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5x17: And Then There Was Shawn
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“Okay you’re the film expert, what’s that??” “That’s the sound of our beating hearts; it signifies our heightened fear, and the fact that something horrible’s about to walk through that door right! Now!” 
Boy Meets World, And Then There Was Shawn, was the first BMW episode I ever watched. I watched it at a friend’s house in middle school, pretty sure on her desktop computer via some bootleg YouTube video. To this day, it’s still one of the best horror episodes of a tv show I’ve ever seen.
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Boy Meets World → 5x17 - And Then There Was Shawn
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Happy Halloween: Boy Meets World Edition
5x17: And Then There Was Shawn
thanks for the suggestion eyeslikeseaglass!
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Happy Halloween: Boy Meets World Edition
5x17: And Then There Was Shawn
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Happy Halloween: Boy Meets World Edition
5x17: And Then There Was Shawn
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13 Days of Halloween | Day 11 | Boy Meets World 5x17 - And Then There Was Shawn
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IMDB’s top ten highest voted episodes of Boy Meets World [insp]
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boy meets world rewatch | 1x01 - Pilot
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boy meets world rewatch | 2.05 the uninvited
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Boy Meets World vs. Girl Meets World.
As; you may know I'm committing an essay thesis statement on the two variety shows called Boy Meets World, and its nightmare sequel, Girl Meets World.
Firstly, where do I begin: I like the predecessor, Boy Meets World better in my opinion, and now I’m not one of those people who judge people right away primary.
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And secondly, let begins; the life-lessons were right core and the bread and butter of the show. It was organic, not to mention it was realistic and not kid-like.
Especially that one powerful quote always gets me. It was not only touching but beautiful.
It was relatable for young and older viewers.
For me; sometimes you feel left out I relate to that. But then at the end; you know your family and closed love ones got their back. Always.
I like all characters really, but Eric is honestly one of my favorite characters. If the character never exists; I probably never watch the show if his arc was not added. He is precisely a gem of the sea. And the sibling bond between him and his younger brother, Cory is accurate.
Wonderful moments for all characters. Not just about the protagonist, Cory. Take notes, Girl Meet World.
Approval audience rating: 100%.
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Editor's interruption: Oh my god; mood Elsa.
(Me internally realizing writing another arc why I loathe the show Girl Meet World ugh 😒.)
Now: Girl Meet World.
1. Let see? Hmm. Horrible story writing.
2. Bad acting. Especially the main actress, Rowan Blanchard it like she has a cold. You can’t tell if she is insincere.
3. Cheesy, over-the-top moments. It like a Disney fairytale for all these characters.
4. Unrealistic.
5. The main character Riley always gets what she wants.
6. Problematic episodes.
Bonus: It Boring. I fell asleep during one of those episodes. XD
UNNECESSARILY LOVE TRIANGLE plus cringeworthy. It doesn't feel natural.
No growth for all characters.
Every episode has to be about Riley. The life-lessons; nobody learns about everything. They get what they want in the end. It perfect and happy for them.
The parents on the show are their kids friends.
Nobody says ring power!
When Maya was sobbing about her poorly grade.
Me: then work hard!
7. Insufferable characters. Riley is exceptional in the category. Farkle belongs with her too. They are both entitled, self-absorbed, annoying, and possessive (in a creepy way.) of her loved ones, they can’t take no for answer and always have to pry when it doesn't concern them even Maya and Lucas belong with them.
Maya is the modern copy carbon of Shawn Hunter.
Riley is the annoying, modern version of her father, Cory.
Riley is one of those characters I can’t physically stand.
Ugh. All she cares what in Riley’s town; and her crush subject, Lucas.
She is so dumb as dirt in Girl Meet Forgotten; she dared to call the Great Depression the Great Canyon. In reality, it wasn't for her father’s favoritism over all of her in the real world, she is an F student. She acts like she knows the lesson in the next episode, she acts hissy-fist when things don't go accordingly to her hand of control.
Approval audience rating: F+.
Concluded statement: Girl Meets World try to be better than its predecessor only instead of making their unique entertainment; it was their downfall of their disgraceful realm.
Edit: Like, reblog, or don’t like lastly please don’t waste my time. It not hard. I just felt like sharing my damn opinion.
Have a great day, good afternoon, evening, or night. 🤓
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