thothprocess · 4 years
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thothprocess · 4 years
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We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. — Ursula K. Le Guin
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thothprocess · 4 years
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Get his ass
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thothprocess · 4 years
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thothprocess · 4 years
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‘Death to (mild inconvenience)’ is a huge 2020 vibe
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thothprocess · 4 years
The nuclear family is probably the greatest enabler of child abuse, ever.
Putting two people in complete control of another person (who is particularly vulnerable and has few legal rights) and then having no oversight for the whole arrangement is the absolute worst idea.
Families are garbage.
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thothprocess · 4 years
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thothprocess · 4 years
capitalism without regulation allows corporations to simply buy out corporations that do what they do better until they are no longer held to higher standards
an example of this would be when youcaring got bought, it was a website that allowed people to donate and it wouldn’t take a cut like kickstarter does, now it doesn’t exist and all of these similar websites are just as fucking garbage now because the competition was bought out
when we don’t regulate this shit we allow corporations that are bigger to simply purchase corporations that do what they do and do it better… and get rid of them
monopolies and oligopolies are bad because what they don’t necessarily want to be innovative or offer you the best product, they want to offer you the product with the least effort.
if someone is actually putting effort in that can hurt them, and because of the way our economic infrastructure is designed, they can fight that by destroying innovation they don’t want to pursuit. 
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thothprocess · 4 years
if you are descended from colonizers and you are living on stolen land, you are a colonizer. colonization is still happening. land theft is still happening. refusing to acknowledge it doesn’t make it go away.
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thothprocess · 4 years
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thothprocess · 4 years
Every day I handle more money than I will ever make. Every day.
At the start of my employment, my boss showed me videos of people stealing, and we both had a chuckle about it. How silly they were! There was a camera overhead, and it’s not to watch the shoppers. See, we can’t actually stop shoplifters. They get away with it maybe nine out of ten times. But we, who are watched and tallied and witnessed? We are always caught.
At first it was hard to hold one hundred dollars bills. An amount I had never seen before. An amount that didn’t exist in my household. It’s normal now. Here is something that is not for me.
“What the hell, I’ll take another,” says the man, pondering our 200 dollar watches. What the hell. Total comes to 580 and not even a flinch in his face. I have been working for 11 hours today and made only 110 dollars. It will go to my rent. Today I work for free, it feels. When I get my check, I will have 35 dollars left for food and saving.
The six hundreds he hands me go into the cash register. For a moment, I imagine having money. Then I put it away, counting out his change.
I know for a fact we sell our products for double what they are worth. That I could be making commission. That they could hand me those 580 dollars and change my life and not even mark the difference in their checkbooks. He’s not the only sale they make today, but I am the reason they made it. He’s not the only one spending 600 dollars, but if I hadn’t spent two hours with him telling me about his life, he wouldn’t have spent any. I go home. I don’t own a watch.
I have watched and rewatched a video on how to make salmon four ways. My shopping list is always the same. Pasta. Rice. Tuna. If I can afford butter it was a good week. I dream of the world I will never walk in, where I can throw the best fish fillet in the cart with a shrug. I hold hundreds in my hand and look up at the camera. I put them under the cash drawer.
I go to work. I scrap together my savings. I eat my bowl of rice slowly. My manager takes a paid week off from work just for his birthday. He owns a yacht. 
I’m not worth the cost of a watch.
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thothprocess · 4 years
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Fuck Trump.
Fuck War.
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thothprocess · 4 years
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thothprocess · 4 years
my favorite post about the us military “defending freedom” is the one like, “how tf my freedoms get over to iraq?”
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thothprocess · 4 years
the answer to ‘guys won’t hug their friends cos they don’t wanna seem gay’ isn’t ‘remove the stigma by declaring it Acceptably Straight Behaviour’
it’s ‘get straight people to give up the homophobia that makes them treat gay people with such repulsion that they’ve built an entire culture around the violent disavowal of anything even tangentially related to gay people’
getting homophobic straight dudes to express affection for one another while leaving intact the homophobia that made them avoid it doesn’t solve the core issue
which is that straight dudes are such violent homophobes that they will literally cut themselves off from necessary emotional support in order to more effectively identify and isolate/attack gay men
the problem here isn’t just that straight guys don’t get enough hugs
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thothprocess · 4 years
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This post needs to be shared in all the blogs.
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thothprocess · 4 years
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