Garage Door Repair South Pasadena CA,
If your home has a garage door, it is unlikely the thought of maintenance ever comes to mind. Most of us just go about our day - press the button, door opens, we drive in, press the other button, and the door goes down. Simple, effortless, thoughtless. What happens the day you press the button and your door doesn't open? Panic time!
How do you get into your house? Where do you park the car? Many of you are so used to entering and exiting your house through your garage that you forget you even have a front door. Or if you do remember you have a front door you have no idea where you house key is. You say, "my house key is my garage door opener"! Well, don't panic. I thought I would share with you some tips to consider before you have issues or if you are currently experiencing problems with your door. You can trust that what you read is accurate, as I have extensive knowledge of garage door repair South Pasadena CA.
There are a few common things that are the cause of garage doors malfunctioning. In the next few paragraphs I will discuss them and what you should do.
If you ever experience the panic-inducing scenario I mentioned before where you press the remote and nothing happens, there are a few likely causes. The first thing to check is if your door functions properly by pressing the wall-mounted keypad or button inside your garage. If your door opens with this button you probably need to reprogram your remote. Sometimes they just stop working for no apparent reason, but this is rare. If you find that the button inside your garage also does not make your door open or close, first check and make sure the power to your house is not out. If you have power, there is possibly a problem with your motor. In this case, you should contact your local garage door repair expert to come inspect your motor and determine what the issue is. They should be able to get you fixed up quickly.
If your door is sticking or catching when it goes up or down, this is likely due to your metal rollers and hinges needing a re-application of lubricant. Like any other moving object with hinges, your garage door needs to be lubed in order to keep the moving metal parts operating smoothly. Dirt or grime build-up in the tracks can also cause your door to stick or catch. While this is a task you could try yourself, you will be much better off if you contact a local garage door repair expert to perform the correct procedures in the right order to ensure you get the longest lasting benefits.
Some houses have manual (non-motorized) garage doors, and will find that over time they become harder to keep up in a raised position without holding on to the door. This is certainly not an ideal situation! This is likely due to worn out extension springs, which have lost their tension and can no longer support the weight of the door. Warning: Do not try to replace these yourself! This procedure is very dangerous as these springs are very powerful and can cause some serious damage to you or your stuff in the garage. Call a local garage door repair specialist that knows what they are doing to come perform this work for you.
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As you can see, with most instances I suggest you contact a professional. There are several components to a garage door and unless you are trained in working on them it will usually cost your more to have someone undo what you have attempted to fix yourself than to call a professional in the first place.
Most importantly, make sure to properly research local companies in your area.
Finally, be sure to:
Pick a company that has been in business for a long time as they will likely understand the industry best and have some little tricks up their sleeves that can save you money. Work with someone that will send their own insured and trained technicians to your home, not subcontractors that they have little or no control over. Choose your company carefully by seeing what other customers have said about them.
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Tips For Garage Door Repair Problems In Elk Grove Village IL With The Remote
It is very convenient to operate the garage door with the help of a small and handy remote. But what happens when the remote stops working? Basically, there are two things for you to do: you can start leaving your car in the driveway and use the garage for storage or you could be thinking about fixing the remote.
The most common problem
The problem that usually occurs in case of remote operated garage doors  is the failure of the batteries. If you happen to have more than one remote, you should try each of them to make sure that the garage door itself is still working. The chances of having all the batteries failing in the same time are quite slim, but not impossible. In case none of them can open the door, you should be thinking of another testing method.
Reprogramming the remotes
There is the possibility for the remote to stop working because the opener has a problem. In some cases the logic board (the board that makes the opener work) "forgets" the codes. As a result you could solve the problem by reprogramming the remote. This is something that is easy and fast to do. In the majority of the cases the garage openers have a learning button located on the same side as the antenna. This is supposed to be a bright-colored, or square-shaped button. Most likely you will need a ladder to reach it. Once you push it, you have about half a minute to reprogram the opener.
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This kind of garage door repair works by pushing only one button. Push the button on the remote and you should see a response from the opener. It is possible that the lights will go on or it will make a clicking sound. If anything happens, you can know that the opener has been reprogrammed. In case nothing happens, you will have to go to the store and get new batteries.
Getting a new remote for the garage door repair Elk Grove Village IL project After changing the battery, the remote is supposed to work without any problems. However, if this doesn't happen and you have only one remote to try, it might be time to get a new one.
When shopping for a new remote, you have to ensure that you get the same model number. As you may have guessed, not all remotes work for all garage doors. Otherwise, each time a neighbor comes home, all the garage doors would open in the neighborhood or you would find boy bands practicing in your garage when you come home.
You can try the new remote without having to remove the packaging. The first thing to do is to try reprogramming the opener in the aforementioned way. If it works, it means that the remote was the problem. If not, the only option left is the logic board.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8486184
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Tips on Maintaining Garage Door Torsion Springs and Cables
The most important and critical component on any garage door are the torsion springs, which allow the door to open and close easily and smoothly. However, springs that are either worn or wrongly installed can present a safety hazard. Garage doors, as with other mechanical and electric equipment around the home, need regular upkeep in order to stay in peak condition.
To maintain your garage door in top form, you need to attend to lubricating and checking on the spring system, which is one of the most important parts for safe and proper operation of the door. Unfortunately, the majority of homeowners are unaware that garage door torsion springs together with several other component parts of the door call for occasional run-of-the-mill servicing and safety checks.
If you are experiencing any trouble opening or closing your garage door, you should always pay close attention to the torsion springs, which are the most obvious perpetrators. If the springs are old, they are probably worn out to a certain degree. The torsion springs used on garage doors are tightly wound and kept under very high tension. Due to this tautness, even the most highest quality steel springs will eventually break. It is because of this risk of sudden breakage that all garage door opener torsion springs have to be contained, in order to prevent serious injury or property damage. That containment is either in the form of cables or in the case of roller shutter doors, an external steel tube.
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Even if the springs are contained, or if the door has been installed for a few years, you should have them inspected by a professional garage door installer. The springs should be replaced if needed. If you have the type of garage door, which has two independent springs, and only one is broken, it makes sense to replace both simultaneously.
You may own a garage door that causes the springs to squeak noisily or make a chattering noise when the door is raised or lowered. This does not necessarily mean that the springs or the door are on their last legs and need replacing. The problem can probably be fixed by spraying on some lubricant, such as WD-40, or something similar.
Another sign that your garage door needs servicing is if there are frayed and broken strips of cable hanging loose. Irrespective of the quality of your garage door opener, this is a sign that the cables are about to give way. A sudden break in the garage door cables could cause serious injury. These chafed cables need to be inspected and in all likelihood replaced by a professional service engineer who is familiar with the problems connected with springs and cables breaking.
Garage doors by themselves are very heavy and because of that weight, the torsion springs need to be maintained under extreme tension. You should therefore not try any mechanical alterations yourself due to the risks involved in doing so. It would be wise to have a professional garage door installer inspect these important components of your home every year to avert potential injury and problems caused by faulty springs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1321374
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