theroydiary · 4 months
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their next rematch woulda been wild
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theroydiary · 4 months
I can't help it. I just love Jogo with these two.
It also never fails to surprise me how important expressions are. My poor old volcano deserves more but I think this will do. I need more fanfic about them.
😎 x 🌋 x 👅
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62 notes · View notes
theroydiary · 4 months
I can't help it. I just love Jogo with these two.
It also never fails to surprise me how important expressions are. My poor old volcano deserves more but I think this will do. I need more fanfic about them.
😎 x 🌋 x 👅
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62 notes · View notes
theroydiary · 4 months
Babygirl 😚💖
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theroydiary · 4 months
Having fun changing their expressions ●///●
😎 x 🌋 x 👅 (WIP)
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theroydiary · 4 months
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my beautiful wife
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theroydiary · 4 months
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does tumblr like jjk
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theroydiary · 4 months
HI HI HI 🫶🫶🫶 abt to become your n.1 glazer fr 😼 anyways ,,, pooks ,,, is it alright if i slip by to request some headcannons ??? :>
just thinking of a clingy reader w/ jogo (beloved sewer rat man 🫶) ,,, toge maybe 🤔 there aint much of him tbh ,,, and maybe choso ??? :D hope youre doing good 🙏
- 🫐 anon <3
JJK Boys with a clingy s/o
ft. Jogo, Toge, Choso.
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Jogo 🌋
- Jogo may have a tough and intimidating exterior, but when it comes to his S/O being clingy, he secretly loves it. He finds it endearing and enjoys the constant physical affection.... AS LONG AH YOU DONT TOUCH THE TOP OF HIS HEAD. He doesn't want you to burn. :((
- He's more than happy to carry you around or let you cling onto his arm. Jogo finds it comforting to have you close and knows it makes you feel safe as well. It's also a great distraction from Mahito's bullshit.
- When you're feeling needy, Jogo will happily wrap his arms around you and hold you tightly. He'll bury his face in your hair, breathing in your scent, and cherishing the intimate moments you share. His favorite little human.
- Jogo may not be the best at expressing his emotions Infront of the other curses, but he'll show his love in private. He'll often surprise you with small gifts or take you to places he knows you'll enjoy. Curse free, in order to avoid any fights.
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Toge Inumaki 🔊
- Toge is a naturally affectionate person with his lover, so he adores it when you're clingy. He loves the physical closeness and the feeling of being wanted by someone like you. Someone so verbal and needy.
- He'll gladly wrap his arms around you and hold you tight, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. Toge enjoys the intimacy and the warmth that comes with being close to you.
- Toge will often surprise you with back hugs or sneak up behind you to plant soft kisses on your cheek or forehead. He loves showering you with affection and making you feel cherished.
- When you're feeling clingy, Toge will never push you away. Instead, he'll encourage it and reciprocate by hugging you tighter, letting you know that he's there for you. Even Infront of his classmates! 🦾
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Choso 🩸
- While Choso may not be clingy himself, he appreciates your clinginess towards him. It reassures him of your affection and provides him with a sense of security.
- Choso doesn't express his emotions through words very well, but he tries. If words don't work out, he'll show his love by always being available for you two to either talk or spend time with each other. He'll make time for you and prioritize your needs, offering a listening ear whenever you need to talk, giving his own advice in the process.
- When you're feeling clingy, Choso will understand your desire for physical closeness. He'll let you cuddle up to him, resting your head on his chest while he strokes your hair gently.
- Choso's presence alone is comforting, and he'll make sure to make you feel loved and appreciated. He may not say I love you much, but his actions will speak volumes. The only reason he doesn't say it much is because he's still a bit traumatized by losing his younger brothers. Poor baby just doesn't want to lose the love of his life. Maybe down the road you too will be a lot more... y'know.
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theroydiary · 4 months
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Jogo and a Hyoga (his ice counterpart)
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theroydiary · 4 months
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Man idk
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theroydiary · 5 months
Whiteboard drawing wit the mooties
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theroydiary · 5 months
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theroydiary · 5 months
Hii, could I request something with Jogo with a male reader? and if you accept, you can choose yourself, you can write sfw or nsfw, whatever you want! take your time.
🥺 I’ve never written for a male reader… BUT ILL TRY >:D
Edit: I tried it feels more gender neutral because it turns out, I really didn’t know where to go without a prompt 🥹
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Sat in your bed he plagued your mind, Jogo, that old cursed man. His grumpy persona and bored expression. You shouldn’t be caught up on him. But then you remember his content smile when he’d sit in the light of the warm sun, how he looked so satisfied inhaling on his pipe.
The way his hands lingered on your lower back if he tried to guide you out the way or anywhere else. He was your peer under Kenjaku… and that’s all he should be. He shouldn’t plague your mind when you're at home trying to unwind and relax your muscles after an intense battle with some sorcerers. When you sat in the tub nose just above the water you thought of the time you saw him get into the hot springs. His clothes made him look lanky and undefined, behind those layers of clothes he was well built and defined, watching the dip of his hips you dunked yourself under your tub water forcing the air out of your lungs opening your eyes and sitting up brushing the water back out of your face and hair. “I can’t think of him like that.”
Groaning you let yourself fall back against the cold tub, “what the hell am I thinking.” Yet even in your daily life you saw him in your friends, in the smallest things when you were out. Fingers trailing over small things with a small smile thinking “He would like that.”
Heading back to Dagon’s domain you always saw him just there, slightly envious of all the time the others got to spend here, with him. He was nice enough to you to have conversations, you’d conditioned yourself to know how to talk to him, how to tease him without him blowing a fuse.
There you sat next to him, he was sitting at the foot of a beach chair. You sat behind him leaning your side against his back, he hummed acknowledging you before smoking from his pipe.
“Y/n.” You just side eyed him, “Jogo.”
“What do you find appealing about human nature?” It took you a minute to collect your thoughts, there wasn’t anything that you’d really say was appealing, “humans are full of hate, fear, sadness, anger. They bring things into this world sometimes just to destroy them and make a statement. The world is fucked and so is everyone in it. There are times where it looks like there is no hope because there is no hope. Anyone will tear into anyone for their own gain the world is corrupted…” Jogo looked at you over his shoulder. You had sat up resting your elbows on your knees, hands hanging between yours legs when you hunched over staring at the ground, “Yet, in some of us, we strive to find something more. Something to hold on to until the darkest times. A way to find comfort that can out last the darkest moments, a place of peace where there are no sorrows. Something to hold on tight when your hands feel numb and weak. Call it love, others call it a ridiculous lie. The messed up thing is the brain can differ love for a fictional character from love for a real person in front of you. The brain believes the affection of love is love, if anything appeals to me it’s the thought of love. Do you know what that is, Jogo?”
Jogo looked away from you, staring at the ocean, it was the perfect concept of a beach, white sands, beach waves, bright sun and a cool breeze. He was silent, closing his eyes, puffing from his pipe, “Love isn’t something a curse would so easily understand y/n,” he sighed smoke leaving his mouth, “but as someone born of pure emotion, it’s not entirely impossible to learn and feel how true sentiments resonate inside humans…”
It wasn’t long after that conversation you’d both fallen into silence, the day passed moderately fast. Until Mahito wanted to play a game of Mahjong. There you sat with Geto, Mahito, Hanami and Jogo. You were watching the game intent on learning. But your mind was far away lingering on Jogo’s words, he looked at you when he said them. Could he feel your romantic interests in him? Had he ignored them for a purpose, did he tell you that for you to understand he knew and didn’t act because he didn’t want to? Your head was aching when you got up leaving the lit area finding Dagon beached covered in the warm sand. You dropped your weight next to him, he looked at you before looking back at the ocean. “Yeah me too buddy.” Was all you said dropping your hand on his head patting him while sighing.
Times passed and stars shined brighter, Mahito’s laughs and screams grew quieter as you spaced out.
“Y/n.” Your mind was lost in the dark waters reflecting the stars, “oí y/n.” Jogo’s fingertips touched your scalp, tapping you a few times before you looked at him, “Yeah?”
He nodded his head for you to follow him when he started walking. Leaving Dagon who had flopped over a while ago alone you pushed yourself up tripping in the sand to follow him.
Walking in comfortable silence you started to over think again, “Jogo..” he didn’t look at you “Y/n…” it’s now or never, “Do you really know what it’s like to feel the raw emotion of love?”
He hummed, “How do you distinguish love and admiration? Say I admire you y/n, I can appreciate every little thing you do. I can appreciate your efforts and support you in any way you ask. I could celebrate your victories and your achievements as a sorcerer. But what makes love different.”
You looked down while walking, before you nodded taking his hand and he eyed you, “Love isn’t about just celebrating every little accomplishment, love isn’t about just supporting someone when they ask. Love,” you stopped interlocking your fingers with his, “Is intertwining your life with someone else. Supporting them not only in the good but in the bad. It’s not about celebrating only the good things that happen but providing comfort and being a pillar for someone to lean on when things can only get worse. Being even the dimmest candle in a dark night if it means you can provide enough light and warmth to give a shred of comfort when hope is lost. Love isn’t just for the pure, peaceful and calm. Love lets you take someone’s hand even when you're unsure of what they really feel. It’ll drive you mad to the point you’d do something ridiculous and out of character to know if someone could even share the same feelings as you.”
Jogo uncurled his fingers from yours, uncurling your hand and pressing your palms together. He spread both your and his fingers out, his head tilting to the side, he was straight faced, “That's what you feel right now y/n?”
Your breathing was quiet and your chest was tight, you swallowed feeling a squeeze in your throat.
“I adore you, and I’d do everything to be here for you always. In a way I guess I am saying I might love you…”
🥹I’m so sorry if it’s not what you wanted i tried but I’m kinda aimless and it turns out getting an organ popped out isn’t the best feeling in the world 💀🩶
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theroydiary · 5 months
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theroydiary · 6 months
also can’t stop thinking about his slightly toned bod, BRO— WORSHIP TIMEEEE— but tbh I don’t really know what body type he has, maaaan. hard to tell with his slayin outfit
I get the feeling and this is after looking long and hard, when he’s standing up straight and no all endearing old man bent over he’s 5’10 according to some charts that have his height, but when he’s slouchy baby he’s 5’7,
But he is built wide, beefy if you will, he’s doesn’t have a tapered waist like Toji, no Jogo is broad and has beefy thighs according to this shadowy stretchy i tried to make an outline of what i would mark out as his waist and leg shaping but I’m definitely worshiping his body 😩 drop all your weight on me daddy breathing is overrated
Smother me with your beefy thighs and man boobs I’ll be your fallen soldier 🫡
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This will also make it into the Final Cut 🤭
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theroydiary · 6 months
IT DOES- you ever seen those meme of jjk,
“Born to Shojo forced to Shonen.”
That’s Jogo 😭 hes the true protagonist of the Shojo and that’s why everyone wants to get grabby grabby and softy with him 🥹
Everyone looking at his interactions with Gojo, Sukuna & Nanamin saying “He should be me!”
Nono~ I’m should be Gojo 😭 let me grab and hold your head so i can violently pull you in just to kiss you 💞
Let me tell you you’re strong and should be proud 😩 let me spoil you and kiss and smother you so I can see those cute little lava hearts explode 👉👈 maybe drop one on a patch of ice so it’ll cool down and I can keep it forever
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Just a quick drawing my arm cramped to early in the morning 😭🥹
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theroydiary · 6 months
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Being the one constantly in his life, a weird source of comfort for the grouchy curse
It was cute in a way how you constantly advanced on him romantically and he never knew how to react, on occasion he would accept and appreciate gifts, help and assistance you’d selflessly give,
As for your soft touches, quick kisses and jumping and hugging the poor curse he’d often heat up way to easily out of shock or being flustered by your actions, leading to the few scars on your skin that you’d display so proudly
“Jogo gave me these and I love them 🥺” Geto simply offering a closed eye smile not thinking to much, Mahito was having a riot at how you thought the burns on your skin were something to cherish, immediately retaliating “Shut it you patchwork rag doll looking hoe! At least someone I admire gave me mine, Your little stitches scream i was abandoned by God and dragged through hell-” Geto stepping between the two of you as Mahito brought a hand up and you’d snap causing the special grade curse living inside you to manifest behind you “Now now let’s not get to ahead of ourselves here.”
Huffing out your nose you continued your side eye at Mahito as he’d walk off, unbeknownst to you, and to Geto’s humor Jogo stood a ways off bothered and heating up the air around himself, Hanami watched it all without interfering, a bit interested at Jogo’s reaction as well.
With time you moved in more and more into Jogo’s life, til the point where when he was sent out on missions you’d wordlessly join and he wouldn’t detest, silently acknowledging your presence and accepting your company. The same way to when Geto would send you out being the only other human to run errands when a human was needed Jogo would find a reason to go along, under the pretense of needing to do something else and it’s not to accompany you.
These secluded moments often led to what would be considered unofficial dates, mostly Jogo humming along to your words and indulging in your actions, begging him to try the Boba tea and snacks you’d buy from the convenience shops. Over all learning his favorite sweets were more bitter dark chocolates or spicy savory snacks to offset the sweet drinks you constantly offered him a sip of. It wasn’t his favorite thing but deep down inside he couldn’t stand your pout and whine if he stood by his firm “No it’s disgusting”
Eventually the day came when you caught him soundly sleeping in the room you had all rented at the Hot spring house, he laid propped up against some pillows, arms behind his head, reduced to a bathrobe to keep his modesty, smoke pipe loosely in his lips, you looked around snickering, looking down at your sleeping clothes you moved quietly dropping onto his futon, you heard him exhale through his nose before moving closer to his right side, sliding closer you laid your head and hand on his chest and looking up at him slightly, his brow furrowed a bit and you smiled,
Sliding your left arm under him and hugging his torso you propped your right leg over his and didn’t fight the instinct to cuddle into his side, eyes closing you slowly fell into a warm and comfortable sleep, after your breaths softened Jogo peered down at you just barely opening his eye, sighing he wrapped his right arm around you, fingers tracing lightly the skin of your shoulder and bicep, staring at the ceiling he couldn’t help but ask himself how he’d let himself get so comfortable with a non-cure much less a human at that
Soon his pipe was tucked away and he fell into sleep holding you tightly tucked into side, he’d never openly state it, but he did care for you, your wellbeing, so he’d keep you by his side to stay safe with him
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