Thank you.
Thanks for all the love this blog has gotten, and I hope to see you around. If you're interested in a calendar of our favourite demon hunter - as free download, soonish- head over to @kurtistrentcalendar!
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These will be my last pages. For now.
I have been invited to- well, read for yourself. But first, let me finish the interview and some spreads from Kurtis' own journal, with information I have missed or it might be things he still is investigating. Whatever this leads up to, I'll be happy to be of service.
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Transcript of the first and second page: Q: When was the Lux Veritatis formed and why? Where are the other members? A: The Lux Veritatis was a secret group of the Knights Templars, and in the beginning planned to fight against all evil- especially magic. Then, they used magic themselves since white magic exists. The LV-membership is inherited from father to son. As far as I know my father was the last member. When he was murdered by Eckhardt who wasn't aware of me, the shards got passed onto my hands. I wasn't having any of it (he takes a smoke), didn't want to live like the LV, always chased around and rehomed, and then lived as a headhunter. Until..yeah, I was told about the murder.
That answers my fourth question: his father was killed as the initially thought last Lux Veritatis member.
Q: How did you cross paths with Lara Croft? A: She crossed mine. When the murders in Paris started and the mysterious symbols turned up, I went there to chase after Eckhardt, knowing it was him. I rented a place above the Café Metro, a run-down place in hopes to be all by myself. She talked to me there, but I dismissed her, being busy reading the news. Then, I saw her again leaving the club...you know, the Serpent Rouge, another trashy looking long abandoned place. When I tracked her path I noticed she'd go to the Pawn Shop so I waited there for her, too. I had the feeling she could be of use. When we were in the Louvre I witnessed her breaking into the dig and retrieving one of the Obscura Paintings- that I (he chuckles) convinced her to hand over. After a quick chase outside (he shakes his head)- she would have run straight into a corner and would have ended up like Swiss cheese- I got punched in the face, yeah, deep shit. She stole my Periapt Shard. When we met again in the Strahov we joined forces. Wild ride. Almost shot me there. Q: The Periapt Shards, what are they made of? Do they really kill immortals? A: So, this is a secret unrevealed. I have no fucking clue. I know they are ancient, and Lara told me about Vasiley fancying them, and they were among the crusades. It's suspected some of my ancestors made them and inherited them from owner to highest ranking new member. Since my father was the last one there was no one else- he owned all three shards as when Eckhardt was in the Pit, stabbed with all three- and I got my hands on them. They really kill immortals if you stab them with all three in the head, or chest. Mere hands or feet won't do the trick.
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: Q: What about the guys in the Sanitarium? A: That's such an ugly part (he takes a smoke, visibly disgusted) I'll try to keep it short. Boaz is a - was- psychiatrist and she, like the rest of the fanclub, was looking into breeding a Nephilim race. Shit like this. The men down there were locked up and injected with Nephilim DNA. That's why they got so aggressive and misfigured, in different stages. Lobotomy would keep them silent (he shakes his head). They mainly abducted men no one would be looking for, homeless, self employed truckers, tramps. It's a pity. Q: The guy in cell 42 talked about a "Proto Nephilim", what is this? A: So he was still alive, talking through the door? Didn't expect that. He talked to me when I entered his cell, unlocked, and I told him to close it afterwards. He drove here, to the Strahov, from Turkey, and brought the "Sleeper" as he said, "death in tons of stone". I've never seen that as it was stored within the Strahov, but Lara told me about that. It had inscriptions on it, I wonder if I could have deciphered that. But if Lara couldn't (he smirks) I surely couldn't either. This...driver also talked about them being fed to the Proto, the "first" Nephilim that was created by his lunatic fans that worked. Yet it was set loose when Lara shut the lights of, slip a switch and ya git this bastard running amok. I got rid of it personally.
Kurtis asks if I want to see his journal- I had handed him mine prior. Well, it's full of stuff and his barely legible handwriting, but there's two things I want to mention.
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page: This red circle is the symbol of the Codex Angellicus, an angelic alphabet. I'm not sure what use it is or what is says, Kurtis suggested it's a codex used to write LV books and other knowledge. He can read it, but it is uhm- ambigous. One needs some baackground knowledge to fully understand what it says, and he for sure didn't bother explaining how to read that.
The green symbols are nephili glyphs. It's either an alphabet again or a phrase, Kurtis is not sure or wouldn't tell me. It's a script that is very old and found in the Sanglyph itself (which makes me wonder. How did Eckhardt, who created the Sanglyph, know about the scripts and its use of the LV?). Even the order could be different depending on where you start to read on the relic. Kurtis estimated with his father's notes that there are about 80 different angelic glyphs in here and two of them are readable. Sadly I can't take them to a graphologist.
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Transcript of the seventh page: Kurtis also mentioned someone - or something- nicknamed "The Shapeshifter". It's a guy(?) who changed his apprearance in front of Lara, as she was about to kill Eckhardt. This shapeshifter became a councer, Eckhardt and even Kurtis himself. He assumed this person(?) must be closer to the Nephilim than Eckhardt and that the latter was working for him, not vice-versa. Which would be a game changer. Like, imagine that Eckhardt, the 600 year old maniac, is just a puppet of a shapeshifter. Weren't Nephilim known to change their looks...? They're up to serve the world some angelic freedom and in return make magicians immortal. Yeah I wish I was joking.
This sounds like the plot of a fanfiction based on the Knights Templars, including Lara Croft and a revenge-seeking mercenary. Oh, and you ship them.
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Transcript of the eighth page: Here's what I think happened...as far as my information and my skills to comprehend this mess go. So:
Shapeshifter is a Nephilim and hires Eckhardt. Eckhardt wants to be immortal and gets granted X years to rebread the Nephilim. The Lux Veritatis had put him in a pit inside a castle, that got bombed, freeing him. Eckhardt fucks off, the Shards are given to Kurtis, his father gets murdered. Somehow along the way Werner von Croy gets murdered, perhaps by shapeshifter. What for though? Kurtis wants revenge and chases Eckhardt, meeting Lara, who want that too. Eckhardt's fanclub want to also be immortal and help him, they create the Proto Nephilim with DNA taken from a sample of the Sleeper. Showdown in the room with pillars that fucked up my knee, and lots and lots of sailt. Did anyone but the Proto and the sleeper die?
As you can see there are loose theads everywhere. I don't know if I'll ever fill in the gaps, or be able to.
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Transcript of the final page: We're on our way to London, I'll return to Paris with another flight. Kurtis accepted Lara's invitation and also brought some books and tools with him (I think it's some LV spooky anti-alchemy-merchandise). They'll surely figure out more than I did by putting their heads together and brood over all of this. I also wonder what their next steps will be- don't think Eckhardt and shapeshifter will stop there, if they survived. Oh and Bouchard has been murdered, too. At least I won't have any trouble at home.
NEWS: It's been a week and I got some news from Lara and Kurtis. They tracked the alchemist's steps to another place! Whether it is him or shapeshifter or both they won't explicitely say, but killings are happening with this rune painted above the dead, and they're on the way to kick his ass again.
They're asking if I want to join?
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It's been a while.
Let me tell you why. I left the Croft Manor and went to Utah.
I know, it's a leap of faith I took, but it was worth it. I have retrieved knowledge and information and shared all I know with Lara Croft as well as with Mister Trent. I needed a day's rest at the Croft Manor and I felt slightly ashamed, but I am no superwoman like Lara, and my knee is still throbbing. I hope I haven't relocated anything, lol.
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Transcript of the first, second and third page:
Here's a whole list of things I asked Lara Croft. She was kind enough to sit by me while I was sipping tea, moaning, and trying to recover from *points at everything*. Q: The piece of the Sanglyph I have given you, what do you know about it? A: From what I have gathered: the Sanglyph is a relic created by Eckhardt. You surely crossed paths with this psycho already. It's a disc that can be parted into five pieces. To prevent mortals from using it, he was hiding it inside the five Obscura Paintings. Q: So the paintings were his idea, too? A: He commissioned to get them painted andhid the pieces in there until his glovey-dovey hands could get onto a Nephilim. (me: the Lux Veritatis later seized them, let them be painted over by Brother Obscura, and scattered them). Q: This guy's not normal, right? A: Best actor in history. No, he's neither normal nor human. He was. With a deal he was made immortal, and the cost was reviving the Nephilim race. He's a vessel for over 500 years of evil, alchemy and hatred for humans. And the LV. Q: The Lux Veritatis were a pain in his life? A: You guessed it.They tried anything to stop him, even putting him in a ditch for several hundread years until an Ally bomb hit the castle and he could break free. The Shards were recollected by Heissturm, who gave them to his son. I think you've met him already. Q: If you mean Kurtis- yes, I've read about him. But I haven't had a chance to talk to him yet. A: In case you can offer something, he'll talk. He loves teamwork. (Lara chuckles, is that a smile?) Get the Sanglyph to him and ask him to get it here, at some point. I trust him, he'll do so. (me: I think we all know Lara Croft will not hesitate to track me down and shoot me if I were to disappear with it, so I guess...it'll do.) Q: (...) Thank you, again. What do you know about him? A: He's a tough cookie, a mercenary. Who is out for revenge. All he can think of now is to stuff Eckhardt's and his allies' faces with bullets or sever their heads. He was of great help, although I took care of Eckhardt first...anyway. He was of great help, especially in our escape out of the Louvre. Q: Speaking of Louvre- the killings in Paris and Prague. Was that Eckhardt? A: Not all of them. The murder of Werner was Karel (she looks aside). He's almost weirder than Eckhardt, I don't know much if anything about him. And, he is, you won't believe it, a shapeshifter. These Nephilim guys (she looks at me again) are a whole lot of strange. Q: (...) You mentioned the Shards... A: Kurtis knows way more. All I know is that they're way too scary to Eckhardt. You know, maybe bring him his, the one I have...he surely misses it. Q: Are you sure he wants to talk to me? Kurtis, I mean? A: If you have trouble convincing him with the Periapt Shard, just tell him (she smiles) I'd love to see him again. That'll convince him (she gets up to leave), trust me.
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Transcript of the fourth page: This is all I can write in this journal. We talked a bit more, obviously, and she handed me Kurtis' contact information. He should be in Utah now, but I have his number in case I don't find him at home- it's somewhere in dumbfuck nowhere. Lara lets me stay for as long as I want and I can roam the Manor's museums (or "rooms" like Lara calls them") freely. I got a ticket to visit the USA, and am preparing a catalogue of questions for Kurtis Trent. I kind of hope he lets me write down more. In case he gets back to being a ghost he might allow me to publish more. It feels good to not be on edge all the time. Not having a maniac roam the streets is nicer than I ever imagined. I feel relief.
I'll take some rest and gather nerves and strength for the- hopefully- last trip regarding this case. I want it to be over, it's exhausting.
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page: Questions for Mister Trent: 1. What do you know about Eckhardt and what's he to do with the LV? 2. What are the Lux veritatis anyway? Why was it founded and where is everybody? 3. Your father Heissturm, is he involved? 4. How did you cross paths with Lara Croft? 5. The Periapt Shards- what are they made of? Do they really kill immortals? 6. The Nephilim are conected, just like the Sleeper. But what about the guys in the Sanitarium? 7. The guy in cell 42, know him? And the "Nephilim Proto" he mentioned?
I'm on my way to Utah. Lara was on a call fow a few hours with what I think was Kurtis, had a good laugh, and mentioned that I'll hand him something and he should leave me in one piece. Really reassuring...she handed me one of the Shards. Such a weird...thing. It is made of crystal I believe and is purple-ish black-ish depending on the light. The lionhead makes the Shard heavy to carry and I can hold it, but itfeels like it carries a weight, maybe even a metaphorical one, like there's a power stored within. Absolutely supernatural and strange. I'll try to sleep now. Miss Croft has sent me all my luggage and food, along with a return ticket and her direct contacts. She was so happy to have the piece of the Sanglyph or rather the whole thing now, but kinda happier to speak to Kurtis.
Is it her stubbornness that keeps her from visiting him herself?
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Transcript of the seventh and eighth page: I literally got a map to Kurtis place. He is in the middle of nowhere. of course. I'm not kidding: Lara printed me a map I found in the folder she put my tickets in. It's more of a guide and she got me a driver to get me there. Why the fuck is Mister trent living in dumbfuck nowhere? Don't ask about the sigils, the driver could read them, but Lara didn't bother explaining.
After several hours of driving in the middle of the fucking desert and taking the wrong way once I found it. I found him. Was greeted with a gun to my face until I mentioned Lara's password-sentence: Move along, mon chère. I am still surprised he didn't shoot me on sight.
The weapons of the Lux Veritatis: Kurtis has given me a detailed description of the tools the LV have used and/or continue to use. It's surely not all of them.
Betyl (training stones) Betyl is an ancient metal that the LV shape to resemble arrowheads. Most of the time there are engravings in them and they're used as training device for the Shirugai. They have some main skills:
guide (compass)
impulse (attack)
crisscross (whatever)
pattern (uhm?)
There are also five stages of control: 1. Aronsäid 2. Gyllais 3. Tuleic 4. Ömsa 5. Veruta
And of course Mister Trent didn't bother elaborating. I guess he's too busy being excited to get the Shard and then bring it to Lara- just out of kindness with no self-interest, of course.
Shirugai Translated as throw-star. The LV have their own invention, it's a disc-like thing with five spikes on the edhe. These blades are retractable. The disk is being held by putting five fingers through the holes in the middle. A shirugai is connected to a single member of the Lux Veritatis and can only be used by them. It's controlled via telepathy and can be used within a radius.
The Betyl stones are not needed if the member has enough skills. I bit my tongue to not imply Kurtis surely needed them. The blades are so sharp they can cut through steel. Although fairly popular the shirugai has seen not much use: there's barely people left that can more than just hover it.
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Transcript of the tenth page: The hut is pretty small and Kurtis seems to live here by himself. When I explained to him I was accidentally crossing paths with this whole murder plot he laughed and admired my skill to stay alive. I mentioned Miss Croft cleared the path for me, and he replied that anything that gets in her way dies, and he barely dodged that fate himself. He is a grim dude who listens to Nirvana and fits perfectly to Lara's love for Nine Inch Nails. Depeche Mode anyone? I feel like he never has visitors- his tables are full of books on mysticism and ancient history. And guns. Holy shit guns.
Not too inviting, but he answered all I wanted to know and will fly back with me to London and I will continue further to Paris. Back home. At last.
Forgive me, the rest of the interview is there, but I am so, so tired. Here is the first question: Q: What do you know about Eckhardt and what does that have to do with the LV? Eckhardt is an old-ass dude who is about 600 years old. He made a deal with the Nephilim to help them take over the world - he is a bit insane- and in return, they made him immortal (he takes a smoke). The LV always wanted to prevent evil int his world, and an alchemist that seeks for organs and organ harvest is not the good guy. After being put in chains in a castle pit an Ally bomber freed him (he looks at me and raises a brow), definitely planned, and he plotted revenge.
I will continue my notes tomorrow. It's way past midnight. I nudged a talk on Lara Croft and am listening to Mister Kurtis talk about her in admiration. I wonder. What keeps them from hanging out? Both of them shoot first and ask questions later. Perfect match if you ask me.
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A lot...has happened.
It's been a while and you can trust me, I took some time off because I needed a moment to process all of this. Currently I am safe, all is cool, don't worry. But the path there has been so overwhelming and honestly crazy I just...needed a moment.
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Transcript of the first and second page: All I see is...particles. Some kind of shield glowing. I can hear gunshots and I see Lara Croft shooting Eckhardt, it has to be him.
What the fuck?
Okay they're busy and I don't care and I can't care since I need to fuck off. There's two floors above, metal platforms in the shape of a circle, and I'm still looking for an escape. Is there a way out??
My pen died. I am dying mentally.
There's a ladder and it goes up to the first floor. I need to get there. There's so much screaming in the middle and I need to leave and my head hurts and my ears are pierced by the sounds. I need to leave, I'm not as durable as Lara Croft.
What the heck, here is something hanging from...the ceiling? I don't have much time, I'll try to sketch out what I see. I'm upstairs, and I can barely write. There is something? Hanging? From there, it looks kinda humanoid, not quite. Could it be a true nephilim? The one Eckhardt wanted to use?
There's also a platform with a golden disk and it is looking like this: Somehow it's flower shaped, has symbols surrounding it, spaces for five pieces to be inserted, the stuff hidden in the Obscura Paintings! I think this could be the Sanglyph. It's five golden pieces and they could be used (unreadable)
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: Okay I'm not sure what to do, what happened or anything. Honestly all is a blur. I woke up and there's a lot of rumble, dust and chaos. The Sleeper is gone, the room is destroyed. Eckhardt is gone, so is Miss Croft, so is my head, it hurts fucking badly. I'm okay, I think, my head is shit, I have cuts, my already sore knee is bleeding, it's...aweful. There's an open gate on the ground floor, and I hope it leads outside.
It has to.
In the debris I've seen a small piece of this flower-shaped thingy. It's a metal part that I think belonged in the Obscura Paintings. I took it with me. I'm on my way to the train station...finally. If Lara Croft is really the archeologist I think she is, she'd be interested in the piece. If I manage to offer her this metal plate, maybe she'll talk to me about her knowledge of the Paintings, Eckhardt, and the Sleeper?
I am finally back at civilization and am seeing living human beings again. I got myself a new Shirt, washed myself and my wounds and got medical gauze to treat my knee. My head stopped hurting when I drank plenty of water, luckily I was only dehydrated. Surely if I ever tell anybody about what I had seen I'll be considered a maniac...I thought about what to ask Miss Croft. I made a small list:
Is Eckhardt really this 500 year old alchemist?
Who is Kurtis Trent? What'd he got to do with the LV?
Was he responsible for the Monstrum killings since I assume you weren't?
What do you know about the Sanglyph?
The Periapt Shards can kill Eckhardt, right?
What purpose serves the Sanitarium?
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Transcript of the fifth, sixth and seventh page: I'll be in Paris soon. I slept until now, the train ride takes so long and I'm just so exhausted. This journey is almost over, but I might be able to find even more. In case of Lara Croftwants to talk to me. I'll write her an email. Will she reply?
We're arriving at Paris. I wrote her a mail with a photo of the Sanglyph piece, asking her whether she'd like it in return for some answers. I even offered her to send her this notebook. I'm sure she'll return it either way, I trust her reputation, and I can prove my volicity and that I'm not a paranoid stalker or something.
UPDATE: It's been a week since I arrived back home and I got a LETTER via CURIER, can you believe that? Lara Croft is indeed interested in the piece and she invited me to London. She had the tickets in the mail, too. I cannot believe it!
She writes she is delighted I survived (I laughed here) and I should come over within two weeks. And that in case I come over with bad intention she's going to shoot me. I think...I think she means that.
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Transcript of the eighth and ninth page: The tickets are valid for two weeks for any flight in first class. A ticket to get to London AND come back.
I'm really on my way to London. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous obviously, and the spartanic answer is more than I thought I'd get, but still. Meeting her in person while knowing what she went through is like...we've been in the same places. Seen similar things. I know about this maniac that wants to take over the world, that accused and framed her for murder, I know about the Lux Veritatis and their only member that is still alive (if he is, now). I'll miss the Sanglyph- it's the only thing that can confirm my story. But in Lara's collection not only will it be safe, but it won't do any damage no more. Maybe through her I can also contact Kurtis Trent? He can answer about the LV way more I think. I'll take some pics of the manor if I may. Oh! I'm excited.
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Transcript of the tenth and eleventh page: I arrived at the airport in London. I also got a new pen since I've written so much in this book I needed one. It's almost as if I'm at a new chapter right now and since I'm moving countries again- yeah. I think I'm on a good way. The butler, his name is Winston, picked me up in a black cab. I got checked thoroughly for weapons, metals, cameras and whatnot and now I'm on my way to the Croft Manor. I've gotten a few wishes by Miss Croft concearning the talk:
I'm not allowed to take photos of the Manor, but she'll hand me one of the Sanglyph.
She'll hand me the post adress of Mr.Trent and contact him first
I can write down the interview, yet I am to keep it to myself.
So, only here we have the truth.
It's been two hours since I've been here. I had lots of tea, a lot of food and some rest in one of the guest rooms. Lara was slightly cold in the beginning, but as I showed her this book, my photos and talked to her about my findings, like Carvier's death (poor soul), Rennes, Werner's appartment, the poor, poor souls in the Sanitarium, everything she saw I've seen as well. Tomorrow she'll talk about my questions, she listened to me being tired as hell. She got me a key to lock my room and I'm cuddled up in a blanket.
I just noticed how muchmy body hurts. I really need a good rest.
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More pages I have skimmed and tried to compress in a short amount of time. I really don't want to stay longer than I have to, but I think my findings are interesting enough to get your attention.
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Transcript of the first and second page: This rock on the first page, does it remind you of the Rosetta stone? This is the Tabula Smaragolina. It's been found according to several myths by Abraham's wife, one dude out of the bible. It's written in Latin and has some hints or rather guides on how to create the Philosopher's Stone, gaining eternal life, healing every sickness, and so on. Some of the key points noted are: - as above, so below - the Sun ist the father, the Moon is the mother - all is being made from one substance - you shall segragate soil from fire - the wind borne you, the earth fed you It basically attempts to explain the macrocosmos as well as the microcosmos and claims everything is connected either way. it was recited especially in the Middle Ages and is used even today in pseudo-science and occultists and even the Lux Veritatis seem to have worked with it. It's written by Hermes Trismegistus, who is an author with a pen name and there's a whole belief made by his collective works someone titled "intermeticism". It's religious texts mixed with philosophical inputs.
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Transcript of the third page: This is a paper with a collection of medieval torture methods painted on it. I might have brought the page with me, you know, a woman's gotta collect something before she dies. I made peace with the fact I don't know if I'll get out of here. Anyway. The most important thing here is that the Sanglyph is in the left upper corner with text I cannot read. Maybe it's a pre-Sanglyph or something, but it has these holes and shapes and symbols as the original.
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Transcript of the fourth page: Here's a colection of symbols for elements. All of them are still considered elemts today and are in the periodic table. The symbols are more often related to plantes that to elements. I guess all elements needed by Eckhardt are being logged here. He managed to turn one into another, which today is 1) too expensive and 2) involves some atom-knowledge no normal person besides a physics expert know about. I kinda wish I could decipher all his motes, or the LV ones. So much knowledge lost in time and there's barely any I can carry with me or write down.
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page: Say hello to one of the numerous papers I have no idea of! I don't know what that is. Neither his nor the next pages make sense to me. I can only assume, so my tinfoil is as follows: this looks like a wheel of the year? Or some planetary sketch? Could aslo be some measurements taken of some star- or astronomy or astrology-related things. Really I wish I could understand this. The rest of the books contained a lot of writings propably in Angelic Alphabets, something beyond me, so I only included these pages.
I'll have a closer look at this place, I am hearing weird sounds..and I really don't want to go there. I am stalling and hoping to be left alone.
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Transcript of the seventh and eighth page: So uhm...after a while I had to move on. I can't be stuck in this place forever. When I walked out I was greeted with a deadly room, I am not kidding you. I made a map to show you somehow where I am so you can dig up my corpse some time...So. At 1 there is a door with a lion, leading to my place. Bascially I stand here. At number 2 are statues of angels holding fire, at 3 are platforms I could jump on if I am insane and at 4 there are two bridges, probably one that fell apart like my current faith of getting through this in one piece. Oh and at the other side at 5 there is another door leading to this room- and perhaps also out.
Someone crossing my way would have to jump on these pillars, climb ladders, jump over giant pits filled with molten lava and somehow survive this while also pulling a lever, at least there is one I can actually see. The lava is far away from me but honestly I wouldn't want to test its temperature. There is literal fire on the ground, it's incredibly hot in here, and I won't and can't go in there. The only open path left is the fucking door at the other end of the room. Shit.
I made two charts with my idas on how to deal with my situation right now.
maybe find out who the fuck went on a killing spree in Paris and Prague
confirm Lara Croft hasn't murdered her friend
see a nephilim/Eckhardt/ a Lux veritatis
hope I can actually find the way back
all I've done and learned so far is not completed
Lara isn't redeemed
my ellbow that I somehow bruised and that is throbbing was for nothing
won't know if all I gathered is even real
no one will get to read this book yet I'm still alive...
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Transcript of the nineth and tenth page: I have been listening to a man and a woman talking. I will try to slowly get down the slide here. not end up as barbecue, and see what's going on. There is a path ahead, and people. I think I am on the right way.
I made it! I made it and only hurt my knees and have run out of first aid supplies so I had to rip part of my jeans' seam and pat the wounds dry. I need a goddamn week of sleep. I picked up some of the talk in between the two though:
Woman: You stole their body parts. Man: As I will take yours! W: *unimpressed, shots fired, running* M: Only I can make the old race flurish again. W: I'll stop you then. M: I killed the last Lux Veritatis. I am immortal. W: *shows him something* Scary, huh? M: It's on me to bring hell onto earth, you mean nothing! W: It's gonna be a real pleasure to shut you up. gunfire
This has to be Lara Croft! I saw a glimpse of her face while hugging the wall. it's her!! This other guy she's talking to is on a platform upstairs. He has a belt(?) on his arm and I think I can see a chest place connected to one arm. This reminds me of this drawing on a man...it has to be Eckhardt!
Shit, I am hiding behind a pillar. There's screams and rumbling and noise everywhere. I'll just listen and once everything goes silent, I'll have a peak. I wish I could be of use, but there is nothing I can do, is there?
Holy shit. He is real. He really exists!
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This library is so full of books I want to read but can only skim over. I know there is still no way out as far I can see, but if I die here, at least I die with you by my side, and information on Eckhardt. You are not going to believe how long this war has been going on in between Eckhardt and the Lux Veritatis. It all makes so much sense, now, looking back. But who could have thought that this is real? I certainly haven't.
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Transcript of the first and second page: This summary is about The Glove Wars. All that I know is from a book I could open and actually read. It was a bit newer and I could decipher some words, and get the gist of it. First, what is even the Glove?
it is made by Eckhardt himself. It's a glove that is supposed to protect him from all arcane forces he was working with.
some rumors had been surrounding this glove, that it is not to slide in, but to REPLACE the hand entirely. Remember the drawing of the man that looked mchanical? Maybe it really is him and he exchanged his arm or hand by some prosthetic, including the Glove.
it is made of leather, metal and straps and rods holding multiple small pieces into place. The fingertips are made of a specific metal that leads to claws, and that is used to harvest elements from bodies. Specific keys controlled the element that was being harvested.
This is all creepy as fuck and I can not believe that someone would...create such a thing. I cannot read the text next to the drawing, but maybe it's talking about the glove's decoration? There's a pattern of circles and swirls on it.
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: This is the full look of the hand. It reminds me so much of prosthetics of this day and age, it looks so elaborate. I can believe someone with magic skills can easily use it as a real hand. Continueation:
the Glove is no use to people not being purely evil. The members of the Lux Veritatis couldn't touch or even use the Glove and so, once the got it in 1445, where they iimprisoned Eckhardt in the castle's cellar, they hid it away with him. Today it could be back with Eckhardt, considering the murders...it has to.
in itself. the Glove is not much use. One needs specific rods to control the transmutations, then the Sanglyph was needed to fuse the five metallic parts hidden inside the Obscura Paintings and then awaken the Nephilim. So in general: the Glove, the Rods of pure elements, the Sanglyph, the Obscura metal parts and a nephilim are used to awaken him and take over the world. Jesus.
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page: Uhm so I swear I am not and was never paranoid but the fucking knights are alive. I darted to the extinguisehd fireplace, but what on earth am I supposed to do? My knee is bleeding, and I had to use my oly gauze. Cool. There's a pool next to me, in the middle of the room. But does it lead anywhere?
Update: They're hitting the fucking walls with their swords and are relentless. I did swim a bit into the pool. there's a rock since of course there is one on the way leading up. Fuck, I'm torn.
Update 2: Okay, I could move the rock slightly and I think...I can squeeze through. Bless my past self for getting an aqua lung I swear I KNEW this trip was a bad idea.
Update 3: Okay. I'm diving, and I think I can make it, I can dive for about five minutes with the aqua lung. I hope the LV weren't known for holding their breath past this time.
I don't know where I am, but I am alive, and I am so glad I mad e it! Thing is, my camera almost died. I put it away to dry for a moment, the room ahead is empty of people. I'll draw the stuff I see. You have to believe me, I did not make anything up. I dove up a pool that had a pedestal in the middle and I had to punch open a small gate leading to the pool, but I managed and am here now. Here's an overview of the room, as far as I can see.
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Transcript of the seventh page: Okay, I hope you can see what I'm trying to portray. That's a table with some weird device, two spheres with electricity on them, a pot that's boiling, books on gold and a real (?) human skull. And a gold nugget! Or, at least, it looks like that. It's in a fluid I dare not touch, but it's the same color as the nugget. I'd love to take it as a cost for all I've been through, but something tells me it's over soon...Was Eckhardt successful in creating gold? If hemanaged to create gold he could reverse it into any other metal, couldn't he? That would help him gathering the puriefied metals a lot, and increase his popularity in popculture.
I think I'm losing it, haha
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Transcript of the eighth page: That's a cross, I think not the Jesus one but another..was it Judas? There's blood on it and I'm glad it was dry and didn't smell. Eww. I can only assume what was happening here. Some unlucky vistims could have been tied up and tortured- the murders were messy. Messy deaths equal good elements to be gathered. I'm not sure where the vistims were taken to, if there was...anything...left? The Lux Veritatis library was way kinder, way brighter, not deadly. Woudl go there again. Only the knights were there to protect its knowledge. But this? This is, I think, a torture chamber. Oh god.
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Transcript of the ninth page: This...pit has some liquid in it. It's steaming hot and I don't know what use it is. I can only imagine it was to torture people- there's an opening at the top. Imagine the dread someone had when they were inside this thing...the lever next to it was turned downwards, I think I could adjust the height of this cage. I'm no way trying it, I don't want to touch anything in here, it reeks of death. Yet I wonder, the shaft int here- is this for someone or something? Or maybe it's just fresh air so the victim would suffer more. Oh shit I need to stop thinking about this.
Yeah I puked and am moving in a way around the torture devices to not look at them. What in god's name was happening here? Eckhardt is insane and needs to be stopped. At any cost.
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Transcript of the tenth page: So eh, this is a furncance. I hope it was just used for some good old alchemy, melthing stuff together and trying to create gold. It seems to be connected to the ventilation system, ti's quite silent for that. The flame was still burning, like in the library, it has to to be magiv somehow, yet I'm not sure what is in there. I think I coudl see some bones in there? Might be animal ones. And in one corner there was a shimmering silver, like quicksilver. Probabyl melted. The tools for using the oven were on another small table.
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Transcript of the eleventh page: This was the weirdest part of the room. In the middle back was a device that was holding a vial with a liquid in it. I looked around, this liquid is a mixture, the receipt is on a table in the corner. There's also a ladder leading up, but I can't reach it. Maybe I can shove the table below? there's a door leading to I don't know where, and that's all I have. Maybe the few books in here contain more information? I'll try to take photos, I'd rather rip the pages out honestly. No one needs to know about ways to hurt people. Pure insanity.
I sat down in a corner and am goign through books. I am watching the door, but it seems I am all alone for now. Did I mention I'll take a vacation in case I survive this?
I hope so much Lara Croft and Kurtis Trent have found Eckhardt and put an end to him. I cannot do anything, I can't fight, I can't do magic and I am not athletic. I might carry something with me to use as a weapon in case...I need it. I hope I won't.
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Guess what happened! You'll never guess. Ever.
I wished for one thing during my trip really, really hard and so hard it became a canon event. The only thing I didn't get was a warm chamber- the fire place exists, but is not lit. The company I wished for, you asked? Well, since it is not hostile, but DEAD, I guess that also counts as granted.
Call me nothing but a lucky bastard.
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Transcript of the first and second page: I don't know how I ended up here, I just wished upon something, but this is where the pool and the rooms afterwards lead to. It's a moist, dusty and abandoned libarary and there are statues of knights all over the place. The flags of the LV are red with a yellow LV-logo on them, I have never seen this combination before. Some book shelves had axes and swords on top of them, draped on the wall.The shelves were covered in cobwebs, dust and felt like they hadn't been moved in forever, in centuries for sure. The books in there are barely movable.
The knights that wore just armor had spears and a coat on top of the upper armor. Obviously it's the LV armor they used in their meetings and secret order doings. Dusty but not rusty, you know. On the floor were two mummier, I swear I jerked when I saw them. They were in front of the stairs leading to a statue next to a cracked wall. They looked as if they were in a deep slumber- and had redently been awaken. They also wore Lux Veritatis prints on their armors and both were male. The order might really have been males only which inherit to their sons.
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: I think this was the fire place? It has statues of two lions on top. It might be a reference to the Golden Lion on Eckhardt's diary pages. But he isn't a member of the Lux veritatis, maybe he just used this room as sort of a message? As a payback perhaps? He conquered the LV even in their libraries, yet they still exist to this day and fight him. He intruded into their chamber of knowledge, all their secrets and magic rituals. Too bad I cannot open a book, they are sticking so close together and if I manage to open it, I'm unable to understand the language. Someone please translate that if they can read an angelic alphabet...?
I wonder if Vasiley has ever been here. I know he has ties to the Lux Veritatis, yet I'm not sure if he's a blood-related member, an ex-member, just someone appropriating the order...? What if he really was a member of them. That would explain his death- such bloody and cruel murder is personal. It suits the Montrum killings, which had ties to Carvier, to von Croy, to the Obscura Paintings, to Lara Croft and Kurtis Trent. If Eckhardt really tried to wipe out the order, his enemy for the last 500 years, os he even done yet? Kurtis is alive, last time I checked, as far as I could...check.
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page: On the right side of the room was a table with a skeleton and a book, with a lit(!) candle: 1. someone died here and has been here for a while now. I guess he's an LV 2. That's the page Vasiley has a replicate of in his house! He has to be connected to the LV, no way this is not the case. 3. There's a castle at the top of the page. Is this a nephilim in the middle? I took photos to examine the pages better.
Here's a list of books on the shelves:
too many Latin books I cannot read
BUT I have some information on the two open book pages on the table. Seeing the picture with the Periapt Shards up close will be a lot more useful than a bad scan
I get this is an LV hideout, but Eckhardt is an alchemist. Would he just stay here and read stuff or wouldn't he have his own laboratory? At least that's what I would do. I'll search around a bit more, my company is dead and dead people don't move
I found something! There's a whole lot about the Black Alchemist's weapons! And I know it has to be Eckhardt. They know about him, too!
He exists, they exist, I'm on a ride!
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Transcript of the eighth page: Here it is, finally, I got my hands on this book and could take a photo up close. Carvier would be jealous- it's such a pity what happened to her. I need to be looking forward. So: these knives were indead the Periapt Shards, I can distinguish the lion heads. The dude in the middle is not a dude, it has to be a lion. Which dies if it is stabed by the shards, hence the deflating expression. The quote below is the one Eckhardt used in his diary- the Golden Lion, bla bla, taking over the world, you get it. The symbols in the corners are weird and I can only assume what it is. A sleeping winged dog, a crow, a man holding two snakes and a winged beast with a human (?). The LV-logo above obviously triumphs over the evil lion, which has to be Eckhardt. Maybe even including his following, I've collected photos of theses people. Seems like their rivalry has been going on for forever until someone- the last Lux Veritatis or the last Nephilim/Eckhardt dies.
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Transcript of the tenth page: Castle Bouzor, here we go again! That's the castle I had been looking into, the one I had contacted. This thing in the middle has elongated arms and legs, I think that's supposed to be a nephilim. Especially with the figure in the right lower corner, I think that's a human being in its regular size as a comparison. Maybe the nephilim isn't crucified, but rather sinking...down? Down to earth? The texts about nephili taking over the world weren't particularly kind and low on violence. The text in the lower corner is another written in an angelic alphabet, something I haven't learned yet and I assume I never will unless I decide to make a pact with them. I doubt I ever will do that...I think the pages were to be read left-right. So on the left side we see what humanity will be threatened by if nothing happens, and the right page shows how to avoid doomsday- the Shards that kill evil. They're parts of a talisman, I wonder what happens if you put them together?
I still have some books to go through and pictures to take photos of and hoping my film will not run out, otherwise I'd have to start drawing whatever I see.
I have noticed however that there is no real way out of here. The way I came from is open and I guess I won't die out of thirst, but other than that I haven't seen a door. Maybe there's a secret switch or something? I have something to do after taking all these notes. Maybe I'll wish for something again, or...maybe I shouldn't try my luck.
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I got some additional information on the "Proto Nephilim" I could fill a whole book about it and people would still call it made up. Listen: I don't know if is is made up, and just used as a threat to the people here, and as a token to explain Eckhardt's evilness and whatnot, but I want to take notes throughout my journey. And maybe figure out if this was a fever dream afterwards.
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Transcript of the first and second page: The name of this thing comes from "protos" meaning "first" and "nephilim", refering to Nephilim, the descendants of humans and angels. I took some photos from the file cabinets and soem descriptions, too. I don't know how much fanfiction this is, but apparently they really did experiments on random people. If I'm able to reverse image search the first drawing correctly, it is the skull of an ape, but the teeth are so long they resemble carnivorous fangs. A chimera perhaps? Sadly, I cannot read the text written next to it. So, according to some notes I can decipher or pretend I can the left is a human skeleton and the right is the Proto- it looks ape-ish? The drawn foot on the left is clearly a human's, the right has fingers and a thumb liek a primate. The fingers are way too elongated for a normal ape and it's not human either. The notes in a file talk about the left being a homo sapiens and the right a homo nephili, according to the man in the cell he carried the remains of the Proto "in his truck". Was this some way to resurrect it? Breeding it with a closely related species?
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: Here's a sketc of ...bones, and I hope only bones. Not sure of they found these arranged already or tried to mix and match them, but this is what came out. My paranoia asks me whether they have kept this thing inside the cage dangling above an abyss? This skeleton was supposedly inside a truck (the inmate one's) and was carried all the way from Cappadocia, Turkey, to the Czech Republic. They probably found the remains closely together (as scribbled in the left corner) so they could put it back together, correct or not. Skeletons usually don't have flesh, otherwise they'd be mummies, thus there is no DNA. I can only speculate:
1. Remains of the Proto are found and carried to Prague. 2. They actually have DNA, thus flesh, this either a bit of cells or a whole fucking corpse 3. They succeed in breeding the Proto, the first Nephilim-thing, on the left 4. ??? 5. They capture random men, inject them with Nephilim-DNA, and hope to not create maniacs, but actual Nephilim descendants.
Yeah sounds like straight out of a science fiction novel.
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Transcript of the fifth page: Okay, I can only assume the thing this man (Kurtis probably) was asking the truck driver was about the Proto, which escaped (remember the woman saying she didn't kill the experiment?) and it was only to be killed with a Periapt Shard. Which Kurtis should own which makes him capable of killing this thing.
THEORY: Shards are inherited from father to son. The dude MUST be a member of the Lux vertatis. Thus: is really likely to be Kurtis Trent. And if it's him having the shard or shards, hunting down a thing, it surely needs to have ties to Eckhardt that Kurtis HAS to know about. But does Miss Croft?
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Transcript of the sixth page: I kept on walking, through doors and compelexes. Currently, I am not too sure where I am now, but I found an elevator. The electricity is back on, so I think I'll give it a shot. Where am I even going now? Okay, I know less than before. The doors are all metal and open sideways, it feels like I'm in a new place. A whole new wooorld! Jokes aside. I think I can hear water now. My ID card works, thankfully, but I want to get back to the surface again, to be honest. I went down three floors and there's some panels in here which says stuff like "security levels one and two" and "feeding program". I'm heading further out, the security cameras are showing something like a pond?
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Transcript of the seventh and eighth page: There is a giant fucking fish with teeth in the pond what. the fuck I swear I pinched myselfa bout ten times. The security camera has footage of a giant golden fish, the pool is filled with a red something. I think I can see chunks of meat swimming in there? Is this the feeding program? Yeah I'm not going in there. Can this thing jump? I'm better off watching the cameras all day and look through the desks and cupboards here. Does this thing even sleep? What on earth is this?? You see the eyes of this thing?? And the teeth? Oh god. I'm trying to talk myself down. I'll read some on the things here. Rationalize. I cannot stop here, I'm not done yet.
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Transcript of the ninth and tenth page: Yeah I just descided to not look at the cameras anymore but search this place. These files here were in a folder in a cupboard. I think this is this big fish-dinosaur-hopefully not another Nephilim-thing. It looks like it has four horns, or two horns and two gigantic fangs. It has rows of teeth, which remind me of sharks. It could be some ancient thing, the files were labelled "leviathan". I know it's a biblical thing, and since we'ret alking about reviving the Nephilim race, why not revive Leviathan also? I wish I could read what's written here. It shows again a skeleton and some measurements of this thing.
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Transcript of the eleventh page: So, about the Leviathan: the name is Hebrew and means "the twisting". It looks like a crocodile, a dragon, a snake and a whale. It's supposed to eat sinners on doomsday. God made Leviathan to play after being busy with writing the Tora and judgeing the world. its history is told in the Jewish Kabbalah (=mysticism) where Jonah is being swallowed by her. Christianity turned her into the embodiment of ecil, Satanism uses the name "Leviathan" in its sigil.
UPDATE: I'm ready to pass the pool. The thing is busy with food until now. I'll try to get to one of the open doors since there has to be a way out!
For now, I wish for a few things...let me wish. Let me make a wish. I wish for a warm chamber, with a palce to sit and rest, maybe a crackling fire, some books, maybe some friendly company. I made a wish, and now I hope one door will lead me somewhere...cozy.
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All I can tell you about the next rooms I've been in is that I'm glad someone, probably Trent, was here before me. He could have cleaned up if you ask me, I haven't eaten enough to throw up, I just rush through the rooms and almost run in hopes of finding a safer place. Everything here is dead, sliced up, shot, or mutilated. I found a first aid box and took some painkilers and gauze bandage in case I accidentally hurt myself on anything here, literally no space in here that looks comforting and safe.
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Transcript of the first page: This gummy cell had a dead guy inside, lying in his own blood. He had a number on his back- there were so many people down here, I wonder how no one started missing them? Or was someone looking for their friend, their relative? They had corpses in the morgue, laying on a metal table. It was freezing in there and creepy as fuck. The blood was dried and I didn't dare stepping in further.
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Transcript of the second page: Further on I found dead inmate and a soldier(?). Someone want amok in here. Or did someone start an outbreak and thus the police or a private security group was involved? There was also a room with tubes similar to the ones I've seen before. But the things swimming in there were men(?) and I think there were horns(?) on him...ist this one of the nephilim I heard being talked about? Are these poor inamtes stripped of their souls and used as bodies for the nephilim? I wish I knew. Or. Think of it. I'm glad I don't.
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Transcript of the third page: I came even deeper into the complex, downstairs, and I found this. I'm not sure what it is, it is hanging above a pit I couldn't look into. It's so deep into the ground I can't believe it's part of the sanitarium in the first place. When I went up a ladder, I saw this open door- I think due to the electricity that someone cut someone or something escaped. Let's hope it's not the Proto? What else could they have been keeping down here?
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Transcript of the fourth page: My fake Strahov-pass got me into the files on the pc I found in a lab. I had to shove...the scientist a bit to the left. They talk about inmate number 42 and his medical record. They put him through so much, but why? There are mentions of "Proto cells", if this is the angel of death the inmate talked about? The horns I saw on the bodies of the bodies in the tubes were non-human. Not completely. If this really is the "Proto Nephilim" I pverhearf on the conversation, what would they do with its cells? I have an assumption, but I need more research. I think they want to revive the Nephilim with human beings...yeah what the hell.
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Transcript of the fifth, sixth, and seventh page: Here's some papers I got for inmate number 42. I printed these out to take them with me. Does anyone know what is going on here? The man is named Hassan Ahmed Emin, and the doctor writing this is Melinda Everst. He speaks Turkish and needed a translator here. He reports restlessness, stress due to driving at night, fear of darkness, and feelings of loneliness. He has two allergies and then they list hsi current medications. They talk about giving him Proto cells, metallurgy on his hed, a lobotomy, Christ all this is so insane. So Eckhardt's fanclub is taking reandom people no one's missing and trying to revive the Nephilim so he can finally stay immortal? He is a rather skinny man and lost his weight in here. His history also includes seizures and neuropathy; lots of bone problems, and mental illnesses. His reports on his quality of life are high, but his emotional and physical well being is low.
I am continueing my walk through this mess and it's getting colder. I hope I'll come across a living non-hostile person soon, the loneliness is really creeping into me. There's another lab I can go in, but right now I'm resting again, hiding in a cell with a shelf I shoved in front. I really need this- this institute to have an end, I need some sunrays and, at some point, my old life back.
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I stayed a while out of the pool, alive, after realizing it was water, and took deep breaths. So uhm- now I really cannot back. If I hit a dead end, that's it. My phone has no signal, and no one but you know I am here. I'm just taking notes in my fancy journal and hope to make it out in one piece.
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Transcript of the first and second page: I went on and I swear the security pass back from Bouchard, remember? Yeah that were the best 50 euros I have ever spend. I went through any door and could pass any pool of which were a lot there, and passed a room with a gigantic root or tree. It covered the door once I think, pieces of branches were at the door. There were pumps with green liquid like back in the other room, could be the same fluid? Anyway, I also found some letters with signs of a mixture on it- better leave it alone, the tree seems to ha
Someone is here! People are talking and I need to hide, shit.
All I could recover from the conversation between three guys and a woman were "there is chaos", "blame it on Muller", "The power is off", "the sanitarium has a problem" and "I didn't destroy the Nephilim Proto". What the actual fuck? What is a Proto? Why is it here? And why was it supposed to be destroyed?
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: When they finished their conversation I waited for a while and then kept moving. I am currently on a platform leading to a lift. The lift itself is in themiddle of the rooma nd circular. Maybe this place is build the same in more than one location, or I seriously am on lower ground at the same lift from before leading to the sanitarium. But how do I get down? I'm not really capable of climbing, and fond of dropping 8 metres down to the other platform. UPDATE: I think someone switches the electricity back on! There was some rattling and noises and I think a door opened. The lights in the elevator are on, I can have a try?
The elevator works? It works! It went down about seven or eight floors and found an entrance to the sanitarium, according to the signs. There's a bureau on my left and then the cells(?) start. I don't hear anything, so I'll try to get a look inside. There was a table with a note on it: "Inmates to take care of": - cell 21 doesn't answer to electro stimulative therapy - cell 24 started eating pieces of his blanket - cell 33 only babbling all day - cell 34 (the same) - cell 35 refuses food - cell 40 sees the future and plans on ending himself - cell 42 talks all day about the angel of death - cell 45 only babbling all day - cell 49 started hiding under his bed to avoid the eyes(?) Update inmates 1-2 and 56-60.
They have some security cameras that show the cells, all are empty but two. Cell 24 and cell 42 are still locked, yet the inmates are in. I'll try to get to talk to them, I can watch them for a while.
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Transcript of the fifth page: Cell 24 This...was not a guy anymore, what on earth are they doing in here? The cell was locked, but I could get a look inside. Also, I was able to hear things: scratching, something like angry hissing, grunts. I can't say an animal produced this, but only one person is in the cell. It was horrible. He was wearing a straight jacket and belts around his ankles. The suit was bright orange and he couldn't use his hands. Someone locked him up here. He has nails and wires on his head, I swear I am not making this up. His eyes were sunken so deeply he almost looked like a corpse. The words he said made no sense, there were pieces of English and Arabic in there, yet I couldn't talk to him. I tossed him some food through the window and I don't know what else to do. I feel terrible. What are they doing to those guys?
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Transcript of the sixth page: Cell 42 This guy talks!! He had locked himself in advise by another man who came here (so, Lara Croft couldn't have done that. Rather, Kurtis Trent!). He was slightly more "normal" looking, just bruised. He hastily talked about the Proto having been released and a man would come to kill it; he is a Turkish driver and brought the Proto in tons of stone to the Czech Republic. He is wondering how the man is doing; since I am alive either Proto is dead (I hope so) or I am too lucky. He advised me to stay out of the lab, the Proto likes meat. I asked him what he meant. He claimed they were feeding the Proto with "failed experiments", but he was safe. He was so untasty the Proto spat his hands out. Yeah I feel sick to the core and went on. Sadly there is no map of this place, I can only try tofind anything but the laboratory.
Could the "Proto" be the Nephilim Proto? This human eating thing is a revived half angel and they were breeding it here? What..on earth.
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Transcript of the seventh page: I made photos through my way in the sanitarium. I really felt sick and just want to never get back to this place. I am physically exhausted but I can't rest here. The only good thing is: I found notes on the "Proto" and the experiments on the tables there. I got the papers with me and left the place. Here's a photo of the first room: not sure what they were doing in here, theses boxes are apparently electronic devices. The papers I gathered mentioned electrotherapy and even lobotomy. Things they used in the 50ties.
I'm currently in a cell myself and shoved a bed in front of the locked door. I need to take a breath.
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So, it happens that I am correct. Like, after my third cereal bar I realized I'm all alone in here and need to get going. I'd love some water to refill my bottle, and splash my face in case some new alien thing pops up. It got better though. Plants I heard, plants it is!
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Transcript of the first and second page: I entered the Biodome. Or at least part of it, since this is a kind of lobby to it. I took photos with my instant camera to capture the richness of the colors I saw. The view into this room was simply astonishing, like a secret hideout of nature. There were butterflies and other insects everywhere! The freshwater fountain in the middle had three gargoyle heads, one of which was pushed down. I suspect there has been someone here before me. There was also a moved wallbehind the stairs I came through, and the gargoyle head could have been a lever of some sort.
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: This cross shaped fucker almost killed me! I got a scratch from it trying to snack me. Stay away! I promise this thing is sentient that blood is pumping through my veins. Cheesus, what a heartattack. Then I came across this plant and hurried up. It was breathing something greenish out, I left the place hurriedly afterwards. It smelled aweful too, I hope I won't get any side effects from this. How do I explain this to a real doctor on the surface?
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page: That was the only thing not trying to eat or hurt me, I think. It was an orchid my size, the most normal thing in here. It scented beautifully, yet I'm not sure how it related to the other plants besides it being enormous. These brown pods were stinking so much I took a photo a few metres away. Again, everything in there is either deadly or looked so suspicious I stayed away or literally snapped me so I left the room after gazing at the plants. Enough vegetables for now.
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Transcript of the eighth and nineth page: The jokes write themselves! This is not enough vegetables, at least I don't know it these things are...plants or not. The next room as seen from the stairs are filled with glass vials in a row with animals/plants/whatever in there. Not all were filled though, but something was in the ones...that were broken. I kid you not. I got a few steps closer and these things look like insects or something? I want to note that nothing moved in there, they were just swimming in a liquid or jelly, I'm not sure.
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Transcript of the tenth and eleventh page: When I got even closer these things looked like shrimps? Yeah I'm just thankful they stayed in their pods and didn't break out like SOME POD DID. All of the vials were either filled with green liquid or only the glass was green, but thinkng about it I don't care too much. I'm leaving.
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Transcript of the twelfth page: Here's the one open pod and my problem. So, what the fuck was in here? Where is it? And where does this lead to? As if I'm going to find that out. NOPE. Yeah, no.
I'm having enough of this crap, I'll continue cursing. Where's the door outside?
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Transcript of the thirteenth page:
Here comes my problem. Number two. There is no door outside.
Yeah I am angry and aggressive and I don't know what to do or how to proceed. The door I came through is a dead end. There is not a single open door here, the electricity is still down, and I'm never ever going down the tun in which something- or someone- was in already. What do I do now?
How desperate am I?
Can't go back. I need answers. And to move on.
There's water down the glass pods and that's all I see.
If this is acid, I'll die.
In conclusion: a lot. I'm in lots of desperation.
I threw some of my sandwhich in there. It just floated and swam up and stayed the same even after ten minutes, just dissolved into flakes a bit. Acid would have corroded it, right? So I think I'm completely idiotic, but I'll put this book in my sandwhich's water proof ziploc and- swim.
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So, it's eh- complicated.
Trust me, shit's not on fire, but I have more contact to Luddick than I ever wanted, I found the Strahov and I know how to get there. I'm still not sold on blackmailing the reporter since he got caught in this...unfortunate mess on accident, but I have no choice. And I will surely not get back to Paris without solving this mystery. I am locked in my hotel room and shoved the cupboard in front of the door and shut the blinds. Hello paranoia!
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Transcript of the first and second page: I contacted Luddick and it went as expected, he's furious over my threat and I really did not intend to upset him this way. But do I have a choice? He said he would call me, I will wait until he does so. He did, and fed me information that can be considered secret shit again.
What I gathered in the call: - Vasiley had ties to the Madia and owned something they wanted. They "set the Montrum on him" - The corpse was not to be found since said mafia cleaned all uo and the evidence is mostly gone - (in the middle of his gibberish I suggested to myself to look for the woman who talked to him for infromation) - He knows who Bouchard is, mot much detail, and is oblivious to his death - aaand I should never call him again and the Strahov won't let me in anyway.
What I gathered is not much, but it raises -of course- even more questions. New information is that if the Monstrum was set on Vasiley it was an assassination, and I think I know now the Monstrum is related to Eckhardt for sure, and the woman he talked to has to be Lara Croft, who he probably got into the Strahov. New questions that have risen are how to get into the Strahov without raising suspicion and if the mafia-plot is a cover up for The Agency or are they the same or related? That would tie all to Eckhardt. There's supposedly a Sanitarium in or close to the Strahov, is that my way in? And, Boaz might have had her own place to work at, but did her coworker Grant Muller, too? Is there a botanical research facility?
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Transcript of the third page:
Hahaha, you won't beleive it, even if I teleported you to see for yourself. The oldest Sanitarium in Prague is located UNDER the STRAHOV. I don't think that's a coincidence. So there's of course not much to fing on the whole building, who operated it or what the institution behind it was; all I got is this:
it's not even 23 years old, yet was abandoned and it not used anymore
it was built by an unknown party, yet financed by the Argentinian government (Boaz!)
it used to be a place to stay, including a cafeteria, rooms for entertainment, a medical facility and a research area
there were not only Czech people there
it has 8 floors, all being cellars and the eighth is the lowest, where the people lived
there's even a pool for swimming classes
and after an incident it was shut down and never oficially used again.
So it's...a lost place, right?
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Transcript of the fourth, fifth and sixth page:
There used to be several parts of the institute that were used accordingly. The overview is as follows:
Dining Room; used as a cafeteria. All patients were to gather and eat together. The food was usually something easy to process and handed by the staff. The tables were for groups only, so no one would be left out. Laboratory; Filled with a lot of paperwork and shelves with information. The patients which required therapy in person were talked to and the notes were analyzed for better treatment. The files were printed (back then that was cool) and categorized. Also, the individual prescription of any of each person was noted among the process of their recovery. Testing Room; A room to evaluate a patient's condition and character. There was a lie detector to not allow contradictory information on the patient's condition, as a huge amount of information on their health is gathered as today via person-to-person evalation. Acupuncture Room; A place to relax and get some Chinese acupuncture. In a lot of medical conditions it is known to bring relief without actual pharmaceutical drugs. The patient would lie on a bed or semi-bed and relax, then one would select the place according to the pain on the body and get punctured by needles. Sometimes the relief came immediately, sometimes one had to redo the treatment every so often. Acupuncture is known to be relatively gentle to the body and psyche. Morgue; When people lived int he Sanitarium and died due to age, rarely due to illness, they were kept int he morgue after death. It's basically a lot of fridges on the wall where bodies are kept fresh until a pathologist would check on the cause of death. Later an undertaler would be called to pick up the dead and contact the family to schedule the burial.
So far, so normal. Not sure if all of the 8 floors contain the same rooms or if they have more specializted floors that have all of the basic rooms. There used to be a visitor's entry which is now closed, you can only enter if you pass the Strahov. Great. I have to find another way...what if there os another way in? I need to check if Muller has his own facility, liek Boaz apparently did. They surely wouldn't use the same place. Could this have been hers?
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Transcript of the seventh and eighth page:
I have tried to get in touch with Luddick again, but he doesn't answer. He has yet to update his socials and there is no new article or post by him. It's been a day and a talkative guy like him would not just disappear. He'd love to yell at me at the phone. Where the hell is he? I have aquired an ID for the medical center (which is being sold at the black market for urban exlorers) which should open me ways in, shouldn't it? I sketched a map of the center and my plan to get in, in case the doors are still to be used. If not, I might have to use force, or...something.
My path so far: I'll try to get in and update my way.
UPDATE 1: I just had to cross some loosely made barricades. The doors to the reception room were open. UPDATE 2: My security card worked! It's such a silly thing to say, but it opened. I'm pretty sure this is part of the urban exploring. I'm heading downstairs and there's dust and spiders everywhere. They surely made this look cool. UPDATE 3: I could use the lift, and I prayed to five different deities since this place is running on stolen electricity from somwhere. There was a door labled "The Biodome", I'm still contemplating whether or not to use the lift further down. I stopped since it started making weird noises. UPDATE 4: The electricity is down! I have no idea if that was my mistake. Thank god I haven't t puched the lift again, but I also cannot go back now. I mean...this place is being explored usually, so someone will find me, even if I cannot use the lift now. But maybe the Biodome is the place I'm looking for?
I can hear nothing specifically, it feels like the room after the door is enormously large. Sometimes I think leaves are rustling? I'm contemplating moving further in, or starting to panic and scream my lungs out. But if the Strahov is near I might as well be shot on sight.
Yeah, I'm eating a cereal bar and considering my options. I wish I had someone to talk to. It's getting lonely here.
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I can tell you're impressed I'm still writing even though I mentioned I'll go to a dead man's place and rob him of knowledge and any funny Obscura Painting he might have. I got more information on three people from the dossiers and can add them to my stash of "what on earth are they doing"-possibly-fanclub-of-Eckhardt.
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Transcript of the first and second page: Kristina Boaz: - born 1959 in Argentinia, is Argentinian - has had a plane crash which was in Argentinian news where she is popular doctor, and barely survived; has scars from that - made some experiments in the Sanitarium which is somewhere in Prague, presumably at a university - worked a while with Grant Muller
Marten Gunderson: - Amsterdam in the Netherlands has a search warrant on his name - his company logo is a lion head with a snake (I think) - has to know Kurtis Trent if my theory is correct
Joachim Karel: - name is German, but he has officially no ties to Germany - there are no photos of him without gloves for some reason?
Bouchard is more involved in this han I initially assumed. Out of my hotel room, I saw a truck with this emblem that looks a but like Gunderson's, doesn't it? Also, this truck could drive somewhere here. I should ask Luddick of he wants to trail it, maybe I can convince him.
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: Here's the fun part, I broke into Vasiley's place. As expected, I was not the first- police tape was torn. The police, sure, Vasiley's body, sure, and someone else, not long ago. Several doors were open when they shouldn't have been. I took photos since what I found there os unbelievable. I went downstairs. In the front of his gallery is a fountain, his place is a gigantic house with glass windows and golden ornaments. There was police tape all round it, but as I said, it was torn in the backyard.
To my left was a piece of fucking wall on the floor as of someone blew this shit up that leads to the Prague sewers. Further into the cellar where Vasiley kept his belongings like tables, drawers and paintings I found Bouchard, no fucking joke, on the floor. In front of a closet, dead as you can be. He had to die after the police came here, which means either Lara or Kurtis or an unknown third party murdered him. I'm lucky there's no one else there. I threw up.
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Transcript of the fifth page: Vasiley's walls are covered in marble and art and expensive mosaics, and someone has opened the clock behind his desk. There are stairs in the middle of the room leading further down, it looks like a secret mechanism to me. The seats were framed with pearls and the carpet is oriental-looking that I could pay several rents with. It's clean, everything in here is, besides,... you know.
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Transcript of the sixth page: There was no other body there and the stairs leading down were nowhere near brittle- it looks like they were rarely used. I think they were hidden unless you pulled a trigger or switch. Downstairs is another office, a fax on the floor, a safe that was emptied (could there have been a painting in there, since it was really small?). Not sure what Vasiley would keep there if not the most prescious thing he owns.
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Transcript of the seventh page: The greatest finds in my opinion were two(!) artifacts by the Lux Veritatis. They existed. The one on this page displays a sword that belonged to a knight. The small wooden board in front of it has three daggers on it and a description, so yes, these are the three Periapt Shards, weapons of light, made of crystalline material whose handes were lion heads. There were used to fight against evil forces and inherited from parents to their children. I'm not sure how Vasiley came in possession of these artifacts, and I have a tinfoil I'm afraid to admit to myself even if all of this already reads like scifi. So. What if Vasiley is or was also part of the LV? What happens then?
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Transcript of the eighth page: The second display is a page of a book Fayolah or Margot have sent me. It has a description, too: the Golden Lion was to be slayed witht he shards, so all evil might perish out of it. The LV logo above is the one Vasiley has attached as his email background. There is no doubt he is- was- connected to all this mess, somehow. He might have known more, or too much, or could have revealed information to Miss croft, and his death is convenient. And death is in my way, again.
If I were to contact Lara, or Kurtis...well, how do I do that? I'm stuck.
If I were to contect Luddick- and threaten to publish his dossiers first, will he get me into the Strahov, wherever the fuck that is? He has to.
I will pressure Luddick to get me into the Strahov.
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So, here's the five dossiers I have. Sadly, they're as good as you imagined- absolute rock-bottom journalism. I barely got any new information and I doubt Miss Croft (if she got the "dossiers") would be impressed by this. Maybe that's the saddest "research" I have ever come across. If you need to hire a journalist you better skip on Luddick.
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Transcript of the first, second and third page:
Our biggest surprize today was guess whom? Fucking Bouchard! He had business with either Eckhardt or Vasiley, what were the chances? He came all the from from Paris to Prague, I don't know why, but apparently I could contact him in some way. The number I have and the password I got might reveal themselves useful. I'd prefer to only talk to Bouchard about Vasiley and not his business, I like to like to solve this mystery. Also, have you noticed Luddick hasn't even found out his first name?
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Transcript of the fourth page:
The next dossier is on Eckhardt, which is a joke since it's one paper. His first name is supposedly Pietri, which sound Slavic but it's unconfirmed anyway. He's based in Prague, is head of the Mafia in Prague (which would tie the killings to non-supernatural reasons) and shoudl be about 60, which is like 500 years less than of he was the Eckhardt from the Middle Ages. Which, given all the information I have connected so far makes less sense than my theories. I never thought I'd say it, but it is more likely this Eckhardt is the medieval one.
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Transcript of the fifth page:
This is her! This is the woman on the Icon of Passionforresearchion, if it's her actual name, she is Kristina Boaz. Perhaps someone used her name and photo or perhaps it is her...anyway, it is a familiar name. Now she has a name and also an occupation, apparently she's the director if the Strahov Psychiatric Institute, where I need to go. She also specialized in regeneration of tissue and cryogenic states which makes me think she surely knows our Christian friend, Grant Mueller?
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Transcript of the sixth page:
So this guy, Joachim Karel, is a new face. All that's on him is that he's also part of the Mafia, he is based in Paris (which makes me think he has ties to Bouchard/Vasiley/Eckhardt) and it's unsure where his origin is. He seems almost as mysterious as Eckhardt, I'll try to look into him.
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Transcript of the seventh page:
Again, who the fuck is that now? Again, Mafia, again, perhaps working with Eckhardt and being in his fanclub, he's based in Amsterdam aaaaand owns The Agency. Which is, as far as the internet goes, a private mercenary group. Wanna bet they are also involved in some way in the murders?
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Transcript of the eighth page:
Quick theory: The Agency is a security service and a mercenary group as well, they have bouncers, apparently hitmen and work for military and police work. Kurtis Heissturm Trent has Lux Veritatis blood, he also has or had a dispute with Eckhardt who wants to get rid of the LV and vice versa. Marten Gunderson runs The Agency, which have their main bureau in Munich, Germany.
What if: Trent's father was murdered by Eckhardt/Agency/Gunderson which is not one person but just antagonists to him; thus, Kurtis seeks revenge and tracks these guys down, which- makes him be here, actively working on gunning them down. So if I'm correct, Kurtis and Lara are working on the same thing, and I'm following them. Yeah, the trail of death should be correct and i'm on the right way.
I'll look up the names in hopes to find more on them, and walk around Vasiley's gallery in case I can slip in. It's closed off but I hope Prague police has better things to do and I can check his place out. If Lara Croft was here, she probably already entered his place, which makes it easier for me if she hasn't left a...surprise for me.
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Okay so, a lot happened, I need to type faster and fill in my notepad quicker but I only have two hands. Short recap: weird Christian plant guy, I did some 6th grade chemistry on metals, and Luddick is an idiot. And I hope he'll never find this blog. Let me start with this: I am in Prague and found myself a room. I'm sorry not to be able to update as frequently, but there's so much stuff happening who can keep up with that...?
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Transcript of the first and second page:
He's an ecert of Mueller's website. His newsletter is the funniest thing ever: "spread the work of the lord with science" and "how not to stay doomed" and "hello I made this website in the 1990s".
About the content, my notes are as follows:
He talks about his work being the one for the Lord and his "Master", which is, when you read further, a person we already know.
Talking about Eve and how she doomed the planet, he looks down on "mortals" and thus thinks he is immortal and claims these people dug their own graves.
He's fond of throwing people onto a stake it it gets him to his Christian world any closer. Apparently he's lost it.
There we are, the Golden Lion! That's Eckhardt, who has been around " a long, long time". He works with him to achieve at least immortality to break Eve's "spell".
Uhm yeah apparently cliamte crisis is his own work since he is just so, so good. He's batshit narcissist and I'm glad not to have met him.
Mueller is in Eckhardt work- and also fanclub and if everyone in there is just slightly like him, Lord have mercy on me. And Lara Croft. And perhaps Kurtis Trent if he's alive and after them, too.
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Transcript of the third and fourth page:
The main thing here is that I re-read my notes again, on Eckhardt's Sanglyph, the metals he is harvesting, and the ones he had hidden in the paintings. Something was weird about the metals and I wasn't sure why. Then I read about cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc and gallium- the names of the metals today. They are close in the periodic table, and since the alchemist needs a lot of them in a purified form, they are hard to get by for a normal person. What I conclude is the following: he wants to use cheap copper to do alchemist chemistry and turn them into other elements, something we normal people can only do with bombing atomic cores. If he manages to do that his way to using the Sanglyph and becoming the Golden Lion is way easier.
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Transcript of the fifth and sixth page:
So, my internet friend "PassionforResearchion" calls herself a scientist and has a passion for biology, plastic and medical surgery. She also loves genetic mutations, especially working with animals that can regenerate- I'll spare you the photos of her work. She seems to work well with Muller, though- she uploaded a picture of someone looking a bit like da Vinci's man, but in her notes she claimed this was "the Master". Who, if she means the same one as Muller, has to be Eckhardt. The figure looks like it has enhancements on its body and a chest plate with a glove(?) and something within its heart. Did she do this to him?
I'll annoy Luddick to talk to me again, and can maybe use my contacts. Or my fake ones. I need the dossiers if they're worth anything ang get a visiting pass to the Strahov, I think they're doing more than just research on Nephilim and plants.
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Transcript of the seventh and eighth page:
I found Vasiley's art gallery, I found it through the mails of Carvier and von Croy. When asked about Vasiley, they wonderef how I couldn't have possibly heard of his death. After some talk they handed me a newspaper with an article that I took a photo of:
he died in his private rooms (house?)
the Russian mafia is supposed to be involved (not the Czech)
they were after the paintings
someone at the newspaper suggested the Montrum from Paris came here to murder him (he had ties to Werner and Cervier)
the Police keeps quiet.
I need to find his adress and check his place out.
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Transcript of the ninth page:
Ha, you will never guess whom I saw outside my hotel window! Just now! This guy. Fucking Luddick himself with an old red car and papers on the roof. He left for a smoke, I assume...yeah I totally didn't steal them. I did not. But I took snaps of the dossier of whatever I found important and left for my hotel room. The luck is with the idiots, and I am one of them.
I'm examining the dossiers right now. I have five photos on people and want to gather information on them as much as I can. Stay tuned, for I will try to get into Vasiley's place if I'm able to. Another crime scene to check out, can't wait to have my background check at some point!
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Apparently I'm rolling and my plan works just fine. I live, and Luddick decided to get back to me! He wants to call me (which I don't really like) and claims it is safer than communicating via mail.
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Transcript of the first and second page: Luddick has high hopes considering connection on a train, and in case this works I wil provide him with information on Vasiley's murder and Eckhardt. Maybe I don't have to tell him all. Here's my list of questions so I don't talk gibberish:
What do you know about Eckhardt and his past doings?
Why do you think he is involved in Vasiley's death?
Are you aware of a person named "Heissturm"?
Do you know about the murder spree that had been going on in Paris?
Was Vasiley involved with artifacts called the Obscura Paintings?
Speaking of the devil, he wanted to speak to me within an hour. I did my best to be all alone and ended up in the restroom...anyway. He answered, I wrote everything down on two seperate pieces of paper to be more secretive and improvise professionality. So, here are his answers:
He was a few photos of Eckhardt and calls these "dossiers". Didn't want to show me. Apparently the alchemist is staying over at the Strahov whatever the fuck that is, and has been going in and out with another dude doing some kind of secret work.
He denied that Eckhardt is involved in Vasiley's murder, but I know better. He claimed he doesn't want to dig his head that deep into this and Vasiley had more ties with the Prague mafia.
There is no person he knows of with such name. He only has something on Eckhardt, Vasiley, and Grant Muller, again, whoever the fuck that is. It's supposedly a botanist and he said he had seen plants and botanical materials being carried into the Strahov.
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Transcript of the third and fourth page: Continueing the answers Luddick gave me:
4. Here he had a good laugh, the Paris killings have been in every newspapers, of course he as a journalist would know. Some coworkers of his have been updating him, and some link the abrupt stopping of the killings to the murder of Vasiley who had ties to Paris. 5. He wasn't too sure of that. A woman already contacted him and wanted information -which he claims to have given her- and if I want it, it'll cost me.
So: I assume the woman is Lara Croft. I'm close to her footsteps now. Also, this chat opened way more questions than I'd like to admit. First, I want to get these dossiers Luddick mentioned. Then, I need to find out anything about Grant Muller and the Strahov. Also, the murder scene of Vasiley has been closed off by the police, but I could try to access it, no? I need an office, it's hard to keep track of everything. I need more on the Sanglyph, on the Lux Veritatis, on Muller, the Strahov, the dossiers.
While struggling with this I did some more research and came across a quote, this one: "Through the Golden Lion the Nephilim will enslave the sons of men and inherit the Earth". The Periapt Shards have a handle that is shaped like a lion, and I remember Fayolah's attached picture of a lion with three knives around it. Does this mean the shards are a weapon to enslave the world around Eckhardt? Can he use them? As far as I know, or think to know, Eckhardt is within this pact of Nephilim so the shards could be initially made by him (or the Nephili). What if they got stolen by the LV and used against him? Like in the drawing?
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Transcript of the fifth page: Our train is stuck again. It's snowing, but at least we're approaching the Czech Republic. I found a graph on- a lot. It took me some time to fully read it. So, there were initially five Images of Blood, made by Eckhardt, which I know; which then got painted over and turned into the Obscura Paintings. Each othe them has a metal part within, and these can be combined to access the Sanglyph, this mystical weapon(?) Eckhardt has created.
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Transcript of the sixth page: This is my scheme of the whole thing. The Sanglyph came first; then was split for whatever reason; then the apintings got commissioned, then painted over; then each painting got a peace and was hidden away, as I know Vasiley had found one of them on accident on a monastery. So if you bring all five parts together, it will please the Nephilim and make Eckhardt immortal? Is that how it works? I know that the mutilated bodies could be used for metals found within us, and the blood ties it to the Sanglyph itself, but this all sounds too...fantastic. Almost as if I'm tripping and sharing my bad trip with the whole world.
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Transcript of the seventh and eighth page:
You won't believe what I found on Grant Muller. Or Müller, not sure. So I found a photo, it's a scan and bad quality but apparently depicting him. It was stored online on a journalist's cloud who found Muller so hilarious he wanted to spread his looks, I guess. I can revearse image-search him now and maybe come up with something better. His name sounds German, and with that I found even more. I can't quite grasp it and I'm almost in Prague, in an hour if everything goes smoothly. So, I'll print out his published srticles on mutagens. Mutagens can mutate DNA and damage it, like radiation, or simply change your eye color. But he's working on plants so he could be working on herbal medicine or something? I'm not sure what he's got to do with Eckhardt, but all I know of him so far is
he is 62 years old and born in Tirol, DE
his university expelled him for some reason and he never finished his degree
his works are heavily debated by biologists for being non-scientific
his current work place: the Strahov, Prague, CZ, who would have thought
he often references the Bible(???)
So he either is a Christian weirdo who wants to revive alchemy by plant matters or he actually works on something, some science, only Eckhardt appreciates. Perhaps he has a website? I will also try to find Vasiley's gallery. And, since I still have some time, I hope my dear "friend" “PassionforReseachion” will upload new data. I might be able to use that.
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I live.
That's, for now, all you need to know. I fell down a rabbit hole and I need to compress a lot of information I have gathered and make it...make sense. So, if you have a plan or ideas, get back to me, I'm happy for all clues and hints. In case you fear for your safety, do it anonymously. I'll just think there's more than just me digging up dirt from history.
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Transcript of the first and second page: On the left you see a scan I found online. I did an image search with the LV initials and then this popped up. It's not old, it just has old symbols on it. There, the writer claims there is one (1) remaining ancestor of the Lux Veritatis (now I'd like to know when this was noted) and there's a sigil(?) and I feel like making up things. I don't know what that is, it could be an Angelic Alphabet or another secret language or just a symbol entirely. Below, there is the language I have seen several times up to now, it reads "The death syllable, the one word command which can close down a life". I'm not sure of the circle is a word- it could connect words?
The author of the notes is someone who has this profile picture of a woman in black gloves and short black hair. Her nickname is "PassionforReseachion" and she has uploaded several scans I found in a folder accessible after I found the first note via picture search. I'm unsure if she accidentally did that or not, but I don't care too much, I'm on the train and have time.
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Transcript of the third, fourth and fifth page: So, of course our train stopped and we're delayed, yet that gives me plenty of time to even download pictures within five minutes. Great! I got the possibility to print some out and you can't guess what they are. These are scans of the Obscura Engravings. I am not joking. They look like some paintings I found in Carvier's office and Werner's books. They are sketches, the Engravings were sketches coming prior to the paintings, and the Lux Veritatis are mentioned here again. And this is from the Middle Ages so- they were known, and maybe around. The first painting sketch is an angel watching over a finished battle; the second is death talking to a woman; the third is a choir of angels coming down to earth.
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Transcript of the sixth page: Two other scans are missing or non-existant, since we have five paintings in total. But, you know what? The artist of the sketches is known! There is finally an older depiction of the Engravings with the missing two. The artist is Jehan de Gruas, who made paintings, which were then painted over. He could have been commissioned by Eckhardt and the Lux Veritatis painted over them. Eckhardt would probably paint evil forces into the art, something not everyone could handle or even touch, so it could be something like a containment.
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Transcript of the eighth and ninth page: This person that has such a collection of files I think most would dismiss as a fantasy novel's plot could be important, couldn't she? But how important? If she knows about the Obscura Paintings and the Lux Veritatis chances are she also knows Eckhardt- and, if she is still alive, maybe Lara Croft, too. I also gathered the following on a man I have never read about. The notes on him are as follows:
he travelled with his parents from Europe, to the US to the Middle East
he has French citizenship
and he has a nickname, "Demon Hunter"
That is almost all. I also know (or think to know) his father was Konstantin Heissturm and he was never seen again after 2001. It was rumored that either he divorced his mother of was murdered by someone since he was in let's say secret circles. The mother's name is Marie Cornel and she disappeared as well. My idea is that these two people had involvement with the Lux Veritatis in one way or another and that made them a target of Eckhardt, who aims to kill them after they declared war on all evil, especially him. So, he also aims to kill Kurtis- who changed his name and is nowhere to be found, officially. What the author claims is that he was born on the 26th June in 1972 and is a single child. He is apparently a mercenary and works by himself; and is tied somehow to the alchemist because of his bloodline. I wonder if he knows what is going on at the moment? He surely has to...is he looking for Eckhardt too? Like Lara?
I need Luddick to get back to me at some point, and get all the information he has. And is willing to share. I might be able to lure him out with my supposed knowledge of Heissturm...
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