thisisjareth · 9 years
(via mingdliu)
There is this connection, this sort of sudden attachment you feel towards one’s soul when you look at them and think to yourself, “You. It is you.” Somehow, you just automatically feel it from every hair on your arms down to every bone in your body and the crevices of your heart. There is just this unexplainable captivation that lures you in and you don’t know what it is but it draws a perplex map with unknown destinations you feel the need to explore.
A Story A Day #210 by M.D.L
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thisisjareth · 9 years
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‘cause it hurts like hell
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thisisjareth · 9 years
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thisisjareth · 9 years
How now little one. . .  
Twisted fingers tapped against his rough cheek; slowly caressing the valleys of tissue that his skin had become. Soft movements; deliberate in their intensity; subtly disquieting to watch. The loose flaps of skin around his neck shook slightly. Eyes fixed - beneath a grim brow  - on her.
Explanations... So many explanations...
He waited pleasantly for her to finish her almost inaudible mumbling before he next spoke. It was - as befitted Jareth - a question. Dangerously simple in it's wording. Perfectly accompanied with a ghastly smile.
"Oh you would, would you?"
Not What You See || Jareth & Sarah || Fairytale!AU
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thisisjareth · 9 years
Your presence made such a deep impression on me that your absence has left me cavernous
B.B. Sunshine, Absence (via wnq-writers)
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thisisjareth · 9 years
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thisisjareth · 9 years
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thisisjareth · 9 years
Vivid eyes followed the scattered bath of the falling plants as they slid out from the fallen basket; coming to a unsteady stop against the front of his feet.
Slowly; incredibly slowly; that gaze flicked up. The edges of his thick lips twitched and tightened at the sight of this girl sprawled out in front of him. She was all dark hair and pale skin; sitting in a pile of string.
"Good evening~" He pressed a knarled hand across his chest; palm resting over the place his heart should have been. Words fell roughly from his mouth; jagged and roughly edged; low and powerful. Mocking.
"Might you be the girl stealing from my gardens?" A slow unpleasantness began to build within his voice; citing his knowledge of that fact and the inherent curiosity to see and hear her response.
Not What You See || Jareth & Sarah || Fairytale!AU
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thisisjareth · 9 years
The sound of the goblins faded away gradually; eventually swallowed up in the unnatural stillness of the area around her. The trees shook slightly; the various fruits perched upon them; shaking.
Somewhere amongst trees, a small boy laughed.
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thisisjareth · 9 years
9 and 10
|| Already answered! But thank you for your ask!
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thisisjareth · 9 years
Character Development Questions: It's so hard to pick! ^_^ Can I ask for all of the 'Emotions' questions? *grins*
|| Of course you can, sweetheart!
6.) Something that makes your character angry;
7.) Something that makes your character happy;;
Travelling | Exploring
Unlike his diminutive subjects; swift movement comes naturally to the Goblin King. His curiosity is well documented; as a boy he spent hours upon hours wandering wider distances than many of his playmates, occasionally vanishing for entire evenings; not to resurface until early mornings.
Spending so much time on his throne in the Goblin Castle brings out the more restless side of him; instinctively pulling him away when his presence is not absolutely required. To venture into territory new to him; or to pull a change of surroundings down upon him is always welcome.
He prefers to fly for the most part; finding a certain glorious freedom in the touch of the breeze upon his tawny body; lifting himself into the empty hair, he becomes the wind. Also; speed and sheer convenience make it his favourite way to travel. Jareth normally uses wings to pass through from his realm into the Aboveground.
One of his other ways to travel - if, for some diplomatic reason he cannot fly - is by horseback. Jareth is incredibly fond of his mounts; owning at least three at any one time. Usually - for sheer enjoyment political reasons, he will opt to ride horseback. As a King without a royal wife or heirs; he is not obliged to travel in a carriage. For him; the controlled gallop of the hooves beneath him emits a fiery feeling within his heart.
He is an experienced and skilful rider.
8.) Something that makes your character laugh;;
He does enjoy watching the poor unfortunate fools wander around his Labyrinth; making  the conscious decision to take that left turn; when simply travelling right would have given them a enormous push in the right direction. Idiots.
9.) Something that frightens your character;;
Loss of control.
I’ll let you decide how to interpret that one. . 
10.)Something that turns your character on;;
A challenge.
So accustomed to getting his own way as Goblin King; his attention span is notoriously fickle; quickly losing interest in that which does not tug on, or demand his attention in some way. Those who whisper nothing but agreements into his ear are quickly discarded with; in the subconscious hope of finding someone who will challenge him. Could it be you, Sarah?
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thisisjareth · 9 years
The goblins reconvened. She was much more frightened than they thought she would be. They were simple creatures themselves; and could not fathom why she would wear such a panicked expression.
Using the pause in her speech; they huddled close together. Whispers ensued from the little group as they began to argue amongst themselves.
"-stupid, too stupid-!"
"-told you it was a bad idea, but did-
"-Why don'ts you shut up?-" A faint smack echoed as one of the goblins hit the other two. Predictably; the strike was quickly followed by more; the angry response from the two with the stinging cheeks.
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thisisjareth · 9 years
"We is goblins, Missy." The word burst into their midst; a heavy truth that could not be lifted once said. 
What's said is said. . . after all. 
Three pairs of eyes blinked up at her; guiltless in their dark orbs. "We is in the Underground. Our home; the nearest realm to th' Aboveground - which is where you used to live."   
"It's much more fun here~" Again, the smallest one stepped forwards; as though attempting to comfort her. "We wanted you to see our flowers!"
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thisisjareth · 9 years
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(Reverie - Close Up by soapybubbles3)
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thisisjareth · 9 years
Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.
Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The Kindly Ones (via feellng)
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thisisjareth · 9 years
Character Development
01: A memory from your character's childhood
02: A memory from your character's teenage years
03: A memory from your character's career
04: A memory that your character cherishes
05: A memory that your character wishes to erase
06: Something that makes your character angry
07: Something that makes your character happy
08: Something that makes your character laugh
09: Something that frightens your character
10: Something that turns your character on
11: Describe your character's childhood friend
12: Describe your character's parents
13: Describe your character's former lover
14: Describe your character's present best friend
15: Describe your character's worst enemy
16: What your character does on a day of
17: What kind of books your character reads
18: What kind of music your character likes
19: What your character does when they wake up
20: What your character is like at social events
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thisisjareth · 9 years
Another step brought him ever closer; a tall male moving with an vague elegance that belied his outward appearance. Warm breath escaped from his bulbous lips as he strode. His eyes; mismatched - gazed out before him from a face that looked as though it had been carved out of something particularly nasty. He sniffed the air; lifting his blonde head up towards the dark sky.
Yes. Yes. . . he could smell them now.
Could hear the muffled movement of their feet as they found their way through the undergrowth. Slowly to begin with; then faster. Picking up the pace as though they wished to be gone.
But no.
He couldn't quite allow that. Not after where they'd been.
Jareth wove his way through his tangled maze with the grace of a lion stalking his prey; the string winding  itself around his fingers; creating a miniature tapestry against his hands - an idle amusement; he barely noticed.
A pause in the next row. Their tenseness tugged the string in his hand, sending rippling warnings. Instinctively, he released a little of it - just enough to soothe their suspicions. Just the correct amount to urge her into continuing just a little more.
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