If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
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Fear is a normal reaction but being brave is a choice
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There she is with that smile….
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Hello!!! This post is long overdue! So much has happened since I’ve posted in my 20’s. Let’s get started with W. So I FINALLY got over her and her cheating ass. How did I do it since I was under her spell. Well, I texted her under a different number and got her to confess what she thought about being with me to a complete stranger whom she was trying to get with. Anyways she was just rude and said I wasn’t the best and settled for me because I was available. Damn I can’t lie that it didn’t hurt reading that. That was all I needed to hear and I was done with her. In my defense since I’m putting it out here on the internet I was a baby gay so yeah it wasn’t going to be perfect at first. Needless to say I have gotten better and I’m proud of how far I’ve come. I haven’t talked to W and I’m so glad I’m done with her and her bs. I’m just but she did end up getting divorced since her husband found out she had been cheating and her kids no longer want to see her. She was playing a dangerous game for a long time. I knew karma would get her. The next woman I’m going to write about will get her own post since it was my first real relationship and also the hardest lesson I had to learn.
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But first some honorable mentions. Nathan, my first boyfriend who I’m sorry was a bad kisser. Nice guy but didn’t have time for a girlfriend. When you go two weeks without talking and mostly end up canceling plans for your roommates dogs graduation. Yeah you read that right his ROOMMATES dog’s graduation! Then it’s time to end the relationship. What was fun about it ending is the day I was going to break up with him he breaks up with ME!! Ummmm excuse me! No sir I was suppose to breakup with you! Nathan the guy who told me he loves me after telling me that every time he says that to a woman they break up with him lol. I’m not laughing because he said I love you but because of my response which was “thank you”. I knew I didn’t feel the same way so I didn’t want to say it back. Oh and let’s not forget he grabbed my butt on my front porch and my dad saw. Omg I wanted to die when my dad told my mom who then told my sister. Goodbye Nathan.
Johnathan ooh now this guy would not stop pursuing me. Met him on NYE at the stadium, he asked for my number and I said no. Then my job released some newsletter and had my name on it. He then looked me up on FB and sent me a message there. I remember being at my sister in laws house when I got the message and we both agreed that it was creepy. Anyways I was dumb and entertained him for a short time but soon realized he had a lot of red flags. He was possessive and was easily jealous. Flash forward to Gabriel’s birthday and I asked him if he would like to come he said no because he had to work early the next day. Ok no problem I told him I was inviting another friend yup you guessed it Aaron. Then his answer changed to maybe I can go. I told him not to worry about going I knew he was busy. Aaron said he would try to stop by if his class got out on time. Cool also no problem so I asked my best friend Alma. Well I didn’t ask I told her we were going lol. So Alma and I go then Johnathan shows up (I don’t remember if I told him where but I’ll assume I did so it’s less creepy). Aaron shows up now lol. Johnathan was not happy. He just pouted in the corner while we were all having fun singing karaoke. Alma was enjoying herself from my mixup of having my “dates” lol. Anyways Johnathan was being ugly after that night calling me names and then begging me to forgive him. Nope you showed your true colors and I was done. You can exit the stage now Johnathan.
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Aaron oh Aaron you were my first kiss and a damn good one too. We kissed in your dad’s Lexus right outside my dorm room building. You were the first guy who really made me feel special by coming to see me out of the blue. I remember meeting you at TCC and we instantly clicked. We laughed and always worked on some sort of craft project you needed help with for dance or whatever. Aaron you were my first bj lmao. You being a sex addict said I was great at it definitely gave my confidence a BOOST.
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Now things fizzled out with Aaron but I was happy with the memories we had. He showed up for Gabriel’s birthday party when I was trying to get more people to show up. Aaron and I were going to be FWB but after a few minutes I said I couldn’t do it. I knew in my heart I couldn’t get involved without feelings. So thank you Aaron for being an amazing first kiss. Though I remember one time when I went over to your place you got me an Uber to go home 😑.
There were a couple of more guys who I talked to after this but that wasn’t serious at all. Especially when I saw HER. Oh J you captured my attention the moment I laid my eyes on you. More updates about her in another post. Let’s start my next post about Abigail. Which honestly I might need to log in on my computer to type it all up. Until my next post
kisses and scratches,
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