Aramis 🤝 Harwin Strong
Himbo Trophy Husbands to powerful women who also served as their literal Knight in Shining Armour
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Okay, look, I get that people don’t care for certain characters but let’s not be stupid.
Hailey gets special treatment??
So…are we forgetting that literally ALL four seasons Erin was front and center in EVERY storyline one way or another?
YES, Kim should be the one going through PTSD after everything she endured, but let’s also keep in mind that when the writers write for Kim, she’s always suddenly bouncing back as if nothing has phased her. It’s been like that FOR YEARS.
Hailey’s story still needs to told, as do other characters. However in this case, since season 4, the audience hasn’t been given much on Hailey’s character. Yes, we know a little about her childhood, we know how she operates as a cop, but there’s still so much more we aren’t learning. She showed up to intelligence after Erin left and had to find her way and place for that matter in an already tight knit unit.
She was someone who was a strict rule follower and it’s no wonder she got confused about what line to cross because she had to watch everyone do their own thing when it benefited them, especially Voight who in a sense was trying to always get her to see his side of things i.e., when she wanted to air out the dirty cop in season 5 but Voight told her to keep it quiet for the sake of his family. Or when Adam punched the asshole who called her a bitch in season 5, she put him in his place and reminded him of how bad it can get if they get investigated. The list goes on.
Her and Jay getting together? That was going to happen regardless. We all saw that shit happening from the very first time they met in that bank. Jay couldn’t keep his eyes off Hailey despite the fact that he was wrapped up in Erin’s drama filled ass.
No, Hailey and Jay don’t have the same “chemistry” as Linstead and they’re not supposed to–its because its BETTER! We saw UpStead become cordial coworkers, trusting partners, best friends and finally lovers. Ever notice why their love scenes are different from Linstead? It’s because Linstead were based on lust. They had no problem showing them tearing one another’s clothes off and being wild. Whereas when they show an UpStead love scene it’s always them waking up together smiling and cuddling or just being really close together and it’s because there’s more to them than just lust. They have a solid foundation worth fighting for.
UpStead are based on true love. They’ve worked with each other and helped each other in so many ways and to watch them grow into something more is what makes their love story beautiful. They are still the same people, but now they are the love of each other’s lives. 
And no, she will never be Erin and that is a GREAT thing. When Erin found out Voight was going to kill Justin's’ killer, yeah, she was sad, but she shut those emotions off real quick and went back to being dirty Erin that did whatever she needed to and helped Voight. That’s why she had no issue with leaving Jay high and dry. 
Hailey was forced to New York against her will to get her back on track and it worked. She knew she didn’t want to be like Voight and it’s because she had a conscious. She knew that Chicago was her home and she knew Jay was too. That’s why it was so amazing to see her tell Jay that she was staying because of him. The sheer happiness on Jay’s face was because he’d been through this more than once–being left behind–and he finally had someone choose him. Hailey and Jay have always chosen each other.
Bottom-line, UpStead are endgame and here to stay. Tracy is a beautiful angel that works her ass off and does a damn good job. 
Stay pressed about our ship and girl.
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For me the two most powerful lines or moments in the Jay/Voight exchange:
1. When Jay says “you son of a bitch” after Voight says Roy reached for his gun. In that moment it ALL came together for Jay. He realized all of it. The manipulation, the pain Hailey has been in at the hands of this manipulator.
2. When Jay says “No, you don’t get to do this.”
In that moment Jay basically calls Voight on his bullshit of controlling the narrative. Voight tried to “Bro” him and Jay was having NONE of it. In that moment he stood up for the Hailey he knows and loves and it was masterful.
Of course, Jesse’s delivery was incredible.
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I’d divorce him too lmao
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so you're telling me, voight, let-me-manipulate-and-gaslight-my-entire-team-and-continuously-put-their-lives-and mental-health-on-the-line is going to stand in front of Jay Halstead, Hailey Upton's FIANCÉ and ride or die, and have the audacity to say "you don't know the woman you are sleeping with." ???
if Jay doesn't knock voight out for putting Hailey through hell and manipulating/shutting her down, I'll do it myself.
I'm so tired of voight being abusive to his entire team. it's old, not a good story and frankly disgusting.
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i cannot get over the fact that hailey was in TEARS as she finally admitted that she saw jay as more than a partner. i cannot get over the fact that jay responded to her by kissing her without any hesitation. i cannot get over the fact that they both just melt into each other, into the kiss, because they both knew it was a long time coming, because this was something they’ve both been silently after for so long. and it’s finally happened. that kiss felt so natural, just like them. i’ll never stop crying about it.
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So everyone is talking about Jay punching Voight. Do you really think this will happen? Something is telling me no. I mean of course I want someone to punch that manipulative pr*ck, but something about Jay punching him feels OOC. I feel like you have a good sense for his character and I wondered what you think will happen? I would believe Adam…not Jay. Even if he is provoked.
I really want him too, I want someone to come in and finally knock Voight on his ass for once and for all. I also understand where people are getting this theory with reviews about this episode having quotes like this, "A character does something we’ve all wanted to do for seasons in this episode, and it’s immensely satisfying.", "Supportive Jay Halstead might be my favorite Jay Halstead." and "That scene from the promo, the one with Jay and Voight? About as intense as you expect. Probably more." and also there was a picture of the cast together that had Voights face covered up with a emoji so people are thinking that his face is all bruised up from the punch and they don't want to spoil that.
As far as what I actually think will happen, I'm not completely sure. Jay is fairly calm, it takes a lot to put him over the edge especially now days as he's grown up more. Suspects are one thing when he has to get in someones face to get information out them but he's not like Adam where things get under his skin a bit easier. He can handle himself and his emotions pretty well. So I can understand how him punching Voight could be seen as being out of character.
But let's remember that he's also extremely protective and his calm, collected nature and morals go out the window when it comes to someone he cares about or loves. We've seen it when Benson was trying to make Will a suspect and he got upset very quickly, how he disobeyed Voight's orders and went after the people who killed his father and it happens time and time again. So when Jay, likely at this point, finds out how Voight manipulated his fiancee? Manipulated over something so serious that will have major repercussions if anyone ever finds out? Yeah, I can see him knocking Voight to the ground with some solid punches.
Hailey is his family now, she's the love his life and if he's willing to potentially get himself killed to serve his own type of justice for his fathers death or willing to endanger himself plenty of times to protect Will, then I'm willing to bet he's ready to hurt anyone who dares to hurt Hailey. His girl is suffering because of Voight and he's not going to stand back and let it happen.
The only thing that makes me hesitant to say with 100% certainty that Jay will punch him is the fact that this show has let Voight get away with his shit for so damn long that I'm wondering if they're going to finally get a piece of what he deserves...
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“If soulmates exist, they’re not found, they’re made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship.”
“I mean, where I’m from, most things blow up eventually, so I learned that when something dope comes along, you gotta lock it down. If you’re always frozen in fear and taking too long to think about what to do, you’ll miss your opportunity. And maybe get sucked into the propeller of a swamp boat.”
“Why choose to be good every day if there is no guaranteed reward we can count on, now or in the afterlife? I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. Simply put, we are not in this alone.”
“The more human I become, the less things make sense. But that’s part of the fun, right? If there were an answer I could give you to how the universe works, it wouldn’t be special. It would just be machinery fulfilling its cosmic design. It would just be a big, dumb, food processor. But, since nothing seems to make sense, when you find something or someone that does, it’s euphoria.”
“Maybe the reason Michael can’t latch onto the ideas is because he’s immortal. Look, if you live forever, then ethics don’t matter to you because basically, there’s no consequences for your actions. You tell a lie, who cares? Wait a few trillion years, the guilt will fade. Before I can teach Michael to be good, I have to force him to think about what we used to think about: that life has an end, and therefore, our actions have meaning.”
“Remember the thought experiment where you’re driving a trolley and you can either plough into a group of people or turn and hit one person? I solved it. See, the trolley problem forces you to choose between two versions of letting other people die. The actual solution is very simple: sacrifice yourself.”
“Turns out life isn’t a puzzle that can just be solved one time and it’s done. You wake up every day, and you solve it again.”
“I guess that’s what the Good Place really is. It’s not even a ‘place’, really. It’s just having enough time with the people you love.”
“Picture a wave in the ocean. You can see it, measure it, its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through, and it’s there, and you can see it, you know what it is. It’s a wave. And then it crashes on the shore, and it’s gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be for a little while.”
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So I was watching Wonder Woman on Saturday (as you do) and during the flashback story to Diana of how he ended up on Themyscira, there’s this moment when he realizes Maru’s notebook is on her desk, unguarded, and Chris Pine does this thing, and I wish I could gif because it’s almost a microexpression that encapsulates the “if you see something wrong, you can either do nothing or you can do something” idea warring in his brain for about a half a second. Because he’s only there to observe and report, not draw attention to himself, but the notebook’s right there. It’s like, he sees it, he thinks, “well, shit. Now I gotta do something.”
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And it’s such a small moment but it’s so indicative to me of how Steve Trevor works as a character and also as a thematic vessel. He’s not interested in war for profit or glory or adventure or anything other than saving lives and not being a bystander, but he’s also just a person who has to make that choice every time he’s faced with it–he’s the antithesis of everything Ares wants Diana to believe. The choice between something or nothing is not an automatic, pure-hearted, instinctive action. Sometimes  it’s a really stupid, dangerous, or insubordinate choice, probably a pain in the ass, but that’s the choice he makes. Otherwise, he’s doing nothing, and he’s already tried that, whatever that means to him–and his choices are aimed at stopping the war. That’s it, and it’s not what Ares tells Diana is at the heart of humanity. (The only time he goes the other way on that choice is when he believes it to be impossible to do something, in the trench before Diana crosses no-man’s-land–she makes the same choice in the moment when she’s the only one who physically can, and when he sees her taking the fire herself, he follows as soon as he understands what’s happening.) They made Steve a righteous, good man not by making him perfect and selfless by default, but because he makes the hard choice. Because saving lives is also his foreordinance by choice, not divine decree. And sometimes he makes this face first, because after all, he’s just a man.
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Reasons to Love Wonder Woman
She doesn’t sit around mooning over a boy. She has important sh!t  to do, yo.
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Her love interest, on the other hand, has been known to daydream about her.
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And when one of his incarnations tried to act like a chauvinist she was having none of it
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Etta, one of Diana’s BFFs, has her priorities straight.
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She’s been a woke advocate of civil rights right from the get-go, quite literally before it was cool.
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Her caring nature is her strength, not her weakness.
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She’s a pacifist at heart, but isn’t a doormat; intolerance, prejudice, and persecution will NOT be tolerated.
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And though she doesn’t enjoy doing it, she is completely willing to kill when necessary.
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She’s always been anti-war.
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Just because she’s a tough BAMF doesn’t mean she has to reject all things traditionally feminine, like liking fashion
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She was originally created entirely by women. 
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And her hometown is basically an island of lesbian legendary warrior women.
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She refuses to conform to societal expectations to spare men’s delicate “masculinity”.
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She’s the one doing the rescuing of the romantic interest instead of needing a man to save her.
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Her boyfriend is in no way intimidated by her confidence and strength.
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…In fact, he thinks it’s pretty hot.
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She’s always been an advocate of women finding their inner strength.
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She doesn’t tolerate misogyny and chauvinism.
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She won’t stand for that “men are stronger than women” nonsense either.
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Her use of sarcasm is on point.
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Her comics have always been adamant about how women are stronger than they realize.
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Diana can’t cook and Steve can. And he’s more than happy to take over the chore (teamwork! :D).
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Etta isn’t fat shamed.
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She’s faster than Superman
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In her New 52 incarnation she can command all soldiers and has telepathy
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She’s got super breath
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She’s omnilingual
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She’s bisexual.
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She’s hilariously unaware of just how strong she is.
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She once genuinely considered building herself a robot just so it could feed her grapes.
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Men aren’t listed among her reasons to live. But cake,  gorillas, and fellow women are.
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She’s utterly baffled by the asinine idea that the belief women are equal to men is sexist against men.
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She’s so done with men refusing to accept she’s more of a BAMF than her teammates simply because she’s a woman
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Other than Steve, her teammates all come from minority and/or oppressed groups (or, depending on how you view it, Steve also qualifies, as Chris Pine is half Jewish).
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Her battle gear is designed for utility, not sexiness.
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Not that what she wears is anyone’s business but her own.
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She is stronger & tougher than both Batman and Superman
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The losers club in th circus
Ben Hanscom - Magician
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Bill Denbrough - Ring leader
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Richie Tozier - Clown
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Stan Uris - Juggler
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Mike Hanlon - Animal Trainer
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Beverly Marsh - Fortune Teller
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Eddie Kaspbrak - Contortionist
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The Losers Club In The Circus // Moodboard
Requested by: @homestuck0cats
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The Losers club as Superheroes
Mike Hanlon // Batman
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Richie Tozier // Deadpool
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Eddie Kaspbrak // SpiderMan
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Bill Denbrough // Captain America
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Ben Hanscom // Superman
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Beverly Marsh // Black Widow
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Stan Uris // Iron Man
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BONUS: Henry Bowers // The Joker
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I really don’t know anything about superhero’s so I’m sorry if these don’t make sense I’m just kinda going off the little I do know :)
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“While she has always written about relationships, they were either teenage fantasy or a postmortem on a high-profile breakup, with exes such as Jake Gyllenhaal and Harry Styles. But she and Alwyn have seldom been pictured together, and their relationship is the only other thing she won’t talk about. “I’ve learned that if I do, people think it’s up for discussion, and our relationship isn’t up for discussion,” she says, laughing after I attempt a stealthy angle. “If you and I were having a glass of wine right now, we’d be talking about it – but it’s just that it goes out into the world. That’s where the boundary is, and that’s where my life has become manageable. I really want to keep it feeling manageable.”
— Interview with Taylor in The Guardian
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I CAN’T BELIEVE THE INTERNET REALLY IS LIKE THAT like taylor did not write a whole grammy deserving album about the love of her life she found finally for you all to be “solving” the lyrics and talking about harry styles or karlie kloss like whAT
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ugh fine my personal blog is not cutting so I’ll post here 
they don’t act on the root of the problem, they don’t mitigate the effects of deforestation, they do have limited action and they don’t help conserve the forest land outside their very small grounds besides doing little to nothing to help the people who actually live in the amazon and conserve it on a daily basis
they are organized, they can keep woodcutting companies away from their land, they are getting murdered for it, they are the only reason there is any forest left at all
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Hi everyone, I follow this amazing cookier, her name is Justina and she runs Sweetems Cakery and Cookies Co. I don't actually personally know her but she has been an inspiration. One week ago, she was violently sexually assaulted at gun point in her own home by a man who pretended to be paying for a cookie order. Justina has shared her story in hopes to make a change. She is going through a long long long road of recovery that has only just begun. And she is already finding ways to spark positive changes such has by trying to change a law that requires cottage law bakeries to have pickups from their home.
Today I found out, she is a huge Taylor fan. She posted that Taylor's album coming out tomorrow is a happy light in her life right now. I know there's not much I or anyone can do for at this time, but I also think, how wonderful it would be if Taylor knew this and was able to reach out to Justina and just share some of that Taylor love and light during such a dark time.
Please help repost this. Thank you.
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Meryl Streep Perfectly Summarizes Why Sexism Is Still A Reality For Women
After discussing sexism in the refugee crisis, the Church, and financial systems, she went on to criticize her own industry for its deplorable lack of female film critics.
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