thesassydamsel-blog · 7 years
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thesassydamsel-blog · 7 years
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I bought 11 of these lip colors off a website today. I will review them here when I get them in the mail!
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thesassydamsel-blog · 7 years
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thesassydamsel-blog · 7 years
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I made this photo a year ago for my Kikki K planner. I just LOVE Carrie Bradshaw! 
I didn’t realize how much this quote would mean to me now, I always loved it, but it never really meant much to me then. 
With this weight loss journey I’ve been on, it’s been hard to let go of who I was. I liked the person I was then, and well now, I’m like the Sassy Damsel 2.0. 45lbs down has given me such confidence to becoming who I will be one day. Of the person I always strived to be, and it’s finally within reach. 
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thesassydamsel-blog · 7 years
Never give up.
“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”
So, my birthday was yesterday. And I decided to have a FORBIDDEN cheat day! I had Taco Bell, Mexican for dinner, and fried ice cream. That’s it. I feel bad about cheating, but I know I won’t give up on this weight loss journey, lifestyle change I’ve been doing for the past few months. I’m only 20lbs away from my goal weight of 120lbs. I’M SO STINKIN’ CLOSE, YOU GUYS!
I will not give up on this.  
Do you guys have a way you deal with the urges of wanting cheat? Or any suggestions? I usually have pretty good self control and obedience to following my diet, but I don’t have a way to actually deal with the urges.
In other news, my date for Saturday has been cancelled. What a surprise, haha. Apparently with this “ice storm” he had to buy “emergency supplies” and now can’t afford dinner. I’m sorry, but at his age, if buying “emergency supplies” sets you so far back you can’t afford dinner, then you’re not stable enough for me. That may be rude, but it’s the truth. And it’s not that I’m expecting to have money spent on me, trust me, I’d be just as happy just watching a movie on the couch, but dinner was HIS idea. Not mine. 
I just started watching The OA on Netflix, and OMG I’m obsessed with it! It’s so freakin’ good. I also started watching A Series of Unfortunate Events. Taking a break from Prison Break rn. 
The Sassy Damsel 
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thesassydamsel-blog · 7 years
I can see things!
So, I got my eyes checked last week, and found out I have a bit of nearsightedness. Who knew? I’d been walking around my entire life thinking I had 20/20 vision! Nope. Definitely did not. 
So far this is what I have for the pros and cons of having to wear glasses, four hours into wearing them.
Cute frames make for cute selfies.
Yeah, that’s all I’ve got...
Eyes watering.
Moving right along now...So I have a date on Friday. At 6 p.m. with C from work. I low key kinda want it to ice like foretasted so I don’t have to go. I’m such a canceler. I should feel bad, but I don’t. Some men just come on too strong, and I’m just not about that life. He said some pretty intense things last night, feelings wise. AND WE HAVEN’T EVEN BEEN ON A DATE YET. Like, could you not? Some damsel’s may enjoy that, but not me. Not with someone I’ve only met/seen in person a handful of times. 
What happened to being friends first? I just want a solid relationship built on friendship first. I’m not the type of damsel to jump straight into a relationship. I want something real, not the first person who offers. 
UGH. WHY ARE BOYS SO COMPLICATED? I think I’ll just be lonely, single dog mom for the rest of my life. All I need are my pups, right? Right.
The Sassy Damsel
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thesassydamsel-blog · 7 years
Always dress as if today is your last. Tomorrow is never promised!
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thesassydamsel-blog · 7 years
Awkward situations
I tend to get myself into awkward situations. And it’s usually my fault that I’m there. Remember that crazy, insane dating life I keep referencing? Well, we can all take a moment to thank Tinder for that.
Anyway, let’s talk men. Or man.
Matched with this guy, we’ll call him C. C and I are friends, never met, just text and Snapchat after being connected on Tinder. C gets into and out of relationships/flirtation-ships constantly. I distance myself from these types of people. But what girl can’t use more guy friends, right? So I got C a job at my work. C begins hitting on me, and asks me out to dinner. A girl can’t say no to free dinner, am I right?! Veggies are expensive AF!
Not even sure if I like him. But now I’ve got myself in this awkward situation..
He also asked what my favorite flower was. And what do I say? Snapdragon. Snapdragons are my favorite freakin’ flower. He better follow through with some snapdragons.
The Sassy Damsel
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thesassydamsel-blog · 7 years
It’s time.
First blog post, whoa. Where do I begin? First off, it’s a little after 10 p.m, I should be sleeping. I guess I’ll start off with why I want to be a blogger. Is that the right term? Who knows. I sort of just decided to do this. A place to post things that I like, and maybe others will like too. Document my journey in this crazy life of mine. Dating, weight loss, friends, makeup, fashion, shenanigans…etc. Maybe I’ll narrow it down later. Or not.
I made a huge lifestyle change in August of 2016. I was on vacation at my sisters house, and I weighed myself for the first time in ages. A whopping 187 pounds on a 5’0 frame. When had I let myself go? I was in disbelief and shock. Depressed a little. But instead of letting it get me down, and going back to my old eating habits, I decided I needed change. I wasn’t happy in any aspect of my life. I’d been focusing on trying to impress boys, dating, etc. Not myself.
I first started out eating low carb, high protein. Didn’t really have ANY idea what I was doing past being a crazy label reading lady. I lost 17 pounds in a little over a month. Whoa!!! It was working! But then my sister introduced me to Ideal Protein. It has completely changed my life around. It’s now closing in on 5 months of dieting, and I’m 45 pounds down. Did you catch that? FOURTY FIVE POUNDS DOWN!
Well, that pretty much catches you up on the last few months of my life. Minus the crazy, insane dating life. But whose isn’t these days? I guess if anyone reads this, feel free to make a suggestion on what I should post next. Doubt I’ll have any readers yet, but it’s a great year to stay positive.
The Sassy Damsel
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