thetcdptimes · 27 days
Finding Catharsis in the Mundane: The Power of Simple Hobbies
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Things have been quite stressful especially in this time of extreme heat and finals. One thing that always keeps my mind off things is my hobbies. These are drawing, working out, reading and different types of sports. These types of activities to me are extremely cathartic and keep me from going crazy. I never usually take pictures of my work or hobbies, but when I do it always feels amazing looking back at either the progress or the stagnancy ( encourages me to do more). Though these are just mundane things for every human being, doing these things really makes me feel grounded to reality. 
Growing up I always thought why do these adults have these weird and really unique hobbies? Why does my mom take a picture of every little moment? I am now just having a great realization and a good sense of why people do these things and it's because they are bored and passionate. People really do have so much free time, some of us spend it in front of a phone, laptop or pc. Though the time to me that really counts is the time spent doing activities that produce serotonin rather than dopamine. Do not get me wrong there are times that there is a need for some dopamine induced activities, but there is an importance of awareness and discipline to avoid being fully consumed. Furthermore, going back to the topic , my hobbies really do mean a lot to me and I can’t imagine continuing to continue living on without these things.  And taking a picture of these mundane little things does lift up the spirit especially looking back at them
First and foremost, working out provides me with a structured release of pent-up energy and stress, allowing my mind to clear and my body to feel invigorated. Whether it's lifting weights, running, or practicing yoga, each session serves as a cathartic escape from the pressures of daily life, reinforcing both my physical and mental resilience. I used to be very unhealthy and having a consistent workout routine really changed for the best 
Next is drawing. Drawing gives me a way to unwind and clear my head, letting me focus entirely on the lines and shapes in front of me. It’s a simple act that calms my mind and helps me process my thoughts in a quiet, satisfying way. I really got into this hobby due to "stressful times"  In the end of it the sum of us is our actions.
#the tdcp times
#The Art of the Everyday: Finding Beauty in the Ordinary
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thetcdptimes · 27 days
Embracing Life's Simple Pleasures: The Art of the Everyday
In a world often dazzled by grandeur and extravagance, it's easy to overlook the beauty nestled in the ordinary moments of our lives. Yet, if we pause and pay attention, we'll find that there's an art to be discovered in the everyday.
Think about it. The gentle rhythm of raindrops on a windowpane, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the morning, the warmth of a hug from a loved one—these are the simple yet profound experiences that color our daily existence.
Finding beauty in the ordinary isn't about seeking out grand spectacles or extraordinary events. Instead, it's about cultivating a mindset of appreciation for the little things that often go unnoticed. It's about savoring the fleeting moments and finding joy in the mundane.
One way to embrace the art of the everyday is through mindfulness. By being fully present in each moment, we can elevate even the most routine tasks into meaningful experiences. Whether it's washing dishes, taking a walk, or enjoying a meal, approaching these activities with awareness and intention can transform them into moments of quiet beauty.
Another key aspect of finding beauty in the ordinary is gratitude. By acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the simple pleasures in our lives, we open ourselves up to a deeper sense of fulfillment and contentment. Whether it's jotting down a few things we're thankful for each day or simply pausing to say "thank you," cultivating gratitude can help us see the beauty that surrounds us.
Moreover, the art of the everyday is deeply personal. What brings joy and meaning to one person's life may be different from another's. It's about finding what resonates with us individually and weaving it into the fabric of our daily routines.
So, let's challenge ourselves to slow down, to look beyond the surface, and to appreciate the beauty that exists in the ordinary moments of our lives. For in doing so, we may just discover that the true art of living lies not in the extraordinary, but in the everyday.
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Blog post by JL Ericson Amancia | BSBA-FM-2
#The TCDP Times #The Art of the Everyday: Finding Beauty in the Ordinary
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thetcdptimes · 28 days
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A Love Story in the Everyday: Finding Beauty in the Ordinary with My Best Friend
In the bustling chaos of our daily lives, amidst law textbooks and volleyball courts, there exists a quiet sanctuary where the ordinary becomes extraordinary. This sanctuary is not a distant dream or a fleeting moment of escape; it's the very essence of our shared life as best friends and partners. As my girlfriend pursues her studies in law and I navigate the final stretch of my college journey while juggling the responsibilities of a varsity volleyball player, each day unfolds as a masterpiece of discovery, love, and friendship.
The Daily Dance of Separate Lives
In our cozy apartment, where the scent of coffee mingles with the faint echo of legal terminology, our separate lives intertwine in a delicate dance of harmony. While my girlfriend immerses herself in the intricacies of case law and legal precedent, I dive into the world of academia and athletic pursuits. Yet, despite our divergent paths, there's a shared rhythm that binds us together – a rhythm woven from laughter, support, and unwavering companionship.
Discovering New Layers
Living together as best friends has gifted me with the privilege of discovering new layers of my girlfriend's brilliance and resilience each day. Whether she's passionately debating a legal argument or offering words of encouragement after a tough game, I'm constantly in awe of her strength, determination, and unwavering commitment to her goals. As I bear witness to her journey through law school, I find myself falling more deeply in love with the extraordinary woman she is becoming.
Cherishing the Journey
In the tapestry of our shared life, every day is a new chapter waiting to be written – a chapter filled with unexpected twists, profound revelations, and boundless love. As we continue to journey forward, hand in hand, I'm reminded of the beauty that lies in the ordinary – in the quiet moments, the shared laughter, and the simple joys of being together. With my best friend by my side, every day is a masterpiece waiting to be discovered, cherished, and celebrated.
Blog post by Jerald James L. Costillas BS BA FM-2
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thetcdptimes · 28 days
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The Language of Connection and Laughter with Friends
Friendship, a cornerstone of human connection, often thrives on grand gestures and shared adventures. But today, on "The Art of the Everyday," we'll turn our attention to the quieter and loud moments with friends, the seemingly mundane interactions that create a beautiful symphony of connection.
You know those Sundays that bleed into Monday morning? The ones where you lose track of time because you're just having the best day with your crew? We're lost in our own little world, bathed in sunlight. Magazines and empty chip bags litter the couch like confetti, a testament to our afternoon feast. Half-finished knitting needles poke out from a forgotten project, a silent promise to pick it up "later." The only sound that matters is the low hum of conversation punctuated by explosions of laughter. Every few minutes, a story gets embellished, sending fresh waves of giggles rippling through the room. This, right here, this warm fuzzy feeling? This is the kind of friendship that makes even Mondays feel a little brighter. It's not the polished kind, but a symphony of snorts, guffaws, and maybe even the occasional tear rolling down a cheek.
This seemingly ordinary scene holds a captivating beauty. The comfortable silences between words speak volumes about the depth of your connection. The shared laughter, triggered by an inside joke or a silly observation, is a melody that resonates with joy and understanding. There's an undeniable beauty in this shared laughter. It transcends words, creating a sense of belonging and understanding that goes deeper than any formal language. It's a universal language, understood by friends regardless of background or culture.
The symphony extends beyond words. Forget fancy speeches, the real magic of friendship happens in the quiet winks and nudges across the room. It's a secret language only you and your crew understand. Sometimes, just being there, without a word spoken, says everything. You know what I mean? Like that time we all huddled together, wordlessly devouring pizza after a brutal exam week? Or that impromptu living room concert fueled by questionable dance moves and even worse singing? Those everyday moments, the ones that might seem ordinary to outsiders, are the threads that weave the beautiful tapestry of friendship.
Even the most mundane things can spark epic laughter with friends. Remember that time we got the giggles over a spilled drink during a movie night? Or was that inside joke born from a nonsensical comment during a study session? Those little moments, they erupt into laughter that binds us closer than any fancy vows.
Friends are the alchemists who turn the ordinary into gold. They can make the most boring tasks feel like an adventure. And that laughter, man, it's the secret sauce that keeps the friendship strong. It builds bridges, stores memories in the vault of our hearts, and reminds us to cherish life's simple joys. So next time you find yourself howling with laughter with your best buds, take a beat. That, right there, is the magic of friendship in its purest form.
Blog post by Philline Ann Grace R. Lacaron | BSMA - 2
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thetcdptimes · 29 days
Beauty, in the eyes of the beholder
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Taken from 2023 to 2024, all around Cebu. These shots from my phone have perfectly captured the art of everyday life, and beauty in the ordinary.
For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with the way inanimate objects simply stood in their places–imperfect, and maybe even untouched–yet picturesque. After all, I am a firm believer that everything has a beauty and charm of its own, even in things other people perceive to be ugly.
It seems universally acknowledged across cultures, places and periods that beauty holds significance in every aspect of existence, yet the understanding of its essence is subjective. I thought, if beauty and ugliness are believed to be at opposite ends of the spectrum, why do we still find ourselves being drawn to what isn’t conventionally pleasant, tidy, useful, and perfect? In the first place, why should it be a basis for moral evaluation? This thought led me to the conclusion that it does not have to be the opposite, but rather a feature of it.
Growing up, shelves, coffee tables, and cabinets were filled with photo frames, trinkets, souvenirs, books and magazines, in places I have called my home. Being surrounded by the novelties that held pieces of my family’s history and personalities has given me the privilege of keeping those memories alive, despite how impractical, corny and messy these may seem to others. After all, this is where I first learned how to find beauty in the ordinary.
“The common Filipino is a maximalist, filling up every available space with forms and things. It springs from an expressive exuberance deeply rooted in emotional sensitivity and the strong urge to connect.” - Prof Felipe M. De Leon, Jr., “In Focus: Life as Art – The Creative, Healing Power in Philippine Culture”
I once read a quote from Nate Berkus saying that a home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love. From then, I understood why our family puts so much value and sentimentality in possessions so deeply rooted in us, that we find it difficult to let go.
Every magnet on the fridge speaks of my dad’s travels, he would tell us about his experiences when he came back.
Every figurine, crucifix, and rosary on the altar serves to remind us of our faith.
Photographs old and new on display to remember each other’s presence.
Plants our family members have taken care of so much have ended up having a name.
Old toys that bring back childhood memories are still kept to remind us of our innocence.
Souvenirs tell of the fun times spent together, wondering when the next one will happen.
This was the soul that has made our space not just a house, but a home.
Everywhere I go, I unconsciously have a special love for places that look and feel cozy. My favorite cafes, hostels, stores, and even small eateries all embody these common denominators: being unassuming, homey, and lived-in. Later on, I realized that I'm drawn to these places because they feel like an extension—a home away from home. In a place where time stands still, people are welcomed, novelties add beauty, and stories are told whenever surrounded by those walls.
Just like my home, even the places we often pass by are adorned with the most arbitrary decorations, not necessarily the most grand and aesthetically pleasing, but blending quite beautifully throughout the space. After all, being around such novelties reminds me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It may often be overlooked but it is everywhere, you just have to look closely.
Where and how do you find beauty in the ordinary?
Blog post by Gavyn Rain R. Erediano | BA COMM MED-2
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thetcdptimes · 1 month
Welcome to The TCDP Times!
The go-to destination for a refreshing break.
Created by students, for students, our blog is a safe space in the digital world, offering peace and quiet amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Our theme revolves around The Art of the Everyday: Finding Beauty in the Ordinary. Enjoy reading!
The TCDP Times is a blog run by students from the University of San Carlos, Cebu City. This is our final requirement for the course GE-FEL TCDP 1, instructed by Mrs. Leah Marie Rabadon Ibona.
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