thesirtoasty · 9 years
I thought it ended up waaay funnier with the bleep and surprised Link face than it would have been if he’d just been left uncensored, personally.
I think you should have opted to have projared just say "I don't care." Censorship/Bleeping things out never makes sense on the internet. Nor does it make sense in scripted scenes. I really appreciate your consistency though, it just makes me cringe.
I don’t see why that would make you cringe? But if it does, that’s fine. I prefer it the way it is.
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thesirtoasty · 9 years
This is the most beautiful thing.
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Believe in Steven
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thesirtoasty · 9 years
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
My New Video form yesterday! Still in the mood for Spooky? Check out my Top 10 Scariest Things in Non-Scary Games!
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
New Video and New Series! What makes Fox, Falco and the other, less important anthropomorphic animals' Nintendo 64 outing so darn impressive? CLICK AND FIND OUT.
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
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Hey Korra Nation, BIG NEWS!!!
So what’re you waiting for? Let’s do this!!!
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
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And that’s why they’re friends.
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
So I got a question for you, first off just a little explanation of why I'm asking. I'm a senior in high school and honestly I don't know what I want to do, all I know is I want it to be video game related, and honestly the stuff you and the other in normal boots and hidden block seems like something I may want to consider, mainly because I feel like I may be able to at least try it, so what I'm asking is is what you do worth it? Would you recommend it? How difficult is it to get into it anyway?
When I started 5-6 years ago, there weren’t nearly as many new video game “review” people. Particularly ones that did it in a comedic/silly way. The ones I watched were AVGN, and (movie related, but similar) The Nostalgia Critic. There were definitely some others, but there was room for more people to give it a shot and get noticed. Now there’s a lot more competition. (I don’t consider other YT’ers/gaming content creators as “competition” because that’s not really how it works, but you know what I mean. That’s a different conversation all together.)
SOOO I imagine it’s even harder than it was back then. The chances of getting noticed in a large capacity are pretty slim. And if you want to do LP’s, it seems to be even harder. The two most common ways to get known for LP’s these days is to 1: Play really popular games and get lucky or already BE popular for something else and start an LP channel. Which is pretty much what I did with PBGGameplay. I don’t know if the first option is even viable anymore, seeing as how every new game that comes out is already covered by all the really big channels hours after, and sometimes even before, the game comes out. 
BUT, the YT gaming scene also has a bigger audience then it’s ever had before, and the YT gaming scene is so big now it’s impossible to keep track of completely. There’s plenty of 1 mil+ sub channels that I’ve never even heard of, and I’m sure there’s countless other channels I’ve never heard of that have started gaining success in the past few months. So I would never discourage someone from trying to start a YT channel if they wanted to. In fact, I encourage it! I would just suggest NOT starting it with money, or even success necessarily, in mind. Just do it because you want to! Do things that you think would be fun. Do things you think other people might think was fun. Do whatever you want! Just don’t BANK on it. Start it as a hobby and see what happens while you pursue other goals! =)
That’s my advice, anyway. sry4long
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
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hey there everybody!!! it’s finally time that i started doing up commissions!!
there’s going to be three styles you can choose from:
coloured icon ($10)
coloured bust ($20)
coloured full body ($30)
for the busts and full body drawings, for an extra five dollars, you can add another character!! i can also make these drawings transparent if you’d like!!
okay, so, i’m going to lay down some ground rules!! i really want to give you guys the best possible service i can, but in order to do so i have to make it clear that i will not draw:
it’s not that i don’t WANT to draw these for you, but i’m just not confident enough in my skills to truly provide for what you want BUT MAYBE SOMEDAY!!!
things i will draw:
YOU!! (providing you have a decent photo for me to use)
an OC (providing you have decent ref i can work from)
any fandom character :^ )
OKAY now for the PAYMENTS:
i accept PAYPAL ONLY
to contact me for commissions i ask you to email me through [email protected], after contacting me through there i’ll be able to discuss with you about what’d you like, show you thumbnails of the progress and discuss payments.
make sure you title your emails as “COMMISSION REQUEST”
THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR READING THIS!!! if you can’t afford my commissions at this time or are simply not interested it would really help me if you’d give me a lil signal boost :^ ) thank you very much!!!
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
I've done it. A Top 10 list on Pokemon Mustaches. The world is saved.
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
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We’ve all heard lots about Robin Williams lately about his death, and this needs to happen, he deserves it. 
Most (if not all) of us know Robin Williams just passed away, and after years of making so many of us laugh until we cry, I feel like we should give back. Robin was a huge Legend of Zelda fan, you might have picked up on that, due to the fact that he named his daughter Zelda. Above is a picture of him and his daughter (Zelda Williams) in the Ocarina of Time 3DS commercial. They also starred in another commercial for Nintendo for the release/promotion of Zelda: Skyward Sword for Wii.  You may have seen a post going around to send Nintendo a suggestion about somehow mentioning/dedicating the new LOZ game to Robin, if you went ahead and send Nintendo a suggestion, great! (I did too) But sign this petition as well, there are over 32,000 signatures and this petition needs 2,000+ more, we’re so close!! Please signal boost this. You can sign the petition here: [  x  ] or click on the picture(s).
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
What are your thoughts on the direction Youtube is taking with its algorithms, and the effects it will have on people who produce higher quality content with longer production time, such as animations, music, live action,etc.
What they’re doing makes business sense, but it favours quantity over quality. A show based around a heavily scripted and edited feature or an animation is never going to be able to have the same level of potential as a Let’s Play channel. At least not on the current YouTube. It’s kind of sad.
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
NEW Video!! Join me, won't you? As we wait in line for Captain Falcon's Twister Race. Spoiler Alert: Prepare for disappointment.
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
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The Legend of Zelda: 1986 - 2015, NES - Wii U
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
New Video and New Series! Feeling Nostalgic, in which I take a look back at a game from my childhood with special meaning to me and reflect on it! 
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
Lost it at Rebecca and Fast.
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I asked my 6 year old sister to name the Smash Bros characters confirmed so far…
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thesirtoasty · 10 years
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