT TURN FROM 3/4 IN THE FUCKING LEFT TUEN LANE. Lifted trucks are driven by absolute assholes who don't deserve licenses. Learn to fucking drive. You can't even Google legislation AGAINST these absolute death missiles because every search result is telling you how to legally make your truck BIGGER AND MORE DANGEROUS. YOU ARE NOT A SEMI. WIDE TURNS DO NOT APPLY TO YOU, YOU ABSOLUTE BASTARD. I HOPE YOUR TRUCL CATCHES FIRES AND YOU NEVER DRIVE AGAIN. if you drive a lifted truck you're an idiot and I personally hate you.
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though5s · 7 months
Wild to me that people who loudly proclaim on the internet that things are problematic and wrong will also make incredibly basic and stereotypical jokes about mental illness. They'll shield themselves from critics by claiming diagnosis, self or professional. Yet somehow feel empowered to take up arms against things that, one, do not matter, and, two, are less offensive than the jokes they make.
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though5s · 2 years
Hosting a party for the first time. No one is here and are late by an hour. Fuck.
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though5s · 2 years
My god can I have one moment to myself
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though5s · 2 years
The suffocation of jewelry you put on when you think there'll be plans, but then there's no plans.
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though5s · 2 years
There too mich allowance on the internet currently for people to hide behind mental illness as a shield for getting help. Every post I see that offers even the smallest step to improve mental health has op absolutely berated with comments like "but I have depression and I can't think a single happy thought ever" when the post is just, "look out the window, isn't the sun warm? Feel that" like oh my god, I'm sorry but get over yourself. Why does "here's a small step to get out of the shadows" become the pain olympics?
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though5s · 2 years
A wild thing about the internet is that almost every algorithm based website creates an echo chamber. While I enjoy having content thay doesn't relate me filtered out on a regular basis, I genuinely can't stand some of the niches I get locked in and am now spending time trying to remove myself from them.
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though5s · 2 years
Just once I'd like for people to not try to relate to me with their own issues.
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