thisweirddaydreamer · 5 years
I wonder if youve been thinking of me
Cuz ive been thinking of you
I wonder if youve told your friends we’re meant to be
Because Ive told my friends I’m falling for you
- March 14, 2018
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thisweirddaydreamer · 5 years
I’ll Be Thinking About You
I’ll give you my soul
I’ll share with you my all
But I ask of one thing
That my heart will not break your fall.
My heart so tender
Yet as hard as a rock
This time I ask
That of me
Youd not mock
Hand in hand we will walk 
when we’re sitting down
We won’t even talk
Silence is most comforting
With the one
Who’s heart I am wandering in
Think of me
Cuz I think of you
Stay by me
And I’ll help you through
You won’t get rid of me
Sit down holding my hand
And you will start to see
That maybe all these things may strange
But as the strange as it could be.
- The first poem I wrote about my first love. (March 13, 2018)
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thisweirddaydreamer · 5 years
Dark Boy
A poem I wrote about a former crush. This was very first poem I’d ever written about somebody:
You have long hair
And you’re 6′2″
And I think it’s true
I kinda like you 
Also, you give me butterflies.
But with you 
It may be true that 
Opposites attract
I hardly know you
But when its just us two
I’d like to think you like me too
I dont really have the time 
For this spoken word to rhyme...
It’s been four months since you walked in through those church doors and into my life,
Ive prayed for you
Youve prayed with me
Youve held my hand during prayer
And youve reassured me when you thought i was afraid
Twice Youd done that
People talk
“Who’s the dark dude with the nice girl?”
You sit with me during church
And just like that
From weird strangers
To awkward friends
Youve told me your life story
And you asked me
What my walk with Christ is like
Which could be the most romantic question a dude has ever asked.
I got a different vibe about you
You wear green flannels
And knee length shorts
With that blue tank top
And a Dodger hat
It made you seem unapproachable at first
But that didnt stop me from approaching you.
You caught my attention that New Years Eve night
I ended 2016 with my first interaction with you
And I never thought I’d end 2017 with you still in my thoughts.
- Oct 16, 2017
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thisweirddaydreamer · 6 years
As Strange As it Could Be
When my first love asked to go to his prom, he wrote me a poem on a rolled up poster that he hilariously threw at my face, just as I had done to him previously. We went to prom and came out having too great of a time. 
Anyways, about a month a half later I wrote a poem for my English class on whatever I wanted, and I ended writing a response to his poem:
I’m in church and I can’t really focus
The cause be I’m thinking too much of you.
I hope maybe you’re thinking of me too.
Damn you, David! That March night that woke us.
My feelings for you, leave me in a fuss.
Remembering your favorite color’s blue (even though its black but this is for poem sake)
Keeps me distracted at church in this pew.
I am asking you, “do you think of us?”
You send to me flowers and write to me songs.
It is the little things that I can see
Your feelings for me too are just as strong.
From these feelings I hope I can be free,
But though for you my heart and my soul longs,
It really is as strange as it could be.
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thisweirddaydreamer · 6 years
Happy Holidays Love
The holidays are coming And I still think you through them. I really thought’s you be my first kiss under the mistletoe toe. I really thought you’d be my first New Year’s Kiss into 2019. I thought you would be my first Valentine. People talk, “cuffing season” But that’s not what I care about. A part of me is okay with being alone. Cuz, I’m never really alone. But another part of me really misses you. A lot.
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thisweirddaydreamer · 6 years
To My First Love
In My Feelings The past few months have been rough, Not seeing Not talking To the person I love Really man, it’s been pretty tough. This poem is how I can put all of my words, My feelings, my passions, All Into one Hopefully, it’s not too old fashion. I wrote you a poem once. I think I asked you out? Then you wrote me a poem, To which I responded with a pout... Though a bitter response was given, I decided on yes. You asked me this time. What happened next I would’ve never guessed ... What an amazing night we had. Take me back Walking hand in hand, Losing my father’s jacket Spilling your drink at Denny’s You took the blame for it... That was nice. This led to 5 months of fun. So much fun. I never thought I’d get to know a person As fast or as much as I did in those five months Month two led to our first kiss. I was so shy, but not nervous A bit embarrassed even, But no, not nervous. It wasn’t that hard either. That same month, you let me take you to prom. Thanks for coming with me. And thanks for missing out on your grad night, I knew about that... I really did have a lot of fun with you. Even though you wouldn’t dance with me. Haha ... I know this poem is out of whack, Some lines that rhyme Some lines that don’t. Sit back, get comfy, eat a snack. Im not done yet. Month 4 was your birthday month, You hadn’t seen me since my graduation. I think we both were a little too excited when we reunited once again. If you catch my drift. It was your birthday, And I was the one treated like a princess. It was your birthday, And I was swept off my feet. It was like a movie from the hallmark channel. Think about it. Your 18th birthday, I was being held by someone I admired. Sunset. Beach. How much mushier could it be? That was a good month. Month 5, you began to say the “L” word. You’d mentioned it a few times prior, But not like this. “I love you, but you’re draining.” Close enough. Not words I expected to hear. Nonetheless, you told me you loved me. And it was followed with, “Well, you’re gonna be in my life for a while, right?” I thought so, And I still hope so. End of month 5, beginning of month 6, School had started. We began to live in total opposite directions. No car. No money. No time. New friends, New worries. I began to panic. How could we last? would you hurt me before “we” even had a chance? David, I felt ignored. I felt unloved, Under appreciated. Left out of the loop. I stopped getting calls. Voicemails, Texts. Maybe I had the right to assume or feel the way that i did. But This is just how I feel, Feelings are subjective. It doesn’t mean the story is right. So correct me if I’m wrong. You ignored me. I felt you were annoyed of me. I felt we wouldn’t last. You’d meet someone so much better than me. Someone not shy. Someone more talented. Smaller. Funnier. Someone beautiful. Someone perfect for you, who isn’t me. Maybe you’d treat them right. Cuz I didn’t feel treated right. Again, this is how I feel. “Communication is key,” Everyone says. I didn’t understand how right they were Until we lacked it. Despite this, I could never speak rudely of you. I can only think highly of you. I believe in people. And I’ve always had a weird overwhelming love for you, that I know only the Lord has placed on my heart. And I’ve learned to thank God for all the years we’ve had together, Both as friends and as a couple. Im not sure of what else to say. Anyways... Within these five months, Every time I heard a love song, I thought of you. From Lemonade to every other Taylor Swift album, you were on my mind. Every time something good happened, You were the first person I wanted to call,. Every time something bad happened, I knew you’d be there for me in your own David way. Thanks for that. These are my feelings for you. Take it or leave it. I’d hope you’d take it. As you’ve already taken a piece of myself with you. I love you. I hope you love me too. I miss you. A lot. I hope you miss me too. If you don’t, That’s alright. I got a Heavenly Father who loves me way more than any guy ever could. He’ll take care of me, I promise. If you do, Well, what’s next is up to you... What do you say, pal? Thanks for all memories. I hope we’ll have more. As friends Or as lovers. Which one it is, will be up to you. You pursue, And the Lord will guide. He’ll guide me too. As He did so as I wrote what’s being read to you. Goodluck at APU. God’s got good plans for you there, Just as He has good plans for me here. - [ACG]
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thisweirddaydreamer · 11 years
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thisweirddaydreamer · 11 years
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thisweirddaydreamer · 11 years
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