Final Position Of Work
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Overview Of Project - The Knitted Monster
So basically my idea all started from way back in August, when I took a trip to New York and stumbled across an exhibition  (where sadly I couldn't take any photos) of Lolita Outfits. These pastelic outfits, girly dresses and angelic style instantly got me hooked. 
Come October and I'm back at uni and these obsession with this controversial style was banging in my head. I knew that this was what I had to do for my project. It was something I had to produce or even just to be inspired by. 
So since October I have had a consistent idea of what I want to achieve. I knew that I wanted to be inspired by the Lolita fashion, by using its overly cute aesthetic, colour scheme and bold look. 
I originally made a pink lightweight kimono jacket that came to my waist (all measurements based off my proportions due to having no mannequin at the time). I got the pattern from a burda sewing pattern book, and the did make a puffy knitted belt where the pattern was found in rowan knit book.
After viewing it I felt it was too average and that I was just simply re-creating a Lolita outfit rather then pulling it apart drastically. So I carried on knitting small patches, (at this point it was the end of October) I almost covered the small jacket. Then after chatting to staff I decided to just go more bold and knit big kimono style sleeves (This was done because some Lolitas where traditional Japanese clothing but lolitify it as I mention in a older post). After enjoying this huge challenge of making knitted patches I decided that I must extend the jacket to the floor. My thinking behind this is because Lolitas have created a rule book on the do’s and dont’s in the Lolita community commonly known as the Lolita Bible. The book addresses the appropriate length of skirt and how much lace is allowed. One word that caught my eye was Monster. This word was given out if your outfit was just dreadful and shouldn't be seen in public. That was when I knew I must create a completely over exaggerated Lolitas outfit this exaggerates it's Victorian, Roccoco and Meiji era influences. 
From November onwards till May the 28th I did not stop making knitted patches, lace, beadword, buttons, sequins, layered fabric, shoulder pads, layered you name it any knitting style, any yarn type from mohair to plastic was intertwined into this monster of a garment. I honestly have not stopped working. This without a doubt has been the most hardwork I have ever put into anything. Every minute I had I either had needles in my handles or cutting fabric and plastic to make my own yarn. I could see the end result since Novemeber and I was willing to change my mind. I have done nothing but been determined to get this done.
Everytime I made a couple of bags full of knitted patches I would sew them onto the garment. Thankfully Paula in the new year gave me her mannequin with arms so i finally had something to work from instead of guess work, lying it on the floor or even wearing it and pinning pieces to my body.
There have been times where I have been sick of wool and times where I can't wait to start a new ball of wool. I purchased the majority of my wool from a wholesaler called ice yarns. The rest were wool we already had a home, because my mom used to sell knitted toys on her Facebook. 
There have been times as well where I felt like there could have been more frequent days when I could see my tutors. Sometimes I felt like I was repeating myself because they  forgot my work. Also I felt I was repeating my research to them and when they say oh that looks Victorian and I would reply yes I have told you that two weeks ago Lolita is inspired by that. So it felt like I was two steps forward one step back with them at times. 
There was a time when myself and Paula booked a time slot for the photography suite and only until the morning did we get an email it was cancelled when we was already packed and ready to go. This laziness and slow mindset was such a throw back. I also felt frustrated that my day was wasted due to slow communication, no cover staff, limited staff and limited resources. Not only do I feel that but the was of booking the computer suite seriously needs to be addressed. Such as there needs to be more then one member of staff to assistant students with it seeing as it is something nearly every student in the school will might have to use at some point. There needs to be a better booking such as in order for me to book the suite I have to book the time slot for the room which is fair enough, but on top of that I have to seperartly book equipment such as lights and cameras and then lastly book the one member of staffs help who also helps in the editing suite. Perhap as a easier route I'd suggest having one booking system where you ask for the rook and if you require the equipment and staff that should be two tick boxes and that's it. Otherwise you can end up messing up dates which is just over complicated and confusing. 
Also throughout my time there i wish there was more members of staff who were insterested in the textiles and craft side. Yes I do understand there is a small textile studio in the main building and another large fashion design school down at park side. However I did have an induction to use the equipment but because I am from art and design they never got back to me on dates when I go use the new and different equipment. The environment never felt comfortable, when telling staff I wanted to sew into wool she simply said you can't do that in the fashion room but only in the textiles department. So again I wasted a day having an induction on machines that I can't even use due to my material when I said from the start I'm interested in textiles rather then womenswear. So I contacted about using the Cad machines and the knitting machines and nobody got back In touch. So I gave up asking (3 times)  and carried on doing what I can. Again the response time to emails is just appalling at times and very off putting. Back to wishing there was more members of staff who had knowledge on the crafts, the two members of staff who do have similar understanding ownly came in now and then and my main staff member had a better eye for product design. I felt like there wasn't anybody I could talk to for advice. I again even emailed knitting members of staff who teach at park side but again no reply.
I then put all that frustration behind me and made sure I made as much as I could for the work in progress show. This show, enabled me to see I needed to go longer and more extreme. I needed to think how to display.
When the show was over I had chats with my tutor about display. The original idea was to create a design that could be made for me. However I decided to over the Easter to give a go at making my own. 
I bought from home base my materials and set to work. My grandad who is a carpenter made my design. So I credit the design and the making to him. I documented the stages he took to make it through notes and images (All described on earlier post).  
The design has many flaws such as the arms was not right and too stiff, and the base was very delicate. When bringing in my display and garment and placing it in the room I instantly knew that it was incorrect. It did get me upset because I was determined that it was right and it couldn't not be fixed. However thanks to my tutors addressing the situation a better design outcome was possible (again thanks to the help of my grandad who built and designed the new design) even though I was incredibly frustrated with myself and my work I calmed myself down a reassessed my situation. 
I would also like to mention that massive and amazing help my mom has given me throughout this project, she helped knit some patches when she felt I was running out of time, she helped to stitch and pin whenever she had time off. She has helped to carry work to and from home and uni. She also came to my uni several times to help layout work and present my ideas. My project was a lot to take on, it could have been done single handed however there was times when I did need that extra push. 
Oh before I forget to mention there was one time when a design display idea just did not work was the hooped skirted, I really do wish that did work out I had in mind but the hoops were too big and pulled the wool in was that didn't compliment it.
I have used over 200 balls of wool, 9 bags of sequins, 11 bags of beads, 5 tubs of buttons, 8 bags of lace, 1 machine thread, over 100 pins, used 12 different pairs of needles, 20 plastic bags, 1 single bedsheet and two matching pillow cases, 1 double bedsheet, 2 homemade shoulder pads, 5 metres of wadding, a bag of teddy bear stuffing, 4 bags of decorative butterfly pins, and much much more.
Overall I feel I have achieved what wanted to. I'm proud of how much I have made, and the skills I have used. I wish my display would have been adjusted but my skills are lacking info that area. Knitting is certainly without a doubt something I wish to push and peruse in the future. 
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arms In place
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New wooden frame, the lower arm joints to move and the sleeves are hung up with clear hanging yarn.
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new arms
1. Cut wood into 5 pieces all at 16 1/2 inches long 
2. Joined them together with back flap hinge 
3. Then decided to make a brace onto the shoulder joint 
4. Additional wood put onto the Shoulder joint. Kept in a fixed positioned. The wood was mitred to fit.
5. The braces were screwed to the top. Four screws on each one.
6. The hooks (8inches apart) were measured and out into place.
7. Then into the neck there fitted place was a 3/4 inch dowel. 
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new arms
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display - new arms
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knitting portfolio ideas
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Ideas on how to quickly present my work ideas
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last chat with Jane and Karen
So on Monday 22nd May Jane and Karen looked at my display.
They said that I have to alter the arms
Attach arms onto the wood using invisible yarn or wire
Make more volume lower down
Cover the top beam in a subtle wool
Create portfolio that sits alongside my display this would show case my knitting style 
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placing work seeing full size
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placing work without arms into place
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taking work into university
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putting arms in place
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6101 - emails
Back in the beginning of the year I contacted Tokyo fashion about lolitas 
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This was my email addressing what I like and what I'm interesting to learn. The reply was very sweet of them and they enjoyed the fact I was very interested in learning the fashion. Due to my work relating to their fashion I would like to send them another email as a follow up to show my final piece.
This is one of the emails myself and a co ordinator of the knitting and stitching show sent me about helping out 
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This is my helping out offer 
This is the application form I had to reply to 
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6101- teaching ?
Routes into teacher training for undergraduates and graduatesTeaching Qualifications
There are two routes into teaching. One is based at a university; the other is to train on the job. The first route means you get a qualification and then get a job. The second route means you get a job and then get a qualification. Independent schools are interested in academically strong undergraduates and graduates with a good degree relevant to the subject they will teach. If you want to work in the independent sector you can apply for a teaching job without teaching qualifications and, having got the job, then get trained in your school. Most graduate trainees want to gain a teaching qualification that has currency across sectors and countries. Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) gained while working in the independent or state maintained sector is transferable between sectors. This is a statutory qualification that is equally valid in which ever sector you have trained.
There are a number of recognised routes to gain Qualified Teacher Status, amongst them the most common are:
School Direct training on the job
higher education institution based or distance learning courses
Most Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) will also give QTS but not all, so do check
QTS allows you to teach in schools across the sectors. If you want to do this and take a PGCE course, the course must also give you QTS.
Although many starting a teaching career are new graduates, teaching is also an increasingly attractive choice for those wishing for a career change. Age is no barrier to training.
Interested in getting into teaching/ becoming a tutor possibly after my masters or later on in the further still debatable. only look into it after masters. 
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6101 - business plan
https://www.gov.uk/write-business-plan  Write a business planDownload free business plan templates and find help and advice on how to write your business plan.Business plan templatesDownload a free business plan template on The Prince’s Trust website.You can also download a free cash flow forecast template or a business plan template on the Start Up Loans website to help you manage your finances.Business plan examplesRead example business plans on the Bplans website.How to write a business planGet detailed information about how to write a business plan on the Start Up Donut website.
I know this is something i will be needing to look into once my hobby perhaps grows. i have investigated what is needed which is a very detailed plan of what your goal is, the money you have and spent and what money you think you could make per year
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6101 - masters research
Nottingham Trent - https://www.postgraduatesearch.com/nottingham-trent-university/52381732/postgraduate-course.htm
Course summary
This course gives you the opportunity to explore and develop your skills in the specialist areas of printed, embroidered, knitted, woven, laser cut or multimedia textiles. You'll devise an individual project and we will support your creative thinking and experimentation, helping you to develop new or smart design concepts, fabrications and prototypes. Our extensive textile design facilities will give you the opportunity to use a range of traditional and computerised technologies.
This course leads to a wide range of career opportunities including designer, buyer, merchandiser, trend forecasting and styling, working for fashion and interior textile companies. You could also work for brands developing smart design and wearable technologies. Some graduates use this course to support careers in teaching, lecturing, journalism and progression to MPhil or PhD study. Recent graduates have set up their own successful businesses, or work within related careers in the design sector. Others have returned to their previous job with a renewed focus and enhanced career prospects.
Manchester Metropolitan  https://www.postgraduatesearch.com/manchester-metropolitan-university/56337948/postgraduate-course.htm
Course summary
This course will provide you with opportunity for practice-based postgraduate study in the creation of innovative textile designs and concepts for fashion end use. Outcomes could be related to design, styling, forecasting and prediction, fashion promotion and consultancy, visual merchandising, art direction, publishing or pursuing further postgraduate study. You will be encouraged to develop design content that allows you to explore alternative ways of engaging with fashion and textile audiences. The course will emphasise the importance of being digitally articulate; you are welcome to combine this with traditional media and design processes.
Royal Collage Of Art https://www.postgraduatesearch.com/royal-college-of-art/52399078/postgraduate-course.htm
Course summary
This Textiles course at the RCA is a multi-faceted discipline and our staff and students work at the creative interface between materials, making and meaning. Our focus is innovation that impacts and spans across many sectors exploring new territories for the twenty-first century Textiles specialist. Currently, Textiles offers 5 specialisms of Printed, Knitted, Woven, Mixed Media Textiles, and new specialisms are Smart Surfaces, Structures and Digital Assemblies.
All Masters Students across the specialisms identify, test and define their contextual position during the first year and we challenge this through the platforms of ‘Body’, ‘Space’, ‘Colour, Materials and Finish’ and ‘Gallery’. This framework allows for the development of relevant, complementary skills and approaches in addition to the core making skills acquired through the specialist study. In keeping with our spirit of creative restlessness we embrace the in-between spaces that don’t conform to the perceived boundaries of these platforms. The Programme endeavours to extend the students’ knowledge and experience of the breadth of Textiles throughout the first year using both individual and team project activities. These can be delivered in conjunction with external industry partners to offer opportunities for professional engagement and practice.
During the first year students take part in a range of technical induction and practical instruction programmes alongside their personal development. Progress is monitored through tutorials, group critiques, progress reviews and seminars. All students must pass a formal Interim Examination to progress to the second year. The second year is devoted to the self-driven creation of a final project which challenges the boundaries of the subject and builds on the individual’s personal design philosophy.
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6101 - My Shop PopPurl
after saving my money for  while and keeping my eye on the goal i have finally decided to open up an online shop to sell my handmade knitting goods. by making either blankets and pillows from all different sizes (for now) then as i manage the site better and organise dates for wool purchasing, packaging purchasing, and postage dates i can organise exactly what else i can add to the work load. i have roughly over £100 to buy wool, fabrics pillow stuffing. this should buy loads of wool depending on fibre of wool i can get some for 10p per ball. with that in mind it takes about three balls to make a large cushion, or one large ball for a small. i can make roughly three things a week.
i would like to do a masters and doing this shop would be great for my masters portfolio seeing as i would sell conventional things done in my style but also sell wall art. 
at masters i would like to study knitting and textiles. i would like to study how wool could be seen as ethical even though it is not vegan.  such as using trimmings of wool from animals with over grown coats rather then sheering to the skin, or collecting clump of hair from the floor and winding it. 
along side doing the shop and applying for masters i will be working as a teaching assistant from agencies 
after masters i hope to either find contacts to work with, learn how to design my own patterns and look further into knitwear design for clothes, work for knitting wear companies and really see what i am capable of making. who knows i might enjoy knitting with the machine rather then hand. 
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