What’s This All About?
I am a member of Great and Small Inc, the not-for-profit corporation, which runs the ALL CHILDREN GREAT & SMALL preschool in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Our preschool has served the community for 35 years by providing a nurturing, progressive, play-based early education environment for children. The school is parent run, which means that engaged parents, along with a dedicated staff of three teachers, manage the affairs of the school. After discovering financial mismanagement under the oversight of the then director of the school, Christine Lonergan, the board voted to follow the unanimous recommendation of the personnel committee to fire her this April. Since then, Christine has waged a campaign of misinformation and defamation by emailing the membership of the school using an ACGS owned database she had no right to take, and by creating a website - all of which was designed to obfuscate her own culpability in the mismanagement of the school’s affairs and simultaneously play the victim of a devious plot to oust her. She has also engaged a lawyer and is threatening to sue the school, unless the school gives her a large amount of money and agrees not to say anything bad about her. This campaign of lies and misrepresentations is ongoing and dependent on the fact that she muzzles her critics while continuing to defame the (vast majority of) parents and (entire) teaching staff of ACGS.
I have had enough of this, and, in order to set the record straight and give any interested parties a full picture of the events, am starting this blog. I welcome other voices from the ACGS community and hope to provide guest posts, as well as documentation, to show the truth about what happened at ACGS. The school is doing well and our mission is continuing. The board of directors doesn’t want to sink to the level of answering Christine’s baseless accusations - I feel an answer is needed, even (or especially) to such lies. So this is what this blog is about: The Truth about ACGS.
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