therealmhs · 3 hours
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Dream and Matthew—Nekroticism Illustration
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therealmhs · 2 days
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Alexa Chung just dropped this. Our favorite man with the sand, spoonie stance and all, goblining in the wild.
Below, please please please repost with other pics where he is standing like this, I love it 😍
I'll start:
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therealmhs · 2 days
Plucking Dream's Eyebrows
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Summary: Someting domestic about taking care of your loved ones
Notes: ~300 words, take this cause chapter 4 of DDOL is soooooo not done
Warnings: None, just fluff? Layla trying to be funny
Main Masterlist | One Shot Masterlist
"Perfect, you're here," You smiled as you grabbed onto Dream's wrist, and pulled him into your house. 
It took quite a while for Dream to understand the concepts of doors and how most people do, in fact, freak out when he simply materializes in their rooms. He still doesn't quite understand it, but if it makes you happy then he'll use this new invention called a Ring camera.
"What is the urgency?" He hid his smile behind the question, following you by his hand as you led him to your couch.
With a grunt, he bounced on the couch after you pushed him and watched with a slackened jaw as you climbed on top of him. Dream didn't know it would be this type of visit... Unconsciously he squirmed beneath you, feeling the weight of you on him.
"Stay still!" You hissed at him and he stopped almost immediately.
"You are... straddling me," He stated softly, watching you closely as you produced something metallic from your pocket.
You don't bother with a response. Instead, you hold up your phone and turn on the flashlight, momentarily blinding yourself at the sudden illumination. With your hand you squeezed the tweezer together—clink clink—just to make sure it works, and lean down.
Dream looked at you with starry eyes, but you looked past it. He can feel your breath upon his lips and his hands go to your hips. It simply lands where he thought it most comfortable, but once again you were too focused to notice the warm gesture.
Your tweezer went between a stray eyebrow hair and you plucked hard.
"Ouch," He grumbled.
"Finally," You sighed, staring intently at the stand of eyebrow hair caught between the tweezer blades. "Do you know how long I have been staring at that?"
"I merely thought you enjoyed the composition of my face." Is he… pouting?
"Nah." You teased with an easy smile. 
Well, yes. But who were you to inflate his ego? 
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Next week, maybe... chapter 4 will be done. Not making any promises though
♡ Yours, Layla
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therealmhs · 2 days
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the endless | sandman season 2
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therealmhs · 2 days
A Pirate's Dream For Me
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Summary: Captain Fortune, pirate queen of the seven seas. You could never be tied down, no matter who it is that asks, no matter what it is that comes after you.
Notes: ~1.3k words, NAMED READER cause I thought it would be hilarious if a woman on a ship was named misfortune, cause yknow, they were considered bad luck *slaps knee*
Warnings/Tags: slight possessive Dream, but he's chill frfr
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
“Hard to starboard! Heave those ropes, now!” You scream as you run up the steps to the boat’s wheel. You hear your first mate repeat your orders and your crew flies into action. 
Thump… thump… thump…
The sound comes from deep in the waters, ripples following its movements. The air is heavy and hot, it’s stagnant even as the wind pushes on your sails. You shove away the person at the helm, ushering them to help out their other crewmates. You spin the wheel fast as you feel the wind change its course on you. 
“Come on, my beaut, fly for me,” You mutter to your ship. 
Thump.. Thump.. Thump..
You could smell it before you could see it, the vibrations of its tentacles came closer and closer to your ship and crew. It smelled of rotten fish and old metallic blood. 
Thump! Thump! Squelch…
“All hands on deck!” You scream again as you hear the slimy sounds of its large arms begin to crawl the walls of your ship.
Your heart is racing in your chest, but you find yourself caught in a smile as you watch the beast emerge from the depths of Davy Jones's locker. Tentacles three times the size of your mast, filled with suckers the size of the very wheel you mastered. 
The Kraken. 
A beautiful, deadly creature, come to take the love of your life away with one fell swoop. Well, you certainly won’t go without a fight. The sun blazes down on you, the feather on your captain’s hat whipping violently in the chaos of it all. Your crew falls silent, shocked and stunned at the view of the large beast. 
“Arm the cannons, fire at will!” You order as you watch those below you scrambling over each other. Your command brings them back to the present. 
Some disappeared below deck to start the cannons, and others began to raid the armory. The sound of blades being pulled from their scabbards and the clicking of guns being loaded penetrate the air as the ship sails the rough waters. 
Screams fall shortly after as the Kraken’s tentacles start to block out the sun. They come slamming down, the action sounding like a cracked whip. Its tactile arms feel around in large swoops as it grabs anything it can get a hold of. Barrels of gunpowder, crates of illegal goods, and your crew. 
You grab a random rod that was snapped out of place and jammed it into the helm, keeping your ship on course. With a yell, you fly down the stairs and unsheath your blade in one hand and cock your pistol with the other. A slimy appendage comes for you, which you shoot. The sharp pain of your bullet is enough for the beast to pull back its arm. But, not before it comes back again and finds itself wrapped around your first mate. His arm shoots out and quickly you grab it, the other coming down with a force to slice at the beast. 
You’re losing your men left and right as the tentacles climb higher and higher. You’ve seen this before, you’ve seen the absolute power the creature possesses. And amidst the chaos of splintering wood and screams you shouted your last order. 
“Abandon ship, head for land!” You scream defeated. 
At once, your crew drops whatever they are holding and heads for the longboats. They climbed over each other, dodging tentacles as much as they could before dropping haphazardly into the raging sea. You’re the last to leave, ready to heave yourself over the railing but the deafening sound of your ship snapping in half leaves you abandoned. 
You fall with the ship, and the humidity of the Kraken’s breath surrounds you. The floor cracks, leaving you falling to the ship’s magazine. The gunpowder was still dry…
With another bout of adrenaline, you crawl to your feet and throw the gunpowder's kegs against the walls. The kegs break against the force and you’re covered in the black soot of the explosive material. The sun disappears as you hear the grinding teeth of the Kraken close on themself. The ship groans under the pressure of the Kraken’s throat and with a deep, final breath you aim your pistol at the pile of gunpowder. 
A spark, a flash, and a boom.
The last thing you hear is the screams of your name on your crew’s lips. 
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“You killed my Kraken, Miss. Fortune,” A voice pulls you from the depths. 
You feel the soft sand beaches of the tropics underneath you and you force your eyes open to the blazing sun that was probably giving you the worst sunburn imaginable right now. 
The voice that calls to you, it was one that you’ve heard twice before. Once upon a dream, when you were but a young girl watching your father making maps for the royal navy. 
“It’s Captain Fortune, and your Kraken destroyed my ship… Dream of the Endless” You groan as you sit up. Your clothes were tattered and burnt at the edges. “She was beautiful, though.”
“My beast, or your ship?” He asks as he looks down at you. 
He stands against the backdrop of every worker’s dream. The palm trees in the distance sway in the gentle breeze of the topics as they use their energies to bare the juiciest coconuts. His black attire made him stick out like a sore thumb, and his skin was ghastly pale compared to your sun tanned one after years at sea. 
“They are both your creations are they not, Dream Lord?” You respond with a smile. 
“Indeed they are,” He replies softly. He watches you carefully as you painfully stand on your feet. 
One of your shoes was missing, which he only acknowledges with a raised eyebrow. Otherwise, you seemed more or less intact, save for the burn marks on your forearms and upper thigh. If he hadn’t come at just the right moment, he feared he might have lost both beauties of the sea. 
“Have you reconsidered your answer to my question?” He asks. 
Your face snaps towards him with a frown; partially to block out that sun (where is your captain’s hat?) and the other because you hated that he asked. Your mind recalls the second, and only other time, you’ve encountered this otherworldly being. It was on the dawn of your 24th birthday, right before you woke up. He came to you in a hazy dream, asking if you wanted to become his queen. To rule the land of the Dreaming together, forever. 
You scoff as you remember. “Given my near death experience? The answer remains the same.”
“Which is?” Dream prompts slowly. 
“No.” You sigh and look out to the horizon. You need to get a new ship, and a new crew, everything can be replaced, but never freedom. You need to get off this island as soon as possible. 
“Then what is it you dream for?” Dream asks even though he knows the answer. He just wanted to keep you by his side for as long as possible, your very presence felt like a clarifying drug to him. 
“For the open seas, the chaos of life, the shine of buried treasure…” You begin to list off, shrugging. There were so many reasons. “A pirate’s dream for me.” 
“I will keep coming for you, my pirate queen” He promises in your ear, or threatens. The words balance on a thin line between the two. 
“I’ve already killed your Kraken.” You smirk and give a flamboyant, sarcastic bow before turning away. 
Little do you know that he has already gifted you a new ship on the other side of the island. He’s sure you’ll love it just as much as the last one he made for you. Dream doesn’t follow you, only his eyes do as your figure disappears. He’s already thinking of another beast to come for you.
The sea excites you, the chase excites him. 
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therealmhs · 3 days
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Hello dears, have a very nice weekend!
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therealmhs · 5 days
what an interesting twist it would have been had john killed nigel that night. in his fit of rage and horror, if he fired the rifle and instead of killing poor helen, he killed his only son.
all of alex’s troubles with that boy, everything that nigel did, just to die by john’s hand. his plans ruined, his sacrifice, all that he endured and worshiped; all of it for nothing but also, it would have played perfectly into alex’s hand if he ever believed nigel to be his maraclea.
a tragic accident befalls “the poor fair maiden”. dying at the hands of the man who raised you sounds awfully poetic but it begs the question, would alex have still killed john after that?
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therealmhs · 5 days
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therealmhs · 6 days
Tom Sturridge x Reader Fanfiction
(Part of my Masterlist)
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A/n: Finally! I have a post for Tom Sturridge! I have two fics in the plans for Morpheus and Young Carl! I am so excited to write them! I love Tom Sturridge my friends. 
Check back here for updates! :)
Edit: I will be writing these this year! I still want to. I love this man.
Continua a leggere
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therealmhs · 6 days
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Tom Sturridge as Carl in Pirate Radio/The Boat that Rocked (2009, dir. Richard Curtis).
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therealmhs · 6 days
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The slow blink, perfected through the years.
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therealmhs · 6 days
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Tom Sturridge as Young Carl in “The Boat That Rocked” (aka “Pirate Radio”), dir. Richard Curtis, 2009
I love everything about this movie: The amazing cast, the time period, the story, that fantastic 60s music I fell in love with when I was in my early teens and have loved ever since, and of course Tom as that complete cinnamon roll Young Carl…. I made a ton of screenshots and will edit them bit by bit. For this post I chose scenes that hopefully haven´t been covered all that much before. Some pics are a bit grainy, sorry for that, but many scenes are not that brightly illuminated. And sorry (not sorry…) for that little series of pics with Tom in that fisherman´s hat - but that hat over that fringe is doing things to me…🔥😍 And that last pic is giving me some Jake vibes…
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therealmhs · 6 days
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The Boat That Rocked [Pirate Radio] (2009)
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therealmhs · 6 days
Tom Sturridge x Kisses
Part 2/? 
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therealmhs · 6 days
Tom Sturridge x Kisses
Part 4/?
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151 notes · View notes
therealmhs · 6 days
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therealmhs · 6 days
Tom Sturridge x Kisses
Part 1/? (IDK, there will be a few of these)
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