thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
Survey / Questions
As a team, we value the insight of the individuals viewing our blog and initiative. We have provided individuals viewing our site with the ability to anonymously submit any inquiries or responses that they may have to our posts. These submissions may also be messaged to our Tumblr blog directly through our inbox. Please continue reading to find questions or prompts to facilitate or inspire your submissions to our site.
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1. Prior to visiting our blog, were you aware of this issue?
2. How would you rate your understanding of enforced water advisories in Canada?
You may utilize a scale from 1- 10 to illustrate your understanding. You may also convey your current understanding by concluding if you are at a beginner, intermediate or expert level of understanding.
3. What resolutions do you think would be a viable prospect for community partners or political platforms working with this demographic?
You may refer to our post on our blog that lists community partners and political organizations.
4. A prominent factor that has operated as a catalyst and led to the perpetual enforcement of water advisories is colonialism. Individuals with dominant social locations have enforced their ideologies and paradigms upon Indigenous communities.
What other factors have influenced the governments neglect of water systems in the Indigenous community?
What can service providers do to prevent themselves from inflicting additional trauma on the individuals in this community?
What factors can we implement to mitigate the impact of systemic oppression within the social service sector?
5. Has viewing our blog revealed new information to you? If not, what additional information should we include on our blog?
6. As a team, what can we do to make our site more intuitive or user friendly?
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Thank you in advance for your response to our initiative.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
Primary Players / Community Partners
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*Autumn Peltier is an Indigenous clean water advocate. She has been designated as the Chief Water Protector for the Anishnabek Nation.
*The True North Aid foundation is dedicated to providing humanitarian support to Northern Communities. An objective that is paramount to their mission is to provide support that increases the self-determination and health of individuals in this community.
*The Water First Foundation is committed to working with Indigenous communities facing water challenges. Their website states key information and provides support. According to their site 40% of First Nation communities in Ontario are under a boil water advisory.
*The Water First Foundation has collaborated with the First Nations Advisory Council (FNAC) in order to gain feedback on the efficacy of their programs in Northern communities.
*The safe drinking water foundation is another corporation that delineates educational guidelines for Canadians and amalgamates information addressed to political leaders
*With Programs such as Operation Water Drop and Operation Water pollution it allows students to challenge the disparities within Indigenous communities.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
Key Findings
*It is crucial to utilize principles and mechanisms such as trauma-informed and anti-oppressive practices when working with Indigenous communities
*We must be cognizant of the increased propensity for this community to have an adverse response to service providers or traditional approaches to resolving the issue of water advisories
*This community has historically been neglected by authoritative figures and corporations in power. Treaties have been broken and the First Nations holistic approach and remedies have been conspicuously overlooked.
*This is why our social media campaign focuses on including the voices of Indigenous individuals.
*Our site offers options for visitors to submit post suggestions and to submit inquiries anonymously
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
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cOur team has collectively decided to focus on the topic of Water Advisories in Canada. As a team, we have a desire to raise awareness about this precarious issue. As future service providers, it is imperative for us to learn how to operate as ally's in order to provide services in an impartial and appropriate manner.
It is integral for us to advocate for this issue and to encourage others to utilize their voices. This is a prominent objective for our social media campaign. We believe that it is crucial to conduct advocacy work in a manner that is proactive and not performative.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
The features of this website are not fully accessible through a mobile device. Enter the following url into a desktop device in order to view additional links and information:
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
Advocacy Letters
Writing is a factor that can have a prolific impact when addressing social issues.
Through writing you can conspicuously state your cause and influence change. Everyone has a voice and each voice is important.
Please follow the links available on our site in order to form your own letter.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
Watch "Indigenous Communities: Surviving Canada" on YouTube
In this video, Suzanne Stewart, a university professor and author highlights key factors that have had a detrimental impact on Indigenous Health.
Suzanne stipulates that the health of the Indigenous community is a factor that is not given precedence in Canada. In this enthralling debate she discusses how factors such as the Indian Act and colonization have consequently led to the current isolation of this community.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
Watch "Promises of clean water for First Nations broken" on YouTube
This youtube video elucidates the manner in which the Canadian government negligently managed water systems within Indigenous communities. It implicates how this has had a pervasive impact on the individuals and families residing on reserves.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
Watch "Canada's Water Crisis: Indigenous Families at Risk" on YouTube
This video promulgates how the concept of inter-generational trauma has a pernicious impact on the well being of Indigenous families. Water security is a factor that effects the livelihood and the living standards of an individual and their family. This video implicates the importance of secure water systems and regular maintenance.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
This link can be utilized in order to contact the Prime Minister about your concerns or inquiries. Writing a letter can be an effective tool that can be used to advocate for the improvement of water systems in Canada.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
The Lytton First Nation community is located in British Columbia. It is is home to a community of over 900 Indigenous individuals. The water crisis experienced by the individuals living on this rural reserve reflects the struggles of hundreds of other First Nation communities.
The following quotes further elucidate the precarious living standards that many First Nation communities in Canada are forced to withstand. These quotes have been sourced from a BBC News article.
"You would have flu-like symptoms and have diarrhoea and vomiting from drinking the water [without boiling]," says Dunstan, 53. Like many in her community, she lived under a boil water advisory for decades." (BBC News, 2018)
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"If you go to some of our reserves you almost wonder like, wow, isn't this the 21st Century? Why are they still living like that?" says Warren Brown, 45, the water operator at Lytton First Nation." (BBC News, 2018)
Key Resolutions Concluded
*Increased training for water operators
*Water facility tours to encourage younger generations to enter this profession
*This is pertinent due to the fact that a prominent service gap for this community is the inadequate maintenance of systems.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
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This article discusses the inhumane living circumstances that water advisories impart on Indigenous communities.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
First Nations Water Crisis
"The fact that there is a potable water crisis in some parts of Canada may come as a surprise to many people. However, the fact is that for over 5 million Canadians, especially those living in rural or First Nations communities, regular access to safe water supplies is not always certain."
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
Follow the link to keep track of current water advisories in Canadian First Nations Communities.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
Watch "FULL STORY: As Long as The Waters Flow" on YouTube
This video reveals the verisimilitude behind the treatment of Indigenous individuals. It discusses the intersectional factors that have contributed to the manifestation of enforced water advisories. It disambiguates some of these factors by implicating that the social identity of Indigenous individuals is a key factor in their current situation. It intricates the mandates that Indigenous individuals have to abide by in order to protect their health while living with a water advisory. This involves utilizing bottled water, along with boiling any tap water that is used.
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thewaterproject2021 · 3 years
11 facts about the gap between First Nations and the rest of Canada
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