therealkevinfavis 20 days
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I am so sorry Nora.
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therealkevinfavis 20 days
Yea I honestly get no vibes back, it really feels one sided. Continued pursuit will only drain more of my mental health and well being. I don鈥檛 have what it takes to win Kelly鈥檚 heart. I give up.
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therealkevinfavis 20 days
man I know she doesn鈥檛 feel the same way and that鈥檚 what sucks. Maybe if I keep trying, but honestly I should just take the L.
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therealkevinfavis 23 days
it鈥檚 been a week since Nora died. Still sucks ass. She was in my dream today. Didn鈥檛 wanna wake up. Slept for 11 hours. Kinda needed it since mother鈥檚 day was yesterday and the restaurant was so busy. I鈥檓 still so sorry she passed. I hate that doctor for convincing my mum and I to put her to sleep. If I had more courage, we would鈥檝e brought her home so she can spend her days with the other cats and not be so alarmed that I just pulled her from behind the tv, stuffed her in a cage, brought her to an unfamiliar vet office where they put her to sleep and I wasn鈥檛 there in her final moments.
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therealkevinfavis 27 days
just want to be happy, why is that so hard
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therealkevinfavis 28 days
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gotta love the dividends!
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therealkevinfavis 28 days
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my original three baby girls, Mabuhay, Polly, and Nora.
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therealkevinfavis 28 days
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favorite pic of Nora climbing the xmas tree
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therealkevinfavis 29 days
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First Disney adventure together.
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therealkevinfavis 29 days
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Glad to see Kuya Karl for the first time in 6 years. Even if it was only for 20 minutes meeting up at the mall. Great to see this wonderful soul and laugh like no time had passed.
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therealkevinfavis 30 days
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Snaggletooth Marko
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therealkevinfavis 1 month
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rest in peace Nora.
She was put to sleep today. I took her the vet because I wanted to save her. Not this. She had respiratory distress, pale gums, loss of appetite, lost weight. She was suffering. This was so hard. I am emotionally compromised. This was the first pet death I had to deal with. She coded and they had to put her down in the next room. I wasn鈥檛 there when she passed.
This was my fault. If I gave her medicine when she was attacked by fleas or even just gave her a collar to prevent them. Maybe she wouldn鈥檛 get sick? Nora I am so sorry. You鈥檙e in cat heaven with all the catnip, shredded friskies, and food to live a happy afterlife. You lived a good 14 years. I鈥檒l miss you so much.
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therealkevinfavis 1 month
Also life update.
Yea I kicked ass as an Olive Garden server. I became a certified trainer and have trained 15+ newbies how to be a great server. Today I just finished my training as a bartender. They asked me 4 times. I finally said yes. I enjoy working there. My coworkers enjoy my presence, respect me, and trust that I鈥檓 a good teammate.
I joined TradePhantoms, which is like this trading community to teach me to become a better trader. Mr Black is so knowledgeable and I鈥檓 sure I will only improve.
My cancer is still present, but not as much. I鈥檝e been kicking its butt. Been getting more vitamin D and working out more. Doing 100 push ups a day with Ryan.
I bought a Disney annual pass to go with Kelly more. I like myself when I鈥檓 with her. I love listening to her stories and she makes my heart feel full. I almost forgot what it鈥檚 like for that thing in my chest to just beat.
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therealkevinfavis 1 month
I don鈥檛 want to be afraid of love anymore.
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therealkevinfavis 4 months
eh since I already posted that last bit, i should update my life a little. I got the job at Olive Garden. I went to EDC Las Vegas. The family reunion was a huge success. I got promoted to Certified trainer at OG. Kept playing the Sims. I still felt unhappy. Didn鈥檛 find any love. I鈥檓 applying for a digital marketing bootcamp for a quality of life change.
I made 20k in 2023 which is better than most recent years, but I need more. I need to do better. I want to be masipag. Dedicated. Driven. Diligent. Hardworking.
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therealkevinfavis 4 months
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please let this change my life for the better
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therealkevinfavis 1 year
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finally i can rest. personally, these leagues was a great incentive to using duolingo, but ultimately take away from the learning experience because you care more about what yields the most xp in the shortest time rather than the lessons themselves, but now I can just learn.
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